901 resultados para Information Retrieval, Weblogs, Decision Support
Представлено формальное описание многомерной модели данных, реализованной в программном комплексе METAS BI-Platform. В статью включено описание объектов многомерной модели (измерений и множеств измерений и т.д.), их свойств и организации, а также операций, выполняемых над ними. Описаны методы агрегации многомерных данных, позволяющие эффективно агрегировать массивы числовых показателей. Программный комплекс METAS BI-Platform предназначен для многомерного анализа данных, получаемых из гетерогенных источников, и позволяет упростить разработку BI-приложений. Программный комплекс представляет собой многоуровневое приложение с архитектурой «Клиент-сервер». Каждый уровень комплекса соответствует степени абстракции данных. На самом низком уровне расположены драйверы доступа к специфическим физическим источникам данных. Следующий уровень – уровень виртуальной СУБД, позволяющей осуществлять унифицированный доступ к данным, что избавляет от необходимости учитывать специфику конкретных СУБД при разработке BI-приложений. Реализован программный интерфейс комплекса (API). В распоряжение разработчиков предоставляется набор готовых компонентов, которые могут быть использованы при создании BI-приложений. Это позволяет разрабатывать на основе комплекса BI-приложения, отвечающие современным требованиям, предъявляемым к подобным системам.
In this article there are considered problems of forecasting economical macroparameters, and in the first place, index of inflation. Concept of development of synthetical forecasting methods which use directly specified expert information as well as calculation result on the basis of objective economical and mathematical models for forecasting separate “slowly changeable parameters” are offered. This article discusses problems of macroparameters operation on the basis of analysis of received prognostic magnitude.
Предложено применение метода базисных матриц для анализа модели Леонтьева (МЛ) с нечетко заданными некоторыми ее компонентами. МЛ можно интерпретировать, как задачу прогноза затрат-выпуска продукции на основе известной статистической информации при нечётко заданных значениях части элементов технологической матрицы, вектора ограничений и границах переменных. Такими элементами могут быть и цены на выпускаемую продукцию (вектор градиента целевой функции). Это существенно усложняет анализ МЛ.
Рассматривается задача, возникающая во многих приложениях, построения на основе индивидуальных предпочтений экспертов результирующей (коллективной) ранжировки в виде медианы Кемени-Снелла. Приводятся теоретические результаты, полученные авторами, на основании которых предлагаются алгоритмы, позволяющие решать задачи большой размерности.
Рассмотрена проблема анализа риска банкротства предприятий. Изложен классический метод дискриминантного анализа риска банкротств, предложенный Е. Альтманом, проанализированы его достоинства и недостатки. Дается оценка возможности его применения в Украине. Далее излагается нечетко- множественный подход к оценке риска банкротства. Наконец, описан предложенный метод оценки риска банкротства предприятий на основе использования нечетких нейросетей с различными алгоритмами нечеткого вывода. Приводятся результаты сравнительного анализа различных методов в задаче оценки риска банкротства.
Рассматривается принцип индивидуальной оптимальности, который представляет собой обобщение принципов оптимальности по Нешу, Берже и Парето. На его основе проводится исследование стабильности различных типов равновесий в играх двух лиц.
Prescribing support tools range from traditional printed texts to state-of-the-art computerised decision support systems. Comparison between available literature is difficult due to country-specific resources often being the focus of the research. In the UK, it is widely accepted that hospitals take their own individualised approaches to reducing prescribing errors. Objective - This study focused on specialist paediatric hospitals. It aimed to identify the localised approaches taken by paediatric hospitals to reduce prescribing errors. Method - Applied thematic analysis was used to explore the publically published board meeting minutes from the four specialist stand-alone paediatric hospitals in England. Three years of data was collected from each hospital. Codes were collected into groups to identify themes from the data. Results - The main themes identified were clinician involvement in prescribing support is important; credit card-sized reminder tools are used to provide prescribing guidance; electronic prescribing is considered important for reducing prescribing errors; feedback from clinical pharmacists on prescribing errors is widely used; junior doctors require extra support when prescribing; medical records may be incomplete and specific prescribing support (eg, antibiotic prescribing support) is widely in use. Conclusions - There is no single collaborative approach taken to paediatric prescribing support in English paediatric hospitals. Success of electronic prescribing in English paediatric hospitals is considerably behind leaders such as the USA. Use of clinical pharmacists to support prescribers is important as supported by previous studies in Spain and the USA.
This paper considers the problem of low-dimensional visualisation of very high dimensional information sources for the purpose of situation awareness in the maritime environment. In response to the requirement for human decision support aids to reduce information overload (and specifically, data amenable to inter-point relative similarity measures) appropriate to the below-water maritime domain, we are investigating a preliminary prototype topographic visualisation model. The focus of the current paper is on the mathematical problem of exploiting a relative dissimilarity representation of signals in a visual informatics mapping model, driven by real-world sonar systems. A realistic noise model is explored and incorporated into non-linear and topographic visualisation algorithms building on the approach of [9]. Concepts are illustrated using a real world dataset of 32 hydrophones monitoring a shallow-water environment in which targets are present and dynamic.
Objective The aim of this study was to provide an initial insight into current UK paediatric prescribing practice. Methods In 2012 focus groups were conducted at Birmingham Children's Hospital (UK specialist hospital) with both medical and non-medical prescribers and analysed using thematic analysis. Key findings Both sets of prescribers used a wide range of resources to support their prescribing decisions. Dosing information was most commonly checked, and a lack of specialist paediatric information was reported in existing resources. All groups had high expectations of the support functions that should be included in an electronic prescribing system and could see many potential benefits. Participants agreed that all staff should see the same drug alerts. The overwhelming concern was whether the current information technology infrastructure would support electronic prescribing. Conclusions Prescribers had high expectations of electronic prescribing, but lacked confidence in its delivery. Prescribers use a wide range of resources to support their decision making when prescribing in paediatrics.
Sensing technology is a key enabler of the Internet of Things (IoT) and could produce huge volume data to contribute the Big Data paradigm. Modelling of sensing information is an important and challenging topic, which influences essentially the quality of smart city systems. In this paper, the author discusses the relevant technologies and information modelling in the context of smart city and especially reports the investigation of how to model sensing and location information in order to support smart city development.
Introduction: There is increasing evidence that electronic prescribing (ePrescribing) or computerised provider/physician order entry (CPOE) systems can improve the quality and safety of healthcare services. However, it has also become clear that their implementation is not straightforward and may create unintended or undesired consequences once in use. In this context, qualitative approaches have been particularly useful and their interpretative synthesis could make an important and timely contribution to the field. This review will aim to identify, appraise and synthesise qualitative studies on ePrescribing/CPOE in hospital settings, with or without clinical decision support. Methods and analysis: Data sources will include the following bibliographic databases: MEDLINE, MEDLINE In Process, EMBASE, PsycINFO, Social Policy and Practice via Ovid, CINAHL via EBSCO, The Cochrane Library (CDSR, DARE and CENTRAL databases), Nursing and Allied Health Sources, Applied Social Sciences Index and Abstracts via ProQuest and SCOPUS. In addition, other sources will be searched for ongoing studies (ClinicalTrials.gov) and grey literature: Healthcare Management Information Consortium, Conference Proceedings Citation Index (Web of Science) and Sociological abstracts. Studies will be independently screened for eligibility by 2 reviewers. Qualitative studies, either standalone or in the context of mixed-methods designs, reporting the perspectives of any actors involved in the implementation, management and use of ePrescribing/CPOE systems in hospital-based care settings will be included. Data extraction will be conducted by 2 reviewers using a piloted form. Quality appraisal will be based on criteria from the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme checklist and Standards for Reporting Qualitative Research. Studies will not be excluded based on quality assessment. A postsynthesis sensitivity analysis will be undertaken. Data analysis will follow the thematic synthesis method. Ethics and dissemination: The study does not require ethical approval as primary data will not be collected. The results of the study will be published in a peer-reviewed journal and presented at relevant conferences.
Incomplete pairwise comparison matrix was introduced by Harker in 1987 for the case in which the decision maker does not fill in the whole matrix completely due to, e.g., time limitations. However, incomplete matrices occur in a natural way even if the decision maker provides a completely filled in matrix in the end. In each step of the total n(n–1)/2, an incomplete pairwise comparison is given, except for the last one where the matrix turns into complete. Recent results on incomplete matrices make it possible to estimate inconsistency indices CR and CM by the computation of tight lower bounds in each step of the filling in process. Additional information on ordinal inconsistency is also provided. Results can be applied in any decision support system based on pairwise comparison matrices. The decision maker gets an immediate feedback in case of mistypes, possibly causing a high level of inconsistency.
Most authors assume that the natural behaviour of the decision-maker is being inconsistent. This paper investigates the main sources of inconsistency and analyses methods for reducing or eliminating inconsistency. Decision support systems can contain interactive modules for that purpose. In a system with consistency control, there are three stages. First, consistency should be checked: a consistency measure is needed. Secondly, approval or rejection has to be decided: a threshold value of inconsistency measure is needed. Finally, if inconsistency is ‘high’, corrections have to be made: an inconsistency reducing method is needed. This paper reviews the difficulties in all stages. An entirely different approach is to elaborate a decision support system in order to force the decision-maker to give consistent values in each step of answering pair-wise comparison questions. An interactive questioning procedure resulting in consistent (sub) matrices has been demonstrated.
Tanulmányunkban a hazai vállalatok teljesítménymérési és teljesítménymenedzsment gyakorlatát vizsgáljuk a Versenyben a világgal kutatási program 2009. évi felmérése adatainak felhasználásával. Célunk a döntéstámogatás hátterének vizsgálata: a vállalatok teljesítménymérési gyakorlatának jellemzése, konzisztenciájának értékelése, vizsgálva a korábbi (1996, 1999 és 2004 évi hasonló) kutatásaink során megfigyelt tendenciák további alakulását is. A vállalati teljesítménymérés gyakorlatát, a vállalatvezetők által fontosnak/hasznosnak tartott, illetve rendszeresen használt információforrásokat, teljesítménymutatókat, elemzési eszközöket a korábbi kutatásainkhoz kialakított elemzési keret (orientáció, egyensúly, konzisztencia, támogató szerep) felhasználásával értékeltük. Az információs rendszer különböző tevékenységeket támogató szerepének az értékelése során a különböző területekért felelős vezetők véleményét is összevetettük, s különböző vállalati jellemzők (vállalatméret, tulajdonosok típusa, fő tevékenység stb.) sajátosságait is vizsgáltuk. ___________ The paper analyses the performance measurement and performance management practice of Hungarian companies, based on the data of the Competitiveness research program (2009). Our goal was to evaluate the practice from the point of view of decision support, based on our previous framework, evaluating the orientation, the balance, the consistency and the supporting role of the performance measurement practice.
A tanulmány a vezetői döntéshozatal három lényeges aspektusát tárja fel. A Versenyben a világgal c. kutatási program eredményei alapján arra lehet következtetni, hogy a menedzserek döntéshozatali képességei és megközelítései, a vállalati teljesítménymérés és menedzsment döntéseket támogató szerepe, valamint a vállalatok érintettekhez fűződő viszonya meghatározó lehet a hatékony vezetői döntéshozatal során. A vállalati döntéshozatal jellemzőinek bemutatása után megvizsgáljuk azt is, hogy a különböző teljesítményű cégek döntéseit mennyire támogatja a menedzserek felkészültsége, a teljesítménymérési gyakorlat és az érintettek elvárásai. A szerzők úgy találták, hogy a fenti tényezők mindegyike hozzájárul a hazai cégek versenyképességéhez, általánosságban ugyanis elmondható, hogy a döntéseket támogató vállalati környezet jobb üzleti teljesítményhez és gyorsabb reagálóképességhez vezethet. Az eredmények összegzése mellett ajánlásokkal is éltek a vállalatok számára, amelyek alkalmazásával hatékonyabb döntéseket hozhatnak. _______ This study presents three main aspects of the managerial decision making. Based on the results of the research program In competition with the World it points to the fact that decision making abilities and approaches of the managers, the corporate performance appraisal and the management decision support role, and the corporate relations to the stakeholders will be determinant in the process of the efficient managerial decision making. After presentation of characteristics of the corporate decision making the authors examine that how the decisions of enterprises with different performances are supported by the preparedness of the managers, the performance appraisal practice and the stakeholders expectations. The authors have thought that every factor contributes to the competitiveness of the domestic enterprises, and generally the decision supporting corporate environment can lead to better business performance and faster responsive abilities. Besides the results summary the authors give useful recommendations to the corporations with which they can make more efficient decisions.