968 resultados para Indiana. Dept. of Geology and Natural Resources
Report year ends June 30.
The mountain ranges and coastlines of Washington State have steep slopes, and they are susceptible to landslides triggered by intense rainstorms, rapid snow melts, earthquakes, and rivers and waves removing slope stability. Over a 30-year timespan (1984-2014 and includes State Route (SR) 530), a total of 28 deep-seated landslides caused 300 million dollars of damage and 45 deaths (DGER, 2015). During that same timeframe, ten storm events triggered shallow landslides and debris flows across the state, resulting in nine deaths (DGER, 2015). The loss of 43 people, due to the SR 530 complex reactivating and moving at a rate and distance unexpected to residents, highlighted the need for an inventory of the stateís landslides. With only 13% of the state mapped (Lombardo et al., 2015), the intention of this statewide inventory is to communicate hazards to citizens and decision makers. In order to compile an accurate and consistent landslide inventory, Washington needs to adopt a graphic information system (GIS) based mapping protocol. A mapping protocol provides consistency for measuring and recording information about landslides, including such information as the type of landslide, the material involved, and the size of the movement. The state of Oregon shares similar landslide problems as Washington, and it created a GIS-based mapping protocol designed to inform its residents, while also saving money and reducing costly hours in the field (Burns and Madin, 2009). In order to determine if the Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries (DOGAMI) protocol, developed by Burns and Madin (2009), could serve as the basis for establishing Washingtonís protocol, I used the office-based DOGAMI protocol to map landslides along a 40-50 km (25-30 mile) shoreline in Thurston County, Washington. I then compared my results to the field-based landslide inventory created in 2009 by the Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources (DGER) along this same shoreline. If the landslide area I mapped reasonably equaled the area of the DGER (2009) inventory, I would consider the DOGAMI protocol useful for Washington, too. Utilizing 1m resolution lidar flown for Thurston County in 2011 and a GIS platform, I mapped 36 landslide deposits and scarp flanks, covering a total area of 879,530 m2 (9,467,160 ft2). I also found 48 recent events within these deposits. With an exception of two slides, all of the movements occurred within the last fifty years. Along this same coastline, the DGER (2009) recorded 159 individual landslides and complexes, for a total area of 3,256,570 m2 (35,053,400 ft2). At a first glance it appears the DGER (2009) effort found a larger total number and total area of landslides. However, in addition to their field inventory, they digitized landslides previously mapped by other researchers, and they did not field confirm these landslides, which cover a total area of 2,093,860 m2 (22,538,150 ft2) (DGER, 2009). With this questionable landslide area removed and the toes and underwater landslides accounted for because I did not have a bathymetry dataset, my results are within 6,580 m2 (70,840 ft2) of the DGERís results. This similarity shows that the DOGAMI protocol provides a consistent and accurate approach to creating a landslide inventory. With a few additional modifications, I recommend that Washington State adopts the DOGAMI protocol. Acquiring additional 1m lidar and adopting a modified DOGAMI protocol poises the DGER to map the remaining 87% of the state, with an ultimate goal of informing citizens and decision makers of the locations and frequencies of landslide hazards on a user-friendly GIS platform.
The availability of regular supply has been identified as one of the major stimulants for the growth and development of any nation and is thus important for the economic well-being of a nation. The problems of the Nigerian power sector stems from a lot of factors culminating in her slow developmental growth and inability to meet the power demands of her citizens regardless of the abundance of human and natural resources prevalent in the nation. The research therefore had the main aim of investigating the importance and contributions of risk management to the success of projects specific to the power sector. To achieve this aim it was pertinent to examine the efficacy of risk management process in practice and elucidate the various risks typically associated with projects (Construction, Contractual, Political, Financial, Design, Human resource and Environmental risk factors) in the power sector as well as determine the current situation of risk management practice in Nigeria. To address this factors inhibiting the proficiency of the overarching and prevailing issue which have only been subject to limited in-depth academic research, a rigorous mixed research method was adopted (quantitative and qualitative data analysis). A review of the Nigeria power sector was also carried out as a precursor to the data collection stage. Using purposive sampling technique, respondents were identified and a questionnaire survey was administered. The research hypotheses were tested using inferential statistics (Pearson correlation, Chi-square test, t-test and ANOVA technique) and the findings revealed the need for the development of a new risk management implementation Framework. The proposed Framework was tested within a company project, for interpreting the dynamism and essential benefits of risk management with the aim of improving the project performances (time), reducing the level of fragmentation (quality) and improving profitability (cost) within the Nigerian power sector in order to bridge a gap between theory and practice. It was concluded that Nigeria’s poor risk management practices have prevented it from experiencing strong growth and development. The study however, concludes that the successful implementation of the developed risk management framework may help it to attain this status by enabling it to become more prepared and flexible, to face challenges that previously led to project failures, and thus contributing to its prosperity. The research study provides an original contribution theoretically, methodologically and practically which adds to the project risk management body of knowledge and to the Nigerian power sector.
A hálózati megközelítés alapján a vállalatok nem izoláltan működő szervezetek. A kis- és középvállalkozások számára a hálózatok, a partnerkapcsolatok jelentős támogatást képesek biztosítani a növekedés, a tanulás és az innovációs tevékenység során. A szerző a hálózati, partneri kapcsolatok szerepét a válság idején vizsgálta, kvalitatív kutatás keretében. A tanulmány fontos megállapítása, hogy nem kizárólag a hálózatban rejlő lehetőségek, hanem a korábban biztos partneri kapcsolatok megszűnése is indukálhat innovációt a válság idején, valamint a biztonság, a tartalék-erőforrások megléte esetén lassabb a piaci reagálás, kevésbé kerül előtérbe a változás, s főként az innovációs tevékenység ______ Based on the network perspective companies are not isolated organizations. Networks and partnerships mean a significant support for SMEs in growth, learning and innovation. The author examines the role of networks and partnerships during the crisis, in a qualitative research. An important result of the paper is that not only the opportunities in networks but also the decomposition of prior secure relationships can induce innovation during the crisis. Moreover in case of safety and slack resources the reaction is slower, change and innovation come to the front less.
Breeding in the high Arctic is time constrained and animals should therefore start with their annual reproduction as early as possible. To allow for such early reproduction in migratory birds, females arrive at the breeding grounds either with body stores or they try to rapidly develop their eggs after arrival using local resources. Svalbard breeding barnacle geese Branta leucopsis have to fly non-stop for about 1100 km from their last continental staging site to the archipelago making the transport of body stores costly. However, environmental conditions at the breeding grounds are highly unpredictable favouring residual body stores allowing for egg production after arrival on the breeding grounds. We estimated the reliance on southern continental resources, i.e. body stores for egg formation, in barnacle geese using stable isotope ratios in the geese's forage along the flyway and in their eggs. Females adopted mixed breeding strategies by using southern resources as well as local resources to varying extents for egg formation. Southern capital in lipid-free yolk averaged 41% (range: 23-65%), early laid eggs containing more southern capital than eggs laid late in the season. Yolk lipids and albumen did not vary over time and averaged a southern capital proportion of 54% (range: 32-73%) and 47% (range: 25-88%), respectively. Our findings indicate that female geese vary the use of southern resources when synthesizing their eggs and this allocation also varies among egg tissues. Their mixed and flexible use of distant and local resources potentially allows for adaptive adjustments to environmental conditions encountered at the archipelago just before breeding.
This book presents research in the field of Geophysics, particularly referring to principles, applications and emerging technologies. Table of Contents: Preface pp. i-xxi Environmental Geophysics: Techniques, advantages and limitations (Pantelis Soupios and Eleni Kokinou, Department of Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering, Technological Educational Institute of Crete, Dynamics of the Ocean Floor, Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Geomar)pp i-xxi Application of Innovative Geophysical Techniques in Coastal Areas (V. Di Fiore, M. Punzo, D. Tarallo, and G. Cavuoto, Institute for Marine Coastal Environment, National Research Council, Naples)pp. i-xxi Marine Geophysics of the Naples Bay (Southern Tyrrhenian sea, Italy): Principles, Applications and Emerging Technologies (Gemma Aiello and Ennio Marsella, Institute for Marine Coastal Environment, National Research Council, Naples)pp. i-xxi Oceanic Oscillation Phenomena: Relation to Synchronization and Stochastic Resonance (Shinya Shimokawa and Tomonori Matsuura, National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention, Univ. of Toyama)pp. i-xxi Assessment of ocean variability in the Sicily Channel from a numerical three-dimensional model using EOFs decomposition (R. Sorgente, A. Olita, A.F. Drago, A. Ribotti, L. Fazioli, and C. Tedesco, Institute for Marine Coastal Environment, National Research Council, Oristano)pp. i-xxi Monitoring Test of Crack Opening in Volcanic Tuff (Coroglio Cliff. Italy) Using Distributed Optical Fiber Sensor (A. Minardo, A. Coscetta, M. Caccavale, G. Esposito, F. Matano, M. Sacchi, R. Somma, G. Zeni, and L. Zeni, Department of Industrial and Information Eng., Second University of Naples Aversa, Institute for Marine Coastal Environment, National Research Council Naples, National Institute for Geophysics and Volcanology, Osservatorio Vesuviano Naples, Institute for Electromagnetic Sensing of the Environment, National Research Council Naples)pp. i-xxi
Scuba diving allows for underwater visitation of cultural and natural resources. Underwater routes can be used as a tool for guided and supervised underwater visits. Two scuba diving routes were implemented in the Algarve (South of Portugal), the "B24" and "Poco" diving sites. The perceptions of scuba divers regarding several aspects of the routes and the existing support infrastructures were studied following a survey carried out through face-to-face interviews from 2008 to 2012. Divers profile and their perceptions were analysed using 246 valid questionnaires. Divers were mainly Portuguese, over 30 years old and with more than 12 years of formal education. Some of the support infrastructures did not achieve a "good" or "acceptable" grade. This should be carefully considered by diving operators and managers, because perceptions tend to circulate throughout the diving tourists. All features of interpretative slates were graded as highly satisfactory. Overall, diver satisfaction increased slightly after route implementation, with an average ranking of "good". These findings support the implementation of underwater routes as a way to promote diving activity, and to increase divers' environmental education and awareness. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Conservar as últimas florestas tropicais é uma preocupação mundial, e como formas de proteção legal são criadas Unidades de Conservação (UCs), dedicadas para a preservação e manutenção da biodiversidade e recursos naturais. O entorno das áreas protegidas também são locais amparados pela lei e as atividades nelas devem ser restritas, a fim de não gerar impacto sobre a UC. O Parque Estadual do Ibitipoca, localizado em Minas Gerais, possui uma zona de amortecimento (ZA) de 100,41 km que pertence aos municípios de Lima Duarte, Santa Rita do Ibitipoca e Bias Fortes. O presente trabalho, portanto, visa caracterizar a vulnerabilidade socioambiental na zona de amortecimento do Parque Estadual do Ibitipoca (PEI), utilizando para tal, técnicas de geoprocessamento. Para chegar ao resultado final foi feito uma análise da vulnerabilidade social da ZA, utilizando dados do censo de infraestrutura (água, esgoto e lixo) e renda per capita; e para a vulnerabilidade ambiental foi realizado a sobreposição dos mapas de uso da terra, declividade e tipos de solos. Esses dados foram tratados no programa ArcGis, através da análise multicritério e seguindo a metodologia proposta por Moura (2007). O mapa de vulnerabilidade socioambiental possibilitou apontar os locais que necessitam de maiores cuidados e investimento, auxiliando assim os gestores do Parque no manejo e preservação da ZA. Os processos adotados nesta pesquisa permitiram a geração de um banco de dados georreferenciado, que será disponibilizado aos gestores, à população do entorno e à comunidade técnico-científica.
The Farm Pond, University of Ife, was impounded by the construction of a dam, below the confluence of two small streams, between March and July, 1967. The pond is located at an altitude of 122.4 m. 0.D., its outline is an indented trapezium occupying 445 dkrn' at maximum fill. Natural food is fed into the pond by its two inlets, and the pond is often coloured a darkish brown due to the abundance of plankton. In 1969, on the recommendation by the Fishery Division, Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Ibadan, about four standard head-pans of poultry droppings per 40 dkm2 per month were spread uniformly over the pond during 1969 and 1970. Also four pounds of triple superphosphate per acre per month were spread for a period of six months. The pond was drained a number of times in 1970. However, the lowest average level of 1.37 m was recorded in April, 1970, before drainage began; and the maximum depth of 5.7 m was recorded in September and October, 1970.
Cette recherche porte sur les origines et les effets de la dégradation de l’environnement dans le désert de Thar, au Rajasthan en Inde. Elle expose les processus politico-économiques qui conditionnent la gestion des ressources naturelles dans la région du Marwar depuis l’indépendance de l’Inde à aujourd’hui. Les modes de gestion des ressources environnementales et agraires dans le contexte du système jagirdari, un système foncier domanial qui prévalait dans la région avant l’indépendance de l’Inde, sont d’abord présentés. S’en suit une analyse de la manière dont les diverses idéologies liées au développement postcolonial ont reconfiguré le paysage socio-administratif et environnemental de la région. Ces transformations ont engendré des désordres écologiques qui ont donné lieu à une crise environnementale et agraire qui connaît son paroxysme avec les nombreux déficits pluviométriques qui sévissent depuis la dernière décennie dans la région. À partir d’une recherche de terrain effectuée dans la communauté de Givas, l’impact – au plan physique et métaphysique – de ces problèmes environnementaux sur la population locale est examiné. L’étude porte également sur les réponses à ces changements, soit les stratégies de subsistance adoptées par la population locale, de même que les interventions déployées par une organisation non gouvernementale et par l’État indien – à travers le National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA). L’analyse démontre que l’expérience de la dégradation de l’environnement, à travers ses effets et les stratégies d’adaptation qui s’en suivent, est tributaire de facteurs politiques, économiques et socioculturels et donc différenciée selon le genre, la classe et la caste.