901 resultados para Immunohistologic Features
Despite many years of clinical experience with cefepime, data regarding the outcome of patients suffering from bloodstream infections (BSIs) due to Enterobacter cloacae (Ecl) are scarce. To address the gap in our knowledge, 57 Ecl responsible for 51 BSIs were analysed implementing phenotypic and molecular methods (microarrays, PCRs for bla and other genes, rep-PCR to analyse clonality). Only two E. cloacae (3.5%) were ESBL-producers, whereas 34 (59.6%) and 18 (31.6%) possessed inducible (Ind-Ecl) or derepressed (Der-Ecl) AmpC enzymes, respectively. All isolates were susceptible to imipenem, meropenem, gentamicin and ciprofloxacin. Der-Ecl were highly resistant to ceftazidime and piperacillin/tazobactam (both MIC₉₀≥256 μg/mL), whereas cefepime retained its activity (MIC₉₀ of 3 μg/mL). rep-PCR indicated that the isolates were sporadic, but Ecl collected from the same patients were indistinguishable. In particular, three BSIs initially due to Ind-Ecl evolved (under ceftriaxone or piperacillin/tazobactam treatment) into Der-Ecl because of mutations or a deletion in ampD or insertion of IS4321 in the promoter. These last two mechanisms have never been described in Ecl. Mortality was higher for BSIs due to Der-Ecl than Ind-Ecl (3.8% vs. 29.4%; P=0.028) and was associated with the Charlson co-morbidity index (P=0.046). Using the following directed treatments, patients with BSI showed a favourable treatment outcome: cefepime (16/18; 88.9%); carbapenems (12/13; 92.3%); ceftriaxone (4/7; 57.1%); piperacillin/tazobactam (5/7; 71.4%); and ciprofloxacin (6/6; 100%). Cefepime represents a safe therapeutic option and an alternative to carbapenems to treat BSIs due to Ecl when the prevalence of ESBL-producers is low.
NUT midline carcinoma (NMC) is a poorly differentiated squamous cancer characterized by rearrangement of the NUT gene. Research advances have provided opportunities for targeted therapy in NMC, yet the clinical features of this rare disease have not been systematically characterized. We report on a large population of such patients to identify the disease characteristics and treatments, correlate them with outcome, and to consider clinical recommendations.
Four Large Münsterländer cross-bred dogs affected with black hair follicular dysplasia (BHFD) and one unaffected control littermate were observed, and skin was sampled weekly over the first 19 weeks of life. Affected dogs were born with silvery grey hair, a consequence of melanin clumping in the hair shafts. Hair bulb melanocytes were densely pigmented, and contained abundant stage IV melanosomes but adjacent matrix keratinocytes lacked melanosomes. Melanin clumping was not prominent in epidermal melanocytes in the haired skin but occurred in the foot pads. Follicular changes progressed from bulbar clumping, clumping in the isthmus/infundibulum and finally to dysplastic hair shafts. Alopecia developed progressively in pigmented areas. Silver-grey hair, melanin clumping, accumulation of stage IV melanosomes within melanocytes and insufficient melanin transfer to adjacent keratinocytes are also classic features of human Griscelli syndrome. The underlying cause in Griscelli syndrome is a defect of melanocytic intracellular transport proteins leading to inadequate and disorganized melanosome transfer to keratinocytes with resultant melanin clumping. In view of the correlation in the phenotype, histology and ultrastructure between both disorders, a defect in intracellular melanosome transport is postulated as the pathogenic mechanism in BHFD.
BACKGROUND: Testicular tumours are relatively uncommon in infants and children, accounting for only 1-2% of all paediatric solid tumours. Of these approximately 1.5% are Leydig-cell tumours. Further, activating mutations of the luteinizing hormone receptor gene (LHR), as well as of the G protein genes, such as Gsalpha (gsp) and Gialpha (gip2) subunits, and cyclin-dependent kinase gene 4(CDK4) have been associated with the development of several endocrine neoplasms. AIMS/METHODS: In this report, the clinical variability of Leydig-cell tumours in four children is described. The LHR-, gsp-, gip2- and CDK4 genes were investigated to establish the possible molecular pathogenesis of the variable phenotype of the Leydig-cell tumours. RESULTS: No activating mutations in these genes were found in the four Leydig-cell tumours studied. Therefore, the absence of activating mutations in LHR, as well as in both the 'hot spot' regions for activating mutations within the G-alpha subunits and in the regulatory 'hot spot' on the CDK4 genes in these tumours indicates molecular heterogeneity among Leydig-cell tumours. CONCLUSION: Four children with a variable phenotype caused by Leydig-cell tumours are described. A molecular analysis of all the 'activating' genes and mutational regions known so far was performed, but no abnormalities were found. The lessons learnt from these clinically variable cases are: perform ultrasound early and most importantly, consider discrepancies between testicular swelling, tumour size and androgen production.
The study of semantic memory in patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) has raised important questions about the representation of conceptual knowledge in the human brain. It is still unknown whether semantic memory impairments are caused by localized damage to specialized regions or by diffuse damage to distributed representations within nonspecialized brain areas. To our knowledge, there have been no direct correlations of neuroimaging of in vivo brain function in AD with performance on tasks differentially addressing visual and functional knowledge of living and nonliving concepts. We used a semantic verification task and resting 18-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography in a group of mild to moderate AD patients to investigate this issue. The four task conditions required semantic knowledge of (1) visual, (2) functional properties of living objects, and (3) visual or (4) functional properties of nonliving objects. Visual property verification of living objects was significantly correlated with left posterior fusiform gyrus metabolism (Brodmann's area [BA] 37/19). Effects of visual and functional property verification for non-living objects largely overlapped in the left anterior temporal (BA 38/20) and bilateral premotor areas (BA 6), with the visual condition extending more into left lateral precentral areas. There were no associations with functional property verification for living concepts. Our results provide strong support for anatomically separable representations of living and nonliving concepts, as well as visual feature knowledge of living objects, and against distributed accounts of semantic memory that view visual and functional features of living and nonliving objects as distributed across a common set of brain areas.
The nonstructural protein NS2-3 of pestiviruses undergoes tightly regulated processing. For bovine viral diarrhea virus it was shown that uncleaved NS2-3 is required for infectious particle formation while cleaved NS3 is essential for genome replication. To further investigate the functions of NS2-3 and NS4A in the pestivirus life cycle, we established T7 RNA polymerase-dependent trans-complementation for p7-NS2-3-4A of classical swine fever virus (CSFV). Expression of NS2-3 and NS4A in trans restored the production of infectious particles from genomes lacking NS2-3 expression. Co-expression of cleaved NS4A was essential. None of the enzymatic activities harbored by NS2-3 were required for infectious particle formation. Importantly, expression of uncleavable NS2-3 together with NS4A rescued infectious particles from a genome lacking NS2, demonstrating that cleaved NS2 per se has no additional essential function. These data indicate that NS2-3 and NS3, each in association with NS4A, have independent functions in the CSFV life cycle.
Magnetic resonance imaging features of orbital inflammation with intracranial extension in four dogs
This retrospective study describes the clinical and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging features of chronic orbital inflammation with intracranial extension in four dogs (two Dachshunds, one Labrador, one Swiss Mountain). Intracranial extension was observed through the optic canal (n=1), the orbital fissure (n=4), and the alar canal (n=1). On T1-weighted images structures within the affected skull foramina could not be clearly differentiated, but were all collectively isointense to hypointense compared with the contralateral, unaffected side, or compared with gray matter. On T2-, short tau inversion recovery (STIR)-, or fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR)-weighted images structures within the affected skull foramina appeared hyperintense compared with gray matter, and extended with increased signal into the rostral cranial fossa (n=1) and middle cranial fossa (n=4). Contrast enhancement at the level of the affected skul foramina as well as at the skull base in continuity with the orbital fissure was observed in all patients. Brain edema or definite meningeal enhancement could not be observed, but a close anatomic relationship of the abnormal tissue to the cavernous sinus was seen in two patients. Diagnosis was confirmed in three dogs (one cytology, two biopsy, one necropsy) and was presumptive in one based on clinical improvement after treatment. This study is limited by its small sample size, but provides evidence for a potential risk of intracranial extension of chronic orbital inflammation. This condition can be identified best by abnormal signal increase at the orbital fissure on transverse T2-weighted images, on dorsal STIR images, or on postcontrast transverse or dorsal images.
The ydgR gene of Escherichia coli encodes a protein of the proton-dependent oligopeptide transporter (POT) family. We cloned YdgR and overexpressed the His-tagged fusion protein in E. coli BL21 cells. Bacterial growth inhibition in the presence of the toxic phosphonopeptide alafosfalin established YgdR functionality. Transport was abolished in the presence of the proton ionophore carbonyl cyanide p-chlorophenylhydrazone, suggesting a proton-coupled transport mechanism. YdgR transports selectively only di- and tripeptides and structurally related peptidomimetics (such as aminocephalosporins) with a substrate recognition pattern almost identical to the mammalian peptide transporter PEPT1. The YdgR protein was purified to homogeneity from E. coli membranes. Blue native-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and transmission electron microscopy of detergent-solubilized YdgR suggest that it exists in monomeric form. Transmission electron microscopy revealed a crown-like structure with a diameter of approximately 8 nm and a central density. These are the first structural data obtained from a proton-dependent peptide transporter, and the YgdR protein seems an excellent model for studies on substrate and inhibitor interactions as well as on the molecular architecture of cell membrane peptide transporters.