998 resultados para Illinois. State Tax Commission.
"This is our report of the Management Audit of the Illinois School District Liquid Asset Fund Plus. The audit was conducted pursuant to Senate Resolution Number 171, which was adopted April 22, 2004. This audit was conducted in accordance with generally accepted government auditing standards and the audit standards promulgated by the Office of the Auditor General at 74 III. ADM. Code 420.310. The audit report is transmitted in conformance with Section 3-14 of the Illinois State Auditing Act."--Cover letter.
Based on data from Illinois State Cancer Registry, 1985-1987.
Mode of access: Internet.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 26-28).
"Application procedures for certification by transcript evaluation."
Mode of access: Internet.
The Native Americans and Nature in Illinois activity book from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) is designed to supplement your curriculum in a variety of ways. The information and activities contained in this publication are targeted to grades kindergarten through three and can help you meet the following Illinois Learning Standards: 16.A.1a; 16.C.1a (U.S.).
Whenever rules have changes, a new issue will be published and will be put in the Administrative Code (per agency).
On cover: Chapter 1 nonregulatory guidance.
Mode of access: Internet.
At head of title,
" ... may be duplicated or sections may be rewritten to conform to local specifications. Any modified manual must be consistent with the Illinois Election Code and submitted to the State Board of Elections for approval prior to distribution."
"...may be duplicated or sections may be rewritten to conform to local specifications. Any modified manual must be consistent with the Illinois Election Code and submitted to the State Board of Elections for approval prior to distribution."
State government purchases a wide array of goods and services, ranging from office supplies to motor vehicles to energy. While purchasing officials are working to get the maximum value out of each dollar they spend, products with reduced environmental impacts are becoming increasingly available in the marketplace to help state agencies meet the challenge of operating more efficiently. Known as environmentally preferable or "green," these products can save energy and water, reduce waste generation and improve the workplace environment. ... This report provides recommendations on steps Illinois state government can take to expand the purchase of products that have a reduced impact on human health and the environment, while maintaining fiscal responsibility. The report was prepared by the Interagency Working Group on Environmentally Preferable Purchasing, which was created by Governor Rod Blagojevich in response to House Resolution 797. The Working Group included representatives of the Capital Development Board; Department of Central Management Services; Department of Natural Resources, Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity; Environmental Protection Agency; and Governor's Office of Management and Budget.
Cover title.