990 resultados para Ideological interpellation


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Mobile Teachers, Teacher Identity and International Schooling focuses on the increased mobility of teachers and curriculum and what it means for the expansion of international schooling. In the early 21st century, educational institutions have been transformed by technological innovation and global interconnectivity. The demographic, ideological, economic and cultural flows that integrate local and global interconnections have consequences for the ways in which educational policy, theories and practice can be understood and take place locally. The everyday lives of practitioners, parents and students; the institutions in which they are educated and work; and the sociocultural and ideological contexts in which they work, are all consequently changing. The manifestation of these changes – as evident in the work and lives of teachers within specific cultural contexts and education systems; in their implications for educational theory and methodology; and their consequences for policy, programs, practice and research in education – are the focus of this book.This book explores the mobility of curriculum, pedagogies, ideas and people that represent and mediate the impact of Global uneven flows and movements through, in, and for school education, and the concepts and practices which frame that transformation. The particular focus of the book is on how these flows inform the ways individuals negotiate their identities, cultures and languages in different national and educational contexts. Education systems and the educational experiences offered by schools are being reconfigured due to multiple pressures. What do these moves to mobilise and to work transnationally mean in terms of educational provision, possibilities and practice?


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Step through the looking-glass and where do you go? Inherently, every text exposes the reader to other worlds. However, the fantastic, like no other mode, not only exposes, but explores, explains, and employs other worlds (and how we enter them) to question what is real and unreal, possible and impossible.Using Farah Mendelsohn’s (2008) examination of portal fantasy, this paper argues that when you step into another world you leave something behind and bring something back. This Bakhtinian dialogic will then frame an analysis of Neil Gaiman’s American Gods (2001) and China Miéville’s The City and the City (2009) which explore notions of organic subjectivity, reader expectations, and if gaps actually exist between textual and extra-textual, real and unreal.These atypical, self- reflexive, satirical portal fantasies express how writers position readers (not unlike their protagonists) in alternative conceptual realms, disturbing the everyday, the commonplace realities we often take for granted. As such, both texts and the discursive strategies they use ask: what do we see, or, as may be the case, un-see? Significantly, this paper suggests that, via self-conscious world-building, portal fantasies allow reader and writer the opportunity to inhabit those spaces between textual, ideological, generic, metaphorical, irrational, fantastic worlds.


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In a conjuncture marked by the “resurgence of religion,” the problem of historical materialism’s relation to religious ideologies has acquired a new urgency. The work of Roland Boer, recently awarded the Deutscher Prize for his magnum opus on Marxism and Theology poses this question from a surprising perspective. While his main claim is that religious influences in Marxist theory represent a sort of theological unconscious in historical materialism, at the same time Boer also advances an original Marxist interpretation of the Abrahamic religions, especially Christianity. This line of research, which extends from his dissertation on Jameson and Jeroboam through to his most recent work on The Sacred Economy, proposes that theology is a reflective representation of the social totality. In this article, I criticise Boer’s valorisation of theology as a practical discourse that is post-ideological but non-theoretical, and conclude by indicating an alternative.


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During the 1980s, in particular, Bowie embodied particular notions of white masculinity that were on the one hand supportive of its idealized hegemony, and on the other subverted its normative power. I will take 1983 as the year when his whiteness is particularly visible and unstable. Bowie, as either the blonde dandy from Let’s Dance; the enigmatic character, Maj. Jack 'Strafer' Celliers from Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence (1983); or the simmering vampire, John Blaylock from The Hunger (1983), crystlised the pure qualities of white masculinity while demonstrating its violent, queer and subversive nature. The chapter will suggest that Bowie has constantly operated along a white continuum, self-consciously embodying it, granting it carnal and ideological power, while drawing attention to its death-like instinct, its anti-reproductive progeny, its implicit queerness.I have chosen to read Bowie’s whiteness through this shortened window of temporality to enable me to draw into the analysis the historical and cultural issues of the period in question. 1983 registers as the year in which whiteness is acutely imagined to be under threat from the Asian tiger and transforming geo-political realities, its own languid anti-corporeality, the AIDS ‘epidemic’, and from the rise of racism in Europe and elsewhere - realities which require it to re-position its power relations with the sexual, and ethnic Other. The whiteness in/of David Bowie speaks particularly eloquently to this historical moment.


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Genre films are constructed out of narrative patterns and plot points that involve or are predicted on crisis, on danger. This is the logic of much if not all mainstream genre cinema: drama has to take place for there to be a story to be told, and for pleasure and identification to be arrested and enthused. Forms of threatening disequilibrium can be personal, domestic, familial, local, external, supernatural and murderous; a way of life can be threatened as well as life itself. There are ideological dimensions at play; the crisis threatens to destabilize patriarchy, heterosexuality, social norms and expectations. Feelings and modes of affect are set in dangerous motion as the crisis unfolds. Trouble may emerge from a wayward or transgressive family member, or it may arrive in town on horses, stagecoaches, trains, cars, spaceships, and on the wind and in the water. The main (and minor) characters in the film are at the center of this storm, and that places viewers at the epicenter of the danger, also. The genre film places us all in danger. The genre film, then, has phenomenal, phenomenological and bio-political potential as a site of cognitive, ideological and carnal endangerment.


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OBJECTIVE: To develop a policy formulation tool for strategically informing food and nutrition policy activities to promote healthy and sustainable diets (HSD). DESIGN: A policy formulation tool consisting of two complementary components was developed. First, a conceptual framework of the environment-public health nutrition relationship was constructed to characterise and conceptualise the food system problem. Second, an 'Orders of Food Systems Change' schema drawing on systems dynamics thinking was developed to identify, assess and propose policy options to redesign food systems. SETTING: Food and nutrition policy activities to promote HSD have been politicised, fragmented and lacking a coherent conceptual and strategic focus to tackle complex food system challenges. RESULTS: The tool's conceptual framework component comprises three integrated dimensions: (i) a structure built around the environment and public health nutrition relationship that is mediated via the food system; (ii) internal mechanisms that operate through system dynamics; and (iii) external interactions that frame its nature and a scope within ecological parameters. The accompanying schema is structured around three orders of change distinguished by contrasting ideological perspectives on the type and extent of change needed to 'solve' the HSD problem. CONCLUSIONS: The conceptual framework's systems analysis of the environment-public health nutrition relationship sets out the food system challenges for HSD. The schema helps account for political realities in policy making and is a key link to operationalise the framework's concepts to actions aimed at redesigning food systems. In combination they provide a policy formulation tool to strategically inform policy activities to redesign food systems and promote HSD.


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'Raising aspirations' for education among young people in low socioeconomic regions has become a widespread policy prescription for increasing human capital investment and economic competitiveness in so-called 'knowledge economies'. However, policy tends not to address difficult social, cultural, economic and political conditions for aspiring, based in structural changes associated with globalization. Drawing conceptually on the works of Pierre Bourdieu, Raymond Williams, Arjun Appadurai and authors in the Funds of Knowledge tradition, this article theorizes two logics for aspiring that are recognizable in research with young people and families: a doxic logic, grounded in populist-ideological mediations; and a habituated logic, grounded in biographic-historical legacies and embodied as habitus. A less tangible third 'logic' is also theorized: emergent senses of future potential, grounded in lived cultures, which hold possibility for imagining and pursuing alternative futures. The article offers a sociological framework for understanding aspirations as complex social-cultural phenomena, and for capacitating emergent and hopeful aspirations through school- and community-based research and dialogue. © 2013 Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia.


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This chapter critiques the political theology of Slavoj Zizek as beset by social theoretical and strategic political problems. Political theology here is a privileged intellectual terrain on which to simultaneously resolve questions about liberating forms of social cohesion in a post-revolutionary political community and about cultural strategy in the radical program. In connection with the Marxist critique of religious ideology, Zizek’s work represents an important contribution to the research program that emerged from the Althusserian approaches to social theory. But although Zizek has the conceptual resources to generate a dialectical theory of the connection between religious ideology and political strategy, he instead opts for a theory of radical rupture with existing forms of life. Detoured through the encounter with Carl Schmitt, Zizek’s doctrine of radical rupture quickly becomes an inverted Schmittianism, freighted with the problems of the militarisation of politics and the arbitrary designation of enemies that he diagnoses in Schmitt, but does not transcend in his own response. Zizek’s figure of the “religious suspension of the ethical” brings the politics of rupture to its most problematic (and baroque) formulations, revealing the fundamental problem of the ideological representation of political structures.


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In the aftermath of September 11, Muslim scholars made numerous attempts to explain Islamophobia from the Islamic perspective; they presented arguments that are not addressed in the Western narrative. Two texts in Arabic by the prominent Muslim preacher, Mohammad Hassan and by the Muslim orator Fadhel Sliman are analysed from a Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) viewpoint. This analysis aims to demonstrate how language is inextricably linked with ideology. This paper demonstrates that textual strategies in the Arabic Islamic discourse and their ideological implications show distinct characteristics some of which add to the present literature on discourse. The aim of the chosen texts is to educate and create solidarity between the speakers and the audience in fighting Islamophobia. The reliance of the speakers on tactics such as quoting from the Holy Qur’ān and ḥadīth to defend Islam, and choice of words and sentence structures may instigate discussions about the persuasive power of the Arabic Islamic narrative.


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Neoconservatism in US foreign policy is a hotly contested subject, yet most scholars broadly agree on what it is and where it comes from. From a consensus that it first emerged around the 1960s, these scholars view neoconservatism through what we call the ‘3Ps’ approach, defining it as a particular group of people (‘neocons’), an array of foreign policy preferences and/or an ideological commitment to a set of principles. While descriptively intuitive, this approach reifies neoconservatism in terms of its specific and often static ‘symptoms’ rather than its dynamic constitutions. These reifications may reveal what is emblematic of neoconservatism in its particular historical and political context, but they fail to offer deeper insights into what is constitutive of neoconservatism. Addressing this neglected question, this article dislodges neoconservatism from itsperceived home in the ‘3Ps’ and ontologically redefines it as a discourse. Adopting aFoucauldian approach of archaeological and genealogical discourse analysis, we trace itsdiscursive formations primarily to two powerful and historically enduring discourses ofthe American self — virtue and power — and illustrate how these discourses produce aparticular type of discursive fusion that is ‘neoconservatism’. We argue that to betterappreciate its continued effect on contemporary and future US foreign policy, we needto pay close attention to those seemingly innocuous yet deeply embedded discoursesabout the US and its place in the world, as well as to the people, policies and principlesconventionally associated with neoconservatism.


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O desvelamento das racionalidades imersas nas ações docentes de uma escola de qualificação profissional de auxiliares de enfermagem, compõem a área temática deste estudo. No intuito de atingirmos esta dimensão de análise, abordamos as seguintes questões de pesquisa: - Qual o entendimento das docentes sobre o seu trabalho enquanto enfermeiras e professoras?; - Qual o entendimento das docentes sobre o trabalho e a qualificação profissional de auxiliares de enfermagem?; - Quais as ações que orientam a prática docente na qualificação profissional, como indicativos da(s) racionalidade(s)?; - Que dimensões estariam presentes na ação docente que possibilitariam uma ação comunicativa?. A teoria de Jürgen Habermas é utilizado como aporte para as idéias trabalhadas neste estudo. A Teoria da Ação Comunicativa, em sua proposta básica, centra-se nas dimensões de desvelamento ideológico de interesses, uso do conhecimento e da racionalidade na busca da emancipação e da autonomia. Esta teoria diferencia três tipos de racionalidades ou ações: instrumental, estratégica e comunicativa. Na coleta de dados é empregada entrevista semi-estruturada, cujas perguntas contemplam as questões acima delineadas, aplicadas à oito professores de uma escola escolhida intencionalmente. A análise de dados utiliza o método de análise de discurso conforme a Pragmática Formal apresentada por Habermas (1987), a qual se preocupa com as dimensões internas e externas dos atos de fala, nem sempre vinculados a questões gramaticais, valendo mais o significado e a consideração de falibilidade da verdade expressa (Habermas, 1987). A dimensão do trabalho das Professoras como categoria teórica, envolve a atividade docente e de enfermeira. No significado que possuem de trabalho, o mesmo é concebido como um agir-racional-com-respeito-a-afins, uma vez que é entendido como uma relação meio-fim. A divisão social e técnica do trabalho, bem como a fragmentação entre a concepção intelectual e manual, são apresentadas em situações distintas ao se referirem ao seu trabalho e ao das auxiliares de enfermagem. Nos seus atos de fala expressam o descontentamento em seguirem normas pré-estabelecidas, com a rotinização dos cuidados e a burocratização dos serviços. No entanto, reproduzem este sistema hierarquizado na relação com as auxiliares de enfermagem, articulando o seu poder como forma de manterem o controle sobre o produto do trabalho. No relacionamento com profissionais de 3º grau surge a hegemonia médica, assumindo as Professoras um posicionamento de submissão, justificado por não considerarem o cuidado de enfermagem como detentor de saber próprio, além do que o trabalho médico teria um conhecimento reconhecido; outras Professoras, em menor expressão, reconhecem a existência de hegemonia, posicionam-se frente a esses profissionais em uma relação de iguais, questionando-os. A qualificação profissional das auxiliares de enfermagem é trazida nos atos de fala em uma racionalidade instrumental, visando a formação técnico-científica. As ações docentes não trazem as bases de uma racionalidade comunicativa. No entanto, é realizado pela pesquisadora, a proposta de desenvolvimento desta realidade na qualificação profissional de auxiliares de enfermagem.


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Esta tese discute três temas: políticas públicas, gestão tecnológica, e setor automotivo. Tendo por objetivo abreviar o ciclo de absorção e desenvolvimento de tecnologia, um volume expressivo de recursos tem sido transferido do setor público para o setor privado através do que é denominado de Política Pública Indutora (PPI). Os governos pretendem, assim, atrair aquelas empresas tecnologicamente mais capacitadas, na expectativa de que transfiram para a localidade onde se instalam o conhecimento que detêm. No Brasil, um dos setores-alvo deste tipo de política tem sido o automotivo, circunstância observada em diferentes momentos da história. Efetivamente, o Regime Automotivo Brasileiro pretende não apenas acelerar o desenvolvimento do país, mas também promover uma significativa transferência de tecnologia. A análise das PPI, por ser de extrema importância, é bastante influenciada e dificultada quer por seus defensores, quer por seus destratores, que as veêm sob os aspectos de sucesso ou não; mas, não bastasse essa dificuldade, há também o elevado conteúdo ideológico que sustenta as argumentações, que faz com que a avaliação se perca num quadro inconclusivo. Afinal, estas iniciativas são benéficas ou não para o país e para as economias regionais? Finalmente, a eficácia, e portanto o acerto desta estratégia só pode ser avaliado expost facto, quando já comprometidos, quiçá irremediavelmente, os recursos públicos. Por essa razão, este estudo desenvolve uma análise ex-ante das políticas públicas do tipo indutoras, fazendo uso de um modelo compreensivo que permite uma análise longitudinal, captando assim, as mudanças no ambiente. Entre outras, procurou-se responder à seguinte questão: é possível, hoje, inferir quanto à contrib uição, se positiva ou negativa, que o Regime Automotivo Brasileiro e os seus desdobramentos estaduais trarão à capacidade tecnológica no entorno da empresa atraída? O problema e a questão de pesquisa foram abordados, predominantemente, sob um enfoque qualitativo, e o método escolhido foi o estudo de caso. Com o auxílio do modelo proposto foi analisada e avaliada a potencialidade de aumento na capacidade tecnológica induzida pela instalação da unidade montadora da General Motors do Brasil, em Gravataí, Rio Grande do Sul. Ao final conclui- se que os benefícios previstos pelo Regime Automotivo Brasileiro, no que diz respeito a capacitação tecnológica local, dificilmente serão atingidos pela instalação de novas empresas automotivas ou a modernização das existentes.


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Revista Comtato e Perspectivas Atuais da Educação Especial Enfatizando a dimensão histórico-ideológica presente em nossa formação, e pensando os desafios da construção do conhecimento e a reprodução de atitudes acerca da internalização da diferença/deficiência, aponta a utilização da comunicação alternativa a Revista Comtato como meio de expressar múltiplas ações e reflexões sobre a educação especial.


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Este projeto continua a avançar o programa de pesquisa que relaciona desenvolvimento econômico e democracia: pretende-se neste projeto dar um passo adiante e examinar como a democracia, uma vez consolidada como fruto do desenvolvimento capitalista, se torna ela própria um fator de desenvolvimento, particularmente quando ela deixa de ser uma mera democracia de elites para se tornar uma democracia de sociedade civil, na qual o debate público passa a ser um elemento central.


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Este trabalho objetiva analisar os posicionamentos da grande imprensa diária paulista os jornais Folha de S. Paulo e O Estado de S. Paulo no tocante à disputa pela transformação da Agenda política e econômica no Brasil entre 1986 e 1989. Neste período, os fracassos dos Planos de estabilização econômica, a elaboração da nova Constituição (com implicações na relação entre Estado e mercado) e a campanha presidencial foram alvos de um intenso embate político/ideológico, no contexto de profundas mudanças internacionais, relacionadas sobretudo ao ocaso do socialismo e à hegemonia da visão neoliberal. A imprensa, em razão de sua capacidade de espraiar idéias, atua como aparelho privado de hegemonia através da formulação de imagens e da utilização da retórica, o que a torna um ator político privilegiado, pois, além do mais, formula e retransmite conteúdos fortemente ideológicos.