990 resultados para Humid Tropical Queensland


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Social media networks have emerged as a powerful tool in allowing collaboration and sharing of information during times of crisis (Bruns, The Centre for Creative Industries Blog, comment posted on January 19,2011). The 2011 Queensland floods provided a unique opportunity to explore social media use during an emergency. This paper presents the findings of a pilot study that explored the information experiences of people using social media during the flooding of the Brisbane River. Analysis of data from four interviews supported the emergence of four categories of information experience. Examination of the categories revealed variation between the way in which individuals experienced social media and the point of the flooding at which each category of experience occurred. Information regarding individual’s use of social media has the potential to inform the development of social media platforms that can provide relevant and accessible information for the general public in event of a natural disaster.


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In Queensland, at least 93 bodies exist to represent the interests of, and provide other services for, their farmer members, and their industries. The bodies vary greatly in focus, roles and activities, priorities, resources, size, and affiliations with other bodies. Results from a survey of 68 producer representative bodies (PRBs), and other data and information are used to examine the demand for, and supply of, farmer representational and other services in Queensland. The main results were: 1. member demand for services varies considerably between PRBs and is influenced by numerous factors; 2. members and non-members of one PRB vary significantly in the importance attached to some services; 3. the types of activities undertaken by PRBs varies between those for emerging and established industries; and 4. PRBs with paid staff/officers undertake more activities than others. The paper concludes that PRBs must continue to evolve and adapt their operations and structures to take account of changes in member and industry needs, external environments, cost pressures, resource availability, and sources of funding/assistance.


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Brisbane writers and writing are increasingly represented as important to the city’s identity as a site of urban cool, at least in marketing and public relations paradigms. It is therefore remarkable that recent Brisbane fiction clings strongly to a particular relationship to the climatic and built environment that is often located in the past and which seemingly turns away, or at least elides, the ‘new’ technologically-driven Brisbane. Literary Brisbane is often depicted in the context of nostalgia for the Brisbane that once was—a tropical, timbered, luxuriant city in which sex is associated with heat, and, in particular, sweat. In this writing sweat can produced by adrenaline or heat, but in particular, in Brisbane novels, it is the sweat of sex that characterises the literary city. Given that Brisbane is in fact a subtropical city, it is interesting that metaphors of a tropical climate and vegetation occur so frequently in Brisbane stories (and narratives set in other parts of the state) that writer Thea Astley was prompted at one point to remark that Queensland writing was in danger of developing into a tropical cliché.


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This paper considers the literary landscape of contemporary Brisbane and pays particular attention to the relationship between sub-tropical spaces (homes, streets, and clubs) and local writing. ‘Dripping Sweat’ proposes that within the new urban cool of Brisbane’s cultural life there is nostalgia for the sub-tropical environment that continues to intrude on contemporary fiction. The paper considers the architecture of both public and private spaces and discusses how the literary imagination re-designs contemporary Brisbane with a selective appropriation of environmental settings.


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Findings from a Queensland coronial inquest highlight the complex clinical, ethical and legal issues that arise in end-of-life care when clinicians and family members disagree about a diagnosis of clinical futility. The tension between the law and best medical practice is highlighted in this case, as doctors are compelled to seek family consent to not commence a futile intervention. Good communication between doctors and families, as well as community and professional education, is essential to resolve tensions that can arise when there is disagreement about treatment at the end of life.


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Most existing requirements engineering approaches focus on the modelling and specification of the IT artefacts ignoring the environment where the application is deployed. Although some requirements engineering approaches consider the stakeholder’s goals, they still focus on the IT artefacts’ specification. However, IT artefacts are embedded in a dynamic organisational environment and their design and specification cannot be separated from the environment’s constant evolution. Therefore, during the initial stages of a requirements engineering process it is advantageous to consider the integration of IT design with organisational design. We proposed the ADMITO (Analysis, Design and Management of IT and Organisations) approach to represent the dynamic relations between social and material entities, where the latter are divided into technological and organisational entities. In this paper we show how by using ADMITO in a concrete case, the Queensland Health Payroll (QHP) case, it is possible to have an integrated representation of IT and organisational design supporting organisational change and IT requirements specification.


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This submission is directed to addressing Issue 4 only – Entering a village and closure – implications for residents; and one question only – What particular items do you consider should be particularly addressed as part of the disclosure requirements for prospective retirement village residents? The recommendations below are premised on the basis that information to enable informed choice needs to be clearly presented, easy to understand and, while legal advice and assistance remains essential for any form of ‘conveyancing’ process, should enable decision making by prospective residents independent of that legal advice.


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The presence of colour in raw sugar plays a key role in the marketing strategy of the Australian raw sugar industry. Some sugars are relatively difficult to decolourise during refining and develop colour during storage. A new approach that might result in efficient and cost-effective colour removal during the sugar manufacturing process is the use of an advanced oxidation process (AOP), known as Fenton oxidation, that is, catalytic production of hydroxyl radicals from the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide using ferrous iron. As a first step towards developing this technology, this study determined the composition of colour precursors present in the juice of cane harvested by three different methods. The methods were harvesting cane after burning, harvesting the whole crop with half of the trash extracted and harvesting the whole crop with no trash extracted. The study also investigated the degradation at pH 3, 4 and 5 of a phenolic compound, caffeic acid (3,4–dihydroxycinnamic acid), which is present in sugar cane juice, using both hydrogen peroxide and Fenton’s reagent. The results show that juice expressed from whole crop cane has significantly higher colour than juices expressed from burnt cane. However, the concentrations of phenolic acids were lower in the juices expressed from whole crop cane. The main phenolic acids present in these juices were p-coumaric, vanillic, 2,3–dihydroxybenzoic, gallic and 3,4–dihydroxybenzoic acids. The degradation of caffeic acid significantly improved using Fenton’s reagent in comparison to hydrogen peroxide alone. The Fenton oxidation was optimum at pH 5 when up to ~86 % of caffeic acid degraded within 5 min.


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Colour is one of the most important parameters in sugar quality and its presence in raw sugar plays a key role in the marketing strategy of sugar industries worldwide. This study investigated the degradation of a mixture of colour precursors using the Fenton oxidation process. These colour precursors are caffeic acid, p–coumaric acid and ferulic acid, which are present in cane juice. Results showed that with a Fe(II) to H2O2 molar ratio of 1:15 in an aqueous system at 25 °C, 77% of the total phenolic acid content was removed at pH 4.72. However, in a synthetic juice solution which contained 13 mass % sucrose (35 °C, pH 5.4), only 60% of the total phenolic acid content was removed.


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Unlicensed driving remains a serious problem in many jurisdictions, and while it does not play a direct causative role in road crashes, it undermines driver licensing systems and is linked to other high risk driving behaviours. Roadside licence check surveys represent the most direct means of estimating the prevalence of unlicensed driving. The current study involved the Queensland Police Service (QPS) checking the licences of 3,112 drivers intercepted at random breath testing operations across Queensland between February and April 2010. Data was matched with official licensing records from Transport and Main Roads (TMR) via the drivers’ licence number. In total, 2,914 (93.6%) records were matched, with the majority of the 198 unmatched cases representing international or interstate licence holders (n = 156), leaving 42 unknown cases. Among the drivers intercepted at the roadside, 20 (0.6%) were identified as being unlicensed at the time, while a further 11 (0.4%) were driving unaccompanied on a Learner Licence. However, the examination of TMR licensing records revealed that an additional 9 individuals (0.3%) had a current licence sanction but were not identified as unlicensed by QPS. Thus, in total 29 of the drivers were unlicensed at the time, representing 0.9% of all the drivers intercepted and 1% of those for whom their licence records could be checked. This is considerably lower than the involvement of unlicensed drivers in fatal and serious injury crashes in Queensland, which is consistent with other research confirming the increased crash risk of the group. However, the number of unmatched records suggest that it is possible the on-road survey may have under-estimated the prevalence of unlicensed driving, so further development of the survey method is recommended.


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This study of a unique historic situation is sociologically framed and politically contextualized. It examines the technical and persuasive rhetorical dimensions of calculations employed at a nineteenth-century Queensland sugar plantation and mill in relation to the employment of indentured labour. Historical archival data is interpreted through the lens of the rhetoric of rationality. Queensland legislation permitted the employment of indentured Pacific islanders to assist in the development of its sugar industry. Accounting practices employed at the Colonial Sugar Refinery (CSR) Company’s Goondi Plantation and Mill focused on recording and controlling labour costs to maximize profits and maintain a healthy dividend to shareholders. The use of this single perspective, while it provides a restricted interpretation of events, nevertheless enables some unique insights about the practice of accounting in this historic context.


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This paper describes the development and testing of a novel mill design to reduce the moisture content of bagasse. It takes advantage of gravity to separate juice from bagasse by pushing bagasse upwards while juice drains downwards under gravity. The potential of the design to reduce bagasse moisture content has not been adequately established. The prototype mill had limited power available that prevented typical delivery nip compactions from being achieved. Tests conducted did show a reduction in bagasse moisture but that moisture reduction is less than expected under ideal conditions. Work on the mill design has ceased, at least for the foreseeable future. The design does have potential to reduce bagasse moisture content but presents some engineering challenges to establish a reliable, low maintenance design alternative.


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The Queensland Government Agency Libraries Review was undertaken during the period January-June 2010. The research project was sponsored jointly by the Director-General, Department of the Premier and Cabinet, and the Director-General, Department of Public Works. The objective of the project was to examine future options for the Queensland Government library and research services that provide clients with efficient and cost-effective access to the information they need to conduct government business, to develop a picture of the services provided, the information resources managed, the client base and staffing. The review also considered the environmental factors impacting on contemporary government libraries to determine possible strategies that would ensure a strong and sustainable future for the services. The review process culminated in identifying potential options for future service delivery. The preferred option involves a proposal for the centralizing responsibility for the coordination of a network of Queensland Government Libraries and Research Centres (QGLR). The establishment of a network of research centres, with a central point for coordination of common strategies, systems and processes will enable library and research services to flow around individual agencies, and provide clearer avenues for multi-disciplinary work that characterises contemporary government policy and government services. The key elements of the proposal include the development of a single library and research portal for all government officers, which can be tailored to meet their particular research needs; increasing the visibility and accessibility of information and knowledge resources to those officers regardless of their agency affiliation; introducing better, more cost effective purchasing and licensing arrangements; and the potential to have a voice of influence in the strategic agenda for the government’s use of information and research.