964 resultados para Human-melanoma Cells


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PATHOGENIC MECHANISMS OF PLOSL Polycystic lipomembranous osteodysplasia with sclerosing leukoencephalopathy (PLOSL), also known as Nasu-Hakola disease, is a recessively inherited disease of brain and bone. PLOSL manifests as early-onset progressive dementia and bone fractures. Mutations in the TYROBP (DAP12) and TREM2 genes have been identified as the primary cause of PLOSL. DAP12 and TREM2 encode important signalling molecules in cells of the innate immune system. The mechanism by which loss-of-function of the DAP12/TREM2 signalling complex leads to PLOSL is currently unknown. The aim of this thesis work was to gain insight into the pathogenic mechanisms behind PLOSL. To first identify the central nervous system (CNS) cell types that express both Dap12 and Trem2, the expression patterns of Dap12 and Trem2 in mouse CNS were analyzed. Dap12 and Trem2 expression was seen from embryonic stage to adulthood and microglial cells and oligodendrocytes were identified as the major Dap12/Trem2 producing cells of the CNS. To subsequently identify the pathways and biological processes associated with DAP12/TREM2 mediated signalling in human cells, genome wide transcript analysis of in vitro differentiated dendritic cells (DCs) of PLOSL patients representing functional knockouts of either DAP12 or TREM2 was performed. Both DAP12 and TREM2 deficient cells differentiated into DCs and responded to pathogenic stimuli. However, the DCs showed morphological differences compared to control cells due to defects in the actin filaments. Transcript profiles of the patient DCs showed differential expression of genes involved in immune response and for genes earlier associated with other disorders of the CNS as well as genes involved in the remodeling of bone, linking the findings with the tissue phenotype of PLOSL patients. To analyze the effect of Dap12 deficiency in the CNS, genome wide expression analysis of Dap12 deficient mouse brain and Dap12 deficient microglia as well as functional analysis of Dap12 deficient microglia was performed. Regulation of several pathways involved in synaptic function and transcripts coding for the myelin components was seen in Dap12 knockout mice. Decreased migration, morphological changes and shortened lifespan of the Dap12 knockout microglia was further observed. Taken together, this thesis work showed that both Dap12 and Trem2 are expressed by CNS microglia and that Dap12 deficiency results in functional defects of these cells. Lack of Dap12 in the CNS also leads to synaptic abnormalities even before pathological changes are seen in the tissue level.This work further showed that loss-of-function of DAP12 or TREM2 leads to changes in morphology and gene expression in human dendritic cells. These data underline the functional diversity of the molecules of the innate immune system and implies their significant contribution also in demyelinating CNS disorders, including those resulting in dementia.


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Bone is a mineralized tissue that enables multiple mechanical and metabolic functions to be carried out in the skeleton. Bone contains distinct cell types: osteoblasts (bone-forming cells), osteocytes (mature osteoblast that embedded in mineralized bone matrix) and the osteoclasts (bone-resorbing cells). Remodelling of bone begins early in foetal life, and once the skeleton is fully formed in young adults, almost all of the metabolic activity is in this form. Bone is constantly destroyed or resorbed by osteoclasts and then replaced by osteoblasts. Many bone diseases, i.e. osteoporosis, also known as bone loss, typically reflect an imbalance in skeletal turnover. The cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) and the cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) are second messengers involved in a variety of cellular responses to such extracellular agents as hormones and neurotransmitters. In the hormonal regulation of bone metabolism, i.e. via parathyroid hormone (PTH), parathyroid hormone-related peptide (PTHrp) and prostaglandin E2 signal via cAMP. cAMP and cGMP are formed by adenylate and guanylate cyclases and are degraded by phosphodiesterases (PDEs). PDEs determine the amplitudes of cyclic nucleotide-mediated hormonal responses and modulate the duration of the signal. The activities of the PDEs are regulated by multiple inputs from other signalling systems and are crucial points of cross-talk between the pathways. Food-derived bioactive peptides are reported to express a variety of functions in vivo. The angiotensin-converting enzymes (ACEs) are involved in the regulation of the specific maturation or degradation of a number of mammalian bioactive peptides. The bioactive peptides offer also a nutriceutical and a nutrigenomic aspect to bone cell biology. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of PDEs and bioactive peptides on the activation and the differentiation of human osteoblast cells. The profile of PDEs in human osteoblast-like cells and the effect of glucocorticoids on the function of cAMP PDEs, were investigated at the mRNA and enzyme levels. The effects of PDEs on bone formation and osteoblast gene expression were determined with chemical inhibitors and siRNAs (short interfering RNAs). The influence of bioactive peptides on osteoblast gene expression and proliferation was studied at the mRNA and cellular levels. This work provides information on how PDEs are involved in the function and the differentiation of osteoblasts. The findings illustrate that gene-specific silencing with an RNA interference (RNAi) method is useful in inhibiting, the gene expression of specific PDEs and further, PDE7 inhibition upregulates several osteogenic genes and increases bALP activity and mineralization in human mesenchymal stem cells-derived osteoblasts. PDEs appear to be involved in a mechanism by which glucocorticoids affect cAMP signaling. This may provide a potential route in the formation of glucocorticoid-induced bone loss, involving the down-regulation of cAMP-PDE. PDEs may play an important role in the regulation of osteoblastic differentiation. Isoleucine-proline-proline (IPP), a bioactive peptide, possesses the potential to increase osteoblast proliferation, differentiation and signalling.


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Purpose: Testis specific heat-shock protein 70-2 (HSP70-2), a member of HSP70 chaperone family, is essential for the growth of spermatocytes and cancer cells. We investigated the association of HSP70-2 expression with clinical behaviour and progression of urothelial carcinoma of bladder. Experimental design: We assessed the HSP70-2 expression by RT-PCR and HSP70-2 protein expression by immunofluorescence, flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry and Western blotting in urothelial carcinoma patient specimens and HTB-1, UMUC-3, HTB-9, HTB-2 and normal human urothelial cell lines. Further, to investigate the role of HSP70-2 in bladder tumour development, HSP70-2 was silenced in the high-grade invasive HTB-1 and UMUC-3 cells. The malignant properties of urothelial carcinoma cells were examined using colony formation, migration assay, invasion assay in vitro and tumour growth in vivo. Results: Our RT-PCR analysis and immunohistochemistry analysis revealed that HSP70-2 was expressed in both moderate to well-differentiated and high-grade invasive urothelial carcinoma cell lines studied and not in normal human urothelial cells. In consistence with these results, HSP70-2 expression was also observed in superficially invasive (70%) and muscle-invasive (90%) patient's tumours. Furthermore, HSP70-2 knockdown significantly suppressed cellular motility and invasion ability. An in vivo xenograft study showed that inhibition of HSP70-2 significantly suppressed tumour growth. Conclusions: In conclusion, our data suggest that the HSP70-2 expression is associated with early spread and progression of urothelial carcinoma of bladder cancer and that HSP70-2 can be the potential therapeutic target for bladder urothelial carcinoma. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Eturauhassyöpä on yksi yleisimmistä syövistä länsimaissa. Eturauhassyöpä on yleensä hitaasti kehittyvä tauti. Edetessään se voi kuitenkin muuntua aggressiivisemmaksi ja aiheuttaa metastaaseja, jotka ovat pääasiallisena syynä taudin kuolleisuuteen. Androgeenit ovat merkittäviä tekijöitä eturauhassyövän patogeneesissä ja eturauhassyöpäkudos on useimmiten riippuvainen androgeeneista. Tämän vuoksi hoidon tavoitteena on estää niiden eritys kirurgisella tai kemiallisella kastraatiolla ja/tai estää androgeenien vaikutus antiandrogeeneilla. Eturauhassyöpää sekä sen hoitoon tarkoitettuja uusia lääkehoitomahdollisuuksia tutkitaan kiivaasti. Eturauhassyövän tutkimiseen on kehitetty lukematon määrä erilaisia in vivo -malleja. Koska eturauhassyöpä on yleensä androgeeneille herkkä, kuvaavat androgeeniresponsiiviset eläinmallit ihmisen tautia parhaiten. Eturauhassyövän mallintamiseen in vivo voidaan käyttää eri eläinlajeja, mutta hiiri on ylivoimaisesti käytetyin mallieläin. Immuunipuutteisiin hiiriin voidaan aiheuttaa kasvaimia inokuloimalla ihmisen kasvainsoluja tai osia ihmisen kasvaimista. Ortotooppisesti eturauhaseen inokuloitavat kasvainmallit mallintavat eturauhassyövässä esiintyvää syöpäsolujen ja stroomasolujen välistä epänormaalia vuorovaikutusta. Muuntogeeniset hiirimallit ovat yhä yleisempiä eturauhassyövän tutkimuksessa. Muuntogeenisilla malleilla voidaan mallintaa taudin kehittymistä ja sen etenemistä kokonaisuudessaan parhaiten. Eturauhasessa olevaa kasvainta ja sen kasvua on vaikea seurata ilman prostataspesifisen antigeenin (PSA) pitoisuuden mittausta tai erityisiä kuvantamistekniikoita. Tällaisia menetelmiä, kuten optista kuvantamista, käytetään yhä enemmän hyödyksi erilaisissa eturauhassyövän in vivo -malleissa. Tutkielman kokeellisen osan tavoitteena oli optimoida bioluminesenssiin perustuva optinen kuvantamismenetelmä androgeeniresponsiivisessa LNCaP-luc2-solulinjassa ortotooppisessa eturauhassyöpämallissa. Bioluminesenssikuvantaminen perustuu kasvainsolujen ilmentämän lusiferaasin katalysoimaan reaktioon, jossa entsyymin substraatti, lusiferiini, hapettuu ja tuottaa näkyvää valoa. Lisäksi tavoitteena oli tutkia lääkehoitojen ja kastraation vasteita mallissa. Bioluminesenssiin perustuvalla kuvantamisella oli mahdollista seurata eturauhaskasvainten kasvua noninvasiivisesti, reaaliaikaisesti ja toistuvasti. Bioluminesenssikuvantamisen avulla kasvainten kvantitointi oli nopeampaa kuin ultraäänikuvantamisen avulla, ja kasvainten kasvua oli myös mahdollista seurata useammin kuin seerumin PSA-mittausten avulla. Bioluminesenssikuvantamisen todettiin korreloivan paremmin PSA-pitoisuuden kanssa kuin kasvaimen todelliseen kokoon lopetushetkellä. Seerumin PSA-pitoisuus korreloi kuitenkin bioluminesenssimittausta paremmin eturauhaskasvaimen kokoon tässä kokeessa. Kasvainten oletettua suurempaa kokoa voidaan pitää todennäköisimpänä syynä sille, ettei lääkehoitojen tai kastraation todettu vaikuttavan kasvainten kasvuun bioluminesenssikuvantamisella mitattuna. Bioluminesenssikuvantaminen ei sovellu suurille eikä nekroottisille kasvaimille, sillä kuvantamismenetelmä toimii vain elävillä soluilla. Bioluminesenssikuvantamisen hyödyntämisen kannalta oleellista tässä mallissa on myös lusiferiini-injektion onnistuminen. Jatkotutkimuksia tarvitaan edelleen mallin validoimiseksi mm. lääkehoitojen vasteiden osoittamiseksi.


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Benzothiazoles are multitarget agents with broad spectrum of biological activity. Among the antitumor agents discovered in recent years, the identification of various 2-(4-aminophenyl) benzothiazoles as potent and selective antitumor drugs against different cancer cell lines has stimulated remarkable interest. Some of the benzothiazoles are known to induce cell cycle arrest, activation of caspases and interaction with DNA molecule. Based on these interesting properties of benzothiazoles and to obtain new biologically active agents, a series of novel 4,5,6,7-tetrahydrobenzo[d]thiazole derivatives 5(a-i) were synthesized and evaluated for their efficacy as antileukemic agents in human leukemia cells (K562 and Reh). The chemical structures of the synthesized compounds were confirmed by H-1 NMR, LCMS and IR analysis. The cytotoxicity of these compounds were determined using trypan blue exclusion, 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) assays. Results showed that, these compounds mediate a significant cytotoxic response to cancer cell lines tested. We found that the compounds having electron withdrawing groups at different positions of the phenyl ring of the thiourea moiety displayed significant cytotoxic effect with IC50 value less than 60 mu M. To rationalize the role of electron withdrawing group in the induction of cytotoxicity, we have chosen molecule 5g (IC50 similar to 15 mu M) which is having chloro substitution at ortho and para positions. Flow cytometric analysis of annexin V-FITC/ propidium iodide (PI) double staining and DNA fragmentation suggest that 5g can induce apoptosis.


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The protein kinases (PKs) belong to the largest single family of enzymes, phosphotransferases, which catalyze the phosphorylation of other enzymes and proteins and function primarily in signal transduction. Consequently, PKs regulate cell mechanisms such as growth, differentiation, and proliferation. Dysfunction of these cellular mechanisms may lead to cancer, a major predicament in health care. Even though there is a range of clinically available cancer-fighting drugs, increasing number of cancer cases and setbacks such as drug resistance, constantly keep cancer research active. At the commencement of this study an isophthalic acid derivative had been suggested to bind to the regulatory domain of protein kinase C (PKC). In order to investigate the biological effects and structure-activity relationships (SARs) of this new chemical entity, a library of compounds was synthesized. The best compounds induced apoptosis in human leukemia HL-60 cells and were not cytotoxic in Swiss 3T3 fibroblasts. In addition, the best apoptosis inducers were neither cytotoxic nor mutagenic. Furthermore, results from binding affinity assays of PKC isoforms revealed the pharmacophores of these isophthalic acid derivatives. The best inhibition constants of the tested compounds were measured to 210 nM for PKCα and to 530 nM for PKCδ. Among natural compounds targeting the regulatory domain of PKC, the target of bistramide A has been a matter of debate. It was initially found to activate PKCδ; however, actin was recently reported as the main target. In order to clarify and to further study the biological effects of bistramide A, the total syntheses of the natural compound and two isomers were performed. Biological assays of the compounds revealed accumulation of 4n polyploid cells as the primary mode of action and the compounds showed similar overall antiproliferative activities. However, each compound showed a distinct distribution of antimitotic effect presumably via actin binding, proapoptotic effect presumably via PKCδ, and pro-differentiation effect as evidenced by CD11b expression. Furthermore, it was shown that the antimitotic and proapoptotic effects of bistramide A were not secondary effects of actin binding but independent effects. The third aim in this study was to synthesize a library of a new class of urea-based type II inhibitors targeted at the kinase domain of anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK). The best compounds in this library showed IC50 values as low as 390 nM for ALK while the initial low cellular activities were successfully increased even by more than 70 times for NPM-ALK- positive BaF3 cells. More importantly, selective antiproliferative activity on ALK-positive cell lines was achieved; while the best compound affected the BaF3 and SU-DHL-1 cells with IC50 values of 0.5 and 0.8 μM, respectively, they were less toxic to the NPM-ALK-negative human leukemic cells U937 (IC50 = 3.2 μM) and BaF3 parental cells (IC50 = 5.4 μM). Furthermore, SAR studies of the synthesized compounds revealed functional groups and positions of the scaffold, which enhanced the enzymatic and cellular activities.


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Human adenoviruses (Ads) have been classified into six species (A to F) currently containing 55 serotypes. For almost 2 decades vectors derived from group C serotype Ad5 have been extensively used for gene transfer studies. These Ad5 based vectors are able to efficiently infect many mammalian cell types (including both mitotic and post-mitotic cells) through interaction with a primary attachment receptor, the coxsackie and adenovirus receptor (CAR). Despite the many advantages of Ad5 based vectors a number of limitations have affected their therapeutic application to many diseases. Although they can transduce many tissue types, Ad5 based vectors are unable to efficiently transduce several potential disease target cell types, including hematopoietic stem cells and malignant tumor cells. Therefore, newer vectors have been developed based on Ad serotypes other than Ad5. This thesis focuses on species B Ads. Species B Ads are comprised of three groups based on their receptor usage. Group 1 of species B Ads (Ad16, 21, 35, 50) nearly exclusively utilize CD46 as a receptor; Group 2 (Ad3, Ad7, 14) share a common, unidentified receptor/s, which is not CD46 and which was tentatively named receptor X; Group 3 (Ad11) preferentially interacts with CD46, but also utilizes receptor X if CD46 is blocked. Species B group Ads are important human pathogens. Species B group 2 serotypes are isolated from patients with respiratory tract infections, whereas the Group 1 viruses are described as causing kidney and urinary tract infections. B-group Ad infections often occur in immunocompromised patients, including AIDS patients, recipients of bone marrow transplants, or chemotherapy patients. Recent studies performed in U.S. military training facilities indicate an emergence of diverse species B serotypes at the majority of sites. This included the group 1 serotype 21 and the group 2 serotypes 3, 7, and 14. CD46-targeting vectors derived from Ad35 and Ad11 are important tools for in vitro gene transfer into human stem cells, including hematopoietic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells. Ad35 and Ad11 have been used as tools for cancer therapy, because CD46 appears to be uniformely overexpressed on many cancers. Furthermore, receptor X-targeting vectors, i.e vectors derived from Ad3 or vectors containing Ad3 fibers have shown superior in the transduction of tumor cells both in vitro and in vivo and are currently being used clinically in cancer patients. While extensive basic virology studies have been done on Ad5, the information of species B group 1 interaction with CD46 is limited. Furthermore, the receptor for a major subgroup of species B Ads (receptor X) is unknown. The goal of this thesis was it therefore to better understand virological and translational aspects of species B Ads. The specific findings described in this thesis include i) the identification of CD46 binding sites within the Ad35 fiber knob, ii) the study of the in vitro and in vivo properties of Ad vectors with increased affinity to CD46. iii) the study of the receptor usage of a newly emergent Ad14a, iv) the identification of desmoglein 2 as the receptor for Ad3, Ad7, Ad11, and Ad14, v) the delineation of structural details of Ad3 virus interaction with DSG2, and vi) the analysis of functional consequences of Ad3-DSG2 interaction. As a result of these basic virology studies two Ad-derived recombinant proteins have been generated that can be used to enhance cancer therapy by monoclonal antibodies.


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To explore the anticancer effect associated with the piperidine framework, several (substituted phenyl) {4-[3-(piperidin-4-yl)propyl]piperidin-1-yl} methanone derivatives 3(a-i) were synthesized. Variation in the functional group at N-terminal of the piperidine led to a set of compounds bearing amide moiety. Their chemical structures were confirmed by (1)H NMR, IR and mass spectra analysis. Among these, compounds 3a, 3d and 3e were endowed with antiproliferative activity. The most active compound among this series was 3a with nitro and fluoro substitution on the phenyl ring of aryl carboxamide moiety, which inhibited the growth of human leukemia cells (K562 and Reh) at low concentration. Comparison with other derivative (3h) results shown by LDH assay, cell cycle analysis and DNA fragmentation suggested that 3a is more potent to induce apoptosis.


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A series of novel 2-(4-(2,4-dimethoxybenzoyl)phenoxy)-1-(4-(3-(piperidin-4-yl)propyl) piperidin-1-yl)ethanone derivatives 9(ae) and 10(ag) were synthesized and characterized by 1H NMR, IR, mass spectral, and elemental analysis. These novel compounds were evaluated for their antileukemic activity against two human leukemic cell lines (K562 and CEM) by using the 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazoliumbromide assay. Some of the tested compounds showed good antiproliferative activity with IC50 values ranging from 1.6 to 8.0 mu m. Compound 9c, 9e, and 10f with an electron-withdrawing halogen substituent at the para position on the phenyl ring showed excellent in vitro potency against tested human leukemia cells (K562 and CEM).


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Background and Purpose: Withanolides are naturally occurring chemical compounds. They are secondary metabolites produced via oxidation of steroids and structurally consist of a steroid-backbone bound to a lactone or its derivatives. They are known to protect plants against herbivores and have medicinal value including anti-inflammation, anti-cancer, adaptogenic and anti-oxidant effects. Withaferin A (Wi-A) and Withanone (Wi-N) are two structurally similar withanolides isolated from Withania somnifera, also known as Ashwagandha in Indian Ayurvedic medicine. Ashwagandha alcoholic leaf extract (i-Extract), rich in Wi-N, was shown to kill cancer cells selectively. Furthermore, the two closely related purified phytochemicals, Wi-A and Wi-N, showed differential activity in normal and cancer human cells in vitro and in vivo. We had earlier identified several genes involved in cytotoxicity of i-Extract in human cancer cells by loss-of-function assays using either siRNA or randomized ribozyme library. Methodology/Principal Findings: In the present study, we have employed bioinformatics tools on four genes, i.e., mortalin, p53, p21 and Nrf2, identified by loss-of-function screenings. We examined the docking efficacy of Wi-N and Wi-A to each of the four targets and found that the two closely related phytochemicals have differential binding properties to the selected cellular targets that can potentially instigate differential molecular effects. We validated these findings by undertaking parallel experiments on specific gene responses to either Wi-N or Wi-A in human normal and cancer cells. We demonstrate that Wi-A that binds strongly to the selected targets acts as a strong cytotoxic agent both for normal and cancer cells. Wi-N, on the other hand, has a weak binding to the targets; it showed milder cytotoxicity towards cancer cells and was safe for normal cells. The present molecular docking analyses and experimental evidence revealed important insights to the use of Wi-A and Wi-N for cancer treatment and development of new anti-cancer phytochemical cocktails.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the in vivo biocompatibility in terms of healing of long segmental bone defect in rabbit model as well as in vitro cytotoxicity of eluates of compression-molded High density polyethylene (HDPE)hydroxyapatite (HA)-aluminum oxide (Al2O3) composite-based implant material. Based on the physical property in terms of modulus and strength properties, as reported in our recent publication, HDPE-40 wt % HA and HDPE-20 wt % HA-20 wt % Al2O3 hybrid composites were used for biocompatibility assessment. Osteoblasts cells were cultured in conditioned media, which contains varying amount of composite eluate (0.01, 0.1, and 1.0 wt %). In vitro, the eluates did not exhibit any significant negative impact on proliferation, mineralization or on morphology of human osteoblast cells. In vivo, the histological assessment revealed neobone formation at the bone/implant interface, characterized by the presence of osteoid and osteoblasts. The observation of osteoclastic activity indicates the process of bone remodeling. No inflammation to any noticeable extent was observed at the implantation site. Overall, the combination of in vitro and in vivo results are suggestive of potential biomedical application of compression-molded HDPE- 20 wt % HA- 20 wt % Al2O3 composites to heal long segmental bone defects without causing any toxicity of bone cells.


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Tumor-suppressor protein p53, the `guardian of the genome', is critical in maintaining cellular homeostasis and genomic stability. Earlier, we have reported the discovery of internal ribosome entry sites (IRESs) within the p53 mRNA that regulate the translation of the full length and its N-terminal-truncated isoform, Delta N-p53. Polypyrimidine tract-binding protein (PTB) is an IRES trans-acting factor that positively regulates the IRES activities of both p53 isoforms by relocating from nucleus to the cytoplasm during stress conditions. Here we have demonstrated the putative contact points of PTB on the p53 IRES RNA. Studies on mutations that occur naturally in the 5' untranslated region (5' UTR) in p53 mRNA were lacking. We have investigated a naturally occurring C-to-T single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) first reported in human melanoma tumors. This SNP is at position 119 in the 5' UTR of p53 mRNA and we demonstrate that it has consequences on the translational control of p53. Introduction of this SNP has led to decrease in cap-independent translation from p53 5' UTR in bicistronic reporter assay. Further, the effects of this SNP on cap-independent translation have been studied in the context of p53 cDNA as well. Interestingly, the 5' UTR with this SNP has shown reduced binding to PTB that can be corroborated to its weaker IRES activity. Previously, it has been shown that G2-M checkpoint, DNA-damaging stress and oncogenic insult favor IRES-mediated translation. Under similar conditions, we demonstrate that this SNP interferes with the enhancement of the IRES activity of the 5' UTR. Taken together, the results demonstrate for the first time that SNP in the 5' UTR of the p53 mRNA might have a role in translational control of this critical tumor-suppressor gene.


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A family of soybean oil (SO) based biodegradable cross-linked copolyesters sourced from renewable resources was developed for use as resorbable biomaterials. The polyesters were prepared by a melt condensation of epoxidized soybean oil polyol and sebacic acid with citric acid (CA) as a cross-linker. D-Mannitol (M) was added as an additional reactant to improve mechanical properties. Differential scanning calorimetry revealed that the polyester synthesized using only CA as the cross-linker was semicrystalline and elastomeric at physiological temperature. The polymers were hydrophobic in nature. The water wettability, elongation at break and the degradation rate of the polyesters decreased with increase in M content or curing time. Modeling of release kinetics of dyes showed a diffusion controlled mechanism underlies the observed sustained release from these polymers. The polyesters supported attachment and proliferation of human stem cells and were thus cytocompatible. Porous scaffolds induced osteogenic differentiation of the stern cells suggesting that these polymers are well suited for bone tissue engineering. Thus, this family of polyesters offers a low cost and green alternative as biocompatible, bioresobable polymers for potential use as resorbable biomaterials for tissue engineering and controlled release.


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Iron(II) complexes of polypyridyl ligands (B), viz. Fe(B)(2)]Cl-2 (1 and 2) of N, N, N-donor 2-(2-pyridyl)-1,10-phenanthroline (pyphen in 1) and 3-(pyridin-2-yl)dipyrido3,2-a:2',3'-c]phenazine (pydppz in 2), are prepared and characterized. They are 1:2 electrolytes in aqueous DMF. The diamagnetic complexes exhibit metal to ligand charge transfer band near 570 nm in DMF. The complexes are avid binders to calf thymus DNA giving binding constant (K (b)) values of similar to 10(6) M-1 suggesting significant intercalative DNA binding of the complexes due to presence of planar phenanthroline bases. Complex 2 exhibits significant photocytotoxicity in immortalized human keratinocyte cells HaCaT and breast cancer cell line MCF-7 giving IC50 values of 0.08 and 13 mu M in visible light (400-700 nm). Complex 2 shows only minor dark toxicity in HaCaT cells but is non-toxic in dark in MCF-7 cancer cells. The light-induced cellular damage follows apoptotic pathway on generation of reactive oxygen species as evidenced from the dichlorofluorescein diacetate (DCFDA) assay.


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Sphingolipids are essential components of cell membranes, and many of them regulate vital cell functions. In particular, ceramide plays crucial roles in cell signaling processes. Two major actions of ceramides are the promotion of cell cycle arrest and the induction of apoptosis. Phosphorylation of ceramide produces ceramide 1-phosphate (C1P), which has opposite effects to ceramide. C1P is mitogenic and has prosurvival properties. In addition, C1P is an important mediator of inflammatory responses, an action that takes place through stimulation of cytosolic phospholipase A2, and the subsequent release of arachidonic acid and prostaglandin formation. All of the former actions are thought to be mediated by intracellularly generated C1P. However, the recent observation that C1P stimulates macrophage chemotaxis implicates specific plasma membrane receptors that are coupled to Gi proteins. Hence, it can be concluded that C1P has dual actions in cells, as it can act as an intracellular second messenger to promote cell survival, or as an extracellular receptor agonist to stimulate cell migration.