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High-dynamic range imaging and monitoring with very-long-baseline interferometry reveal a rich morphology of luminous flat-spectrum radio sources. One-sided core-jet structures abound, and superluminal motion is frequently measured. In a few cases, both distinct moving features and diffuse underlying jet emission can be detected. Superluminal motion seen in such sources is typically complex, on curved trajectories or ridge lines, and with variable component velocities, including stationary features. The curved trajectories seen can be modeled by helical motion within the underlying jet flow. The very-long-baseline interferometry properties of the superluminal features in the jet of 3C 345 and other similar sources can be explained by models invoking the emission from shocks, at least within the vicinity of the compact core. Inverse-Compton calculations, constrained by x-ray observations, yield realistic estimates for the physical conditions in the parsec-scale jet. There is evidence for a transition region in this source beyond which other factors (e.g., plasma interactions and nonsynchrotron radiation processes) may become prominent. Multifrequency and polarization imaging (especially at high frequencies) are emerging as critical tools in testing model predictions.


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Amino acid sequencing by recombinant DNA technology, although dramatically useful, is subject to base reading errors, is indirect, and is insensitive to posttranslational processing. Mass spectrometry techniques can provide molecular weight data from even relatively large proteins for such cDNA sequences and can serve as a check of an enzyme's purity and sequence integrity. Multiply-charged ions from electrospray ionization can be dissociated to yield structural information by tandem mass spectrometry, providing a second method for gaining additional confidence in primary sequence confirmation. Here, accurate (+/- 1 Da) molecular weight and molecular ion dissociation information for human muscle and brain creatine kinases has been obtained by electrospray ionization coupled with Fourier-transform mass spectrometry to help distinguish which of several published amino acid sequences for both enzymes are correct. The results herein are consistent with one published sequence for each isozyme, and the heterogeneity indicated by isoelectric focusing due to 1-Da deamidation changes. This approach appears generally useful for detailed sequence verification of recombinant proteins.


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Observations of cosmic rays arrival directions made with the Pierre Auger Observatory have previously provided evidence of anisotropy at the 99% CL using the correlation of ultra high energy cosmic rays (UHECRs) with objects drawn from the Veron-Cetty Veron catalog. In this paper we report on the use of three catalog independent methods to search for anisotropy. The 2pt-L, 2pt+ and 3pt methods, each giving a different measure of self-clustering in arrival directions, were tested on mock cosmic ray data sets to study the impacts of sample size and magnetic smearing on their results, accounting for both angular and energy resolutions. If the sources of UHECRs follow the same large scale structure as ordinary galaxies in the local Universe and if UHECRs are deflected no more than a few degrees, a study of mock maps suggests that these three method can efficiently respond to the resulting anisotropy with a P-value = 1.0% or smaller with data sets as few as 100 events. using data taken from January 1, 2004 to July 31, 2010 we examined the 20, 30, ... , 110 highest energy events with a corresponding minimum energy threshold of about 49.3 EeV. The minimum P-values found were 13.5% using the 2pt-L method, 1.0% using the 2pt+ method and 1.1% using the 3pt method for the highest 100 energy events. In view of the multiple (correlated) scans performed on the data set, these catalog-independent methods do not yield strong evidence of anisotropy in the highest energy cosmic rays.


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Greece and its creditors seem to be engaged in a game of chicken: both sides expect the other to yield at the last moment. The game will almost certainly end with each side deviating somewhat from its preferred course. This High-Level Brief discusses how a parallel currency could contribute to a resolution of the conflict. In the author's view, it would be the least-bad option for both sides among three possible options on the table.


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The effect of an organically surface modified layered silicate on the viscosity of various epoxy resins of different structures and different functionalities was investigated. Steady and dynamic shear viscosities of the epoxy resins containing 0-10 wt% of the organoclay were determined using parallel plate rheology. Viscosity results were compared with those achieved through addition of a commonly used micron-sized CaCO3 filler. It was found that changes in viscosities due to the different fillers were of the same order, since the layered silicate was only dispersed on a micron-sized scale in the monomer (prior to reaction), as indicated by X-ray diffraction measurements. Flow activation energies at a low frequency were determined and did not show any significant changes due to the addition of organoclay or CaCO3. Comparison between dynamic and steady shear experiments showed good agreement for low layered silicate concentrations below 7.5 wt%, i.e. the Cox-Merz rule can be applied. Deviations from the Cox-Merz rule appeared at and above 10 wt%, although such deviations were only slightly above experimental error. Most resin organoclay blends were well predicted by the Power Law model, only concentrations of 10 wt% and above requiring the Herschel-Buckley (yield stress) model to achieve better fits. Wide-angle X-ray measurements have shown that the epoxy resin swells the layered silicate with an increase in the interlayer distance of approximately 15 Angstrom, and that the rheology behavior is due to the lateral, micron-size of these swollen tactoids.


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The effects of auxiliary calcium channel subunits on the expression and functional properties of high-voltage activated (HVA) calcium channels have been studied extensively in the Xenopus oocyte expression system, but are less completely characterized in a mammalian cellular environment. Here, we provide the first systematic analysis of the effects of calcium channel beta and alpha(2)-delta subunits on expression levels and biophysical properties of three different types (Ca(v)1.2, Ca(v)2.1 and Ca(v)2.3) of HVA calcium channels expressed in tsA-201 cells. Our data show that Ca(v)1.2 and Ca(v)2.3 channels yield significant barium current in the absence of any auxiliary subunits. Although calcium channel beta subunits were in principle capable of increasing whole cell conductance, this effect was dependent on the type of calcium channel alpha(1) subunit, and beta(3) subunits altogether failed to enhance current amplitude irrespective of channel subtype. Moreover, the alpha(2)-delta subunit alone is capable of increasing current amplitude of each channel type examined, and at least for members of the Ca(v)2 channel family, appears to act synergistically with beta subunits. In general agreement with previous studies, channel activation and inactivation gating was regulated both by beta and by alpha(2)-delta subunits. However, whereas pronounced regulation of inactivation characteristics was seen with the majority of the auxiliary subunits, effects on voltage dependence of activation were only small (< 5 mV). Overall, through a systematic approach, we have elucidated a previously underestimated role of the alpha(2)-delta(1) subunit with regard to current enhancement and kinetics. Moreover, the effects of each auxiliary subunit on whole cell conductance and channel gating appear to be specifically tailored to subsets of calcium channel subtypes.


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Hyaluronic acid is routinely produced through fermentation of both Group A and C streptococci. Despite significant production costs associated with short fermentations and removal of contaminating proteins released during entry into stationary phase, hyaluronic acid is typically produced in batch rather than continuous culture. The main reason is that hyaluronic acid synthesis has been found to be unstable in continuous culture except at very low dilution rates. Here, we investigated the mechanisms underlying this instability and developed a stable, high dilution rate (0.4 h(-1)) chemostat process for both chemically defined and complex media operating for more than 150 h of production. In chemically defined medium, the product yield was 25% higher in chemostat cultures than in conventional batch culture when arginine or glucose was the limiting substrate. In contrast, glutamine limitation resulted in higher ATP requirements and a yield similar to that observed in batch culture. In complex, glucose-limited medium, ATP requirements were greatly reduced but biomass synthesis was favored over hyaluronic acid and no improvement in hyaluronic acid yield was observed. The successful establishment of continuous culture at high dilution rate enables both commercial production at reduced cost and a more rational characterization and optimization of hyaluronic acid production in streptococci. (c) 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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We have mapped and identifed DNA markers linked to morphology, yield, and yield components of lucerne, using a backcross population derived from winter-active parents. The high-yielding and recurrent parent, D, produced individual markers that accounted for up to 18% of total yield over 6 harvests, at Gatton, south-eastern Queensland. The same marker, AC/TT8, was consistently identified at each individual harvest, and in individual harvests accounted for up to 26% of the phenotypic variation for yield. This marker was located in linkage group 2 of the D map, and several other markers positively associated with yield were consistently identified in this linkage group. Similarly, markers negatively associated with yield were consistently identified in the W116 map, W116 being the low-yielding parent. Highly significant positive correlations were observed between total yield and yield for harvests 1-6, and between total yield and stem length, tiller number, leaf yield/plant, leaf yield/5 stems, stem yield/plant, and stem yield/5 stems. Highly significant QTL were located for all these characters as well as for leaf shape and pubescence.


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Milk obtained from cows on 2 subtropical dairy feeding systems were compared for their suitability for Cheddar cheese manufacture. Cheeses were made in a small-scale cheesemaking plant capable of making 2 blocks ( about 2 kg each) of Cheddar cheese concurrently. Its repeatability was tested over 10 separate cheesemaking days with no significant differences being found between the 2 vats in cheesemaking parameters or cheese characteristics. In the feeding trial, 16 pairs of Holstein - Friesian cows were used in 2 feeding systems (M1, rain-grown tropical grass pastures and oats; and M5, a feedlot, based on maize/barley silage and lucerne hay) over 2 seasons ( spring and autumn corresponding to early and late lactation, respectively). Total dry matter, crude protein (kg/cow. day) and metabolisable energy (MJ/cow.day) intakes were 17, 2.7, and 187 for M1 and 24, 4, 260 for M5, respectively. M5 cows produced higher milk yields and milk with higher protein and casein levels than the M1 cows, but the total solids and fat levels were similar (P > 0.05) for both M1 and M5 cows. The yield and yield efficiency of cheese produced from the 2 feeding systems were also not significantly different. The results suggest that intensive tropical pasture systems can produce milk suitable for Cheddar cheese manufacture when cows are supplemented with a high energy concentrate. Season and stage of lactation had a much greater effect than feeding system on milk and cheesemaking characteristics with autumn ( late lactation) milk having higher protein and fat contents and producing higher cheese yields.


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Understanding the relationships among testing environments is essential for better targeting cultivars to production environments. To identify patterns of cultivar, environment, cultivar-by-environment interactions, and opportunities for indirect selection for grain yield, a set of 25 spring wheat cultivars from China and the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) was evaluated in nine environments in China and four management environments at CIMMYT in Cd. Obregon, Mexico, during two wheat seasons. Genetic background and original environment were the main factors influencing grain yield performance of the cultivars. Baviacora M 92, Xinchun 2 and Xinchun 6 showed relatively more stable and higher grain yields, whereas highly photoperiod sensitive cultivars Xinkehan 9, Kefeng 6 and Longmai 19 proved consistently inferior across environments, except in Harbin and Keshan, the two high latitude environments. Longmai 26, also from high latitude environments in the northeastern Heilongjiang province, was however probably not as photoperiodicly sensitive as other cultivars; from that region, and produced much higher grain yield and expressed a broader adaptation. None of the environments reported major diseases. Pattern analyses revealed that photoperiod response and planting option on beds were the two main factors underlying the observed interactions for grain yield. The production environment of planting on the flat in Mexico grouped together with Huhhot and Urumqi in both wheat seasons, indicating an indirect response to selection for grain yield in this CIMMYT managed environment could benefit the two Chinese environments. Both the environment of planting on the flat with Chinese Hejin and Yongning, and the three CIMMYT enviromnents planting on raised beds with Chinese Yongning grouped together only in one season, showing that repeatability may not be stable in this case.


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Plants incorporate isotopes of carbon into their tissue at different rates because of discrimination against 13C relative to 12C during photosynthesis. This difference in discrimination has been negatively correlated with transpiration efficiency (TE) in many C3 species and so, carbon isotope discrimination (Δ) of leaf tissues has been proposed as a potential tool for selecting genotypes with improved performance under water limited conditions. The relationship between Δ and TE in sunflower has been described previously using diverse genotypes, but this relationship has not been investigated with material selected from a segregating population. In this study, the TE of twenty recombinant inbred lines from a population (HAR4 x SA52) segregating for Δ was evaluated in a rainout shelter experiment. A strong negative genetic correlation between TE and Δ was observed (rg = -0.58), confirming previous studies of sunflower with unrelated lines. In addition, TE was strongly correlated to plant height at the final harvest (rg = 0.64) and TDW (rg = 0.58), and moderately correlated to SLW (rg = 0.46) and SPAD (rg = 0.21) but not leaf number (rg = 0.02). Estimates of narrow sense heritability of TE and Δ were very high (0.82 and 0.77, respectively) suggesting that selection for these traits could occur in early generations of segregating populations. Grain yield evaluations under field conditions of hybrids contrasting for Δ showed that low Δ (high TE) hybrids had a yield advantage between 22-35% in dry environments where the yield was less than 2t/ha. While this level of yield advantage may not be realized in commercial breeding programs, computer simulations suggest that 10-15% yield improvements may be possible. Low Δ material selected from the population HAR4 x SA52 has been distributed to private seed companies for further evaluation.


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Background The optimisation and scale-up of process conditions leading to high yields of recombinant proteins is an enduring bottleneck in the post-genomic sciences. Typical experiments rely on varying selected parameters through repeated rounds of trial-and-error optimisation. To rationalise this, several groups have recently adopted the 'design of experiments' (DoE) approach frequently used in industry. Studies have focused on parameters such as medium composition, nutrient feed rates and induction of expression in shake flasks or bioreactors, as well as oxygen transfer rates in micro-well plates. In this study we wanted to generate a predictive model that described small-scale screens and to test its scalability to bioreactors. Results Here we demonstrate how the use of a DoE approach in a multi-well mini-bioreactor permitted the rapid establishment of high yielding production phase conditions that could be transferred to a 7 L bioreactor. Using green fluorescent protein secreted from Pichia pastoris, we derived a predictive model of protein yield as a function of the three most commonly-varied process parameters: temperature, pH and the percentage of dissolved oxygen in the culture medium. Importantly, when yield was normalised to culture volume and density, the model was scalable from mL to L working volumes. By increasing pre-induction biomass accumulation, model-predicted yields were further improved. Yield improvement was most significant, however, on varying the fed-batch induction regime to minimise methanol accumulation so that the productivity of the culture increased throughout the whole induction period. These findings suggest the importance of matching the rate of protein production with the host metabolism. Conclusion We demonstrate how a rational, stepwise approach to recombinant protein production screens can reduce process development time.


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One of the central explanations of the recent Asian Crisis has been the problem of moral hazard as the source of over-investment and excessive external borrowing. There is however rather limited firm-level empirical evidence to characterise inefficient use of internal and external finances. Using a large firm-level panel data-set from four badly affected Asian countries, this paper compares the rates of return to various internal and external funds among firms with low and high debt financing (relative to equity) among financially constrained and other firms. Selectivity-corrected estimates obtained from random effects panel data model do suggest evidence of significantly lower rates of return to long-term debt, even among firms relying more on debt relative to equity in our sample. There is also evidence that average effective interest rates often significantly exceeded the average returns to long-term debt in the sample countries in the pre-crisis period. © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Background The production of high yields of recombinant proteins is an enduring bottleneck in the post-genomic sciences that has yet to be addressed in a truly rational manner. Typically eukaryotic protein production experiments have relied on varying expression construct cassettes such as promoters and tags, or culture process parameters such as pH, temperature and aeration to enhance yields. These approaches require repeated rounds of trial-and-error optimization and cannot provide a mechanistic insight into the biology of recombinant protein production. We published an early transcriptome analysis that identified genes implicated in successful membrane protein production experiments in yeast. While there has been a subsequent explosion in such analyses in a range of production organisms, no one has yet exploited the genes identified. The aim of this study was to use the results of our previous comparative transcriptome analysis to engineer improved yeast strains and thereby gain an understanding of the mechanisms involved in high-yielding protein production hosts. Results We show that tuning BMS1 transcript levels in a doxycycline-dependent manner resulted in optimized yields of functional membrane and soluble protein targets. Online flow microcalorimetry demonstrated that there had been a substantial metabolic change to cells cultured under high-yielding conditions, and in particular that high yielding cells were more metabolically efficient. Polysome profiling showed that the key molecular event contributing to this metabolically efficient, high-yielding phenotype is a perturbation of the ratio of 60S to 40S ribosomal subunits from approximately 1:1 to 2:1, and correspondingly of 25S:18S ratios from 2:1 to 3:1. This result is consistent with the role of the gene product of BMS1 in ribosome biogenesis. Conclusion This work demonstrates the power of a rational approach to recombinant protein production by using the results of transcriptome analysis to engineer improved strains, thereby revealing the underlying biological events involved.


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The main aim of the work is to investigate sequential pyrolysis of willow SRC using two different heating rates (25 and 1500 °C/min) between 320 and 520 °C. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and pyrolysis - gas chromatography - mass spectroscopy (Py-GC-MS) have been used for this analysis. In addition, laboratory scale processing has been undertaken to compare product distribution from fast and slow pyrolysis at 500 °C. Fast pyrolysis was carried out using a 1 kg/h continuous bubbling fluidized bed reactor, and slow pyrolysis using a 100 g batch reactor. Findings from this study show that heating rate and pyrolysis temperatures have a significant influence on the chemical content of decomposition products. From the analytical sequential pyrolysis, an inverse relationship was seen between the total yield of furfural (at high heating rates) and 2-furanmethanol (at low heating rates). The total yield of 1,2-dihydroxybenzene (catechol) was found to be significant higher at low heating rates. The intermediates of catechol, 2-methoxy-4-(2-propenyl)phenol (eugenol); 2-methoxyphenol (guaiacol); 4-Hydroxy-3,5-dimethoxybenzaldehyde (syringaldehyde) and 4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde (vanillin), were found to be highest at high heating rates. It was also found that laboratory scale processing alters the pyrolysis bio-oil chemical composition, and the proportions of pyrolysis product yields. The GC-MS/FID analysis of fast and slow pyrolysis bio-oils reveals significant differences. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.