1000 resultados para Hermann Löher


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Estudi biològic de la tortuga mediterrània a la Serra de l’Albera, factors d’amenaça, creació de noves zones de posta i manteniment a llarg termini per tal d’augmentar la seva supervivència de cara a conservar i incrementar l’última població autòctona de tortuga mediterrània a la Península Ibèrica


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Despite evidence of West Nile virus (WNV) activity in Colombia, Venezuela and Argentina, this virus has not been reported in most South American countries. In February 2009, we commenced an investigation for WNV in mosquitoes, horses and caimans from the Pantanal, Central-West Brazil. The sera of 168 horses and 30 caimans were initially tested using a flaviviruses-specific epitope-blocking enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (blocking ELISA) for the detection of flavivirus-reactive antibodies. The seropositive samples were further tested using a plaque-reduction neutralisation test (PRNT90) for WNV and its most closely-related flaviviruses that circulate in Brazil to confirm the detection of specific virus-neutralising antibodies. Of the 93 (55.4%) blocking ELISA-seropositive horse serum samples, five (3%) were seropositive for WNV, nine (5.4%) were seropositive for St. Louis encephalitis virus, 18 (10.7%) were seropositive for Ilheus virus, three (1.8%) were seropositive for Cacipacore virus and none were seropositive for Rocio virus using PRNT90, with a criteria of > four-fold antibody titre difference. All caimans were negative for flaviviruses-specific antibodies using the blocking ELISA. No virus genome was detected from caiman blood or mosquito samples. The present study is the first report of confirmed serological evidence of WNV activity in Brazil.


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BACKGROUND This paper discusses whether baseline demographic, socio-economic, health variables, length of follow-up and method of contacting the participants predict non-response to the invitation for a second assessment of lifestyle factors and body weight in the European multi-center EPIC-PANACEA study. METHODS Over 500.000 participants from several centers in ten European countries recruited between 1992 and 2000 were contacted 2-11 years later to update data on lifestyle and body weight. Length of follow-up as well as the method of approaching differed between the collaborating study centers. Non-responders were compared with responders using multivariate logistic regression analyses. RESULTS Overall response for the second assessment was high (81.6%). Compared to postal surveys, centers where the participants completed the questionnaire by phone attained a higher response. Response was also high in centers with a short follow-up period. Non-response was higher in participants who were male (odds ratio 1.09 (confidence interval 1.07; 1.11), aged under 40 years (1.96 (1.90; 2.02), living alone (1.40 (1.37; 1.43), less educated (1.35 (1.12; 1.19), of poorer health (1.33 (1.27; 1.39), reporting an unhealthy lifestyle and who had either a low (<18.5 kg/m2, 1.16 (1.09; 1.23)) or a high BMI (>25, 1.08 (1.06; 1.10); especially ≥30 kg/m2, 1.26 (1.23; 1.29)). CONCLUSIONS Cohort studies may enhance cohort maintenance by paying particular attention to the subgroups that are most unlikely to respond and by an active recruitment strategy using telephone interviews.


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O sistema de compras públicas do Governo Federal tem como um de seus objetivos a busca da eficiência. Esse conceito, contudo, amplia-se na medida em que são discutidos na Administração Pública aspectos complexos da criação de valor público, como expressão mais próxima do interesse do cidadão. Buscou-se na literatura identificar categorias que expressam o valor público para, então, analisar o sistema eletrônico de compras do Governo Federal brasileiro. As categorias encontradas foram: eficiência, transparência, accountability e interesse público. Na estratégia de pesquisa adotada, foram empregados os conceitos do pensamento sistêmico-complexo na elaboração de um instrumento de diagnóstico que permite a consideração de inter-relações entre categorias de análise, já aplicado no Ministério do Planejamento, Orçamento e Gestão (MPOG), órgão responsável pela gestão do sistema eletrônico de compras no Governo Federal brasileiro. Os resultados demonstraram que a categoria eficiência destaca-se das demais. Contudo, existem perspectivas para o desenvolvimento das demais categorias. O uso do instrumento de diagnóstico permitiu a percepção de novas possibilidades que podem contribuir para o sistema alcançar objetivos mais amplos no âmbito das compras do Governo Federal, dentre eles a criação de valor público.


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The Himalayan orogen is the result of the collision between the Indian and Asian continents that began 55-50 Ma ago, causing intracontinental thrusting and nappe formation. Detailed mapping as well as structural and microfabric analyses on a traverse from the Tethyan Himalaya southwestward through the High Himalayan Crystalline and the Main Central Thrust zone (MCT zone) to the Lesser Himalayan Sequence in the Spiti-eastern Lahul-Parvati valley area reveal eight main phases of deformation, a series of late stage phases and five stages of metamorphic crystallization. This sequence of events is integrated into a reconstruction of the tectonometamorphic evolution of the Himalayan orogen in northern Himachal Pradesh. The oldest phase D-1 is preserved as relies in the High Himalayan Crystalline. Its deformational conditions are poorly known, but the metamorphic evolution is well documented by a prograde metamorphism reaching peak conditions within the upper amphibolite facies. This indicates that D-1 was an important tectonometamorphic event including considerable crustal thickening. The structural, metamorphic and sedimentary record suggest that D-1 most probably represents an early stage of continental collision. The first event clearly attributed to the collision between India and Asia is documented by two converging nappe systems, the NE-verging Shikar Beh Nappe and the SW-verging north Himalayan nappes. The D-2 Shikar Beh Nappe is characterized by isoclinal folding and top-to-the NE shearing, representing the main deformation in the High Himalayan Crystalline. D-2 also caused the main metamorphism in the High Himalayan Crystalline that was of a Barrovian-type, reaching upper amphibolite facies peak conditions. The Shikar Beh Nappe is interpreted to have formed within the Indian crust SW of the subduction zone. Simultaneously with NE-directed nappe formation, incipient subduction of India below Asia caused stacking of the SW-verging north Himalayan Nappes, that were thrust from the northern edge of the subducted continent toward the front of the Shikar Beh Nappe. As a result, the SW-verging folds of the D-3 Main Fold Zone formed in the Tethyan Himalaya below the front of the north Himalayan nappes. D-3 represents the main deformation in the Tethyan Himalaya, associated with a greenschist facies metamorphism. Folding within the Main Fold Zone subsequently propagated toward SW into the High Himalayan Crystalline, where it overprinted the preexisting D-2 structures. After subduction at the base of the north Himalayan nappes, the subduction zone stepped to the base of the High Himalayan Crystalline, where D-3 folds were crosscut by SW-directed D-4 thrusting. During D-4, the Crystalline Nappe, comprising the Main Fold Zone and relies of the Shikar Beh Nappe was thrust toward SW over the Lesser Himalayan Sequence along the 4 to 5 kms thick Main Central Thrust zone. Thrusting was related to a retrograde greenschist facies overprint at the base of the Crystalline Nappe and to pro-grade greenschist facies conditions in the Lesser Himalayan Sequence. Simultaneously with thrusting at the base of the Crystalline Nappe, higher crustal levels were affected by NE-directed D-5 normal extensional shearing and by dextral strike-slip motion, indicating that the high-grade metamorphic Crystalline Nappe was extruded between the low-grade metamorphic Lesser Himalayan Sequence at the base and the north Himalayan nappes at the top. The upper boundary of the Crystalline Nappe is not clearly delimited and passes gradually into the low-grade rocks at the front of the north Himalayan nappes. Extrusion of the Crystalline Nappe was followed by the phase D-6, characterized by large-scale, upright to steeply inclined, NE-verging folds and by another series of normal and extensional structures D-7+D-8 that may be related to ongoing extrusion of the Crystalline Nappe. The late stage evolution is represented by the phases D-A and D-B that indicate shortening parallel to the axis of the mountain chain and by D-C that is interpreted to account for the formation of large-scale domes with NNW-SSE-trending axes, an example of which is exposed in the Larji-Kullu-Rampur tectonic window.


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A case of atypical Turner's syndrome with unusual karyotype is reported. The chromosome complements of the patient, studied with different banding techniques, is 45,XO/46,X,dic(X)(Xqter leads to p22::p22 leads to qter). In the literature 8 similar cases have been reported. Short stature and amenorrhea are the most constant findings. The mechanisms by which the observed chromosomal "rearrangement" can be produced are briefly discussed.


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La ponència es centra en les mesures mesures de seguretat a la regió metropolitana de Nuremberg, l'àrea metropolitana, Baviera i el sud d'Alemanya.


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The distribution limits of Crocidura russula (Hermann, 1780) and C. leucodon (Hermann, 1780) were investigated during an interval of 25 years in the bottom of the Rhone valley above Lake Geneva, Switzerland (total data set: 105 spatio-temporal occurrences, 1137 shrews). In 1975, the contact zone between the two species was situated in the region of Martigny. In 1999/2000, new sampling revealed three results: (1) The contact zone showed an upward shift of about 25 km. (2) In the expanded range of C. russula, the resident species has totally disappeared (confirmed by owl pellets analysis). (3) This demonstrates a dominance of C, russula over C. leucodon. Three hypotheses which may explain the range expansion of C. russula were evaluated: (1) habitat modification favouring linear dispersal due to the construction of a highway; (2) temporal event favoured by climate fluctuations, or (3) ongoing postglacial colonisation of Europe. Hypothesis 1 was rejected, because the progression of the shrews anticipated the construction. Hypothesis 3 received only weak support because range limits of C. russula in the region of Nice have been stable for thousands of years. Therefore hypothesis 2, admitting that ongoing climate change has facilitated range expansion, is the most probable.


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The pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide (PACAP) type I receptor (PAC1) is a G-protein-coupled receptor binding the strongly conserved neuropeptide PACAP with 1000-fold higher affinity than the related peptide vasoactive intestinal peptide. PAC1-mediated signaling has been implicated in neuronal differentiation and synaptic plasticity. To gain further insight into the biological significance of PAC1-mediated signaling in vivo, we generated two different mutant mouse strains, harboring either a complete or a forebrain-specific inactivation of PAC1. Mutants from both strains show a deficit in contextual fear conditioning, a hippocampus-dependent associative learning paradigm. In sharp contrast, amygdala-dependent cued fear conditioning remains intact. Interestingly, no deficits in other hippocampus-dependent tasks modeling declarative learning such as the Morris water maze or the social transmission of food preference are observed. At the cellular level, the deficit in hippocampus-dependent associative learning is accompanied by an impairment of mossy fiber long-term potentiation (LTP). Because the hippocampal expression of PAC1 is restricted to mossy fiber terminals, we conclude that presynaptic PAC1-mediated signaling at the mossy fiber synapse is involved in both LTP and hippocampus-dependent associative learning.