687 resultados para HMG-CoA


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Northern Ireland Neighbourhood Watch (NINW) was formally introduced to Northern Ireland in 2004 by the Police Service of Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland Policing Board and Northern Ireland Office. However, there has been little research to data as to participation in, or success of, the schemes. This research report provides one of the few empirical examinations of NINW. Using GIS mapping and socio-demographic data from the Northern Ireland Neighbourhood Information Service (NINIS), the research explores participation in NINW schemes set against religion, deprivation and crime levels at the Census Output Area (COA) level across Northern Ireland. While the research largely confirms the limited impact of neighbourhood schemes as noted in international literature, at a local level in Northern Ireland the findings evidence a distinct pattern of uptake, with the vast majority of participants in the schemes residing in affluent, low-crime, mainly Protestant areas of the country


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In Sudanese women with (n = 60) and without (n = 65) pre-eclampsia, circulating lipids, plasma and red cell saturated and monounsaturated fatty (MUFA) acids and dimethyl acetals (DMAs) were investigated. DMAs are an indirect marker of levels of plasmalogens, endogenous antioxidants, which play a critical role in oxidative protection, and cholesterol homeostasis. The pre-eclamptics had higher C18:1n-9 (p < 0.001) and ΣMUFA (p < 0.01) in plasma free fatty acids, C16:1n-7, C18:1n-9, ΣMUFA; 16:0/16:1n-7 (p < 0.01) in erythrocyte choline phosphoglycerides (ePC) and 16:1n-7, 18:1n-7 and 16:0/16:1n-7 (p < 0.01) in erythrocyte ethanolamine phosphoglycerides (ePE). In contrast, the DMAs 18:0, 18:1 and ΣDMAs in ePE, and 16:0, 18:0 and ΣDMAs in ePC were reduced (p < 0.001) in the pre-eclamptic women. This study of pregnant women with high carbohydrate and low fat background diet suggests pre-eclampsia is associated with oxidative stress and enhanced activity of the microsomal enzyme stearyl-CoA desaturase (delta 9 desaturase), as assessed by palmitic/palmitoleic (C16:0/C16:n-1) and stearic/oleic (C18/C18:1n-9) ratios.


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Amidas graxas são compostos orgânicos nitrogenados derivados de ácidos carboxílicos, as quais contém em sua estrutura uma longa cadeia carbônica (C16- C24), possuindo ou não insaturações. Estes compostos podem ser encontrados em vegetais terrestres ou aquáticos, microorganismos e animais. Já em meados do século passado, a identificação de duas amidas graxas: a N-araquidonoiletanolamina (AEA, 5) e a cis-oleamida (cOA, 6), membros mais conhecidos e estudados desta família, devido as suas propriedades como indutora do sono fisiológico e canabinomimética respectivamente; levantou o interesse para a investigação das propriedades, identificação, síntese e isolamento de novas amidas graxas. Atualmente as pesquisas acerca das amidas graxas se devem as suas atividades biológicas tais como: aumento da libido sexual, analgesia, inseticida ou agente redutor da fome. Neste contexto, objetivo desse trabalho foi desenvolver metodologias para a síntese de novas amidas graxas. As amidas foram produzidas a partir de ácidos graxos, via cloreto de ácido ou via ésteres metílicos graxos, em rendimentos compreendidos entre 44% e 88%. Todos os compostos sintetizados foram caracterizados por espectroscopia de Infravermelho e RMN de 1H e 13C. Ensaios citotóxicos em células eritroleucêmicas K562 para a série das pirrolidil amidas demonstraram atividade citotóxica e capacidade de inibir proliferação celular em menos de 72 horas na concentração máxima de 1000µg/mL.


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Collagen VI (COLVI), a protein ubiquitously expressed in connective tissues, is crucial for structural integrity, cellular adhesion, migration and survival. Six different genes are recognized in mammalians, encoding six COLVI-chains that assemble as two ‘short’ (α1, α2) and one ‘long’ chain (theoretically any one of α3–6). In humans, defects in the most widely expressed heterotrimer (α123), due to mutations in the COL6A1-3 genes, cause a heterogeneous group of neuromuscular disorders, collectively termed COLVI-related muscle disorders. Little is known about the function(s) of the recently described α4-6 chains and no mutations have been detected yet. In this study, we characterized two novel COLVI long chains in zebrafish that are most homologous to the mammalian α4 chain; therefore, we named the corresponding genes col6a4a and col6a4b. These orthologues represent ancestors of the mammalian Col6a4-6 genes. By in situ hybridization and RT-qPCR, we unveiled a distinctive expression kinetics for col6a4b, compared with the other col6a genes. Using morpholino antisense oligonucleotides targeting col6a4a, col6a4b and col6a2, we modelled partial and complete COLVI deficiency, respectively. All morphant embryos presented altered muscle structure and impaired motility. While apoptosis was not drastically increased, autophagy induction was defective in all morphants. Furthermore, motoneuron axon growth was abnormal in these morphants. Importantly, some phenotypical differences emerged between col6a4a and col6a4b morphants, suggesting only partial functional redundancy. Overall, our results further confirm the importance of COLVI in zebrafish muscle development and may provide important clues for potential human phenotypes associated with deficiency of the recently described COLVI-chains.


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Alopecurus aequalis Sobol. is a common grass weed, which has become increasingly troublesome to control in China wheat fields. One A. aequalis population, collected from Anhui Province China, was suspected to be resistant to fenoxaprop-P-ethyl and mesosulfuron-methyl. This study aimed to establish the cross-resistance pattern using the purified subpopulation and explore the potential targetsite and non-target-site based resistance mechanisms. Sequencing results showed that a single nucleotide change of ATT to AAT was present in acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACCase) gene of the resistant (R) plants, resulting in an Ile2041Asn amino acid substitution. Besides, another single nucleotide change of CCC to CGC was present in acetolactate synthase (ALS) gene of the R plants, resulting in a Pro197Arg amino acid substitution. The homozygous resistant plants were isolated and the seeds were used in whole-plant herbicide bioassays. Compared with the susceptible (S) population, R population displayed high level resistance to fenoxaprop-P-ethyl and mesosulfuronmethyl. Cross resistance patterns showed that the R population was highly resistant to clodinafop-propargyl, moderately resistant to pyroxsulam and flucarbazoncsodium, lowly resistant to pinoxaden, and susceptible to tralkoxydim, sethoxydim, and isoproturon. The pretreatment of piperonyl butoxide reduced the 50% growth reduction (GR50) value of fenoxaprop-P-ethyl, suggesting that target-site resistance and non-target-site resistance mechanisms were both present in fenoxaprop- P-ethyl-resistance of A. aequalis. This is the first report of ACCase Ile2041Asn and ALS Pro197Arg mutation in A. aequalis.


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Desertomycin A is an aminopolyol polyketide containing a macrolactone ring. We have proposed that desertomycin A and similar compounds (marginolactones) are formed by polyketide synthases primed not with gamma-aminobutanoyl-CoA but with 4-guanidinylbutanoyl-CoA, to avoid facile cyclization of the starter unit. This hypothesis requires that there be a final-stage de-amidination of the corresponding guanidino-substituted natural product, but no enzyme for such a process has been described. We have now identified candidate amidinohydrolase genes within the desertomycin and primycin clusters. Deletion of the putative desertomycin amidinohydrolase gene dstH in Streptomyces macronensis led to the accumulation of desertomycin B, the guanidino form of the antibiotic. Also, purified DstH efficiently catalyzed the in vitro conversion of desertomycin B into the A form. Hence this amidinohydrolase furnishes the missing link in this proposed naturally evolved example of protective-group chemistry.


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Coartación Aórtica (CoA) es una cardiopatía congénita frecuente dada por una obstrucción mecánica entre el cayado de la aorta y la porción proximal de la aorta descendente. En nuestro hospital únicamente se practica la cirugía como tratamiento y la morbimortalidad posterior a ella es baja. Objetivo. determinar la sobrevida a tres años postquirúrgico del paciente pediátrico a quien se le realizó corrección quirúrgica de coartación aortica en el Hospital Nacional de Niños Benjamín Bloom en el período comprendido de enero de 2009 a diciembre de 2011, así como conocer las causas de muerte, principales complicaciones, edad, sexo y procedencia. Metodología:se incluyeron 28 pacientes, 25 de ellos se realizaron corrección quirúrgica de CoA, tratándose de un estudio observacional de seguimiento de una cohorte. Se confeccionó un formulario, los datos primarios se procesaron por medio de Excel e IBM SPSS realizándose el análisis de supervivencia de Kaplan Meier. Resultados: el 89.2% de los pacientes diagnosticados se sometieron a cirugía correctiva. Predominó el grupo etáreo entre 1 a 3 meses y el sexo masculino. La principal complicación fue la Recoartación, 2 pacientes fallecieron y la sobrevida a 3 años fue de 91%. El 76% provenían del área rural. Discusión: la sobrevida fue muy similar a estudios internacionales. Fue más frecuente la CoA pura, pero la mayoría de pacientes presentaron malformaciones asociadas como lo demuestran otros estudios. La recoartación como principal complicación conllevó a un fallecido, así como la ICC.


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Picornaviruses are a group of human and animal pathogens capable of inflicting serious public health diseases and economic burdens. Treatments options through vaccines for prevention or antivirals to cure infection are not available for the vast majority of these viruses. These shortcomings, in the development of vaccines or antivirals therapeutic, are linked to the genetic diversity and to an incomplete understanding of the biology of these viruses. Despite the diverse host range, this group of positive-strand RNA viruses shares the same replication mechanisms, including the development of membranous structures (replication organelles) in the cytoplasm of infected cells. The development of these membranous structures, which serve as sites for the replication of the viral RNA genome, has been linked to the hijacking of elements of the cellular membrane metabolism pathways. Here we show that upon picornavirus infection, there is a specific activation of acyl-CoA synthetase enzymes resulting in strong import and accumulation of long chain fatty acids in the cytoplasm of infected cells. We show that the newly imported fatty acids serve as a substrate for the upregulation of phosphatidylcholine synthesis required for the structural development of replication organelles. In this work, we identified that acyl-CoA synthetase long chain 3 (ACSL3) is required for the upregulation of lipids syntheses and the replication of poliovirus. We have shown that the poliovirus protein 2A was required but not sufficient for the activation of import of long chain fatty acids in infected cells. We demonstrated that the fatty acid import is upregulated upon infection by diverse picornaviruses and that such upregulation is not dependent on activation of ER stress response or the autophagy pathways. In this work, we have demonstrated that phosphatidylcholine was required for the structural development of replication organelles. Phosphatidylcholine synthesis was dispensable for the production of infectious particles at high MOI but required at a low MOI for the protection of the replication complexes from the cellular innate immunity mechanisms.


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Os cogumelos comestíveis são uma fonte rica de moléculas bioativas que lhes conferem importantes atividades biológicas. Moléculas como os Polissacáridos, terpenóides e os compostos fenólicos têm sido descritos como os componentes mais importantes no que respeita á atividade anti-inflamatória dos cogumelos (1). No presente trabalho, os extratos etanólicos de cogumelos comestíveis foram obtidos por maceração e caracterizados quimicamente em termos de ácidos fenólicos por técnicas de HPLC-DAD. Além disso, derivados metilados e glucuronados dos ácidos fenólicos identificados foram também sintetizados com o objetivo de mimetizar reações de metabolização no organismo e estudar a capacidade destas moléculas de manter a bioatividade exibida inicialmente. Os extratos obtidos, os ácidos fenólicos e compostos sintetizados foram avaliados pela sua atividade anti-inflamatória. De entre as amostras analisadas, B. impolitus revelou o mais elevado conteúdo em ácidos fenólicos (675 ± 23 μg/g), seguido de C. cibarius > A. caesaria > L. deliciosus > B. aereus > M. esculenta > B. edulis; devido à contribuição do ácido cinâmico que foi encontrada em maior quantidade nesta amostra (505 ± 12 μg/g). Mais ainda, B. impolitus apresentou também maior inibição da produção de NO (EC50=166 ± 10 μg/mL) seguido das amostras A. caesaria > C. cibarius > L. deliciosus > M. esculenta > B. aereus > B. edulis. No que respeita aos compostos individuais, o ácido cinâmico (CA) revelou a atividade mais forte (EC50 = 182 ± 16 μM), seguido pelos ácidos p-hidroxibenzóico (HA) (239 ± 29 μM) e p-Cumárico (CoA) (442± 33 μM), o que realça a importância destas moléculas para a atividade anti-inflamatória dos cogumelos. Comparando a atividade exibida pelos ácidos fenólicos com os respetivos derivados, é possível verificar a seguinte ordem de atividades: ácido p-hidroxibenzóico: HA > HA-M3 > HA-M2 > HA-M1 > HA-G; ácido p-cumárico : CoA-M1 > CoA-G > CoA-M2 > CoA-M3 > CoA e ácido cinâmico: CA-G > CA > CA-M1. Perante os resultados obtidos é de realçar a importância dos ácidos fenólicos na contribuição para a bioatividade exibida pelos cogumelos em estudo. Mais ainda, foi possível concluir que as alterações das moléculas pelas reações de conjugação no organismo têm influência na bioativade das moléculas iniciais, sendo que muitas vezes esta atividade é aumentada.


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El presente trabajo pone de manifiesto que la etnoeducación parte del reconocimiento de la existencia de culturas diferentes , con características propias (idioma , valores, costumbres y formas de organización), que tienen derecho a ser valoradas y respetadas . A su vez, busca una construcción teórica que permite el acceso a una comprensión de la problemática educativa en general , de manera que se posibilite una forma alterna de educación , acorde con las necesidades e intereses de estos grupos . Además se proponen algunos elementos importantes para tener en cuenta , a fin de elaborar una estrategia didáctica de investigación , del profesor en el aula escolar ; de tal manera que propicie un aprendizaje significativo de las ciencias en general , pero en particular de la biología, de acuerdo a las necesidades prioritarias de las comunidades indígenas , generando una abundante investigación de las diferencias y dificultades existentes en el campo de las metodología que se emplean . De hecho . todas estas propuestas deben fundamentarse para que sean eficaces , sobre evaluaciones y revisiones históricas . Disponiendo para esto de la epistemología , la sociología y de la didáctica de las ciencias . Dentro de esta perspectivas ha venido surgiendo el concepto de etnoeducación , como una respuesta más viable ante la situación educativa existente , aun en muchas comunidades, donde los conocimientos son impuestos , violentando la integridad de las culturas indígenas . Por tales motivos se propone el diseño de las GUÍAS DE CIENCIAS NATURALES , DIRIGIDA A LOS ESTUDIANTES DE LOS COLEGIOS INDÍGENAS SAN JUAN BOSCO Y MARÍA AUXILIADORA (Leticia , Amazonas) , como una herramienta , la cual introduce algunas estrategias metodológicas , de acuerdo a los programas ya establecidos por los colegios , las necesidades del entorno social y las características regionales donde se encuentra la institución escolar , buscando que el alumno indígena construya a partir de su sable propio , común y científico afianzando principalmente su identidad cultural , que es lo que en últimas buscan las comunidades indígenas


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The Alentejano pig is an autochthonous breed scarcely selected, that due to its high trend for fat deposition present poorer meat yields than modern commercial breeds. However, its higher contents of intramuscular fat (IMF) increase pork sensory attributes and consumers’ acceptability. Animal cells can obtain fatty acids (FA) from three distinct pathways: diet ingested fats, lipolysis of stored lipids in cells and through de novo synthesis. Betaine has been used as a dietary supplement in pig nutrition to reduce fat deposition and increase lean muscle mass with inconsistent results so far. This study compares the expression of genes involved in lipid metabolism from pigs consuming a control diet, and the control diet supplemented with betaine (WB). The expression of two genes involved in lipogenesis and lipolysis were evaluated in L. lumborum and B. femoris: ACC, which mediates the carboxylation of acetyl CoA into malonyl CoA concluding the first step of de novo synthesis, and MCPT1 which is responsible for the transport of acyl groups into the mitochondria for the start of β-oxidation.