968 resultados para HIRFL-CSR


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我所SSC120KW高频发射机是HIRFL(Heavy Ion Research Facility, LanZhou)的一个重要组成部分,长期的调机以及运行经验表明:两台发射机存在调机程序复杂运行不稳定、运行维护费用高等缺点。本论文讨论一种改进方案,并且介绍了大功率放大器的设计方法。 该方案采用国产电子管TH537作为功率放大管,槽路电感固定,采用一个可变电容调谐,另一个可变电容调整负载。槽路结构简单,调整方便,同时槽路元件较现在方案少,能节省建造和维护费用。论文中详细介绍了电子管特性的计算,槽路得设计方法,并对中和与消除寄生振荡的方法作了扼要的介绍。


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本文是关于对HIRFL SFC 200KW 高频系统实施计算机控制的专题讨论。首先对HIRFL SFC 200KW 高频系统各部分的运行情况进行了详细分析,在此基础上对原有计算机控制系统进行了剖解,并针对原有计算机控制系统存在的缺陷进行了一些改进和实验,使之投入实际运行工作中;然后,对计算机控制系统中普遍采用的电路从理论上进行了讨论,给出了一些有益于工程实践的结论;最后,为了实现对整个SFC 200KW 高频系统的计算机控制,从软、硬件两个方面,提出了对HIRFL SFC 200KW 高频系统进行该造的方案。


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本论文比较系统地介绍了等时性回旋加速器的理论,并以兰州重离子加速器系统的注入器SFC和主加速器SSC两台等时性回旋加速器为例介绍该类型加速器的设计特点和设计方法,以及作者在这两台加速器上所做的一些具体设计和改进工作。 首先一般性地介绍加速器尤其是回旋加速器在原子核物理及粒子物理中的作用以及在其它应用学科中的作用,加速器学科尤其是回旋加速器的发展水平和发展趋势。在第二章中给出经典回旋加速器和等时性回旋加速器的理论基础,包括等时性加速原理,轴向聚焦和径向聚焦的稳定加速条件以及由扇块产生的方位角调变磁场提供的轴向聚焦力,径向运动稳定区和共振理论,和加速平衡轨道理论。从第三章到第五章,从等时场的建立,注入系统及引出系统等比较具体的方面来阐述该类型加速器的理论和各种实现方法。第三章介绍GORDON理论和Kb——Kr两种比较常见的理论等时场的建立方法,磁铁和线圈的设计和作用,以及磁场的测量。还介绍了对实际等时性磁场的评价以及通过对束流相位的测量来反映实际等时场的作用和对等时场的再优化等方法。在第四章中,系统地介绍了利用外离子源或利用其它加速器作为注入器时通常采用轴向或者径向注入方法。注入引出系统尤其是注入系统通常是影响一台加速器传输效率的关键性部分,因而在如何提高注入系统的效率方面人们做了大量的工作,特别是轴向注入方法。回旋加速器的中心区是注入的结束和正常加速过程的开始,其设计的好坏对注入效率和后面的束流轨道也是很重要的。第五章在讨论束流从加速器中的引出时,主要强调束流用户或后级加速器对引出束流品质的要求以及引出效率,因而强调了较高的内束流质量和单圈引出的重要性,以及提高引出点的圈距的具体的方法如提高加速圈距、共振进动和非共振进动方法。引出路径上的束流聚焦也是引出系统设计应考虑的一个方面。另外还介绍了再生引出和剥离膜引出方法。在这几章中不仅介绍了回旋加速器的理论,通常从Hamilton方法出发,而且还介绍了进行实际加速器设计中常用的束流轨道数值计算方法。但前者在理解加速器的物理图像方法以及在设计初期对某些重要的参数的评价和估计方面是很必要的。在介绍等时性回旋加速器的理论和设计方法的同时还以SFC和SSC两台回旋加速器和它们的分系统的具体设计为例子作了比较详细的实际应用对照。 论文的最后部分,即第六章是介绍作者自己在回旋加速器的理论和设计方面的部分工作,为了保持整篇论文的协调一致,没有将在国外所做的工作列入,只编入了在HIRFL上进行的直接与回旋加速器的物理设计有关的工作: ① 作者提出的一种新的等时场垫补和优化方法,该方法利用回旋加速器垫补线圈的磁场贡献具有台阶性的特点,对垫补或优化区域采取从小半径到大半径或反过来逐步垫补的方法,它既适用于紧凑式回旋加速器也适用于分离扇回旋加速器,它具有直观性和可对垫补及优化过程进行直接干预的特点。 ② 对SFC的轴向注入系统进行了改进设计,新的注入系统配备两台在线ECR离子源并加强和增加了注入束运线的功能,如增加了离子源的电荷态分析能力,束流发射度的限制功能、进行发射度测量和束流状态的监测功能等等。新的注入系统还提高了三次谐波加速情况下的注入电压以减小空间电荷效应的影响。相比原系统新的轴向注入束运系统有更高的注入效率,更好的调束手段和更好的空间安排。 ③ 对SFC轴向注入束运线的聚束器系统进行了重新设计,用二台分别工作再SFC采用基波加速模式和三次谐波加速模式下的不同聚束器结构代替原来的一台聚束器,以适应SFC较宽的加速粒子和能量范围,并提高了聚束器本身的指标,可以明显地提高轴向注入系统的传输效率和SFC的内束流质量,同时该聚束器系统还采用了新的半频聚束模式,在不影响SFC的效率和束流质量的情况下可以将SFC与SSC的理论纵向匹配效率由原设计的50%提高到100%。 ④ 对SFC加速器的中心区进行了改进设计,配合轴向注入系统将三次谐波加速时的注入半径由2.5cm提高到3.0cm,使加速较重的重离子的条件得到改善,并保留基波加速时2.5cm的注入半径,即新的中心区要适应两套注入参数,每次仅更换新的螺旋线型静电偏转镜。新的中心区还照顾到SFC高频DEE电压在某些情况下偏低的不足。 ⑤ 在对HIRFL加速器系统进行了全面的分析后,提出了一系列的提高其束流指标和运行效率的改进措施,作为进一步工作的方向,并给出了在完成目前正在进行的改进工作后和2000年前后HIRFL可能达到的束流指标。 在附录中一般性地介绍了Hamilton分析力学和带电粒子束的相空间理论,在讨论了束流动力学研究中经常用到的传输矩阵方法和轨迹跟踪方法。在附录二中介绍了加速器用的多电荷态离子源的情况,尤其是以ECR离子源为代表的高电荷重离子源的情况。


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兰州重离子研究装置(Heavy Ion ReSearch Facility at Lanzhou, HIRFL)是我们研究所得一个大型实验装置,它包括SFC和SSC两个加速器和两条束运线。本论文比较系统地介绍了HIRFL束流诊断系统的改造和SFC分布式控制系统的设计。 在第一章中,简单介绍了国际加速器控制系统的现状和HIRFL控制系统中存在的问题。在第二章一般性地阐述了描述束流品质的各个参数,这些参数的测量原理以及测量这些参数的装置。本论文的第三章详细叙述了HIRFL束流诊断系统的改造方法、过程和结果,结果准确可靠,人机界面非常友好,给调束带来很大的方便。第四章介绍了计算机网络的基本概念,描述了在选用TCP/IP协议的条件下,利用Socket(套接字)实现Windows环境下的实时网络通信的具体过程和步骤,其中参与通信的双方是以客户机和服务器的形式存在的。第五章讲述了SFC分布式控制系统的实现,并在实时网络通信的基础上完成了ECR源扫谱程序和I/O级的网络通信程序。 论文的最后一章,介绍了对HIRFL束运线进行优化控制的一个设想,利用系统辨识的方法可以得到束运线的数学模型,并提供了自适应控制的实现细节,这也是作者对实现HIRFL优化控制的一个愿望。


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Chemical structure of fulvic acids extracted from composted corn stalk residue(CSR FA)was studied by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, H-1 and C-13 nuclear magnetic resonance(H-1-NMR, C-13-NMR) spectroscopy. The results show that CSR FA mainly consists of four types of carbon: carbonyl, aromatical, alkyl and carbohydrate, the carbohydrate is dominant. Its aromaticity is 15.42%, less than that of CSR HA. This indicates that the construction of CSR FA is simpler than that of CSR HA, FA can not be extracted from undecomposed corn stalk residue. CSR FA may be formed by cellulose or hemicellulosemorties combined with aromatic compound from decomposed lignin.


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采用傅里叶变换红外光谱及~1H和~(13)C核磁共振波谱对玉米秸秆堆腐过程中形成的富里酸(CSR FA)的结构进行了表征.结果表明,玉米秸秆腐解过程中形成的富里酸包括羧基或羰基基团、芳香结构、烷基片断和碳水化合物结构.


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This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Cruz, C., Larraza-Kintana, M., Garcés-Galdeano, L. and Berrone, P. (2014), Are Family Firms Really More Socially Responsible? Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 38: 1295–1316, which has been published in final form at http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/etap.12125. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.


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Numerous problems exist that can be modeled as traffic through a network in which constraints exist to regulate flow. Vehicular road travel, computer networks, and cloud based resource distribution, among others all have natural representations in this manner. As these networks grow in size and/or complexity, analysis and certification of the safety invariants becomes increasingly costly. The NetSketch formalism introduces a lightweight verification framework that allows for greater scalability than traditional analysis methods. The NetSketch tool was developed to provide the power of this formalism in an easy to use and intuitive user interface.


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A foundational issue underlying many overlay network applications ranging from routing to P2P file sharing is that of connectivity management, i.e., folding new arrivals into the existing mesh and re-wiring to cope with changing network conditions. Previous work has considered the problem from two perspectives: devising practical heuristics for specific applications designed to work well in real deployments, and providing abstractions for the underlying problem that are tractable to address via theoretical analyses, especially game-theoretic analysis. Our work unifies these two thrusts first by distilling insights gleaned from clean theoretical models, notably that under natural resource constraints, selfish players can select neighbors so as to efficiently reach near-equilibria that also provide high global performance. Using Egoist, a prototype overlay routing system we implemented on PlanetLab, we demonstrate that our neighbor selection primitives significantly outperform existing heuristics on a variety of performance metrics; that Egoist is competitive with an optimal, but unscalable full-mesh approach; and that it remains highly effective under significant churn. We also describe variants of Egoist's current design that would enable it to scale to overlays of much larger scale and allow it to cater effectively to applications, such as P2P file sharing in unstructured overlays, based on the use of primitives such as scoped-flooding rather than routing.


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A foundational issue underlying many overlay network applications ranging from routing to P2P file sharing is that of connectivity management, i.e., folding new arrivals into an existing overlay, and re-wiring to cope with changing network conditions. Previous work has considered the problem from two perspectives: devising practical heuristics for specific applications designed to work well in real deployments, and providing abstractions for the underlying problem that are analytically tractable, especially via game-theoretic analysis. In this paper, we unify these two thrusts by using insights gleaned from novel, realistic theoretic models in the design of Egoist – a prototype overlay routing system that we implemented, deployed, and evaluated on PlanetLab. Using measurements on PlanetLab and trace-based simulations, we demonstrate that Egoist's neighbor selection primitives significantly outperform existing heuristics on a variety of performance metrics, including delay, available bandwidth, and node utilization. Moreover, we demonstrate that Egoist is competitive with an optimal, but unscalable full-mesh approach, remains highly effective under significant churn, is robust to cheating, and incurs minimal overhead. Finally, we discuss some of the potential benefits Egoist may offer to applications.


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Wireless Intrusion Detection Systems (WIDS) monitor 802.11 wireless frames (Layer-2) in an attempt to detect misuse. What distinguishes a WIDS from a traditional Network IDS is the ability to utilize the broadcast nature of the medium to reconstruct the physical location of the offending party, as opposed to its possibly spoofed (MAC addresses) identity in cyber space. Traditional Wireless Network Security Systems are still heavily anchored in the digital plane of "cyber space" and hence cannot be used reliably or effectively to derive the physical identity of an intruder in order to prevent further malicious wireless broadcasts, for example by escorting an intruder off the premises based on physical evidence. In this paper, we argue that Embedded Sensor Networks could be used effectively to bridge the gap between digital and physical security planes, and thus could be leveraged to provide reciprocal benefit to surveillance and security tasks on both planes. Toward that end, we present our recent experience integrating wireless networking security services into the SNBENCH (Sensor Network workBench). The SNBENCH provides an extensible framework that enables the rapid development and automated deployment of Sensor Network applications on a shared, embedded sensing and actuation infrastructure. The SNBENCH's extensible architecture allows an engineer to quickly integrate new sensing and response capabilities into the SNBENCH framework, while high-level languages and compilers allow novice SN programmers to compose SN service logic, unaware of the lower-level implementation details of tools on which their services rely. In this paper we convey the simplicity of the service composition through concrete examples that illustrate the power and potential of Wireless Security Services that span both the physical and digital plane.


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Commonly, research work in routing for delay tolerant networks (DTN) assumes that node encounters are predestined, in the sense that they are the result of unknown, exogenous processes that control the mobility of these nodes. In this paper, we argue that for many applications such an assumption is too restrictive: while the spatio-temporal coordinates of the start and end points of a node's journey are determined by exogenous processes, the specific path that a node may take in space-time, and hence the set of nodes it may encounter could be controlled in such a way so as to improve the performance of DTN routing. To that end, we consider a setting in which each mobile node is governed by a schedule consisting of a ist of locations that the node must visit at particular times. Typically, such schedules exhibit some level of slack, which could be leveraged for DTN message delivery purposes. We define the Mobility Coordination Problem (MCP) for DTNs as follows: Given a set of nodes, each with its own schedule, and a set of messages to be exchanged between these nodes, devise a set of node encounters that minimize message delivery delays while satisfying all node schedules. The MCP for DTNs is general enough that it allows us to model and evaluate some of the existing DTN schemes, including data mules and message ferries. In this paper, we show that MCP for DTNs is NP-hard and propose two detour-based approaches to solve the problem. The first (DMD) is a centralized heuristic that leverages knowledge of the message workload to suggest specific detours to optimize message delivery. The second (DNE) is a distributed heuristic that is oblivious to the message workload, and which selects detours so as to maximize node encounters. We evaluate the performance of these detour-based approaches using extensive simulations based on synthetic workloads as well as real schedules obtained from taxi logs in a major metropolitan area. Our evaluation shows that our centralized, workload-aware DMD approach yields the best performance, in terms of message delay and delivery success ratio, and that our distributed, workload-oblivious DNE approach yields favorable performance when compared to approaches that require the use of data mules and message ferries.