832 resultados para Guarantees


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A presente dissertação versa sobre a prova ilícita na investigação de paternidade, com a percepção que inexistem direitos e garantias absolutos. Sob esse ponto de vista, propõe-se a demonstrar que tanto o direito à prova quanto a garantia constitucional da inadmissibilidade da prova obtida por meios ilícitos são passíveis de sofrer restrições. Essas restrições, entretanto, não podem implicar na supressão de direitos e garantias fundamentais. Elas devem limitar-se ao estritamente necessário para a salvaguarda de outros direitos constitucionalmente protegidos, à luz de um juízo de ponderação entre os valores conflitantes. Os valores colidentes a serem analisados no presente trabalho são, por um lado, a proteção constitucional dispensada à intimidade, à vida privada, à imagem, à honra, ao sigilo da correspondência, às comunicações telegráficas, aos dados, às comunicações telefônicas e ao domicílio do suposto pai e, por outro, o direito do filho conhecer a sua origem genética e receber do genitor assistência material, educacional e psicológica, além da herança no caso de morte deste. Avultam-se, ainda, os comandos constitucionais da paternidade responsável (CF, o art. 226, § 7º) e da prioridade absoluta que a Constituição Federal confere às questões afetas à criança e ao adolescente. Nessa linha de perspectiva, procura conciliar o direito fundamental ao conhecimento da origem genética com a garantia constitucional que veda a obtenção da prova por meios ilícitos, reduzindo, quando necessário, o alcance de um desses valores contrastantes para que haja a preservação do outro e o restabelecimento do equilíbrio entre eles. Com o intuito de facilitar a compreensão do assunto, o estudo sobre a prova ilícita na investigação de paternidade encontra-se dividido em três capítulos. No primeiro capítulo são estudados o objeto da prova na investigação de paternidade, os fatos a provar, as teorias sobre o objeto da prova, o ônus da prova, a distribuição e a inversão do ônus da prova na investigação de paternidade, o momento da inversão do ônus da prova, o dever de colaboração e a realização do exame de DNA sem o consentimento das partes. Partindo da compreensão da prova como instrumento capaz de propiciar ao juiz o convencimento dos fatos pertinentes, relevantes e controvertidos deduzidos pelas partes como fundamento da ação ou da defesa, sustenta-se que os fatos a provar não são apenas os principais, mas, também, os acessórios que se situem na mesma cadeia deles. Desenvolve-se, outrossim, estudo sobre as teorias utilizadas pela doutrina para explicar o objeto da prova, a saber: a) a teoria clássica; b) a teoria da afirmação; c) a teoria mista. Nesse tópico, merece ênfase o fato das legislações brasileira e portuguesa estarem alicerçadas sob as bases da teoria clássica, em que pesem as divergências doutrinárias sobre o assunto. No item reservado ao ônus da prova, este é concebido como uma atividade e não como uma obrigação, diante da autonomia de vontade que a parte tem para comportar-se da maneira que melhor lhe aprouver para alcançar o resultado pretendido. Embora não traduza um dever jurídico demonstrar a veracidade dos fatos que ensejam a constituição do direito alegado, quem não consegue reunir a prova dos fatos que alega corre o risco de perder a demanda. No que tange à regra de distribuição do ônus da prova, recomenda-se a observação das disposições do art. 333 do CPC, segundo as quais incumbe ao autor comprovar o fato constitutivo do seu direito e ao réu a existência de fato impeditivo, modificativo ou extintivo do direito do autor. Argumenta-se que o CPC brasileiro adota o modelo estático de distribuição do ônus da prova, pois não leva em conta a menor ou maior dificuldade que cada parte tem para produzir a prova que lhe incumbe. Porém, ressalta-se o novo horizonte que se descortina no anteprojeto do novo CPC brasileiro que se encontra no Congresso Nacional, o qual sinaliza no sentido de acolher a distribuição dinâmica do ônus da prova. Esse novo modelo, contudo, não afasta aquele previsto no art. 333 do CPC, mas, sim, o aperfeiçoa ao atribuir o ônus a quem esteja em melhores condições de produzir a prova. Ao tratar do dever de colaboração, idealiza-se a busca descoberta da verdade como finalidade precípua do ordenamento jurídico. E, para se alcançar a justa composição da lide, compreende-se que as partes devem atuar de maneira escorreita, expondo os fatos conforme a verdade e cumprindo com exatidão os provimentos formais. Sob essa ótica, sustenta-se a possibilidade de inversão do ônus da prova, da aplicação da presunção legal de paternidade e até mesmo da condução coercitiva do suposto pai para a realização de exames, caso o mesmo a tanto se recuse ou crie, propositalmente, obstáculo capaz de tornar impossível a colheita da prova. Defende-se que a partir da concepção do nascituro, a autonomia de vontade dos pais fica restringida, de forma que a mãe não pode realizar o aborto e o pai não pode fazer pouco caso da existência do filho, recusando-se, injustificadamente, a submeter-se a exame de DNA e a dar-lhe assistência material, educacional e psicológica. É por essa razão que, em caráter excepcional, se enxerga a possibilidade de condução coercitiva do suposto pai para a coleta de material genético, a exemplo do que ocorre no ordenamento jurídico alemão (ZPO, § 372). Considera-se, outrossim, que a elucidação da paternidade, além de ajudar no diagnóstico, prevenção e tratamento de algumas doenças hereditárias, atende à exigência legal de impedir uniões incestuosas, constituídas entre parentes afins ou consanguíneos com a violação de impedimentos matrimoniais. Nesse contexto, a intangibilidade do corpo não é vista como óbice para a realização do exame de DNA, o qual pode ser feito mediante simples utilização de fios de cabelos com raiz, fragmentos de unhas, saliva e outros meios menos invasivos. O sacrifício a que se submete o suposto pai mostra-se, portanto, ínfimo se comparado com o interesse superior do investigante que se busca amparar. No segundo capítulo, estuda-se o direito fundamental à prova e suas limitações na investigação de paternidade, a prova vedada ou proibida, a distinção entre as provas ilegítima e ilícita, a manifestação e alcance da ilicitude, o tratamento dispensado à prova ilícita no Brasil, nos Estados Unidos da América e em alguns países do continente europeu, o efeito-à-distância das proibições de prova na investigação de paternidade e a ponderação de valores entre os interesses em conflito: prova ilícita x direito ao conhecimento da origem genética. Nesse contexto, o direito à prova é reconhecido como expressão do princípio geral de acesso ao Poder Judiciário e componente do devido processo legal, materializado por meio dos direitos de ação, de defesa e do contraditório. Compreende-se, entretanto, que o direito à prova não pode ser exercido a qualquer custo. Ele deve atender aos critérios de pertinência, relevância e idoneidade, podendo sofrer limitações nos casos expressamente previstos em lei. Constituem exemplos dessas restrições ao direito à prova a rejeição das provas consideradas supérfluas, irrelevantes, ilegítimas e ilícitas. A expressão “provas vedadas ou proibidas” é definida no trabalho como gênero das denominadas provas ilícita e ilegítima, servindo para designar as provas constituídas, obtidas, utilizadas ou valoradas com afronta a normas de direito material ou processual. A distinção que se faz entre a prova ilícita e a ilegítima leva em consideração a natureza da norma violada. Quando há violação a normas de caráter processual, sem afetar o núcleo essencial dos direitos fundamentais, considera-se a prova ilegítima; ao passo em que havendo infringência à norma de conteúdo material que afete o núcleo essencial do direito fundamental, a prova é tida como ilícita. Esta enseja o desentranhamento da prova dos autos, enquanto aquela demanda a declaração de nulidade do ato sem a observância da formalidade exigida. A vedação da prova ilícita, sob esse aspecto, funciona como garantia constitucional em favor do cidadão e contra arbítrios do poder público e dos particulares. Nessa ótica, o Direito brasileiro não apenas veda a prova obtida por meios ilícitos (CF, art. 5º, X, XI, XII e LVI; CPP, art. 157), como, também, prevê sanções penais e civis para aqueles que desobedeçam à proibição. A análise da prova ilícita é feita à luz de duas concepções doutrinárias, a saber: a) a restritiva - exige que a norma violada infrinja direito ou garantia fundamental; b) a ampla – compreende que a ilicitude afeta não apenas as normas que versem sobre os direitos e garantias fundamentais, mas todas as normas e princípios gerais do direito. A percepção que se tem à luz do art. 157 do CPP é que o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro adotou o conceito amplo de ilicitude, pois define como ilícitas as provas obtidas com violação a normas constitucionais ou legais, sem excluir àquelas de natureza processual nem exigir que o núcleo do direito fundamental seja atingido. Referido dispositivo tem sido alvo de críticas, pois a violação da lei processual pode não implicar na inadmissibilidade da prova e aconselhar o seu desentranhamento dos autos. A declaração de nulidade ou renovação do ato cuja formalidade tenha sido preterida pode ser suficiente para contornar o problema, sem a necessidade de exclusão da prova do processo. Noutra vertente, como a vedação da prova ilícita não pode ser levada às últimas consequências nem se converter em meio facilitador da prática de atos ilícitos e consagrador da impunidade, defende-se a sua admissão nos casos de estado de necessidade, legítima defesa, estrito cumprimento do dever legal e exercício regular de um direito. Assim, entende-se possível a utilização pela vítima de estupro, no processo de investigação de paternidade movido em prol do seu filho, do exame de DNA realizado mediante análise do sêmen deixado em sua vagina por ocasião do ato sexual que resultou na gravidez. Sustenta-se, ainda, a possibilidade de utilização das imagens captadas por circuito interno de câmaras comprobatórias do estupro para fazer prova da paternidade. Ressalta-se, outrossim, que no Brasil a doutrina e a jurisprudência têm admitido a prova ilícita, no processo penal, para comprovar a inocência do acusado e, em favor da vítima, nos casos de extorsão, concussão, sequestro e outros delitos similares. No ponto relativo ao efeito-àdistância das proibições de prova, aduz-se que as experiências americana e alemã da fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine e da fernwirkung são fonte de inspiração para as legislações de vários países. Por força da teoria dos frutos da árvore envenenada, o vício da planta transmite-se aos seus frutos. Ainda no segundo capítulo, estabelece-se breve comparação do tratamento conferido à prova ilícita nos ordenamentos jurídicos brasileiro e português, destacando-se que no regime de controle adotado pela Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil a prova ilícita é tratada como ineficaz e deve ser rejeitada de plano ou desentranhada do processo. Já na Constituição portuguesa adotou-se o regime de nulidade. Após o ingresso da prova ilícita no processo, o juiz declara a sua nulidade. O terceiro capítulo é dedicado ao estudo dos meios de prova e da incidência da ilicitude no processo de investigação de paternidade. Para tanto são eleitos os meios de prova enumerados no art. 212 do Código Civil, quais sejam: a) confissão; b) documento; c) testemunha; d) presunção; e) perícia, além do depoimento pessoal previsto no CPC, analisando a incidência da ilicitude em cada um deles. Má vontade a investigação de paternidade envolva direitos indisponíveis, isso não significa que as declarações das partes não tenham valor probatório, pois o juiz pode apreciá-las como elemento probatório (CC, art. 361º). Por meio do depoimento e confissão da parte são extraídas valiosas informações sobre o tempo, o lugar e a frequência das relações sexuais. Todavia, havendo emprego de métodos proibidos, tais como ameaça, coação, tortura, ofensa à integridade física ou moral, hipnose, utilização de meios cruéis, enganosos ou perturbação da capacidade de memória, a prova será considerada ilícita e não terá validade nem mesmo como elemento probatório a ser livremente apreciado pelo juiz. A prova documental é estudada como a mais vulnerável à incidência da ilicitude, pelo fato de poder expressar-se das mais variadas formas. Essa manifestação da ilicitude pode verificar-se por ocasião da formação da prova documental, no ato da sua obtenção ou no momento da sua exibição em juízo por meio falsificação material do documento público ou particular, da omissão de declaração deveria constar, inserção de declaração falsa ou diversa da que devia ser escrita, alteração de documento verdadeiro, emprego de métodos proibidos de prova para confecção do documento, etc. Na esteira desse raciocínio, em se fazendo constar, por exemplo, da escritura pública ou particular ou do testamento (CC, art. 1.609, II e III) declaração falsa da paternidade, a prova assim constituída é ilícita. Do mesmo modo, é considerada ilícita a prova obtida mediante indevida intromissão na vida privada, com violação de domicílio, emails, sigilos da correspondência, telefônico ou fiscal, realização de gravações, filmagens, etc. Na prova testemunhal entende-se como elemento configurador da ilicitude o emprego de métodos proibidos por parte de agentes públicos ou particulares, tais como tortura, coação, ameaça, chantagem, recursos que impliquem na diminuição ou supressão da capacidade de compreensão, etc, para que a testemunha faça afirmação falsa, negue ou cale a verdade dos fatos. Destaca-se, ainda, como ilícita a prova cujo acesso pela testemunha tenha ocorrido mediante violação à reserva da vida privada. No caso das presunções, vislumbra-se a possibilidade de incidência da ilicitude quando houver ilicitude no fato conhecido, do qual se vale a lei ou o julgador para extraírem as consequências para dedução da existência do fato desconhecido. A troca maliciosa de gametas é citada como meio ilícito de prova para alicerçar a presunção de paternidade no caso de inseminação artificial homóloga. A consecução da prévia autorização do marido, mediante coação, tortura, ameaça, hipnose, etc, na inseminação artificial heteróloga, também é tratada como ação danosa e capaz de viciar e infirmar a presunção legal de paternidade. Enxerga-se, outrossim, no meio de prova pericial, a possibilidade de maculação do resultado do exame por falha humana intencional no processo de coleta, transporte, armazenamento, manipulação ou troca do material genético coletado. Em se verificando essa situação, fica comprometida a credibilidade da prova pericial ante a sua ilicitude.


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The issue: The European Union's emissions trading system (ETS), introduced in 2005, is the centerpiece of EU decarbonisation efforts and the biggest emissions trading scheme in the world. After a peak in May 2008, the price of ETS carbon allowances started to collapse, and industry, civil society and policymakers began to think about how to ‘repair the ETS’. However, the ETS is an effective and efficient tool to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, and although prices have not been stable, it has evolved to cover more sectors and greenhouse gases, and to become more robust and less distorting. Prices are depressed because of an interplay of fundamental factors and a lack of confidence in the system. Policy challenge The ETS must be stabilised by reinforcing the credibility of the system so that the use of existing low-carbon alternatives (for example burning gas instead of coal) is incentivised and investment in low-carbon assets is ensured. Further-more, failure to reinvigorate the ETS might compromise the cost-effective synchronisation of European decarbonisation efforts across sectors and countries. To restore credibility and to ensure long-term commitment to the ETS, the European Investment Bank should auction guarantees on the future emission allowance price.This will reduce the risk for low-carbon investments and enable stabilisation of the ETS until a compromise is found on structural measures to reinforce it in order to achieve the EU's long-term decarbonisation targets.


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From the Introduction. In the academic year 1991-1992, Utrecht University, on my initiative, started to offer courses in European criminal law. This initiative came at a symbolic moment, just prior to the entry into force of the EU Treaty of Maastricht1 and the outlining of European policy in the areas of Justice and Home Affairs (JHA). The Director of the Legal Department, Paul DEMARET, was aware of the significance of this development and I have been given the opportunity to teach this subject at the College of Europe since 1995. Since then, JHA has evolved into one of the main areas of EU legislation. Now we are again on the threshold of an important historical feat. In June 2003, the European Convention reached agreement concerning a draft Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe.2 The use of the term “Constitution” for the future EU Treaty is not simply cosmetic. The realisation has dawned that EU integration must be embedded in a treaty document which also regulates the rights and duties of citizens, not just with respect to European citizenship, but also with respect to, for example, Justice. Where JHA is concerned, this result acknowledges that the harmonisation of criminal law and criminal procedure and transnational cooperation cannot preclude the harmonisation of principles of due law and fair trial. Despite the substantial Europeanisation of criminal law, many criminal lawyers are defending the achievements and typicalities of their national criminal law like never before. EU initiatives are assessed from the perspective of the national agenda and national achievements. We are still too far removed from a European criminal law policy that is both European and enjoys national support. The core issue is therefore not how to keep our criminal (procedural) law national and free from European influences, but rather how to ensure democratic decision making, the quality of the constitutional state and the guarantees of criminal law in a national administrative model which has to operate increasingly interactively within a European and international context. In this contribution, the contours of the Europeanisation of criminal law are outlined and analysed. First, attention will be paid to the EC and, second, to the JHA. Following this, an evaluation and a look ahead at the current IGC are indicated.


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The relationship between employer and worker is not only obligatory but above all, as Sinzheimer said, a ‘relationship of power’. In the Digital Age this statement is confirmed by the massive introduction of ICT in most of the companies that increase, in practice, employer’s supervisory powers. This is a worrying issue for two reasons: on one hand, ICT emerge as a new way to weaken the effectiveness of fundamental rights and the right to dignity of workers; and, on the other hand, Spanish legal system does not offer appropriate solutions to ensure that efficacy. Moreover, in a scenario characterized by a hybridization of legal systems models –in which traditional hard law methods are combined with soft law and self regulation instruments–, the role of our case law has become very important in this issue. Nevertheless, despite the increase of judicialization undergone, solutions offered by Courts are so different that do not give enough legal certainty. Facing this situation, I suggest a methodological approach –using Alchourron and Bulygin’s normative systems theory and Alexy’s fundamental rights theory– which can open new spaces of decision to legal operators in order to solve properly these problems. This proposal can allow setting a policy that guarantees fundamental rights of workers, deepening their human freedom in companies from the Esping-Andersen’s de-commodification perspective. With this purpose, I examine electronic communications in the company as a case study.


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The Asian financial crisis (1997) and the European crisis (2009) have both contributed to the development and deepening of regional safety net arrangements. This paper analyses the relationships between global and regional financial safety nets, and uncovers the potential tensions and operational challenges associated with the involvement of several institutional players with potentially different interests, analytical biases and governance. The G20 has acknowledged the importance of these new players for the international monetary system, but the principles for cooperation between the IMF and regional financing arrangements are far too broad and ad hoc to contribute to a coherent and effective architecture. This paper tries to establish some lessons learned from the Asian financial crisis in 1997 and the current European crisis in order to enhance the effectiveness, efficiency, equity and governance of these arrangements. In particular, it proposes changes to the IMF articles of agreement to allow for lending or guarantees to regional arrangements directly and it establishes some key desirable features and practices of regional mechanisms that should be adopted everywhere to ensure some global consistency, particularly in the field of macroeconomic surveillance, programme design and conditionality.


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European-wide data concerning both companies and households indicate that the credit rationing phenomenon, which has been predicted by theory, does in fact occur to a significant degree in the European credit market. Among SMEs, micro companies are most vulnerable and the current economic crisis has only made these concerns more pressing. Top-down use of the monetary transmission mechanism alone is insufficient to counter the problem. The other solution consists of a bottom-up, microeconomic stimulation of lending transactions, by focusing on collateral and guarantees. The data confirm the high importance that lenders – especially individual households and micro companies – attach to collateral and guarantees when making their lending decisions. As a consequence, we would argue that those parts of the law governing security interests and guarantees should be one of the primary targets for government policy aimed at improving credit flows, especially in avoiding a conflict between consumer protection measures and laws on surety and guarantees. This policy brief firstly aims to give an overview of the problem of credit rationing and to show that low-income households and SMEs are most concerned by the phenomenon. Focusing solely on loans as a way of financing and on the issues related to access to finance by micro and small companies as well households, it then sketches possible solutions focused on guarantees. This paper brings together data from the Eurosystem Household Finance and Consumption survey (HFCS), Eurostat, and both the latest wave of the extended biennial EC/ECB Survey on the access to finance of SMEs (EC/ECB SAFE 2013) and the latest wave of the smaller semi-annual ECB SAFE Survey, covering the period between October 2012 and March 2013.


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This paper maps the initiatives to support access to finance for small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that were available at national level in 2012 in the five biggest European economies (Germany, France, the UK, Italy and Spain). This mapping distinguishes initiatives promoted and financed primarily through public resources from those developed independently by the market. A second breakdown is proposed for those sources of finance with different targets, i.e. whether the target is debt financing (typically bank loans at favourable conditions, public guarantees on loans, etc.) or equity financing (typically venture capital funds, tax incentives on equity investments, etc.). A broad set of initiatives has been implemented to close the funding gap of SMEs in these five countries. The total amount of public spending for SMEs, however, has remained well below 1% of GDP. Public subsidisation of bank loans has been by far the most diffused type of intervention. Despite the fact that this strategy might prove to be effective in the short term, it fails to address long-term sustainability issues via a more diversified set of financing tools.


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The conflict in Syria, which has lasted since 2011, has become the most significant test of the efficiency of Turkey’s foreign policy and the biggest challenge to Turkey’s security in recent decades. The lack of a clear prospect of an end to the war does not allow us to come to a final conclusion regarding the Syrian civil war’s importance for Turkey. However, it can be said today that with the exception of the initial phase of the conflict, Ankara’s influence over the course of events in Syria has been limited, and the war itself is evolving in a direction that is unfavourable for Turkey: the hostile regime of Bashar al-Assad is still in power, the opposition has proved to be an unreliable or even a dangerous ally, and in northern Syria militant jihadist groups and Kurds are gaining importance. It is also quite unlikely that the West will take any greater responsibility for stabilising the situation in the region. In response to such an unfortunate situation, and out of fear of risking deeper involvement in the conflict, during the past year Turkey’s policy towards Syria has been restrained, reactive and focused mainly on defending Turkey’s territory. However, this policy offers no security guarantees and does not prevent the country’s regional position from weakening, especially in the context of the reinforcement of the jihadist militants and the Kurdish autonomy in northern Syria. The arguments for Turkey continuing its defensive policy are strong: the country fears the possible results of an open confrontation with Assad’s forces; most probably it could not count on support for such actions from within its own society or its Western allies. It also does not have enough acceptance within the anti-Assad opposition circles. On the other hand, though, the risk of uncontrolled development of events is still present; the risk of confrontations with armed jihadist militants is growing; and the potential operation of Turkish forces, either against the jihadists or against Assad’s army, could be considered as a method of diverting attention from the political problems with which the AKP government has been struggling at home.


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The Eurozone crisis has forced German exporters to speed up their expansion onto the emerging markets, in particular Brazil, Russia, India and China. The development observed in those countries has become an important substitute for the consequences of the economic slowdown in Europe.To illustrate the scale of cooperation between Germany and the BRIC countries, it is enough to quote figures concerning Germany’s trade. Between 2000-2011 the share of trade with the BRIC states in the entire German trade exchange rose from 5.5% to 13.3%. In the same period opposite tendencies were observed in the figures relating to trade with the USA, whose share in German trade fell from 9.6% to 6.2%. The report discusses the major tendencies present in Germany’s cooperation with the BRIC countries, and examines how the German state supports German companies in their business activities on these markets. The main method used to investigate these processes is the economic analysis of trade and capital flows between Germany and the BRIC countries, supplemented by conclusions drawn from discussions with German experts. The main issue discussed in the text is the role of the state in stimulating the expansion of German companies onto the BRIC markets. In the context of these activities, political relations and the proper use of export and investment guarantees and development aid are of major importance.


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On 2 March, the leaders of 25 EU member states signed the Treaty on stability, coordination and governance in the economic and monetary union. It will introduce new fiscal constraints and officially vest new competences in the eurozone countries. Thus, their right to coordinate economic policy among them will be sanctioned. So far, the Lisbon Treaty has only provided for organisation of informal Eurogroup meetings, to be attended by representatives of the European Commission. The principles introduced by the compact, if the eurozone countries are really determined to observe its provisions, will create a new way of managing the single currency. Within the next few years, the most indebted countries will have to carry out radical reforms to boost their competitiveness and adjust it to German standards. During this period the Federal Republic of Germany will most probably decide to offer higher loan guarantees to relieve these countries’ budgets. The compact’s political consequences are also of great significance, especially considering how the treaty was finalised. The eurozone states have in fact accepted that the direction for changes will be devised by France and Germany, and the role of European institutions such as the Commission or the Parliament may weaken. From the perspective of eurozone candidate countries, the introduction of the fiscal compact means expanding the scope of conditions they must meet to become members of the single currency area. In the future, a country, in order to adopt the single currency, will have to meet the structural deficit criterion, and also most probably carry out economic reforms such as unifying its fiscal system. These goals will be achieved across the eurozone gradually, in the subsequent stages of the economic governance reform.


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The role of national parliaments in the EU has been at the centre of a long debate. Since the Maastricht treaty, new powers to the EU level have been accompanied not only by an increasing role of the European Parliament (EP) in the legislative process, but also by a number of declarations and protocols to ensure that national parliaments received the information and documents required to effectively monitor their governments in EU affairs. The Lisbon Treaty extended the guarantees and also included new modes of direct participation. The proper use of the mechanisms in place, namely, the subsidiarity checks, the political dialogue with the Commission and the inter-parliamentary cooperation with the European Parliament, has become of vital importance in view of recent developments in EU economic policy and beyond. The choice for increasing inter-governmentalism in decision-making and the centralisation of the implementing and supervisory powers in the Commission and the Central Bank have raised questions about political accountability and the appropriate involvement of parliaments. However, the extent to which national parliaments should be more involved is also rather controversial. This essay examines the difficulty of defining and addressing the question of the democratic legitimacy in the EU. It examines the role of the national parliaments in the treaties and explores ways in which they can contribute to improving that legitimacy.


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Financial engineering instruments such as guarantees, loans and equity are increasingly used in public funding of enterprises. These instruments have three attractive features: they are repayable, they “leverage” private involvement, and they have a multiplier effect because they generate new income. At the same time, however, they are technically complex and they are subject to state aid rules. Their assessment under EU state aid rules creates two additional problems. First, under certain conditions financial instruments may not contain state aid. This is when public authorities act as “private investors”. This means that state aid cannot be presumed to exist in all financial instruments. It must first be established through market analysis. Second, when state aid is found to be present it is not always possible to quantify it. For this reason the state aid rules that apply to financial instruments differ significantly from other rules. This paper reviews how financial instruments have been assessed by the European Commission and under which conditions the state aid they may contain can be considered to be compatible with the internal market. The paper finds that by and large Member States have succeeded to design measures that have all been approved by the Commission.


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The aim of this paper is to analyse what is the impact of the second phase of the creation of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS) in the protection of rights of Asylum Seekers in the European Union. The establishment of a CEAS has been always a part of the development of the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice. Its implementation was planned in two phases: the first one, focused on the harmonisation of internal legislation on minimum common standards; the second, based on the result of an evaluation of the effectiveness of the agreed legal instruments, should improve the effectiveness of the protection granted. The five instruments adopted between 2002 and 2005, three Directives, on Qualification, Reception Conditions and Asylum Procedures, and two Regulations, the so-called “Dublin System”, were subjected to an extensive evaluation and modification, which led to the end of the recasting in 2013. The paper discusses briefly the international obligations concerning the rights of asylum seekers and continues with the presentation of the legal basis of the CEAS and its development, together with the role of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union in asylum matters. The research will then focus on the development in the protection of asylum seekers after the recasting of the legislative instruments mentioned above. The paper will note that the European standards result now improved, especially concerning the treatment of vulnerable people, the quality of the application procedure, the effectiveness of the appeal, the treatment of gender issues in decision concerning procedures and reception. However, it will be also highlighted that Member States maintained a wide margin of appreciation in many fields, which can lead to the compression of important guarantees. This margin concerns, for example, the access to free legal assistance, the definition of the material support to be granted to each applicant for international protection, the access to labour market, the application of the presumptions of the “safety” of a third country. The paper will therefore stress that the long negotiations that characterised the second phase of the CEAS undoubtedly led to some progress in the protection of Asylum Seekers in the EU. However, some provisions are still in open contrast with the international obligations concerning rights of asylum seekers, while others require to the Member State consider carefully its obligation in the choice of internal policies concerning asylum matters.


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Executive Summary. The euro area is still suffering from low growth and high unemployment. For the recovery to become a reality, there needs to be a balance between fiscal discipline, supply side improvements and actions aimed at stimulating demand and growth. Increasing investment, both private and public, are important components in overcoming the recession. This becomes especially clear when comparing investment dynamics during the crisis with pre-crisis levels. Total investment is still much lower than before the crisis and public investment is well below its pre-crisis peak as well. In late November 2014, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker submitted a long-awaited proposal for a European Investment Plan that aims to stimulate private investment. Apart from the creation of the new European Fund for Strategic Investment (EFSI), through which private investors will receive public guarantees, the investment plan also aims to provide project assistance and improve the Single Market by removing sector-specific or other financial barriers to investment. While generally perceived as a first positive step towards increasing private investment, some commentators have expressed reservations about the plan. These include, among others, the lack of fresh money for the initial contributions to EFSI. Since a substantial amount of these contributions is reshuffled from other places in the European budget, the question was raised whether EFSI can fund additional projects or just replicates investment projects that would have happened without the plan. Other criticism relates to the high estimate of the expected leverage ratio of 1:15, and to the risk that the plan will only have a limited impact on stressed economies. The Juncker Plan addresses private investment, but so far there really is no clear strategy to stimulate productive public investment on the European and national level. Countries with fiscal space are reluctant to engage in higher spending, while those willing and in need of it the most are restricted by the rules. Member States and the Commission should therefore discuss options for further improving the euro area's economic governance. In addition to urging countries with fiscal space to increase investing in national public goods, investment could be treated with budget flexibility. One could, for instance, upgrade the importance of public investment in the European Semester. Additional deficit granted for public investment purposes could be attached to certain Country-Specific Recommendations. Another solution would be to allow some form of budget flexibility, such as the formulation of a new Golden Rule for productive public investment becoming part of the Stability and Growth Pact's application. Besides relying on a larger amount of flexibility in the rules, the Financial Transaction Tax (FTT) could be another solution to fund investment in European public goods. It will also be necessary to overcome the mistrust among Member States that is preventing further action. The political bargain of stronger conditionality, such as through contractual arrangements, could improve the situation. Increased trust will also be an important condition for tackling long-reaching economic governance reforms such as the creation of a Fiscal Capacity, which could take the form of a macroeconomic shock insurance. Such a Fiscal Capacity could make a real difference in providing the necessary funding to maintain productive public investment, even in times of deep recessions. The proposals presented do not attempt to be conclusive, but shall rather be an input for a wider debate on how to increase growth and employment in Europe. The paper draws heavily on the discussion of a Workshop on Growth and Investment, which the European Policy Centre (EPC) hosted on 10 December 2014 under Chatham-House Rule, with a group of economists and representatives from the European institutions.


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In late March and early April, the US Air Forces in Europe (USAFE) held an exercise in Estonia, during which US F-16s destroyed ground targets in an Estonian firing range. Around the same time the Americans held a drill with the Swedish and Finnish Air Forces over the Baltic Sea. The United States has been playing a leading role in the process of strengthening NATO’s presence in the Baltic states. As far as the Western European allies are concerned, Germany will follow in the footsteps of Denmark and the United Kingdom, both of which made significant military contributions to the strengthening of the allied presence in 2014, and will deploy the largest number of troops in 2015. Non-aligned Sweden and Finland, key for the performance of NATO operations in the Baltic states, have been emphasising their military and political readiness to co-operate with NATO in the event of potential crises or conflicts. Comparing NATO ‘s military presence in the Baltic states before and after the outbreak of the Russian intervention in Ukraine, it is clear that NATO has stepped up its engagement considerably. However, its scope is still relatively small, given the much larger military potential and mobilisation capacity of Russia. Moreover, the message sent by NATO’s actions may be diminished by the political, military and financial constraints faced by the allies and Sweden and Finland. It seems that the greatest risk to the military security of the Baltic states currently appears to be the possibility that Russia could wrongly assess the reliability of NATO’s security guarantees.