982 resultados para Ground-based observations


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From its original formulation in 1990 the International Trans-Antarctic Scientific Expedition (ITASE) has had as its primary aim the collection and interpretation of a continent-wide array of environmental parameters assembled through the coordinated efforts of scientists from several nations. ITASE offers the ground-based opportunities of traditional-style traverse travel coupled with the modern technology of CPS, crevasse detecting radar, satellite communications and multidisciplinary research. By operating predominantly in the mode of an oversnow traverse, ITASE offers scientists the opportunity to experience the dynamic range of the Antarctic environment. ITASE also offers an important interactive venue for research similar to that afforded by oceanographic research vessels and large polar field camps, without the cost of the former or the lack of mobility of the latter. More importantly, the combination of disciplines represented by ITASE provides a unique, multidimensional (space and time) view of the ice sheet and its history. ITASE has now collected > 20 000 km of snow radar, recovered more than 240 firn/ice cores (total length 7000m), remotely penetrated to similar to 4000m into the ice sheet, and sampled the atmosphere to heights of > 20 km.


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TEMPERA (TEMPERature RAdiometer) is a new ground-based radiometer which measures in a frequency range from 51–57 GHz radiation emitted by the atmosphere. With this instrument it is possible to measure temperature profiles from ground to about 50 km. This is the first ground-based instrument with the capability to retrieve temperature profiles simultaneously for the troposphere and stratosphere. The measurement is done with a filterbank in combination with a digital fast Fourier transform spectrometer. A hot load and a noise diode are used as stable calibration sources. The optics consist of an off-axis parabolic mirror to collect the sky radiation. Due to the Zeeman effect on the emission lines used, the maximum height for the temperature retrieval is about 50 km. The effect is apparent in the measured spectra. The performance of TEMPERA is validated by comparison with nearby radiosonde and satellite data from the Microwave Limb Sounder on the Aura satellite. In this paper we present the design and measurement method of the instrument followed by a description of the retrieval method, together with a validation of TEMPERA data over its first year, 2012.


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Since November 1994, the GROund-based Millimeter-wave Ozone Spectrometer (GROMOS) measures stratospheric and lower mesospheric ozone in Bern, Switzerland (47.95° N, 7.44° E). GROMOS is part of the Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change (NDACC). In July 2009, a Fast-Fourier-Transform spectrometer (FFTS) has been added as backend to GROMOS. The new FFTS and the original filter bench (FB) measured parallel for over two years. In October 2011, the FB has been turned off and the FFTS is now used to continue the ozone time series. For a consolidated ozone time series in the frame of NDACC, the quality of the stratospheric ozone profiles obtained with the FFTS has to be assessed. The FFTS results from July 2009 to December 2011 are compared to ozone profiles retrieved by the FB. FFTS and FB of the GROMOS microwave radiometer agree within 5% above 20 hPa. A later harmonization of both time series will be realized by taking the FFTS as benchmark for the FB. Ozone profiles from the FFTS are also compared to coinciding lidar measurements from the Observatoire Haute Provence (OHP), France. For the time period studied a maximum mean difference (lidar – GROMOS FFTS) of +3.8% at 3.1 hPa and a minimum mean difference of +1.4% at 8 hPa is found. Further, intercomparisons with ozone profiles from other independent instruments are performed: satellite measurements include MIPAS onboard ENVISAT, SABER onboard TIMED, MLS onboard EOS Aura and ACE-FTS onboard SCISAT-1. Additionally, ozonesondes launched from Payerne, Switzerland, are used in the lower stratosphere. Mean relative differences of GROMOS FFTS and these independent instruments are less than 10% between 50 and 0.1 hPa.


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We present high resolution transmission spectra of giant planet atmospheres from a coupled 3-D atmospheric dynamics and transmission spectrum model that includes Doppler shifts which arise from winds and planetary motion. We model jovian planets covering more than two orders of magnitude in incident flux, corresponding to planets with 0.9 to 55 day orbital periods around solar-type stars. The results of our 3-D dynamical models reveal certain aspects of high resolution transmission spectra that are not present in simple 1-D models. We find that the hottest planets experience strong substellar to anti-stellar (SSAS) winds, resulting in transmission spectra with net blue shifts of up to 3 km s−1, whereas less irradiated planets show almost no net Doppler shifts. Compared to 1-D models, peak line strengths are significantly reduced for the hottest atmospheres owing to Doppler broadening from a combination of rotation (which is faster for close-in planets under the assumption of tidal locking) and atmospheric winds. Finally, high resolution transmission spectra may be useful in studying the atmospheres of exoplanets with optically thick clouds since line cores for very strong transitions should remain optically thick to very high altitude. High resolution transmission spectra are an excellent observational test for the validity of 3-D atmospheric dynamics models, because they provide a direct probe of wind structures and heat circulation. Ground-based exoplanet spectroscopy is currently on the verge of being able to verify some of our modeling predictions, most notably the dependence of SSAS winds on insolation. We caution that interpretation of high resolution transmission spectra based on 1-D atmospheric models may be inadequate, as 3-D atmospheric motions can produce a noticeable effect on the absorption signatures.


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The European Space Agency׳s Rosetta spacecraft flew by asteroid (21) Lutetia on July 10, 2010. Observations through the OSIRIS camera have revealed many geological features. Lineaments are identified on the entire observed surface of the asteroid. Many of these features are concentric around the North Pole Crater Cluster (NPCC). As observed on (433) Eros and (4) Vesta, this analysis of Lutetia assesses whether or not some of the lineaments could be created orthogonally to observed impact craters. The results indicate that the orientation of lineaments on Lutetia׳s surface could be explained by three impact craters: the Massilia and the NPCC craters observed in the northern hemisphere, and candidate crater Suspicio inferred to be in the southern hemisphere. The latter has not been observed during the Rosetta flyby. Of note, is that the inferred location of the Suspicio impact crater derived from lineaments matches locations where hydrated minerals have been detected from Earth-based observations in the southern hemisphere of Lutetia. Although the presence of these minerals has to be confirmed, this analysis shows that the topography may also have a significant contribution in the modification of the spectral shape and its interpretation. The cross-cutting relationships of craters with lineaments, or between lineaments themselves show that Massilia is the oldest of the three impact feature, the NPCC the youngest, and that the Suspicio impact crater is of intermediate age that is likely occurred closer in time to the Massilia event.


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Ground based radial velocity (RV) searches continue to discover exoplanets below Neptune mass down to Earth mass. Furthermore, ground- based transit searches now reach milli-mag photometric precision and can dis- cover Neptune size planets around bright stars. These searches will find exo- planets around bright stars anywhere on the sky, their discoveries representing prime science targets for further study due to the proximity and brightness of their host stars. A mission for transit follow-up measurements of these prime targets is currently lacking. The first ESA S-class mission CHEOPS (CHarac- terizing ExoPlanet Satellite) will fill this gap. It will perform ultra-high preci- sion photometric monitoring of selected bright target stars almost anywhere on the sky with sufficient precision to detect Earth-sized transits. It will be able to detect transits of RV-planets by photometric monitoring if the geometric con- figuration results in a transit. For Hot Neptunes discovered from the ground, CHEOPS will be able to improve the transit light curve so that the radius can be determined precisely. Because of the host stars’ brightness, high precision RV measurements will be possible for all targets. All planets observed in tran- sit by CHEOPS will be validated and their masses will be known. This will provide valuable data for constraining the mass-radius relation of exoplanets, especially in the Neptune-mass regime. During the planned 3.5 year mission, about 500 targets will be observed. There will be 20% of open time available for the community to develop new science programmes.


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Measurements on 27 June 2011 were performed over the Southern Iberian Peninsula at Granada EARLINET station, using active and passive remote sensing and airborne and surface in-situ data in order to study the entrainment processes between aerosols in the free troposphere and those in the planetary boundary layer (PBL). To this aim the temporal evolution of the lidar depolarisation, backscatter-related Angström exponent and potential temperature profiles were used in combination with the PBL contribution to the aerosol optical depth (AOD). Our results show that the mineral dust entrainment in the PBL was caused by the convective processes which ‘trapped’ the lofted mineral dust layer, distributing the mineral dust particles within the PBL. The temporal evolution of ground-based in-situ data evidenced the impact of this process at surface level. Finally, the amount of mineral dust in the atmospheric column available to be dispersed into the PBL was estimated by means of POLIPHON (Polarizing Lidar Photometer Networking). The dust mass concentration derived from POLIPHON was compared with the coarse-mode mass concentration retrieved with airborne in-situ measurements. Comparison shows differences below 50 µg/m³ (30% relative difference) indicating a relative good agreement between both techniques.


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Sentinel-5 (S5) and its precursor (S5P) are future European satellite missions aiming at global monitoring of methane (CH4) column-average dry air mole fractions (XCH4). The spectrometers to be deployed onboard the satellites record spectra of sunlight backscattered from the Earth's surface and atmosphere. In particular, they exploit CH4 absorption in the shortwave infrared spectral range around 1.65 mu m (S5 only) and 2.35 mu m (both S5 and S5P) wavelength. Given an accuracy goal of better than 2% for XCH4 to be delivered on regional scales, assessment and reduction of potential sources of systematic error such as spectroscopic uncertainties is crucial. Here, we investigate how spectroscopic errors propagate into retrieval errors on the global scale. To this end, absorption spectra of a ground-based Fourier transform spectrometer (FTS) operating at very high spectral resolution serve as estimate for the quality of the spectroscopic parameters. Feeding the FTS fitting residuals as a perturbation into a global ensemble of simulated S5- and S5P-like spectra at relatively low spectral resolution, XCH4 retrieval errors exceed 0.6% in large parts of the world and show systematic correlations on regional scales, calling for improved spectroscopic parameters.


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We present ice thickness and bed topography maps with a high spatial resolution (250-500 m) of a land-terminating section of the Greenland Ice Sheet derived from ground-based and airborne radar surveys. The data have a total area of ~12 000 km^2 and cover the whole ablation area of the outlet glaciers of Isunnguata Sermia, Russell, Leverett, Ørkendalen and Isorlersuup up to the long-term mass balance equilibrium line altitude at ~1600 m above sea level. The bed topography shows highly variable subglacial trough systems, and the trough of Isunnguata Sermia Glacier is overdeepened and reaches an elevation of ~500 m below sea level. The ice surface is smooth and only reflects the bedrock topography in a subtle way, resulting in a highly variable ice thickness. The southern part of our study area consists of higher bed elevations compared to the northern part. The compiled data sets of ground-based and airborne radar surveys cover one of the most studied regions of the Greenland Ice Sheet and can be valuable for detailed studies of ice sheet dynamics and hydrology.


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As part of the CryoSat Cal/Val activities and the pre-site survey for an ice core drilling contributing to the International Partnerships in Ice Core Sciences (IPICS), ground based kinematic GPS measurements were conducted in early 2007 in the vicinity of the German overwintering station Neumayer (8.25° W and 70.65° S). The investigated area comprises the regions of the ice tongues Halvfarryggen and Søråsen, which rise from the Ekströmisen to a maximum of about 760 m surface elevation, and have an areal extent of about 100 km x 50 km each. Available digital elevation models (DEMs) from radar altimetry and the Antarctic Digital Database show elevation differences of up to hundreds of meters in this region, which necessitated an accurate survey of the conditions on-site. An improved DEM of the Ekströmisen surroundings is derived by a combination of highly accurate ground based GPS measurements, satellite derived laser altimetry data (ICESat), airborne radar altimetry (ARA), and radio echo sounding (RES). The DEM presented here achieves a vertical accuracy of about 1.3 m and can be used for improved ice dynamic modeling and mass balance studies.


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In this paper, a new digital elevation model (DEM) is derived for the ice sheet in western Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica. It is based on differential interferometric synthetic aperture radar (SAR) from the European Remote Sensing 1/2 (ERS-1/2) satellites, in combination with ICESat's Geoscience Laser Altimeter System (GLAS). A DEM mosaic is compiled out of 116 scenes from the ERS-1 ice phase in 1994 and the ERS-1/2 tandem mission between 1996 and 1997 with the GLAS data acquired in 2003 that served as ground control. Using three different SAR processors, uncertainties in phase stability and baseline model, resulting in height errors of up to 20 m, are exemplified. Atmospheric influences at the same order of magnitude are demonstrated, and corresponding scenes are excluded. For validation of the DEM mosaic, covering an area of about 130,000 km**2 on a 50-m grid, independent ICESat heights (2004-2007), ground-based kinematic GPS (2005), and airborne laser scanner data (ALS, 2007) are used. Excluding small areas with low phase coherence, the DEM differs in mean and standard deviation by 0.5 +/- 10.1, 1.1 +/- 6.4, and 3.1 +/- 4.0 m from ICESat, GPS, and ALS, respectively. The excluded data points may deviate by more than 50 m. In order to suppress the spatially variable noise below a 5-m threshold, 18% of the DEM area is selectively averaged to a final product at varying horizontal spatial resolution. Apart from mountainous areas, the new DEM outperforms other currently available DEMs and may serve as a benchmark for future elevation models such as from the TanDEM-X mission to spatially monitor ice sheet elevation.


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Envisat Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar (ASAR) Wide Swath Mode (WSM) images are used to derive C-band HH-polarization normalized radar cross sections (NRCS). These are compared with ice-core analysis and visual ship-based observations of snow and ice properties observed according to the Antarctic Sea Ice Processes and Climate (ASPeCt) protocol during two International Polar Year summer cruises (Oden 2008 and Palmer 2009) in West Antarctica. Thick first-year (TFY) and multi-year (MY) ice were the dominant ice types. The NRCS value ranges between -16.3 ± 1.1 and -7.6 ± 1.0 dB for TFY ice, and is -12.6 ± 1.3 dB for MY ice; for TFY ice, NRCS values increase from ~-15 dB to -9 dB from December/January to mid-February. In situ and ASPeCt observations are not, however, detailed enough to interpret the observed NRCS change over time. Co-located Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer-Earth Observing System (AMSR-E) vertically polarized 37 GHz brightness temperatures (TB37V), 7 day and 1 day averages as well as the TB37V difference between ascending and descending AMSR-E overpasses suggest the low NRCS values (-15 dB) are associated with snowmelt being still in progress, while the change towards higher NRCS values (-9dB) is caused by commencement of melt-refreeze cycles after about mid-January.


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Results of helicopter-borne electromagnetic measurements of total (ice plus snow) sea-ice thickness performed in May 2004 and 2005 in the Lincoln Sea and adjacent Arctic Ocean up to 86° N are presented. Thickness distributions south of 84° N are dominated by multi-year ice with modal thicknesses of 3.9 m in 2004 and 4.2 m in 2005 (mean thicknesses 4.67 and 5.18 m, respectively). Modal and mean snow thickness on multi-year ice amounted to 0.18 and 0.30 m in 2004, and 0.28 and 0.35 m in 2005. There are also considerable amounts of 0.9-2.2 m thick first-year ice (modal thickness), mostly representing ice formed in the recurring, refrozen Lincoln Polynya. Results are in good agreement with ground-based electromagnetic thickness measurements and with ice types demarcated in satellite synthetic aperture radar imagery. Four drifting buoys deployed in 2004 between 86° N and 84.5° N show a similar pattern of a mean southward drift of the ice pack of 83 ± 18 km between May 2004 and April 2005, towards the coast of Ellesmere Island and Nares Strait. The resulting area decrease of 26% between the buoys and the coast is larger than the observed thickness increase south of 84° N. This points to the importance of shear in a narrow band along the coast, and of ice export through Nares Strait in removing ice from the study region.


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The knowledge of ice sheet surface topography and the location of the ice divides are essential for ice dynamic modeling. An improved digital elevation model (DEM) of Dronning Maud Land (DML), Antarctica, is presented in this paper. It is based on ground-based kinematic GPS profiles, airborne radar altimetry, and data of the airborne radio-echo sounding system, as well as spaceborne laser altimetry from NASA's Ice, Cloud and land Elevation Satellite (ICESat). The accuracy of ICESat ice sheet altimetry data in the area of investigation is discussed. The location of the ice divides is derived from aspect calculation of the topography and is verified with several velocity data derived from repeated static GPS measurements.