907 resultados para Goulart, João
A retórica sempre esteve presente nas civilizações. Desde a Grécia Antiga até os dias de hoje ela é usada e estudada. Na religião, é uma formidável fonte de expressão. Foi através da retórica que o Papa João Paulo II conseguiu ganhar notoriedade e se envolver em casos muito além da religião no século XX. Ele foi considerado um papa que se utilizou do político e consolidou um novo status para a Igreja Católica. Assim, através da análise retórica da mediação da Santa Sé no Canal de Beagle em 1979 e da análise retórica das ações diplomáticas do Vaticano contra a invasão do Iraque em 2003, este trabalho mostra como se constrói a retórica religiosa, além das conseqüências que isso acarreta não só para a Igreja, como também para o mundo.
O Presente projeto de mestrado apresenta uma proposta de dissertação que visa resgatar/registrar uma parte das da história da eleição do General de Exército João Baptista de Oliveira Figueiredo. O Objetivo central desse trabalho é fazer uma revisão bibliográfica de parte da história da eleição presidencial ocorrida em 1978, buscando traçar uma relação das ações e as estratégicas pensadas e utilizadas na época na qual influenciaram outras eleições pós período eleitoral de 1978 e que já faziam parte da gama de ferramentas utilizadas pelos candidatos aos cargos de presidente do brasil.
Quais foram as políticas de fomento à comunicação comunitária, desenvolvidas nas gestões municipais de 2001 a 2004 e nos anos 2005 e 2006, das capitais brasileiras? A partir de reflexões teóricas sobre incomunicação, democracia, desenvolvimento, comunicação comunitária, transformação social e políticas públicas de comunicação, é descrito o panorama das políticas locais de fomento à comunicação comunitária no Brasil. Contudo, é preciso verificar em que condições o fomento à comunicação comunitária é possível. Assim, essa pesquisa objetiva analisar os condicionantes políticos-sociais, materiais, ideológicos e institucionais-metodológicos das políticas locais de comunicação das prefeituras de Fortaleza (CE), João Pessoa (PB), Macapá (AP), Porto Alegre (RS) e Recife (PE) em execução em 2007. Optou-se pelo estudo de casos múltiplos, a fim de verificar quais são as replicações possíveis. Como fontes de evidências, foram utilizadas a documentação existente sobre essas experiências e entrevistas semi-estruturadas. Tal multiplicidade se fez necessária uma vez que a triangulação foi a forma de análise de dados escolhida. Por fim, conclui-se que políticas de fomento à comunicação comunitária começam a ser implantadas em âmbito municipal, mas ainda de forma incipiente e pouco articuladas.
Este estudo tem como objetivo propor uma análise do modo como se constrói a representação da imagem eleitoral de João Goulart, sob a ótica da propaganda política no cinema brasileiro no período pós-ditadura. Para a realização desse objetivo contamos com o longa-metragem de Silvio Tendler de 1984, intitulado Jango. Cremos que este estudo se justifica por contribuir para identificar, compreender e mapear o imaginário da sociedade brasileira sobre João Goulart. Para o desenvolvimento do tema foram analisadas teorias de marketing político, propaganda ideológica e persuasão. A pesquisa foi norteada pelo método qualitativo e aplicadas as técnicas de pesquisa histórica e estudo de caso. Concluímos que o Filme de Silvio Tendler reconstruiu a imagem de João Goulart ressaltando seu papel na luta pelas reformas de base. A mistificação de Jango foi exposta no documentário expositivo.
A década de 1950 foi marcada por inúmeras transformações, sociais, políticas e econômicas, decorrentes da industrialização em curso no Brasil. Alguns setores da sociedade, como as elites políticas e um grupo de intelectuais, sentiram a necessidade de pensar as políticas educacionais entendendo o processo educacional como dimensão essencial da realidade brasileira por meio de publicações de numerosos trabalhos. Assim, foi criado no dia 14 de julho de 1955, o ISEB (Instituto Superior de Estudos Brasileiros), ainda no governo Café Filho, mas iniciou suas atividades no mandato de Juscelino Kubitschek. Era um instituto ligado ao Ministério da Educação e Cultura (MEC), porém gozava de autonomia administrativa e seus integrantes possuíam liberdade de pesquisa. Tinha como objetivo ser um local de estudos e debates para discutir o desenvolvimento do Brasil. Eram reflexões voltadas para o âmbito das Ciências Sociais como: Economia, Filosofia, Sociologia, História e Política, e a partir delas, buscava-se instaurar o debate, dialogar com a sociedade mediante palestras em institutos importantes na época e ainda, conferências em São Paulo, patrocinadas pelo Centro da Federação das Indústrias (FIESP). Seus trabalhos principais foram: a publicação de livros, artigos, jornais e a realização de conferências, além de São Paulo, em outras cidades, como Brasília e Rio de Janeiro. Por ser constituído de intelectuais de diferentes vertentes ideológicas, emergiam muitos atritos de ideias, o que, consequentemente, provocou várias crises dentro do instituto. Alguns, como Hélio Jaguaribe, defendiam que a instauração de um processo de desenvolvimento teria como direção a burguesia industrial. Em face do exposto, esta pesquisa investigou o papel pedagógico do ISEB, por meio da análise de suas publicações e dos cursos por ele ministrados. A proposta se deu no sentido de compreender seus dois momentos: o primeiro, durante o governo de Juscelino Kubitschek, e o segundo, no governo de João Goulart, buscando qualificar ideológica e pedagogicamente cada um deles. O estudo evidenciou que o ISEB possuía uma dimensão pedagógica, a qual, apesar de não estar descrita em seu estatuto, encontrava-se implícita em suas publicações, cursos e palestras.
Esta tese teve por objetivo saber como o corpo docente da Universidade Estadual de Mato Grosso do Sul (UEMS) percebe, entende e reage ante a incorporação e utilização das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TICs) nos cursos de graduação dessa Instituição, considerando os novos processos comunicacionais dialógicos que elas podem proporcionar na sociedade atual. Metodologicamente, a tese é composta por pesquisa bibliográfica, buscando fundamentar as áreas da Educação e Comunicação, assim como a Educomunicação; pesquisa documental para contextualização do lócus da pesquisa e de uma pesquisa exploratória a partir da aplicação de um questionário online a 165 docentes da UEMS, que responderam voluntariamente. Verificou-se que os professores utilizam as TICs cotidianamente nas atividades pessoais e, em menor escala, nos ambientes profissionais. Os desafios estão em se formar melhor esse docente e oferecer capacitação continuada para que utilizem de forma mais eficaz as TICs nas salas de aula. Destaca-se ainda que os avanços em tecnologia e os novos ecossistemas comunicacionais construíram novas e outras realidades, tornando a aprendizagem um fator não linear, exigindo-se revisão nos projetos pedagógicos na educação superior para que estes viabilizem diálogos propositivos entre a comunicação e a educação. A infraestrutura institucional para as TICs é outro entrave apontado, tanto na aquisição como na manutenção desses aparatos tecnológicos pela Universidade. Ao final, propõe-se realizar estudos e pesquisas que possam discutir alterações nos regimes contratuais de trabalho dos docentes, uma vez que, para atuar com as TICs de maneira apropriada, exige-se mais tempo e dedicação do docente.
This dissertation examines the ideological development of the Catholic University Student (JUC) movements in Cuba and Brazil during the Cold War and their organizational predecessors and intellectual influences in interwar Europe. Transnational Catholicism prioritized the attempt to influence youth and in particular, university students, within the context of Catholic nations within Atlantic civilization in the middle of the twentieth century. This dissertation argues that the Catholic university movements achieved a relatively high level of social and political influence in a number of countries in Latin America and that the experience of the Catholic student activists led them to experience ideological conflict and in some cases, rupture, with the conservative ideology of the Catholic hierarchy. Catholic student movements flourished after World War II in the context of an emerging youth culture. The proliferation of student organizations became part of the ideological battlefield of the Cold War. Catholic university students also played key roles in the Cuban Revolution (1957-1959) and in the attempted political and social reforms in Brazil under President João Goulart (1961-1964). ^ The JUC, under the guidance of the Church hierarchy, attempted to avoid aligning itself with either ideological camp in the Cold War, but rather to chart a Third Way between materialistic capitalism and atheistic socialism. Thousands of students in over 70 nations were intensively trained to think critically about pressing social issues. This paper will to place the Catholic Student movement in Cuba in the larger context of transnational Catholic university movements using archival evidence, newspaper accounts and secondary sources. Despite the hierarchy's attempt to utilize students as a tool of influence, the actual lived experience of students equipped them to think critically about social issues, and helped lay a foundation for the progressive student politics of the late 1960s and the rise of liberation theology in the 1970s. ^
Este trabalho objetiva avaliar a influência das medidas antropométricas sobre a pressão arterial sistêmica de uma coorte de hipertensos atendidos nas Unidades de Saúde da Família (USF) no município de João Pessoa-PB durante o período de 2008 a 2011. Para verificar as diferenças de níveis pressóricos entre as medidas realizadas nas consultas referentes ao cadastro, e a ultima pressão obtida no período de acompanhamento foram utilizadas informações sobre a identificação, dados clínicos do paciente, fatores de risco e doenças concomitantes. Testes estatísticos de comparabilidade entre grupos foram empregados. Para investigar os padrões de associação dos fatores de risco das variáveis antropométricas e sociodemográficas com a hipertensão dos pacientes, foi empregado o Modelo de Regressão Logística. Foram encontradas associações significativas (p<0,005) da hipertensão com a obesidade e o sedentarismo. Com os resultados desta pesquisa pretende-se: fornecer indicadores sobre a efetividade da Estratégia Saúde da Família; avaliar a qualidade das informações antropométricas; contribuir para a definição de estratégias que garantam o melhoramento dos acompanhamentos dos hipertensos e fornecer elementos científicos de apoio para outras USF e instituições governamentais.
In the contemporary scene, it is conspicuous that the patrimony and the culture have assumed privileged positions in urban policies, presenting themselves as instruments for transforming and shaping the aspect of cities. In the plot line of such glowing trend, the competitiveness among cities has drawn more attention, for at present such urban centers garner an image that makes them suitable for economic purposes, thus more likely to attract investments and tourists. In the spotlight of such stage, the cities become notable actors, directed by policies of urban rehabilitation. In such plot line, the historical centers gain more visibility and are converted into venues for staging the spectacle of everyday life. Overlapped in this process of producing images, the phenomenon of gentrification recrudesces. Thus, the discussion threaded about the patrimony gains strength in urban studies, keeping a close relationship with the ways of perceiving the cities nowadays. This work is based on the principle that the historical centers are engendered and fond by urban policies, working as transforming instruments of city perceptions and living. In that sense, the way how the historic center and the valuation assessed to old buildings are comprehended by the inhabitants is largely guided by urban policies that outline a sellable image of the city. In the light of such elaborations, an ethnographic research was made with focus on two different contexts, namely: the historic centers of João Pessoa (Brazil) and Tours (France). It was done in a comparative perspective, for it allows us to trace the main specificities of each situation in order to highlight the similarities and distinctions about the two regions mentioned above. The research aimed at apprehending how the pair redevelopment-abandonment engendered by the urban policies influence on the process of revaluation of historical centers by dwellers and to what extent there are convergences regarding such kinds of interventions, as an object of policies of urban and touristic development in Brazil and France. In order to make this work – besides the abundant bibliographic review carried out in libraries of several universities and institutions in Brazil and France – dwellers, merchants, teachers, representative people of public agencies and former residents of the historic centers of both cities were interviewed. In Tours, immigrants/Portuguese descendants were interviewed, point that greatly contributed to the understanding of the historic center before Vieux Tours renewal and restoration. Moreover a rich research on Archives and Public Agencies was done, as well as investigations on newspaper and articles on the Internet. Thus, in the context of the ethnography in historic centers, it was possible to notice that both realities reveal similarities in a comparative analytical framework
The housing boom recorded in recent years in the city of João Pessoa contributed decisively to the increase in housing supply across the all territory. This advance, however, was accompanied by a significant increase in property prices, which in itself generates enormous expectations on the support of the same medium and long term. From this apparent frame heating the housing market of this Capital. This study empirically examined whether this enhancement configured a typical process of bubble formation between the years 2009 and 2013 in this part of Capital. The empirical price dynamics of the housing market , was based on the indicators of price, rent and cost developed by Bezerra et al. (2013). The results of these local indicators increase the degree of confidence in the hypothesis seen, whatever, that the movement of prices in the main districts of the city of João Pessoa is a real estate bubble
The thematization of public space in the ―Maior São João do Mundo‖ in Campina Grande - PB stimulates the economy and the local tourism from the transformation of a common public space in a setting that has the traditional June festivals based. To do so, contributes to promotion of existing creative sectors in the city and the design of a new city that is projected from the festivities of São João. In this research we propose to determine the influence of the thematization of public space in the local economy, particularly in creative sectors present in the ―Maior São João do Mundo‖ and assess their importance for the development of local creative economy. We chose the case study, from an ethnographic approach, using different research techniques such as participant observation, semi-structured interviews with open questions and the analysis of social representations of respondents. The methodology used is mixed because it involves qualitative and quantitative data. We could notice at the end of this research, the thematization of public space in the ―Maior São João do Mundo‖ is the main reference factor for the event, stimulating the local economy and changing the city's image in three levels: political, economic and social. Also realize that the thematization of public space is the key binding factor between the creative sectors as well as between them and the related activities. All these sectors serve as a link between the products and services, creating a harmonic whole that transforms the city's image, stimulates the economy, promotes social inclusion, cultural integration and keeps the ―Maior São João do Mundo‖ as a traditional event in the tourist calendar regional and national.
Dar a ver Sertão e Sevilha: matizes hispânicas na poética cabralina is a study on the lyric reading possibilities of Cabralian poetry, from the work of the poet from Pernambuco, that shows the intercultural dialogue and the Spanish poetical approach absorbed by João Cabral de Melo Neto during his Andalusian experience. Hispanic interfaces incorporated by the Cabralian poetry through literature or through the direct contact with the culture are registered on the 133 poems that have Spain as theme, in which we can see the matrix of Hispanic tradition, rich in its diversity, was the preponderant element for the poet João Cabral to discover the core of his lyric backwards. From Hispanic corpus, it will be explored the aesthetical assimilation of Spanish poetry in the work of João Cabral de Melo Neto, with the objective of demystifying the issues of lyrical dullness and anti musicality on Cabralian poetics in which, from the appropriation of Hispanic elements investigated as a signal of lyrics and musicality, originates a reading unattached from the constructivist signal, tessitura evidenced by the critic Antonio Candido since the origin of JCMN poetry with the poem Pedra do sono (1942). The mentioned aesthetics was adopted later on by the literary critics that named it as “brain poetry” for its hermetical configuration, tessitura of rigor, concreteness of language and stiff metrics. The results obtained from this study aim to induce a reading that favors the lyrical acoustic of the Cabralian poetry in the effort to ease the aspects of the arid construction.
In the context of poetic productions of modernity and postmodernity (Hutcheon, 1999), this paper, from the concept of nomadism (Deleuze, 2012), together with the philosopher Derrida's notion of writing (2009), has the objective to study Harmada the novel (1993), written by artist Joao Gilberto Noll, the aspect of Nolliana nomadic scripture and boredom towards deconstruction of the Romanesque style. The narrative focus on introducing a transit fiction, promoted by nomadisms scripture of the wandering narrator who, in the work constitution, will the conduct of language, a plot that invades the body of the characters full of boredom and foreigners themselves, moving in fragmented and fluid spatiality of narrating. In this perspective, the research is limited with theoretical and methodological foundation in poststructuralist discussions in relation to considerations of literary aesthetics and concerning the thinkers-teóricos- critics: Derrida (2009), Deleuze (1995), Foucault (1996, 2001), Barthes (1977), Svendsen (2006). Against the background of critical understanding, the nomadic writing Harmada interlace in three stages: first, in the author's language; Second, the characters, the narrator-protagonist leading, unnamed, living overwhelming crises and painful existential ambiguity, placed through the artist's metaphor failed under the sign of "missing" while searching for other possible artistic ways of being in the world; and, finally, the nomadic reading instance as presentification effect (GUMBRECHT, 2010) for a reader experimentation. Finally, our work addresses the relationship between the nomadic scripture and the experience of boredom as a strategic power in the literature do Noll gear.
This research aims to understand how the affective components involved in transgender relations with documents constitute specific ways in which these people recognize themselves and build their bodies and their paths, their life projects and their relationship with others. We understand that the documents, if the personal identification or those produced by social movements, legal actors and health and the State, are experienced by trans people beyond administrative functions that are initially thought, but also involve a series of emotional experiences mark their subjective processes, in how these people produce themselves and design in the world their sociality networks. We elected as research field two institutions located in the city of João Pessoa (Paraíba State), noting the intense institutional movement, political, social in favor of the rights of transexuals that have occurred in that city in recent years. Thus, the Rights Reference Centre for LGBT and Fight Against Homophobia (Espaço LGBT) and Health Clinic of Transvestites and Transexuals (Ambulatório de Saúde de Travestis e Transexuais) were the spaces where we find our interlocutors and analyze their experiences with the documents noting two key aspects: the search for first name change in the civil registry and the relationship of trans people with documents produced by the health policies and services such as protocols, records, receipts and psychiatric reports. We realized that although there is disagreement about the perception that our interlocutors have on the documentation that regulates health services, all reported experiencing embarrassment in social situations when you have those who make use of a document that is not consistent with the performance and “social face” taken. In addition to the reports of embarrassment, we saw that the discussion of social distress and trauma has grounded the platforms of social movements, public policy, legal processes and become “narratives of pains” that present strong potential micro-political on demand for rights to “trans people”.
Objective: To evaluate the planning and quality of plaster models for fabricati on of removable parti al dentures received from three commercial prosthodonti c laboratories located in the city of João Pessoa, PB, Brazil, which perform the casting procedures in their facilities. Methods: Forty 40 plaster models were photographed per laboratory, totalizing 120 models. The evaluation was performed using two questi onnaires, one designed for the dental prosthesis technicians, and another applied by the investigator for the visual evaluati on of the models. Data were analyzed using the SPSS soft ware version 13.0. Results: Ninety-two (76.7%) models did not present planning. In addition, no model presented references of insertion plane or guide pins. Calculati on of the mouth preparati on index (MPI) to evaluate the distribution of the oclusal and cingulum abutments or rests showed that 86 (71.7%) models were classifi ed as poor, 23 (19.2%) models as good and only 11 (9,.2%) models as acceptable. Defects were found in 102 (85%) models. Conclusion: The prosthodontists are not preparing the mouth of their pati ents, neglecti ng the planning of removable partial dentures, and passing this responsibility to the dental prosthesis technicians. In addition, the quality of the models sent to the laboratories was unsatisfactory.