996 resultados para Getting Real
Tutkielma keskittyy lisäämään investointiarviointiprosessien rationaalisuutta strategisten investointien arvioinnissa duopoli- / oligopolimarkkinoilla. Tutkielman päätavoitteena on selvittää kuinka peliteorialla laajennettu reaalioptioperusteinen investointien arviointimenetelmä, laajennettu reaalioptiokehikko, voisi mahdollisesti parantaa analyysien tarkkuutta. Tutkimus lähestyy ongelmaa investoinnin ajoituksen sekä todellisten investoinnin arvoattribuuttien riippuvuuksien kautta. Laajennettu reaalioptiokehikko on investointien analysointi- ja johtamistyökalu, joka tarjoaa osittain rajoitetun (sisältää tällä hetkellä ainoastaan parametrisen ja peliteoreettisen epävarmuuden) optimaalisen arvovälin investoinnin todellisesta arvosta. Kehikossa, ROA kartoittaa mahdolliset strategiset hyödyt tunnistamalla investointiinliittyvät eri optiot ja epävarmuudet, peliteoria korostaa ympäristön luomia paineita investointiin liittyvän epävarmuuden hallitsemisessa. Laajennettu reaalioptiokehikko tarjoaa rationaalisemman arvion strategisen investoinnin arvosta, koska se yhdistää johdonmukaisemmin option toteutuksen ja siten myös optioiden aika-arvon, yrityksen todellisiin rajoitettuihin (rajoituksena muiden markkinatoimijoiden toimet) polkuriippuvaisiin kyvykkyyksiin.
Tutkielman tavoitteena oli saada näkemys kunnallisten talous- ja velkaneuvontatoimistojen antaman talousneuvonnan toimivuudesta ylivelkaantumisen estämisessä sekä mahdollisista kehitystarpeista. Tutkielmassa käsitellään talousneuvonnan perustana oleva lainsäädäntö, tasapainoisen talouden perusteita sekä velkaantumisen syitä. Varsinainen tutkimus tehtiin internetin kautta toteutetulla kunnallisille talous- ja velkaneuvojille suunnatulla kyselyllä. Kyselyllä selvitettiin muun muassa, kuinka paljon talousneuvontaa annetaan, minkälaista tuo annettu neuvonta on ja annetaanko neuvontaa yrittäjille. Lisäksi haluttiin saada selville talous- ja velkaneuvojien käyttämä talousneuvontaprosessi. Tutkimustuloksista ilmenee, että vaikka talous- ja velkaneuvonnasta annettu laki painottaa talousneuvontaa, talous- ja velkaneuvojien tyypilliset työtehtävät liittyvät yksityishenkilön velkajärjestelyyn. Varsinaista talousneuvontaa annetaan kohtuullisen vähän. Suurin osa talous- ja velkaneuvojista oli sitä mieltä, että talousneuvonnalla voidaan kokonaan tai osittain estää ylivelkaantuminen. Yli puolet talous- ja velkaneuvojista ei antaisi talousneuvontaa yrittäjille, mutta pääsyy kieltäytymiselle oli kuitenkin resurssipula. Talousneuvonnan antamisen tueksi tulisi saada koulutusta, materiaalia sekä konkreettisia välineitä, kuten atk-ohjelmia. Velkaantuminen on pysyvä osa markkinataloutta ja yhteiskunnan tulee kantaa siitä vastuu. Tärkeintä olisi kuitenkin saada ihmiset motivoitumaan oman taloudellisen tilanteen hoitamiseen.
Tutkimuksen päämääränä oli tutkia miten reaalioptiomenetelmä soveltuu metsäteollisuuden strategisten informaatioteknologiainvestointien arvioimiseen. Tässä tutkimuksessa muodostettiin mukautettu reaalioptiosovelluskehys, esiteltyjen reaalioptiosovelluskehyksien perusteella. Valitut investointiehdotukset arvioitiin muodostetun sovelluskehyksen avulla. Tutkimus oli luonteeltaan kvalitatiivinen. Pääasiallisia tiedonlähteitä olivat lehtiartikkelit, GDSS -istunnot ja haastattelut. Tutkimuksen tuloksena selvisi, että reaalioptiomenetelmä sopii metsäteollisuudenstrategisten informaatioteknologiainvestointien arvioimiseen. On kuitenkin huomioitava, että investoinnin suunnitteluprosessin kypsyysaste vaikuttaa reaalioptiomenetelmän soveltamiseen. Tutkimuksessa arvioidut investoinnit ovat investoinnin suunnitteluvaiheen varhaisessa vaiheessa.
Este trabajo ha tenido como objetivo la realización de una aplicación para móviles desarrollada en HTML5 llamada ¿Audioguía Turística de El Real Monasterio de San Lorenzo de El Escorial¿.Se han utilizado tecnologías como HTML5, javascript, jQuery Mobile (framework de javascritp), CSS, ThemRoller, y Phonegap (ahora apache Cordoba). También se ha usado Eclipse como IDE para el desarrollo con el pluging de Aptana.Se ha logrado una aplicación instalable en cualquier dispositivo móvil (Smartphone) o Tablet de cualquier tamaño, obteniéndose una app multidispositivo de tipo híbrida que puede usar y disponer de los recursos que posee el teléfono móvil como hacer llamadas, geolocalización, etc. Aparte de todo ello, para alcanzar una app multiplataforma se ha usado Phonegap Build, proporcionándonos con la compilación en la nube varios archivos instalables en distintas plataformas como Android, Windows-Phone, etc. Por tanto, se ha obtenido el desarrollo de una aplicación con HTML5 multidispositivo y multiplataforma.
Eines per afrontar la problemàtica: diàleg amb operadors turístics; col·laboració inter-administrativa. Recursos turístics; Acció i col·laboració internacional; eines per a l’ordenació. Ordenances de civisme i via pública. Regulació habitatges ús turístic (HUT’S); mitjans per a l’ordenació. Forces de l’ordre; Campanya de civisme: Enjoy & Respect; Campanya de comunicació: #viulloret; col·laboració públic-privada; quina hauria de ser la clau de l’èxit. La perseverança.
Proteins can switch between different conformations in response to stimuli, such as pH or temperature variations, or to the binding of ligands. Such plasticity and its kinetics can have a crucial functional role, and their characterization has taken center stage in protein research. As an example, Topoisomerases are particularly interesting enzymes capable of managing tangled and supercoiled double-stranded DNA, thus facilitating many physiological processes. In this work, we describe the use of a cantilever-based nanomotion sensor to characterize the dynamics of human topoisomerase II (Topo II) enzymes and their response to different kinds of ligands, such as ATP, which enhance the conformational dynamics. The sensitivity and time resolution of this sensor allow determining quantitatively the correlation between the ATP concentration and the rate of Topo II conformational changes. Furthermore, we show how to rationalize the experimental results in a comprehensive model that takes into account both the physics of the cantilever and the dynamics of the ATPase cycle of the enzyme, shedding light on the kinetics of the process. Finally, we study the effect of aclarubicin, an anticancer drug, demonstrating that it affects directly the Topo II molecule inhibiting its conformational changes. These results pave the way to a new way of studying the intrinsic dynamics of proteins and of protein complexes allowing new applications ranging from fundamental proteomics to drug discovery and development and possibly to clinical practice.
Small centrifugal compressors are more and more widely used in many industrialsystems because of their higher efficiency and better off-design performance comparing to piston and scroll compressors as while as higher work coefficient perstage than in axial compressors. Higher efficiency is always the aim of the designer of compressors. In the present work, the influence of four partsof a small centrifugal compressor that compresses heavy molecular weight real gas has been investigated in order to achieve higher efficiency. Two parts concern the impeller: tip clearance and the circumferential position of the splitter blade. The other two parts concern the diffuser: the pinch shape and vane shape. Computational fluid dynamics is applied in this study. The Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes flow solver Finflo is used. The quasi-steady approach is utilized. Chien's k-e turbulence model is used to model the turbulence. A new practical real gas model is presented in this study. The real gas model is easily generated, accuracy controllable and fairly fast. The numerical results and measurements show good agreement. The influence of tip clearance on the performance of a small compressor is obvious. The pressure ratio and efficiency are decreased as the size of tip clearance is increased, while the total enthalpy rise keeps almost constant. The decrement of the pressure ratio and efficiency is larger at higher mass flow rates and smaller at lower mass flow rates. The flow angles at the inlet and outlet of the impeller are increased as the size of tip clearance is increased. The results of the detailed flow field show that leakingflow is the main reason for the performance drop. The secondary flow region becomes larger as the size of tip clearance is increased and the area of the main flow is compressed. The flow uniformity is then decreased. A detailed study shows that the leaking flow rate is higher near the exit of the impeller than that near the inlet of the impeller. Based on this phenomenon, a new partiallyshrouded impeller is used. The impeller is shrouded near the exit of the impeller. The results show that the flow field near the exit of the impeller is greatly changed by the partially shrouded impeller, and better performance is achievedthan with the unshrouded impeller. The loading distribution on the impeller blade and the flow fields in the impeller is changed by moving the splitter of the impeller in circumferential direction. Moving the splitter slightly to the suction side of the long blade can improve the performance of the compressor. The total enthalpy rise is reduced if only the leading edge of the splitter ismoved to the suction side of the long blade. The performance of the compressor is decreased if the blade is bended from the radius direction at the leading edge of the splitter. The total pressure rise and the enthalpy rise of thecompressor are increased if pinch is used at the diffuser inlet. Among the fivedifferent pinch shape configurations, at design and lower mass flow rates the efficiency of a straight line pinch is the highest, while at higher mass flow rate, the efficiency of a concave pinch is the highest. The sharp corner of the pinch is the main reason for the decrease of efficiency and should be avoided. The variation of the flow angles entering the diffuser in spanwise direction is decreased if pinch is applied. A three-dimensional low solidity twisted vaned diffuser is designed to match the flow angles entering the diffuser. The numerical results show that the pressure recovery in the twisted diffuser is higher than in a conventional low solidity vaned diffuser, which also leads to higher efficiency of the twisted diffuser. Investigation of the detailed flow fields shows that the separation at lower mass flow rate in the twisted diffuser is later than in the conventional low solidity vaned diffuser, which leads to a possible wider flow range of the twisted diffuser.
A Catalunya, en els darrers anys, han anat proliferant una sèrie de «professionals» que realitzen, amb més o menys adequació a la definició teòrica, la funció de mediadors inter-culturals. Primerament, es tractava de gitanos, però darrerament, fruit de l’increment de la presència d’infants d’origen immigrant a les escoles catalanes, s’ha vist créixer el nombre i el protagonisme dels estrangers pel reconeixement que se’ls ha donat des de l’Administració i des de les institucions. Els mediadors han intentat intervenir en qüestions com ara la participació dels pares d’origen minoritari, l’adaptació del currículum a la diversitat cultural, la negociació de conflictes culturals, la desescolarització, l’absentisme i l’abandonament escolar dels alumnes durant el període d’escolarització obligatòria, la traducció lingüística i la interpretació sociocultural, etc. Concretament, la nostra recerca ha consistit en vint-i-set entrevistes en profunditat a mediadors interculturals de tot Catalunya.
The optimization of most pesticide and fertilizer applications is based on overall grove conditions. In this work we measurements. Recently, Wei [9, 10] used a terrestrial propose a measurement system based on a ground laser scanner to LIDAR to measure tree height, width and volume developing estimate the volume of the trees and then extrapolate their foliage a set of experiments to evaluate the repeatability and surface in real-time. Tests with pear trees demonstrated that the accuracy of the measurements, obtaining a coefficient of relation between the volume and the foliage can be interpreted as variation of 5.4% and a relative error of 4.4% in the linear with a coefficient of correlation (R) of 0.81 and the foliar estimation of the volume but without real-time capabilities. surface can be estimated with an average error less than 5 %.
Revealing the parties, the processes and the institutions and, consequently, both the diversity and contingency of the real estate markets, the existing increasing literature emphasises the contemporary numerous links and interdependencies between real estate, land value, planning and town planning policy and even the financial system. This paper is an attempt to understand all the real estate markets, from the most peripheral ones, where the urban rent is the lowest, to the most dense city centres. To gain a better understanding of the real estate market, a process of firstly deconstruction and then reconstruction is used. The process of deconstruction involves identifying various market trends according to property type (principally residential buildings), players and institutions, territorial situations and temporalities based on research conducted in Switzerland. We then developed a meta-synthesis inspired by Fernand Braudel whose works put as much emphasis on day-to-day economic activity as on long-term activity, and on local as well as global issues.
This work proposes the development of an embedded real-time fruit detection system for future automatic fruit harvesting. The proposed embedded system is based on an ARM Cortex-M4 (STM32F407VGT6) processor and an Omnivision OV7670 color camera. The future goal of this embedded vision system will be to control a robotized arm to automatically select and pick some fruit directly from the tree. The complete embedded system has been designed to be placed directly in the gripper tool of the future robotized harvesting arm. The embedded system will be able to perform real-time fruit detection and tracking by using a three-dimensional look-up-table (LUT) defined in the RGB color space and optimized for fruit picking. Additionally, two different methodologies for creating optimized 3D LUTs based on existing linear color models and fruit histograms were implemented in this work and compared for the case of red peaches. The resulting system is able to acquire general and zoomed orchard images and to update the relative tracking information of a red peach in the tree ten times per second.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a produção da cultivar de morangueiro Camino Real, recentemente introduzida da Califórnia, comparando-a com a das cultivares Aromas e Camarosa, nas condições climáticas do Rio Grande do Sul. O experimento foi realizado em Pelotas, utilizando-se do sistema de produção sob túnel e mudas importadas do Chile. A irrigação foi feita por gotejamento, e a adubação, fornecida via água de irrigação. Em maio de 2006, foi feito o transplantio das mudas no espaçamento de 35 cm entre linhas e entre plantas. Semanalmente, de agosto a dezembro, foram analisadas as variáveis massa fresca e número médio de frutos produzidos. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos casualizados com parcelas subdivididas no tempo, com quatro repetições. As unidades experimentais foram constituídas por 21 plantas. Verificou-se que a produção da cultivar Camino Real (1.121,2 g de frutos comerciais por planta por ano) é semelhante à da 'Aromas' (1.043,3 g) e à da 'Camarosa' (1.038,3 g). Os frutos da 'Camino Real' são maiores e de maior massa (24,6 g) em relação aos da 'Camarosa' (19,5 g) e da 'Aromas' (17,9 g), sendo, no entanto, produzidos em menor número. A máxima massa fresca obtida da cv. Camino Real é de 30,7 g, na 12ª semana de colheita.
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the second leading cause of cancer-related death in developed countries. Early detection of CRC leads to decreased CRC mortality. A blood-based CRC screening test is highly desirable due to limited invasiveness and high acceptance rate among patients compared to currently used fecal occult blood testing and colonoscopy. Here we describe the discovery and validation of a 29-gene panel in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) for the detection of CRC and adenomatous polyps (AP). Blood samples were prospectively collected from a multicenter, case-control clinical study. First, we profiled 93 samples with 667 candidate and 3 reference genes by high throughput real-time PCR (OpenArray system). After analysis, 160 genes were retained and tested again on 51 additional samples. Low expressed and unstable genes were discarded resulting in a final dataset of 144 samples profiled with 140 genes. To define which genes, alone or in combinations had the highest potential to discriminate AP and/or CRC from controls, data were analyzed by a combination of univariate and multivariate methods. A list of 29 potentially discriminant genes was compiled and evaluated for its predictive accuracy by penalized logistic regression and bootstrap. This method discriminated AP >1cm and CRC from controls with a sensitivity of 59% and 75%, respectively, with 91% specificity. The behavior of the 29-gene panel was validated with a LightCycler 480 real-time PCR platform, commonly adopted by clinical laboratories. In this work we identified a 29-gene panel expressed in PBMC that can be used for developing a novel minimally-invasive test for accurate detection of AP and CRC using a standard real-time PCR platform.
Reproductive traits play a key role in pig production in order to reduce costs and increase economic returns. Among others, gene expression analyses represent a useful approach to study genetic mechanisms underlying reproductive traits in pigs. The application of reverse-transcription quantitative PCR requires the selection of appropriate reference genes, whose expression levels should not be affected by the experimental conditions, especially when comparing gene expression across different physiological stages.