944 resultados para Gene mutations


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A two-hybrid screen was used to identify Saccharomyces cerevisiae genes encoding proteins that interact with MSH2. One gene was found to encode a homologue of Schizosaccharomyces pombe EXO1, a double-stranded DNA-specific 5′–3′ exonuclease. S. cerevisiae EXO1 interacted with both S. cerevisiae and human MSH2 in two-hybrid and coimmunoprecipitation experiments. exo1 mutants showed a mutator phenotype, and epistasis analysis was consistent with EXO1 functioning in the MSH2-dependent mismatch repair pathway. exo1 mutations were lethal in combination with rad27 mutations, and overexpression of EXO1 suppressed both the temperature sensitive and mutator phenotypes of rad27 mutants.


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Hypertrophy of mammalian cardiac muscle is mediated, in part, by angiotensin II through an angiotensin II type1a receptor (AT1aR)-dependent mechanism. To understand how the level of AT1aRs is altered in this pathological state, we studied the expression of an injected AT1aR promoter-luciferase reporter gene in adult rat hearts subjected to an acute pressure overload by aortic coarctation. This model was validated by demonstrating that coarctation increased expression of the α-skeletal actin promoter 1.7-fold whereas the α-myosin heavy chain promoter was unaffected. Pressure overload increased expression from the AT1aR promoter by 1.6-fold compared with controls. Mutations introduced into consensus binding sites for AP-1 or GATA transcription factors abolished the pressure overload response but had no effect on AT1aR promoter activity in control animals. In extracts from coarcted hearts, but not from control hearts, a Fos-JunB-JunD complex and GATA-4 were detected in association with the AP-1 and GATA sites, respectively. These results establish that the AT1aR promoter is active in cardiac muscle and its expression is induced by pressure overload, and suggest that this response is mediated, in part, by a functional interaction between AP-1 and GATA-4 transcription factors.


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Ngrol genes (NgrolB, NgrolC, NgORF13, and NgORF14) that are similar in sequence to genes in the left transferred DNA (TL-DNA) of Agrobacterium rhizogenes have been found in the genome of untransformed plants of Nicotiana glauca. It has been suggested that a bacterial infection resulted in transformation of Ngrol genes early in the evolution of the genus Nicotiana. Although the corresponding four rol genes in TL-DNA provoked hairy-root syndrome in plants, present-day N. glauca and plants transformed with Ngrol genes did not exhibit this phenotype. Sequenced complementation analysis revealed that the NgrolB gene did not induce adventitious roots because it contained two point mutations. Single-base site-directed mutagenesis at these two positions restored the capacity for root induction to the NgrolB gene. When the NgrolB, with these two base substitutions, was positioned under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter (P35S), transgenic tobacco plants exhibited morphological abnormalities that were not observed in P35s-RirolB plants. In contrast, the activity of the NgrolC gene may have been conserved after an ancient infection by bacteria. Discussed is the effect of the horizontal gene transfer of the Ngrol genes and mutations in the NgrolB gene on the phenotype of ancient plants during the evolution of N. glauca.


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Recent studies have suggested that the retention of selectable marker cassettes (like PGK–Neo, in which a hybrid gene consisting of the phosphoglycerate kinase I promoter drives the neomycin phosphotransferase gene) in targeted loci can cause unexpected phenotypes in “knockout” mice due to disruption of expression of neighboring genes within a locus. We have studied targeted mutations in two multigene clusters, the granzyme B locus and the β-like globin gene cluster. The insertion of PGK–Neo into the granzyme B gene, the most 5′ gene in the granzyme B gene cluster, severely reduced the normal expression of multiple genes within the locus, even at distances greater than 100 kb from the mutation. Similarly, the insertion of a PGK–Neo cassette into the β-globin locus control region (LCR) abrogates the expression of multiple globin genes downstream from the cassette. In contrast, a targeted mutation of the promyelocyte-specific cathepsin G gene (which lies just 3′ to the granzyme genes in the same cluster) had minimal effects on upstream granzyme gene expression. Although the mechanism of these long distance effects are unknown, the expression of PGK–Neo can be “captured” by the regulatory domain into which it is inserted. These results suggest that the PGK–Neo cassette can interact productively with locus control regions and thereby disrupt normal interactions between local and long-distance regulatory regions within a tissue-specific domain.


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The congenital long QT syndrome (LQTS) is an inherited disorder characterized by a prolonged cardiac action potential. This delay in cellular repolarization can lead to potentially fatal arrhythmias. One form of LQTS (LQT3) has been linked to the human cardiac voltage-gated sodium channel gene (SCN5A). Three distinct mutations have been identified in the sodium channel gene. The biophysical and functional characteristics of each of these mutant channels were determined by heterologous expression of a recombinant human heart sodium channel in a mammalian cell line. Each mutation caused a sustained, non-inactivating sodium current amounting to a few percent of the peak inward sodium current, observable during long (>50 msec) depolarizations. The voltage dependence and rate of inactivation were altered, and the rate of recovery from inactivation was changed compared with wild-type channels. These mutations in diverse regions of the ion channel protein, all produced a common defect in channel gating that can cause the long QT phenotype. The sustained inward current caused by these mutations will prolong the action potential. Furthermore, they may create conditions that promote arrhythmias due to prolonged depolarization and the altered recovery from inactivation. These results provide insights for successful intervention in the disease.


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The Candida albicans genes, CST20 and HST7, were cloned by their ability to suppress the mating defects of Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutants in the ste20 and ste7 genes, which code for elements of the mating mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase pathway. These Candida genes are both structural and functional homologs of the cognate Saccharomyces genes. The pattern of suppression in Saccharomyces is related to their presumptive position in the MAP kinase cascade. Null alleles of these genes were constructed in Candida. The Candida homozygous null mutants are defective in hyphal formation on some media, but are still induced to form hyphae by serum, showing that serum induction of hyphae is independent of the MAP kinase cascade. The Candida heterozygotes CST20/cst20 and HST7/hst7 are also defective in hyphal formation. This lack of dominance of the wild-type allele suggests that gene dosage is important in Candida.


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Behavioral and electrophysiological studies on mutants defective in the Drosophila inebriated (ine) gene demonstrated increased excitability of the motor neuron. In this paper, we describe the cloning and sequence analysis of ine. Mutations in ine were localized on cloned DNA by restriction mapping and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) mapping of ine mutants. DNA from the ine region was then used to isolate an ine cDNA. In situ hybridization of ine transcripts to developing embryos revealed expression of this gene in several cell types, including the posterior hindgut, Malpighian tubules, anal plate, garland cells, and a subset of cells in the central nervous system. The ine cDNA contains an open reading frame of 658 amino acids with a high degree of sequence similarity to members of the Na+/Cl−-dependent neurotransmitter transporter family. Members of this family catalyze the rapid reuptake of neurotransmitters released into the synapse and thereby play key roles in controlling neuronal function. We conclude that ine mutations cause increased excitability of the Drosophila motor neuron by causing the defective reuptake of the substrate neurotransmitter of the ine transporter and thus overstimulation of the motor neuron by this neurotransmitter. From this observation comes a unique opportunity to perform a genetic dissection of the regulation of excitability of the Drosophila motor neuron.


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The respiratory gene cox2, normally present in the mitochondrion, was previously shown to have been functionally transferred to the nucleus during flowering plant evolution, possibly during the diversification of legumes. To search for novel intermediate stages in the process of intracellular gene transfer and to assess the evolutionary timing and frequency of cox2 transfer, activation, and inactivation, we examined nuclear and mitochondrial (mt) cox2 presence and expression in over 25 legume genera and mt cox2 presence in 392 genera. Transfer and activation of cox2 appear to have occurred during recent legume evolution, more recently than previously inferred. Many intermediate stages of the gene transfer process are represented by cox2 genes in the studied legumes. Nine legumes contain intact copies of both nuclear and mt cox2, although transcripts could not be detected for some of these genes. Both cox2 genes are transcribed in seven legumes that are phylogenetically interspersed with species displaying only nuclear or mt cox2 expression. Inactivation of cox2 in each genome has taken place multiple times and in a variety of ways, including loss of detectable transcripts or transcript editing and partial to complete gene loss. Phylogenetic evidence shows about the same number (3–5) of separate inactivations of nuclear and mt cox2, suggesting that there is no selective advantage for a mt vs. nuclear location of cox2 in plants. The current distribution of cox2 presence and expression between the nucleus and mitochondrion in the studied legumes is probably the result of chance mutations silencing either cox2 gene.


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Fanconi anemia (FA) is a genetically heterogeneous autosomal recessive syndrome associated with chromosomal instability, hypersensitivity to DNA crosslinking agents, and predisposition to malignancy. The gene for FA complementation group A (FAA) recently has been cloned. The cDNA is predicted to encode a polypeptide of 1,455 amino acids, with no homologies to any known protein that might suggest a function for FAA. We have used single-strand conformational polymorphism analysis to screen genomic DNA from a panel of 97 racially and ethnically diverse FA patients from the International Fanconi Anemia Registry for mutations in the FAA gene. A total of 85 variant bands were detected. Forty-five of the variants are probably benign polymorphisms, of which nine are common and can be used for various applications, including mapping studies for other genes in this region of chromosome 16q. Amplification refractory mutation system assays were developed to simplify their detection. Forty variants are likely to be pathogenic mutations. Seventeen of these are microdeletions/microinsertions associated with short direct repeats or homonucleotide tracts, a type of mutation thought to be generated by a mechanism of slipped-strand mispairing during DNA replication. A screening of 350 FA probands from the International Fanconi Anemia Registry for two of these deletions (1115–1118del and 3788–3790del) revealed that they are carried on about 2% and 5% of the FA alleles, respectively. 3788–3790del appears in a variety of ethnic groups and is found on at least two different haplotypes. We suggest that FAA is hypermutable, and that slipped-strand mispairing, a mutational mechanism recognized as important for the generation of germ-line and somatic mutations in a variety of cancer-related genes, including p53, APC, RB1, WT1, and BRCA1, may be a major mechanism for FAA mutagenesis.


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Genetic changes in insects that lead to insecticide resistance include point mutations and up-regulation/amplification of detoxification genes. Here, we report a third mechanism, resistance caused by an absence of gene product. Mutations of the Methoprene-tolerant (Met) gene of Drosophila melanogaster result in resistance to both methoprene, a juvenile hormone (JH) agonist insecticide, and JH. Previous results have demonstrated a mechanism of resistance involving an intracellular JH binding protein that has reduced ligand affinity in Met flies. We show that a γ-ray induced allele, Met27, completely lacks Met transcript during the insecticide-sensitive period in development. Although Met27 homozygotes have reduced oogenesis, they are viable, demonstrating that Met is not a vital gene. Most target-site resistance genes encode vital proteins and thus have few mutational changes that permit both resistance and viability. In contrast, resistance genes such as Met that encode nonvital insecticide target proteins can have a variety of mutational changes that result in an absence of functional gene product and thus should show higher rates of resistance evolution.


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The new antigen receptor (NAR) gene in the nurse shark diversifies extensively by somatic hypermutation. It is not known, however, whether NAR somatic hypermutation generates the primary repertoire (like in the sheep) or rather is used in antigen-driven immune responses. To address this issue, the sequences of NAR transmembrane (Tm) and secretory (Sec) forms, presumed to represent the primary and secondary repertoires, respectively, were examined from the peripheral blood lymphocytes of three adult nurse sharks. More than 40% of the Sec clones but fewer than 11% of Tm clones contained five mutations or more. Furthermore, more than 75% of the Tm clones had few or no mutations. Mutations in the Sec clones occurred mostly in the complementarity-determining regions (CDR) with a significant bias toward replacement substitutions in CDR1; in Tm clones there was no significant bias toward replacements and only a low level of targeting to the CDRs. Unlike the Tm clones where the replacement mutational pattern was similar to that seen for synonymous changes, Sec replacements displayed a distinct pattern of mutations. The types of mutations in NAR were similar to those found in mouse Ig genes rather than to the unusual pattern reported for shark and Xenopus Ig. Finally, an oligoclonal family of Sec clones revealed a striking trend toward acquisition of glutamic/aspartic acid, suggesting some degree of selection. These data strongly suggest that hypermutation of NAR does not generate the repertoire, but instead is involved in antigen-driven immune responses.


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Mouse models show that congenital neural tube defects (NTDs) can occur as a result of mutations in the platelet-derived growth factor receptor-α gene (PDGFRα). Mice heterozygous for the PDGFRα-mutation Patch, and at the same time homozygous for the undulated mutation in the Pax1 gene, exhibit a high incidence of lumbar spina bifida occulta, suggesting a functional relation between PDGFRα and Pax1. Using the human PDGFRα promoter linked to a luciferase reporter, we show in the present paper that Pax1 acts as a transcriptional activator of the PDGFRα gene in differentiated Tera-2 human embryonal carcinoma cells. Two mutant Pax1 proteins carrying either the undulated-mutation or the Gln → His mutation previously identified by us in the PAX1 gene of a patient with spina bifida, were not or less effective, respectively. Surprisingly, Pax1 mutant proteins appear to have opposing transcriptional activities in undifferentiated Tera-2 cells as well as in the U-2 OS osteosarcoma cell line. In these cells, the mutant Pax1 proteins enhance PDGFRα-promoter activity whereas the wild-type protein does not. The apparent up-regulation of PDGFRα expression in these cells clearly demonstrates a gain-of-function phenomenon associated with mutations in Pax genes. The altered transcriptional activation properties correlate with altered protein–DNA interaction in band-shift assays. Our data provide additional evidence that mutations in Pax1 can act as a risk factor for NTDs and suggest that the PDGFRα gene is a direct target of Pax1. In addition, the results support the hypothesis that deregulated PDGFRα expression may be causally related to NTDs.


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DNA methylation is an important regulator of genetic information in species ranging from bacteria to humans. DNA methylation appears to be critical for mammalian development because mice nullizygous for a targeted disruption of the DNMT1 DNA methyltransferase die at an early embryonic stage. No DNA methyltransferase mutations have been reported in humans until now. We describe here the first example of naturally occurring mutations in a mammalian DNA methyltransferase gene. These mutations occur in patients with a rare autosomal recessive disorder, which is termed the ICF syndrome, for immunodeficiency, centromeric instability, and facial anomalies. Centromeric instability of chromosomes 1, 9, and 16 is associated with abnormal hypomethylation of CpG sites in their pericentromeric satellite regions. We are able to complement this hypomethylation defect by somatic cell fusion to Chinese hamster ovary cells, suggesting that the ICF gene is conserved in the hamster and promotes de novo methylation. ICF has been localized to a 9-centimorgan region of chromosome 20 by homozygosity mapping. By searching for homologies to known DNA methyltransferases, we identified a genomic sequence in the ICF region that contains the homologue of the mouse Dnmt3b methyltransferase gene. Using the human sequence to screen ICF kindreds, we discovered mutations in four patients from three families. Mutations include two missense substitutions and a 3-aa insertion resulting from the creation of a novel 3′ splice acceptor. None of the mutations were found in over 200 normal chromosomes. We conclude that mutations in the DNMT3B are responsible for the ICF syndrome.


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Snf, encoded by sans fille, is the Drosophila homolog of mammalian U1A and U2B′′ and is an integral component of U1 and U2 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles (snRNPs). Surprisingly, changes in the level of this housekeeping protein can specifically affect autoregulatory activity of the RNA-binding protein Sex-lethal (Sxl) in an action that we infer must be physically separate from Snf’s functioning within snRNPs. Sxl is a master switch gene that controls its own pre-mRNA splicing as well as splicing for subordinate switch genes that regulate sex determination and dosage compensation. Exploiting an unusual new set of mutant Sxl alleles in an in vivo assay, we show that Snf is rate-limiting for Sxl autoregulation when Sxl levels are low. In such situations, increasing either maternal or zygotic snf+ dose enhances the positive autoregulatory activity of Sxl for Sxl somatic pre-mRNA splicing without affecting Sxl activities toward its other RNA targets. In contrast, increasing the dose of genes encoding either the integral U1 snRNP protein U1-70k, or the integral U2 snRNP protein SF3a60, has no effect. Increased snf+ enhances Sxl autoregulation even when U1-70k and SF3a60 are reduced by mutation to levels that, in the case of SF3a60, demonstrably interfere with Sxl autoregulation. The observation that increased snf+ does not suppress other phenotypes associated with mutations that reduce U1-70k or SF3a60 is additional evidence that snf+ dose effects are not caused by increased snRNP levels. Mammalian U1A protein, like Snf, has a snRNP-independent function.


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Myostatin, a member of the transforming growth factor-β superfamily, is a genetic determinant of skeletal muscle growth. Mice and cattle with inactivating mutations of myostatin have marked muscle hypertrophy. However, it is not known whether myostatin regulates skeletal muscle growth in adult men and whether increased myostatin expression contributes to wasting in chronic illness. We examined the hypothesis that myostatin expression correlates inversely with fat-free mass in humans and that increased expression of the myostatin gene is associated with weight loss in men with AIDS wasting syndrome. We therefore cloned the human myostatin gene and cDNA and examined the gene’s expression in the skeletal muscle and serum of healthy and HIV-infected men. The myostatin gene comprises three exons and two introns, maps to chromosomal region 2q33.2, has three putative transcription initiation sites, and is transcribed as a 3.1-kb mRNA species that encodes a 375-aa precursor protein. Myostatin is expressed uniquely in the human skeletal muscle as a 26-kDa mature glycoprotein (myostatin-immunoreactive protein) and secreted into the plasma. Myostatin immunoreactivity is detectable in human skeletal muscle in both type 1 and 2 fibers. The serum and intramuscular concentrations of myostatin-immunoreactive protein are increased in HIV-infected men with weight loss compared with healthy men and correlate inversely with fat-free mass index. These data support the hypothesis that myostatin is an attenuator of skeletal muscle growth in adult men and contributes to muscle wasting in HIV-infected men.