932 resultados para Flow rate variation coefficient


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As a result of urbanization, stormwater runoff flow rates and volumes are significantly increased due to increasing impervious land cover and the decreased availability of depression storage. Storage tanks are the basic devices to efficiently control the flow rate in drainage systems during wet weather. Presented in the paper conception of vacuum-driven detention tanks allows to increase the storage capacity by usage of space above the free surface water elevation at the inlet channel. Partial vacuum storage makes possible to gain cost savings by reduction of both the horizontal area of the detention tank and necessary depth of foundations. Simulation model of vacuum-driven storage tank has been developed to estimate potential profits of its application in urban drainage system. Although SWMM5 has no direct options for vacuum tanks an existing functions (i.e. control rules) have been used to reflect its operation phases. Rainfall data used in simulations were recorded at raingage in Czestochowa during years 2010÷2012 with time interval of 10minutes. Simulation results gives overview to practical operation and maintenance cost (energy demand) of vacuum driven storage tanks depending of the ratio: vacuum-driven volume to total storage capacity. The following conclusion can be drawn from this investigations: vacuum-driven storage tanks are characterized by uncomplicated construction and control systems, thus can be applied in newly developed as well as in the existing urban drainage systems. the application of vacuum in underground detention facilities makes possible to increase of the storage capacity of existing reservoirs by usage the space above the maximum depth. Possible increase of storage capacity can achieve even a few dozen percent at relatively low investment costs. vacuum driven storage tanks can be included in existing simulation software (i.e. SWMM) using options intended for pumping stations (including control and action rules ).


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Esta Tese apresenta uma análise do comportamento térmico de um sistema de aquecimento solar operando por termossifão. Neste tipo de sistema o fluido no coletor solar é circulado por convecção natural, que acontece devido à diferença de massa específica da água ao longo circuito. Nestes sistemas a vazão mássica varia ao longo do dia e do ano, dependendo, dentre outros fatores, da irradiância solar absorvida, do perfil de temperaturas da água no sistema, da geometria, do volume e do perfil de demanda de água quente. Para uma avaliação detalhada do comportamento térmico de aquecedores solares operando por termossifão foram realizados ensaios experimentais e cálculos teóricos. Os resultados dos experimentos concordaram com aqueles apresentados na literatura e sua análise fundamentou o desenvolvimento do aplicativo TermoSim, um programa de simulação computacional do comportamento térmico de sistemas de aquecimento de água com energia solar. O tratamento matemático adotado no TermoSim compreende a modelagem dos coletores solares de acordo com a teoria de Hottel-Bliss-Whillier. O reservatório térmico é modelado com estratificação térmica, convecção e condução entre as camadas. A vazão mássica é obtida a partir do balanço da quantidade de movimento no circuito. Os modelos matemáticos empregados na construção do aplicativo TermoSim foram validados através do confronto dos resultados simulados com medidas experimentais. Foi demonstrado que a utilização destes modelos é adequada e permite reproduzir com precisão o comportamento térmico dos coletores solares e do reservatório térmico. Além do programa TermoSim, foi também desenvolvido o programa TermoDim, que é uma ferramenta para o dimensionamento de sistemas de aquecimento solar, que requer apenas o conhecimento dos parâmetros geométricos do sistema, dados meteorológicos em média mensal e informação a respeito do volume de demanda. O TermoDim é apropriado para estimar o desempenho de aquecedores solares operando por termossifão com tanques verticais e horizontais. O método de dimensionamento do TermoDim é baseado na correlação para a eficiência média mensal obtida neste trabalho a partir de um grande número de simulações.


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Este artigo busca analisar se empresas utilizam instrumentos de dívida corporativa para fazer gestão de risco tanto à exposição à taxa de juros quanto à exposição cambial. Comparamos os coeficientes de regressões para avaliar a exposição a tais fatores de risco antes e depois da emissão da dívida corporativa. Utilizamos uma amostra de emissões de debêntures de empresas brasileiras emitidas no Brasil e de bonds de empresas brasileiras emitidas em dólar. Os dados abrangem o período de janeiro de 2003 a dezembro de 2012. Não encontramos evidência do uso de instrumentos de emissão de dívida corporativa local e internacional como mecanismo de hedge à taxa de juros e à variação da taxa de câmbio. Encontramos evidência de que o derivativo para hedge cambial é utilizado pela maioria das empresas emissoras de bonds. Entretanto, não observamos o mesmo comportamento quando da exposição à taxa de juros para emissoras de dívida corporativa local.


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Na pesquisa em erosão, nas últimas décadas, está se formando um consenso de que é importante entender os processos básicos que regem o fenômeno. Uma alternativas para tentar compreender melhor as etapas do processo erosivo é separá-lo na fase de sulco (fluxo concentrado) e de entressulco. Dentro desse enfoque foi construído no Laboratório de Processos Erosivos e Deposicionais (LaPED) do IPH/UFRGS um canal de declividade para estudar o processo de incisão e o desenvolvimento dos sulcos de erosão. A estrutura experimental projetada e construída permite que seja controlada a vazão através de um medidor eletromagnético e que seja alterada a declividade do canal através de um sistema hidráulico associado a um nível digital. O solo colocado no canal foi um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico típico, as declividades de trabalho foram 3,0; 6,0 e 9,0% e a seqüência de vazões aplicadas foi 10,0; 18,5; 25,5; 38,5 e 51,0L.min-1. A estrutura experimental montada se mostrou de fácil operação e eficiente para permitir o avanço no entendimento dos processos de desagregação e de transporte de partículas sólidas pela ação do escoamento superficial, além de possibilitar a geração de sulco(s) de erosão na superfície do solo. O escoamento passou da condição de difuso para concentrado a partir do momento em que a velocidade superficial do fluxo alcançou 0,26m.s-1, a altura de lâmina atingiu 0,0102m, a velocidade de cisalhamento superou os 0,059m.s-1, a tensão de cisalhamento chegou a 3,50Pa e que a potência do escoamento atingiu pelo menos 0,22N.s-1. O processo de incisão iniciou-se com o canal experimental colocado em baixa declividade e em regime de escoamento sub-crítico e de transição. A velocidade de cisalhamento, no momento da incisão, foi, praticamente, o dobro daquela encontrada na literatura para solos siltosos e arenosos. Entretanto, para as três declividades a fase de sulco definido ocorreu somente em regime de escoamento turbulento. A tensão de cisalhamento foi o parâmetro que melhor descreveu a evolução da perda de solo. A potência do escoamento foi o parâmetro hidráulico que mostrou maior eficiência para separar as fases evolutivas dos sulcos. O desenvolvimento do(s) sulco(s) teve o seu início em uma condição de escoamento difuso (ausência de sulcos) e com a potência do escoamento oscilando entre 0,057 e 0,198N.s-1. O avanço do(s) sulco(s) começou com uma zona de transição (fase de incisão e de aprofundamento) onde a potência do escoamento varia entre 0,220 e 0,278N.s-1 e, logo em seguida, teve início a fase de sulco definido, com a potência do escoamento entre 0,314 e 0,544N.s-1. Na fase de escoamento concentrado foi preponderante o papel do processo de erosão regressiva para aumentar tanto o tamanho como o peso das partículas sólidas em transporte pelo escoamento superficial e assim fazer com que predominasse o transporte via fundo sobre o transporte via suspensão. As cargas de sedimento geradas nos solos de diferentes classes texturais foram separadas em grupos distintos em função da potência unitária do escoamento.


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O processo de transformação da pele em couro envolve uma seqüência complexa de reações químicas e processos mecânicos, no qual o curtimento representa fundamental estágio, por propiciar à pele características como qualidade, estabilidade hidrotérmica e excelentes propriedades para uso. O sulfato básico de cromo trivalente é o agente curtente predominantemente empregado no curtimento de peles em todo o mundo. É produzido a partir do cromato de sódio, industrialmente obtido do minério de cromo. Consideráveis quantidades de resíduos sólidos contendo cromo são geradas pelas indústrias coureira e calçadista. Estes resíduos tem sido motivo de preocupação constante, uma vez que são considerados perigosos devido a presença do cromo. O processo de incineração destes resíduos é uma importante alternativa a ser considerada, em decorrência de suas características de redução de massa, volume e possibilidade de aproveitamento da energia térmica dos gases de combustão. O processo de incineração dos resíduos das indústrias coureira e calçadista dá origem a cinzas contendo cerca de 40% de cromo que pode ser submetida a um processo de recuperação. Este trabalho apresenta os resultados da pesquisa sobre a utilização das cinzas, provenientes da incineração dos resíduos sólidos da indústria coureira e da indústria calçadista, para a produção de cromato de sódio(VI). No processo de planejamento e de condução dos experimentos foram utilizadas as técnicas de Planejamento Fatorial 2k, Metodologia de Superfície de Resposta e Análise de Variância na avaliação da produção de cromato de sódio(VI). Os fatores investigados foram: temperatura, taxa de aquecimento, tempo de reação, vazão de ar e quantidade de dolomita. A partir das variáveis selecionadas identificaram-se como parâmetros importantes a temperatura e a taxa de aquecimento. As superfícies de resposta tridimensionais obtidas a partir dos modelos de segunda ordem ajustados aos dados experimentais, apresentaram o comportamento do efeito conjugado dos fatores temperatura e taxa de aquecimento sobre a variável resposta grau de oxidação, desde a temperatura de inicio da reação química até a temperatura limite utilizada industrialmente. As condições de operação do processo de produção de cromato de sódio(VI) foram otimizadas. Os níveis ótimos dos fatores de controle aplicados as cinzas dos resíduos da indústria calçadista, geradas em uma planta piloto com incinerador de leito fixo, com tecnologia de gaseificação e combustão combinadas, apresentaram um grau de oxidação superior a 96% para as cinzas coletadas no ciclone e de 99,5% para as cinzas coletas no reator de gaseificação. Os resíduos sólidos, as cinzas e o produto de reação foram caracterizados por análises químicas, fluorescência de raio-X, microscopia eletrônica de varredura e difração de raio-X.


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O trabalho relaciona, com um modelo de três fatores proposto por Huse (2007), variáveis macroeconômicas e financeiras observáveis com a estrutura a termo da taxa de juros (ETTJ) dos países da América Latina (Brasil, Chile, Colômbia e México). Consideramos os seguintes determinantes macroeconômicos: taxa de inflação, taxa de variação do nível de atividade, variação da taxa de câmbio, nível do credit default swaps (CDS), nível da taxa de desemprego, nível da taxa de juros nominal e fatores globais (inclinação da curva de juros norte-americana e variação de índices de commodities). Os modelos explicam mais do que 75% nos casos do Brasil, Chile e Colômbia e de 68% no caso do México. Variações positivas no nível de atividade e inflação são acompanhadas, em todos os países, de um aumento na ETTJ. Aumentos do CDS, com exceção do Chile, acarretam em aumento das taxas longas. Já crescimentos na taxa de desemprego têm efeitos distintos nos países. Ao mesmo tempo, depreciações cambiais não são acompanhadas de subida de juros, o que pode ser explicado pelos bancos centrais considerarem que depreciações de câmbio tem efeitos transitórios na inflação. No México, aumentos na ETTJ são diretamente relacionados com o índice de commodities de energia e metálicas. Já no caso brasileiro, em que os preços da gasolina são regulados e não impactam a inflação, esse canal não é relevante. Variações positivas na inclinação da curva norte-americana têm efeitos similares nas curvas da América Latina, reduzindo as taxas curtas e aumentando as taxas longas.


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A stir bar sorptive extraction with liquid desorption followed by large volume injection coupled to gas chromatography–quadrupole mass spectrometry (SBSE-LD/LVI-GC–qMS) was evaluated for the simultaneous determination of higher alcohol acetates (HAA), isoamyl esters (IsoE) and ethyl esters (EE) of fatty acids. The method performance was assessed and compared with other solventless technique, the solid-phase microextraction (SPME) in headspace mode (HS). For both techniques, influential experimental parameters were optimised to provide sensitive and robust methods. The SBSE-LD/LVI methodology was previously optimised in terms of extraction time, influence of ethanol in the matrix, liquid desorption (LD) conditions and instrumental settings. Higher extraction efficiency was obtained using 60 min of extraction time, 10% ethanol content, n-pentane as desorption solvent, 15 min for the back-extraction period, 10 mL min−1 for the solvent vent flow rate and 10 °C for the inlet temperature. For HS-SPME, the fibre coated with 50/30 μm divinylbenzene/carboxen/polydimethylsiloxane (DVB/CAR/PDMS) afforded highest extraction efficiency, providing the best sensitivity for the target volatiles, particularly when the samples were extracted at 25 °C for 60 min under continuous stirring in the presence of sodium chloride (10% (w/v)). Both methodologies showed good linearity over the concentration range tested, with correlation coefficients higher than 0.984 for HS-SPME and 0.982 for SBES-LD approach, for all analytes. A good reproducibility was attained and low detection limits were achieved using both SBSE-LD (0.03–28.96 μg L−1) and HS-SPME (0.02–20.29 μg L−1) methodologies. The quantification limits for SBSE-LD approach ranging from 0.11 to 96.56 μg L−and from 0.06 to 67.63 μg L−1 for HS-SPME. Using the HS-SPME approach an average recovery of about 70% was obtained whilst by using SBSE-LD obtained average recovery were close to 80%. The analytical and procedural advantages and disadvantages of these two methods have been compared. Both analytical methods were used to determine the HAA, IsoE and EE fatty acids content in “Terras Madeirenses” table wines. A total of 16 esters were identified and quantified from the wine extracts by HS-SPME whereas by SBSE-LD technique were found 25 esters which include 2 higher alcohol acetates, 4 isoamyl esters and 19 ethyl esters of fatty acids. Generally SBSE-LD provided higher sensitivity with decreased analysis time.


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This work presents a RP-HPLC method for the simultaneous quantification of free amino acids and biogenic amines in liquid food matrices and the results of the application to honey and wine samples obtained from different production processes and geographic origins. The developed methodology is based on a pre-column derivatization with o-phthaldialdehyde carried out in the sample injection loop. The compounds were separated in a Nova-Pack RP-C18 column (150 mm × 3.9 mm, 4 μm) at 35 °C. The mobile phase used was a mixture of phase A: 10 mM sodium phosphate buffer (pH 7.3), methanol and tetrahydrofuran (91:8:1); and phase B: methanol and phosphate buffer (80:20), with a flow rate of 1.0 ml/min. Fluorescence detection was used at an excitation wavelength of 335 nm and an emission wavelength of 440 nm. The separation and quantification of 19 amino acids and 6 amines was carried out in a single run as their OPA/MCE derivatives elute within 80 min, ensuring a reproducible quantification. The method showed to be adequate for the purpose, with an average RSD of 2% for the different amino acids; detection limits varying between 0.71 mg/l (Asn) and 8.26 mg/l (Lys) and recovery rates between 63.0% (Cad) and 98.0% (Asp). The amino acids present at the highest concentration in honey and wine samples were phenylalanine and arginine, respectively. Only residual levels of biogenic amines were detected in the analysed samples.


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LOPES, Jose Soares Batista et al. Application of multivariable control using artificial neural networks in a debutanizer distillation column.In: INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING - COBEM, 19, 5-9 nov. 2007, Brasilia. Anais... Brasilia, 2007


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The growing concern with the solid residues management, observed in the last decade, due to its huge amount and impact, has motivated the search for recycling processes, where these residues can be reprocessed to generate new products, enlarging the cycle of materials and energy which are present. Among the polymeric residues, there is poly (ethylene terephthalate) (PET). PET is used in food packaging, preferably in the bottling of carbonated beverages. The reintegration of post-consumer PET in half can be considered a productive action mitigation of environmental impacts caused by these wastes and it is done through the preparation of several different products at the origin, i.e. food packaging, with recycling rates increasing to each year. This work focused on the development and characterization mechanical, thermal, thermo-mechanical, dynamic mechanical thermal and morphology of the pure recycled PET and recycled PET composites with glass flakes in the weight fraction of 5%, 10% and 20% processed in a single screw extruder, using the following analytical techniques: thermogravimetry (TG), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), tensile, Izod impact, Rockwell hardness, Vicat softening temperature, melt flow rate, burn rate, dynamic mechanical thermal analysis (DMTA) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results of thermal analysis and mechanical properties leading to a positive evaluation, because in the thermograms the addition of glass flakes showed increasing behavior in the initial temperatures of thermal decomposition and melting crystalline, Furthermore was observed growing behavior in the mechanical performance of polymer composites, whose morphological structure was observed by SEM, verifying a good distribution of glass flakes, showing difference orientation in the center and in the surface layer of test body of composites with 10 and 20% of glass flakes. The results of DMTA Tg values of the composites obtained from the peak of tan ä showed little reductions due to poor interfacial adhesion between PET and recycled glass flakes.


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Currently the search for new materials with properties suitable for specific applications has increased the number of researches that aim to address market needs. The poly (methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) is one of the most important polymers of the family of polyacrylates and polymethacrylates, especially for its unique optical properties and weathering resistance, and exceptional hardness and gloss. The development of polymer composites by the addition of inorganic fillers to the PMMA matrix increases the potential use of this polymer in various fields of application. The most commonly used inorganic fillers are particles of silica (SiO2), modified clays, graphite and carbon nanotubes. The main objective of this work is the development of PMMA/SiO2 composites at different concentrations of SiO2, for new applications as engineering plastics. The composites were produced by extrusion of tubular film, and obtained via solution for application to commercial PMMA plates, and also by injection molding, for improved the abrasion and scratch resistance of PMMA without compromising transparency. The effects of the addition of silica particles in the polymer matrix properties were evaluated by the maximum tensile strength, hardness, abrasion and scratch resistance, in addition to preliminary characterization by torque rheometry and melt flow rate. The results indicated that it is possible to use silica particles in a PMMA matrix, and a higher silica concentration produced an increase of the abrasion and scratch resistance, hardness, and reduced tensile strength


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Steam injection is the most used method of additional recovery for the extraction of heavy oil. In this type procedure is common to happen gravitational segregation and this phenomenon can affect the production of oil and therefore, it shoulds be considered in the projects of continuous steam injection. For many years, the gravitational segregation was not adequately considered in the calculation procedures in Reservoir Engineering. The effect of the gravity causes the segregation of fluids inside the porous media according to their densities. The results of simulation arising from reservoirs could provide the ability to deal with the gravity, and it became apparent that the effects of the gravity could significantly affect the performance of the reservoir. It know that the gravitational segregation can happen in almost every case where there is injection of light fluid, specially the steam, and occurs with greater intensity for viscous oil reservoirs. This work discusses the influence of some parameters of the rock-reservoir in segregation as viscosity, permeability, thickness, cover gas, porosity. From a model that shows the phenomenon with greater intensity, optimized some operational parameters as the rate flow rate steam, distance between the wells injector-producer, and interval of completion which contributed to the reduction in gravity override, thus increasing the oil recovery. It was shown a greater technical-economic viability for the model of distance between the wells 100 m. The analysis was performed using the simulator of CMG (Computer Modeling Group-Stars 2007.11, in which was observed by iterating between studied variables in heavy oil reservoirs with similar characteristics to Brazilian Northeast


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The production of water has become one of the most important wastes in the petroleum industry, specifically in the up stream segment. The treatment of this kind of effluents is complex and normally requires high costs. In this context, the electrochemical treatment emerges as an alternative methodology for treating the wastewaters. It employs electrochemical reactions to increase the capability and efficiency of the traditional chemical treatments for associated produced water. The use of electrochemical reactors can be effective with small changes in traditional treatments, generally not representing a significant additional surface area for new equipments (due to the high cost of square meter on offshore platforms) and also it can use almost the same equipments, in continuous or batch flow, without others high costs investments. Electrochemical treatment causes low environmental impact, because the process uses electrons as reagent and generates small amount of wastes. In this work, it was studied two types of electrochemical reactors: eletroflocculation and eletroflotation, with the aim of removing of Cu2+, Zn2+, phenol and BTEX mixture of produced water. In eletroflocculation, an electrical potential was applied to an aqueous solution containing NaCl. For this, it was used iron electrodes, which promote the dissolution of metal ions, generating Fe2+ and gases which, in appropriate pH, promote also clotting-flocculation reactions, removing Cu2+ and Zn2+. In eletroflotation, a carbon steel cathode and a DSA type anode (Ti/TiO2-RuO2-SnO2) were used in a NaCl solution. It was applied an electrical current, producing strong oxidant agents as Cl2 and HOCl, increasing the degradation rate of BTEX and phenol. Under different flow rates, the Zn2+ was removed by electrodeposition or by ZnOH formation, due the increasing of pH during the reaction. To better understand the electrochemical process, a statistical protocol factor (22) with central point was conducted to analyze the sensitivity of operating parameters on removing Zn2+ by eletroflotation, confirming that the current density affected the process negatively and the flow rate positively. For economical viability of these two electrochemical treatments, the energy consumption was calculated, taking in account the kWh given by ANEEL. The treatment cost obtained were quite attractive in comparison with the current treatments used in Rio Grande do Norte state. In addition, it could still be reduced for the case of using other alternative energy source such as solar, wind or gas generated directly from the Petrochemical Plant or offshore platforms


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This master thesis aims at developing a new methodology for thermochemical degradation of dry coconut fiber (dp = 0.25mm) using laboratory rotating cylinder reactor with the goal of producing bio-oil. The biomass was characterized by infrared spectroscopy with Fourier transform FTIR, thermogravimetric analysis TG, with evaluation of activation energy the in non-isothermal regime with heating rates of 5 and 10 °C/min, differential themogravimetric analysis DTG, sweeping electron microscopy SEM, higher heating value - HHV, immediate analysis such as evaluated all the amounts of its main constituents, i.e., lignin, cellulose and hemicelluloses. In the process, it was evaluated: reaction temperature (450, 500 and 550oC), carrier gas flow rate (50 and 100 cm³/min) and spin speed (20 and 25 Hz) to condensate the bio-oil. The feed rate of biomass (540 g/h), the rotation of the rotating cylinder (33.7 rpm) and reaction time (30 33 min) were constant. The phases obtained from the process of pyrolysis of dry coconut fiber were bio-oil, char and the gas phase non-condensed. A macroscopic mass balance was applied based on the weight of each phase to evaluate their yield. The highest yield of 20% was obtained from the following conditions: temperature of 500oC, inert gas flow of 100 cm³/min and spin speed of 20 Hz. In that condition, the yield in char was 24.3%, non-condensable gas phase was 37.6% and losses of approximately 22.6%. The following physicochemical properties: density, viscosity, pH, higher heating value, char content, FTIR and CHN analysis were evaluated. The sample obtained in the best operational condition was subjected to a qualitative chromatographic analysis aiming to know the constituents of the produced bio-oil, which were: phenol followed by sirigol, acetovanilona and vinyl guaiacol. The solid phase (char) was characterized through an immediate analysis (evaluation of moisture, volatiles, ashes and fixed carbon), higher heating value and FTIR. The non-condensing gas phase presented as main constituents CO2, CO and H2. The results were compared to the ones mentioned by the literature.


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The occurrence of heavy oil reservoirs have increased substantially and, due to the high viscosity characteristic of this type of oil, conventional recovery methods can not be applied. Thermal methods have been studied for the recovery of this type of oil, with a main objective to reduce its viscosity, by increasing the reservoir temperature, favoring the mobility of the oil and allowing an increasing in the productivity rate of the fields. In situ combustion (ISC) is a thermal recovery method in which heat is produced inside the reservoir by the combustion of part of the oil with injected oxygen, contrasting with the injection of fluid that is heated in the surface for subsequent injection, which leads to loss heat during the trajectory to the reservoir. The ISC is a favorable method for recovery of heavy oil, but it is still difficult to be field implemented. This work had as an objective the parametric analysis of ISC process applied to a semi-synthetic reservoir with characteristics of the Brazilian Northeast reservoirs using vertical production and vertical injection wells, as the air flow injection and the wells completions. For the analysis, was used a commercial program for simulation of oil reservoirs using thermal processes, called Steam, Thermal and Advanced Processes Reservoir Simulator (STARS) from Computer Modelling Group (CMG). From the results it was possible to analyze the efficiency of the ISC process in heavy oil reservoirs by increasing the reservoir temperature, providing a large decrease in oil viscosity, increasing its mobility inside the reservoir, as well as the improvement in the quality of this oil and therefore increasing significantly its recovered fraction. Among the analyzed parameters, the flow rate of air injection was the one which had greater influence in ISC, obtaining higher recovery factor the higher is the flow rate of injection, due to the greater amount of oxygen while ensuring the maintenance of the combustion front