930 resultados para Flow Through Porous Media
Few studies have examined long-term ecological effects of sustained low-level nutrient enhancement on wetland biota. To determine sustained effects of phosphorus (P) addition on Everglades marshes we added P at low levels (5, 15, and 30 µg L-1 above ambient) for 5 yr to triplicate 100-m flow-through channels in pristine marsh. A cascade of ecological responses occurred in similar sequence among treatments. Although the rate of change increased with dosing level, treatments converged to similar enriched endpoints, characterized most notably by a doubling of plant biomass and elimination of native, calcareous periphyton mats. The full sequence of biological changes occurred without an increase in water total P concentration, which remained near ambient levels until Year 5. This study indicates that Everglades marshes have a near-zero assimilative capacity for P without a state change, that ecosystem responses to enrichment accumulate over time, and that downstream P transport mainly occurs through biota rather than the water column.
Quorum sensing (QS) is the phenomenon by which microorganisms regulate gene expression in response to cell-population density. These microorganisms synthesize and secrete small molecules known as autoinducers that increase in concentration as a function of cell density. Once the cell detects the minimal threshold concentration of an autoinducer, the gene expression is altered accordingly. Although the cellular circuitry responding to QS is relatively conserved, the cellular processes regulated by QS, for example are conjugation, motility, sporulation, biofilm formation and production of virulence factors importamt for infection. Since many pathogens have developed resistance to available antibiotics, novel therapies are required to further treat these pathogens. Inhibitors of QS are potential therapeutic candidates since they would inhibit virulence without selecting for antibiotic resistant strains. Previous studies have shown that the Chinese herb Panax ginseng contains compounds that inhibit QS activity. To further characterize this activity, a highly sensitive quantitative liquid assay was developed using a Chromobacterium violaceum AHL mutant, CV026 as a biomonitor strain. After confirmation that P. ginseng aqueous extracts had anti-QS activity, the extract was fractionated on a reverse phase C18 Sep Pak column. Most anti-QS activity was present in the flow through, and compounds eluted with ten percent acetonitrile in water antibacterial activity. We thus conclude that P. ginseng has anti-QS activity and the active compound is water soluble. Compounds from P. ginseng, could be used as a lead structure to design compound with higher anti-QS activity for therapeutic treatments.
Future climate change will likely represent a major stress to shallow aquatic and coastal marine communities around the world. Most climate change research, particularly in regards to increased pCO2 and ocean acidification, relies on ex situ mesocosm experimentation, isolating target organisms from their environment. Such mesocosms allow for greater experimental control of some variables, but can often cause unrealistic changes in a variety of environmental factors, leading to “bottle effects.” Here we present an in situ technique of altering dissolved pCO2within nearshore benthic communities (e.g., macrophytes, algae, and/or corals) using submerged clear, open-top chambers. Our technique utilizes a flow-through design that replicates natural water flow conditions and minimizes caging effects. The clear, open-top design additionally ensures that adequate light reaches the benthic community. Our results show that CO2 concentrations and pH can be successfully manipulated for long durations within the open-top chambers, continuously replicating forecasts for the year 2100. Enriched chambers displayed an average 0.46 unit reduction in pH as compared with ambient chambers over a 6-month period. Additionally, CO2 and HCO3 – concentrations were all significantly higher within the enriched chambers. We discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this technique in comparison to other ex situ mesocosm designs used for climate change research.
From 8/95 to 2/01, we investigated the ecological effects of intra- and inter-annual variability in freshwater flow through Taylor Creek in southeastern Everglades National Park. Continuous monitoring and intensive sampling studies overlapped with an array of pulsed weather events that impacted physical, chemical, and biological attributes of this region. We quantified the effects of three events representing a range of characteristics (duration, amount of precipitation, storm intensity, wind direction) on the hydraulic connectivity, nutrient and sediment dynamics, and vegetation structure of the SE Everglades estuarine ecotone. These events included a strong winter storm in November 1996, Tropical Storm Harvey in September 1999, and Hurricane Irene in October 1999. Continuous hydrologic and daily water sample data were used to examine the effects of these events on the physical forcing and quality of water in Taylor Creek. A high resolution, flow-through sampling and mapping approach was used to characterize water quality in the adjacent bay. To understand the effects of these events on vegetation communities, we measured mangrove litter production and estimated seagrass cover in the bay at monthly intervals. We also quantified sediment deposition associated with Hurricane Irene's flood surge along the Buttonwood Ridge. These three events resulted in dramatic changes in surface water movement and chemistry in Taylor Creek and adjacent regions of Florida Bay as well as increased mangrove litterfall and flood surge scouring of seagrass beds. Up to 5 cm of bay-derived mud was deposited along the ridge adjacent to the creek in this single pulsed event. These short-term events can account for a substantial proportion of the annual flux of freshwater and materials between the mangrove zone and Florida Bay. Our findings shed light on the capacity of these storm events, especially when in succession, to have far reaching and long lasting effects on coastal ecosystems such as the estuarine ecotone of the SE Everglades.
Salinity, water temperature, and chlorophyll a (chl-a) biomass were used as performance measures in the period 1999–2001 to evaluate the effect of a hydrological rehabilitation project in the Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta (CGSM)–Pajarales lagoon complex, Colombia where freshwater diversions were initiated in 1995 and completed in 1998. The objective of this study was to evaluate how diversions of freshwater into previously hypersaline (>80) environments changed the spatial and temporal distribution of environmental characteristics. Following the diversion, 19 surveys and transects using a flow-through system were surveyed in the CGSM–Pajarales complex to continuously measure selected water quality parameters. Geostatistical analysis indicates that hydrology and salinity regimes and water circulation patterns in the CGSM lagoon are largely controlled by freshwater discharge from the Fundacion, Aracataca, and Sevilla Rivers. Residence times in the CGSM lagoon were similar before (15.5 ± 3.8 days) and after (14.2 ± 2.0 days) the rehabilitation project and indicated that the system is flushed regularly. In contrast, chl-a biomass was highly variable in the CGSM–Pajarales lagoon complex and not related to discharge patterns. Mean annual chl-a biomass (44–250 μg L−1) following the diversion project was similar to values recorded since the 1980s and still remains among the highest reported in coastal systems around the world owing to its unique hydrology regulated by the Magdalena River and Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta watersheds and the high teleconnection to the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO). Our results confirm that the reduction in salinity in the CGSM lagoon and Pajarales complex during 1999–2000 was largely driven by high precipitation (2500 mm) induced by the ENSO–La Niña rather than by the freshwater diversions.
Deep well injection into non-potable saline aquifers of treated domestic wastewater has been used in Florida for decades as a safe and effective alternative to ocean outfall disposal. The objectives of this study were to determine the fate and transport of injected wastewater at two deep well injection sites in Miami Dade County, Florida, USA. Detection of ammonium in the Middle Confining units of the Floridan aquifer above the injection zone at both sites has been interpreted as evidence of upward migration of injected wastewater, posing a risk to underground sources of drinking water. Historical water quality data, including ammonia, chloride, temperature, and pH from existing monitoring wells at both sites from 1983 to 2008, major ions collected monthly from 2006 and 2008, and a synoptic sampling event for stable isotopes, tritium, and dissolved gases in 2008, were used to determine the source of ammonium in groundwater and possible migration pathways. Geochemical modeling was used to determine possible effects of injected wastewater on native water and aquifer matrix geochemistry. Injected wastewater was determined to be the source of elevated ammonium concentrations above ambient water levels, based on the results of major ion concentrations, tritium, dissolved noble gases and 15N isotopes analyses. Various possible fluid migration pathways were identified at the sites. Data for the south site suggest buoyancy-driven vertical pathways to overlying aquifers bypassing the confining units, with little mixing of injected wastewater with native water as it migrated upward. Once it is introduced into an aquifer, the injectate appeared to migrate advectively with the regional groundwater flow. Geochemical modeling indicated that CO 2-enriched injected wastewater allowed for carbonate dissolution along the vertical pathways, enhancing permeability along these flowpaths. At the north site, diffusive upward flow through the confining units or offsite vertical pathways were determined to be possible, however no evidence was detected for any on-site confining unit bypass pathway. No evidence was observed at either site of injected wastewater migration to the Upper Floridan aquifer, which is used as a municipal water supply and for aquifer storage and recovery.
Over the last one hundred years, compartmentalization and water management activities have reduced water flow to the ridge and slough landscape of the Everglades. As a result, the once corrugated landscape has become topographically and vegetationally uniform. The focus of this study was to quantify variation in surface flow in the ridge and slough landscape and to relate flow conditions to particulate transport and deposition. Over the 2002–2003 and 2003–2004 wet seasons, surface velocities and particulate accumulation were measured in upper Shark River Slough in Everglades National Park. Landscape characteristics such as elevation, plant density and biomass also were examined to determine their impact on flow characteristics and material transport. The results of this study demonstrate that the release of water during the wet season not only increases water levels, but also increased flow speeds and particulate transport and availability. Further, flow speeds were positively and significantly correlated with water level thereby enhancing particulate transport in sloughs relative to ridges especially during peak flow periods. Our results also indicate that the distribution of biomass in the water column, including floating plants and periphyton, affects velocity magnitude and shape of vertical profiles, especially in the sloughs where Utricularia spp. and periphyton mats are more abundant. Plot clearing experiments suggest that the presence of surface periphyton and Utricularia exert greater control over flow characteristics than the identity (i.e., sawgrass or spike rush) or density of emergent macrophytes, two parameters frequently incorporated into models describing flow through vegetated canopies. Based on these results, we suggest that future modeling efforts must take the presence of floating biomass, such as Utricularia, and presence of periphyton into consideration when describing particulate transport.
Natural, unenriched Evergladeswetlands are known to be limited by phosphorus(P) and responsive to P enrichment. However,whole-ecosystem evaluations of experimental Padditions are rare in Everglades or otherwetlands. We tested the response of theEverglades wetland ecosystem to continuous,low-level additions of P (0, 5, 15, and30 μg L−1 above ambient) in replicate,100 m flow-through flumes located in unenrichedEverglades National Park. After the first sixmonths of dosing, the concentration andstanding stock of phosphorus increased in thesurface water, periphyton, and flocculentdetrital layer, but not in the soil or macrophytes. Of the ecosystem components measured, total P concentration increased the most in the floating periphyton mat (30 μg L−1: mean = 1916 μg P g−1, control: mean =149 μg P g−1), while the flocculentdetrital layer stored most of the accumulated P(30 μg L−1: mean = 1.732 g P m−2,control: mean = 0.769 g P m−2). Significant short-term responsesof P concentration and standing stock wereobserved primarily in the high dose (30 μgL−1 above ambient) treatment. Inaddition, the biomass and estimated P standingstock of aquatic consumers increased in the 30and 5 μg L−1 treatments. Alterationsin P concentration and standing stock occurredonly at the upstream ends of the flumes nearestto the point source of added nutrient. Thetotal amount of P stored by the ecosystemwithin the flume increased with P dosing,although the ecosystem in the flumes retainedonly a small proportion of the P added over thefirst six months. These results indicate thatoligotrophic Everglades wetlands respondrapidly to short-term, low-level P enrichment,and the initial response is most noticeable inthe periphyton and flocculent detrital layer.
Status and history of the Ridge-Slough Mosaic The Florida Everglades is a large subtropical wetland with diverse hydrologic, edaphic, and vegetative characteristics. Historically, a significant portion of this system was a slow moving river originating from the Kissimmee River floodplain, flowing into the vast but shallow Lake Okeechobee, and draining south-southwest over extensive peatlands into Florida Bay (McVoy 2011). Human-induced alterations to the hydrologic regime, including reduction, stabilization, and impoundment of water flow through diversion and compartmentalization of water via canals and levees have degraded pre-drainage vegetation patterns and microtopographic structure (Davis and Ogden 1994, Ogden 2005, McVoy 2011). The Everglades peatland emerged 5,000 years ago with the stabilization of sea level at approximately current elevations (Loveless 1959, Gleason and Stone 1994). This, combined with subtropical rainfalls, allowed a vast mass of water to slowly flow over a limestone bedrock platform 160 km long and 50 km wide at a near uniform descent totaling about 6 m, ultimately reaching Florida Bay (Stephens 1956, Gleason and Stone 1994, McVoy 2011). Vegetation quickly colonized the area, and peat, in the absence of adequate respiration, accumulated on the limestone bedrock to a depth of 3-3.7 m (Gleason and Stone 1994, McVoy et al. 2011). The “River of Grass” referenced by Douglas (1947) alludes to the dually intertwined processes of the historic riverine nature of the Everglades and the vast sawgrass (Cladium jamaicense) communities that have dominated the landscape for about the last 1,000 years (Bernhardt and Willard 2009).
The measurement of flow through the prediction of differential pressure is widely used in industrial day-to-day, this happens mainly due to the fact that it is used for various types of fluids, such as gas flow and liquid with viscosity distinct even flow of fluids with particles in suspension. The suitability of this equipment for measuring mass flow in two-phase flow is of paramount importance for technological development and reliability of results. When it comes to two-phase flow the relationship between the fluids and their interactions are of paramount importance in predicting the flow. In this paper, we propose the use of concentric orifice plate used in small diameter pipes of 25.4 mm order where a two-phase flow flows between water-air. The measurement of single-phase flow was made with the use of data in NBR 5167-1 which was used to Stolz equation for measuring discharge coefficient. In the two-phase flow was used two correlations widely used in the prognosis of mass flow, the pattern of Zhang (1992) and the model of Chisholm (1967), to the homogeneous flow model. It was observed that the behavior found in Zhang model are consistent more realistic way the mass flow of two-phase flow, since the model Chisholm extrapolate the parameters for the downstream pressure P2, the orifice plate, and the rated discharge coefficient. The use of the change in pressure drop P1-P2 and discharge coefficient, led to a better convergence of the values obtained for the two-phase air-water stream.
Vodyanitskii mud volcano is located at a depth of about 2070 m in the Sorokin Trough, Black sea. It is a 500-m wide and 20-m high cone surrounded by a depression, which is typical of many mud volcanoes in the Black Sea. 75 kHz sidescan sonar show different generations of mud flows that include mud breccia, authigenic carbonates, and gas hydrates that were sampled by gravity coring. The fluids that flow through or erupt with the mud are enriched in chloride (up to 650 mmol L**-1 at 150-cm sediment depth) suggesting a deep source, which is similar to the fluids of the close-by Dvurechenskii mud volcano. Direct observation with the remotely operated vehicle Quest revealed gas bubbles emanating at two distinct sites at the crest of the mud volcano, which confirms earlier observations of bubble-induced hydroacoustic anomalies in echosounder records. The sediments at the main bubble emission site show a thermal anomaly with temperatures at 60 cm sediment depth that were 0.9 °C warmer than the bottom water. Chemical and isotopic analyses of the emanated gas revealed that it consisted primarily of methane (99.8%) and was of microbial origin (dD-CH4 = -170.8 per mil (SMOW), d13C-CH4 = -61.0 per mil (V-PDB), d13C-C2H6 = -44.0 per mil (V-PDB)). The gas flux was estimated using the video observations of the ROV. Assuming that the flux is constant with time, about 0.9 ± 0.5 x 10**6 mol of methane is released every year. This value is of the same order-of-magnitude as reported fluxes of dissolved methane released with pore water at other mud volcanoes. This suggests that bubble emanation is a significant pathway transporting methane from the sediments into the water column.
The substantial increase in the number of applications offered through the computer networks, as well as in the volume of traffic forwarded through the network, have hampered to assure adequate service level to users. The Quality of Service (QoS) offer, honoring specified parameters in Service Level Agreements (SLA), established between the service providers and their clients, composes a traditional and extensive computer networks’ research area. Several schemes proposals for the provision of QoS were presented in the last three decades, but the acting scope of these proposals is always limited due to some factors, including the limited development of the network hardware and software, generally belonging to a single manufacturer. The advent of Software Defined Networking (SDN), along with the maturation of its main materialization, the OpenFlow protocol, allowed the decoupling between network hardware and software, through an architecture which provides a control plane and a data plane. This eases the computer networks scenario, allowing that new abstractions are applied in the hardware composing the data plane, through the development of new software pieces which are executed in the control plane. This dissertation investigates the QoS offer through the use and extension of the SDN architecture. Based on the proposal of two new modules, one to perform the data plane monitoring, SDNMon, and the second, MP-ROUTING, developed to determine the use of multiple paths in the forwarding of data referring to a flow, we demonstrated in this work that some QoS metrics specified in the SLAs, such as bandwidth, can be honored. Both modules were implemented and evaluated through a prototype. The evaluation results referring to several aspects of both proposed modules are presented in this dissertation, showing the obtained accuracy of the monitoring module SDNMon and the QoS gains due to the utilization of multiple paths defined by the MP-Routing, when forwarding data flow through the SDN.
We present a theoretical description of the generation of ultra-short, high-energy pulses in two laser cavities driven by periodic spectral filtering or dispersion management. Critical in driving the intra-cavity dynamics is the nontrivial phase profiles generated and their periodic modification from either spectral filtering or dispersion management. For laser cavities with a spectral filter, the theory gives a simple geometrical description of the intra-cavity dynamics and provides a simple and efficient method for optimizing the laser cavity performance. In the dispersion managed cavity, analysis shows the generated self-similar behavior to be governed by the porous media equation with a rapidly-varying, mean-zero diffusion coefficient whose solution is the well-known Barenblatt similarity solution with parabolic profile. © 2010 Copyright SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering.
We present a theoretical description of the generation of ultra-short, high-energy pulses in two laser cavities driven by periodic spectral filtering or dispersion management. Critical in driving the intra-cavity dynamics is the nontrivial phase profiles generated and their periodic modification from either spectral filtering or dispersion management. For laser cavities with a spectral filter, the theory gives a simple geometrical description of the intra-cavity dynamics and provides a simple and efficient method for optimizing the laser cavity performance. In the dispersion managed cavity, analysis shows the generated self-similar behavior to be governed by the porous media equation with a rapidly-varying, mean-zero diffusion coefficient whose solution is the well-known Barenblatt similarity solution with parabolic profile. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.
We present a theoretical description of the generation of ultra-short, high-energy pulses in two laser cavities driven by periodic spectral filtering or dispersion management. Critical in driving the intra-cavity dynamics is the nontrivial phase profiles generated and their periodic modification from either spectral filtering or dispersion management. For laser cavities with a spectral filter, the theory gives a simple geometrical description of the intra-cavity dynamics and provides a simple and efficient method for optimizing the laser cavity performance. In the dispersion managed cavity, analysis shows the generated self-similar behavior to be governed by the porous media equation with a rapidly-varying, mean-zero diffusion coefficient whose solution is the well-known Barenblatt similarity solution with parabolic profile.