937 resultados para First-line


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The interferon (IFN) response is the first line of defense against viral infections, and the majority of viruses have developed different strategies to counteract IFN responses in order to ensure their survival in an infected host. In this study, the abilities to inhibit IFN signaling of two closely related West Nile viruses, the New York 99 strain (NY99) and Kunjin virus (KUN), strain MRM61C, were analyzed using reporter plasmid assays, as well as immunofluorescence and Western blot analyses. We have demonstrated that infections with both NY99 and KUN, as well as transient or stable transfections with their replicon RNAs, inhibited the signaling of both alpha/beta IFN (IFN-alpha/beta) and gamma IFN (IFN-gamma) by blocking the phosphorylation of STAT1 and its translocation to the nucleus. In addition, the phosphorylation of STAT2 and its translocation to the nucleus were also blocked by KUN, NY99, and their replicons in response to treatment with IFN-alpha. IFN-alpha signaling and STAT2 translocation to the nucleus was inhibited when the KUN nonstructural proteins NS2A, NS2B, NS3, NS4A, and NS4B, but not NS1 and NS5, were expressed individually from the pcDNA3 vector. The results clearly demonstrate that both NY99 and KUN inhibit IFN signaling by preventing STAT1 and STAT2 phosphorylation and identify nonstructural proteins. responsible for this inhibition.


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Este trabalho de pesquisa faz uma abordagem não exaustiva acerca da temática da liberdade na perspectiva da teóloga cristã protestante norte-americana Ellen G. White, partindo do estudo de sua pessoa e dos contextos geopolítico e sociocultural nos quais viveu, avançando ainda para uma noção de sua produção literária e a importância da sistematização de seu pensamento para uma compreensão de sua tratativa quanto ao tema proposto. Toma-se como critério de análise a organização de seu pensamento em três linhas de raciocínios teológicos chamadas, respectivamente, Teologia Integral, Teologia do Compromisso e Teologia do Discipulado, as quais, combinadas, constituem sua perspectiva teológica de liberdade. Mostra-se que a primeira linha justifica as razões da liberdade, a segunda explica como ela ocorre no ser humano, e a terceira propõe o roteiro de sua exteriorização positiva para a humanidade. Segue-se, então, examinando os conceitos, fundamentos, características e desdobramentos temáticos de cada um dos elementos constituintes dos roteiros teológicos mencionados, evidenciando os teólogos que mais influenciaram a autora e apontando as aproximações de sua perspectiva à de teólogos que lhe são posteriores. Em conclusão, propõe-se, na perspectiva da autora, liberdade como expressão significante de uma vida comprometida com o servir em amor de forma piedosa. Liberdade é, assim, uma condição experimentada por aqueles que creem e se submetem a Deus, experimentando uma vida de permanente amor e serviço abnegado ao próximo, realidade testemunhada na prática da genuína piedade cristã. E, por último, desafia-se o leitor à urgente percepção, crítica e reação proativa equilibrada em relação às ideologias humanistas de matriz antropocêntrica exclusiva, mostrando-as como principais fundamentos dos equívocos (pós)modernos de liberdade. Diante dessa realidade, propõe-se a reumanização da ideia de liberdade numa perspectiva teocêntrica por meio do retorno a Deus e à Sua Palavra, empreendimento para o qual a proposta de Ellen G. White se mostra um potencial Teo-humanizador de considerável valor, capaz de possibilitar inclusive o desenvolvimento harmônico da integralidade humana.


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Allergic eye disease encompasses a group of hypersensitivity disorders which primarily affect the conjunctiva and its prevalence is increasing. It is estimated to affect 8% of patients attending optometric practice but is poorly managed and rarely involves ophthalmic assessment. Seasonal allergic conjunctivitis (SAC) is the most common form of allergic eye disease (90%), followed by perennial allergic conjunctivitis (PAC; 5%). Both are type 1 IgE mediated hypersensitivity reactions where mast cells play an important role in pathophysiology. The signs and symptoms are similar but SAC occurs periodically whereas PAC occurs year round. Despite being a relatively mild condition, the effects on the quality of life can be profound and therefore they demand attention. Primary management of SAC and PAC involves avoidance strategies depending on the responsible allergen(s) to prevent the hypersensitivity reaction. Cooled tear supplements and cold compresses may help bring relief. Pharmacological agents may become necessary as it is not possible to completely avoid the allergen(s). There are a wide range of anti-allergic medications available, such as mast cell stabilisers, antihistamines and dual-action agents. Severe cases refractory to conventional treatment require anti-inflammatories, immunomodulators or immunotherapy. Additional qualifications are required to gain access to these medications, but entry-level optometrists must offer advice and supportive therapy. Based on current evidence, the efficacy of anti-allergic medications appears equivocal so prescribing should relate to patient preference, dosing and cost. More studies with standardised methodologies are necessary elicit the most effective anti-allergic medications but those with dual-actions are likely to be first line agents.


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Metformin is an effective agent with a good safety profile that is widely used as a first-line treatment for type 2 diabetes, yet its mechanisms of action and variability in terms of efficacy and side effects remain poorly understood. Although the liver is recognised as a major site of metformin pharmacodynamics, recent evidence also implicates the gut as an important site of action. Metformin has a number of actions within the gut. It increases intestinal glucose uptake and lactate production, increases GLP-1 concentrations and the bile acid pool within the intestine, and alters the microbiome. A novel delayed-release preparation of metformin has recently been shown to improve glycaemic control to a similar extent to immediate-release metformin, but with less systemic exposure. We believe that metformin response and tolerance is intrinsically linked with the gut. This review examines the passage of metformin through the gut, and how this can affect the efficacy of metformin treatment in the individual, and contribute to the side effects associated with metformin intolerance.


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Mood stabilising drugs such as lithium (LiCl) and valproic acid (VPA) are the first line agents for treating conditions such as Bipolar disorder and Epilepsy. However, these drugs have potential developmental effects that are not fully understood. This study explores the use of a simple human neurosphere-based in vitro model to characterise the pharmacological and toxicological effects of LiCl and VPA using gene expression changes linked to phenotypic alterations in cells. Treatment with VPA and LiCl resulted in the differential expression of 331 and 164 genes respectively. In the subset of VPA targeted genes, 114 were downregulated whilst 217 genes were upregulated. In the subset of LiCl targeted genes, 73 were downregulated and 91 were upregulated. Gene ontology (GO) term enrichment analysis was used to highlight the most relevant GO terms associated with a given gene list following toxin exposure. In addition, in order to phenotypically anchor the gene expression data, changes in the heterogeneity of cell subtype populations and cell cycle phase were monitored using flow cytometry. Whilst LiCl exposure did not significantly alter the proportion of cells expressing markers for stem cells/undifferentiated cells (Oct4, SSEA4), neurons (Neurofilament M), astrocytes (GFAP) or cell cycle phase, the drug caused a 1.4-fold increase in total cell number. In contrast, exposure to VPA resulted in significant upregulation of Oct4, SSEA, Neurofilament M and GFAP with significant decreases in both G2/M phase cells and cell number. This neurosphere model might provide the basis of a human-based cellular approach for the regulatory exploration of developmental impact of potential toxic chemicals.


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Allergic eye disease encompasses a group of hypersensitivity disorders which primarily affect the conjunctiva and its prevalence is increasing. It is estimated to affect 8% of patients attending optometric practice but is poorly managed and rarely involves ophthalmic assessment. Seasonal allergic conjunctivitis (SAC) is the most common form of allergic eye disease (90%), followed by perennial allergic conjunctivitis (PAC; 5%). Both are type 1 IgE mediated hypersensitivity reactions where mast cells play an important role in pathophysiology. The signs and symptoms are similar but SAC occurs periodically whereas PAC occurs year round. Despite being a relatively mild condition, the effects on the quality of life can be profound and therefore they demand attention. Primary management of SAC and PAC involves avoidance strategies depending on the responsible allergen(s) to prevent the hypersensitivity reaction. Cooled tear supplements and cold compresses may help bring relief. Pharmacological agents may become necessary as it is not possible to completely avoid the allergen(s). There are a wide range of anti-allergic medications available, such as mast cell stabilisers, antihistamines and dual-action agents. Severe cases refractory to conventional treatment require anti-inflammatories, immunomodulators or immunotherapy. Additional qualifications are required to gain access to these medications, but entry-level optometrists must offer advice and supportive therapy. Based on current evidence, the efficacy of anti-allergic medications appears equivocal so prescribing should relate to patient preference, dosing and cost. More studies with standardised methodologies are necessary elicit the most effective anti-allergic medications but those with dual-actions are likely to be first line agents. © 2011 British Contact Lens Association.


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Significant numbers of homes within the UK are at risk of flooding. Although community level flood protection schemes are the first line of defence for mitigating flood risk, not all properties are protectable. Property-Level Flood Protection (PLFP) provides those unprotected homeowners with an approach for protecting their homes from flooding. This study sought to establish why property-level flood protection is needed and secondly assess the extent of take up using Worcester as the study area. An exploratory questionnaire survey was conducted to achieve these objectives. After consultation of available literature it was established that the introduction of PLFP protection provided numerous benefits including limiting the health & psychological effects flooding poses, the direct financial benefits and also the possible influence on gaining flood insurance. Despite the benefits and the recognition given to PLFP by the government it was found that the overall take up of the measures was low, findings which were further backed up by data collected in the study area of Worcester with only 23% of the sample having introduced PLFP measures. Reasoning for the low take up numbers typically included; unawareness of the measures, low risk of flood event, installation costs and inability to introduce due to tenancy. Age was noted as a significant impacting factor in the study area with none of the respondents under 25 suggesting they had “a good amount of knowledge of PLFP measures” even when they claimed their properties to be at risk of flooding. Guidance and support is especially recommended to those who are unable to manage their own flood risk for e.g. social housing/rental tenants.


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Background : Phenobarbital is the first-line choice for neonatal seizures treatment, despite a response rate of approximately 45%. Failure to respond to acute anticonvulsants is associated with poor neurodevelopmental outcome, but knowledge on predictors of refractoriness is limited. Objective : To quantify response rate to phenobarbital and to establish variables predictive of its lack of efficacy. Methods : We retrospectively evaluated newborns with electrographically confirmed neonatal seizures admitted between January 1999 and December 2012 to the neonatal intensive care unit of Parma University Hospital (Italy), excluding neonates with status epilepticus. Response was categorized as complete (cessation of clinical and electrographic seizures after phenobarbital administration), partial (reduction but not cessation of electrographic seizures with the first bolus, response to the second bolus), or absent (no response after the second bolus). Multivariate analysis was used to identify independent predictors of refractoriness. Results : Out of 91 newborns receiving phenobarbital, 57 (62.6%) responded completely, 15 (16.5%) partially, and 19 (20.9%) did not respond. Seizure type (p = 0.02), background electroencephalogram (EEG; p ≤ 0.005), and neurologic examination (p ≤ 0.005) correlated with response to phenobarbital. However, EEG (p ≤ 0.02) and seizure type (p ≤ 0.001) were the only independent predictors. Conclusion : Our results suggest a prominent role of neurophysiological variables (background EEG and electrographic-only seizure type) in predicting the absence of response to phenobarbital in high-risk newborns.


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This research examined to what extent and how leadership is related to organisational outcomes in healthcare. Based on the Job Demands-Resource model, a set of hypotheses was developed, which predicted that the effect of leadership on healthcare outcomes would be mediated by job design, employee engagement, work pressure, opportunity for involvement, and work-life balance. The research focused on the National Health Service (NHS) in England, and examined the relationships between senior leadership, first line supervisory leadership and outcomes. Three years of data (2008 – 2010) were gathered from four data sources: the NHS National Staff Survey, the NHS Inpatient Survey, the NHS Electronic Record, and the NHS Information Centre. The data were drawn from 390 healthcare organisations and over 285,000 staff annually for each of the three years. Parallel mediation regressions modelled both cross sectional and longitudinal designs. The findings revealed strong relationships between senior leadership and supervisor support respectively and job design, engagement, opportunity for involvement, and work-life balance, while senior leadership was also associated with work pressure. Except for job design, there were significant relationships between the mediating variables and the outcomes of patient satisfaction, employee job satisfaction, absenteeism, and turnover. Relative importance analysis showed that senior leadership accounted for significantly more variance in relationships with outcomes than supervisor support in the majority of models tested. Results are discussed in relation to theoretical and practical contributions. They suggest that leadership plays a significant role in organisational outcomes in healthcare and that previous research may have underestimated how influential senior leaders may be in relation to these outcomes. Moreover, the research suggests that leaders in healthcare may influence outcomes by the way they manage the work pressure, engagement, opportunity for involvement and work-life balance of those they lead.


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Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a Gram-negative opportunistic pathogen. Several antibiotic resistant strains of P. aeruginosa are commonly found as secondary infection in immune-compromised patients leaving significant mortality and healthcare cost. Pseudomonas aeruginosa successfully avoids the process of phagocytosis, the first line of host defense, by secreting several toxic effectors. Effectors produced from P. aeruginosa Type III secretion system are critical molecules required to disrupt mammalian cell signaling and holds particular interest to the scientists studying host-pathogen interaction. Exoenzyme S (ExoS) is a bi-functional Type III effector that ADP-ribosylates several intracellular Ras (Rat sarcoma) and Rab (Response to abscisic acid) small GTPases in targeted host cells. The Rab5 protein acts as a rate limiting protein during phagocytosis by switching from a GDP- bound inactive form to a GTP-bound active form. Activation and inactivation of Rab5 protein is regulated by several Rab5-GAPs (GTPase Activating Proteins) and Rab5-GEFs (Rab5-Guanine nucleotide Exchange Factors). Some pathogenic bacteria have shown affinity for Rab proteins during infection and make their way inside the cell. This dissertation demonstrated that Rab5 plays a critical role during early steps of P. aeruginosa invasion in J774-Eclone macrophages. It was found that live, but not heat inactivated, P. aeruginosa inhibited phagocytosis that occurred in conjunction with down-regulation of Rab5 activity. Inactivation of Rab5 was dependent on ExoS ADP-ribosyltransferase activity, and more than one arginine sites in Rab5 are possible targets for ADP-ribosylation modification. However, the expression of Rin1, but not other Rab5GEFs (Rabex-5 and Rap6) reversed this down-regulation of Rab5 in vivo. Further studies revealed that the C-terminus of Rin1 carrying Rin1:Vps9 and Rin1:RA domains are required for optimal Rab5 activation in conjunction with active Ras. These observations demonstrate a novel mechanism of Rab5 targeting to phagosome via Rin1 during the phagocytosis of P. aeruginosa. The second part of this dissertation investigated antimicrobial activities of Dehydroleucodine (DhL), a secondary metabolite from Artemisia douglasiana, against P. aeruginosa growth and virulence. Populations of several P. aeruginosa strains were completely susceptible to DhL at a concentration between 0.48~0.96 mg/ml and treatment at a threshold concentration (0.12 mg/ml) inhibited growth and many virulent activities without damaging the integrity of the cell suggesting anti-Pseudomonas activity of DhL.


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In Brazil, there is a high incidence of venomous animals. Among them, scorpions are highlighted by their medical importance, and for being their venom a source of several molecules with biological and pharmacological activity not yet fully understood, including several bioactive peptides. Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are components of the immune system in prokaryotes and eukaryotes, used in the first line of defense against microorganisms. In the present study, we characterized the first PAM previously identified through transcriptome of the venom gland of the scorpion Tityus stigmurus, named Stigmurin. The characteristics of Stigmurin were investigated by computational modeling and construction of dendrogram. In vitro tests investigated the antibacterial, antifungal, haemolytic and cytotoxic effects of crude venom and Stigmurin. In addition, the structural characteristics of Stigmurin were investigated by circular dochroism in water, 2, 2 , 2- trifluoethanol (TFE) and sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and the models were refined by molecular dynamics simulations. The results showed that the selected sequence encodes a mature protein of 17 amino acid residues and the dendrogram reveals a case of convergent evolution. The crude venom showed no antimicrobial activity, however, Stigmurin exhibited a broad spectrum of antibacterial activity, with minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC) ranging from 31.25 and 250 µg/mL for different strains, while the hemolytic activity at these concentrations was low. In cytotoxicity studies, the crude venom was unable to reduce cell viability in VERO E6 cells; in contrast, its activity in SiHa cells was significantly higher, corresponding to IC50 of 3.6 µg/mL. For Stigmurin the concentration sable to decrease cell viability of Vero E6 and SiHa cells in 50% were 275.67 µg/mL and 212.54 µg/mL, respectively. The dichroism spectra revealed the conformational flexibility, with predominating extended and β–sheet structures, as well as a remark able renaturation ability. The results suggest that Stigmurin could be considered as a potential antiinfective drug


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The polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is considered the most common endocrine disorder in reproductive age women, with a prevalence ranging from 15 to 20%. In addition to hormonal and reproductive changes, it is common in PCOS the presence of risk factors for developing cardiovascular disease (CVD) and diabetes mellitus, insulin resistance (IR), visceral obesity, chronic low-grade inflammation and dyslipidemia. Due to the high frequency of obesity associated with PCOS, weight loss is considered as the first-line treatment for the syndrome by improving metabolic and normalizes serum androgens, restoring reproductive function of these patients. Objectives: To evaluate the inflammatory markers and IR in women with PCOS and healthy ovulatory with different nutritional status and how these parameters are displayed after weight loss through caloric restriction in with Down syndrome. Methods: Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), interleukin-6 (IL-6) and C-reactive protein (CRP) were assessed in serum samples from 40 women of childbearing age. The volunteers were divided into four groups: Group I (not eutrophic with PCOS, n = 12); Group II (not eutrophic without PCOS, n = 10), Group III (eutrophic with PCOS, n = 08) and Group IV (eutrophic without PCOS, n = 10). The categorization of groups was performed by body mass index (BMI), according to the World Health Organization (WHO) does not eutrophic, overweight and obesity (BMI> 25 kg / m²) and normal weight (BMI <24.9 kg / m²). IR was determined by HOMA-IR index. In the second phase of the study a controlled dietary intervention was performed and inflammatory parameters were evaluated in 21 overweight and obese women with PCOS, before and after weight loss. All patients received a low-calorie diet with reduction of 500 kcal / day of regular consumption with standard concentrations of macronutrients. Results: Phase 1: PCOS patients showed increased levels of CRP (p <0.01) and HOMAIR (p <0.01). When divided by BMI, both not eutrophic group with PCOS (I) as eutrophic with PCOS (III) showed increased levels of CRP (I = 2.35 ± 0,55mg / L and 2.63 ± III = 0,65mg / L; p <0.01) and HOMA-IR (I = 2.16 ± 2.54 and III = 1.07 ± 0.55; p <0.01). There were no differences in TNF-α and IL-6 between groups. Step 2: After the weight loss of 5% of the initial weight was reduced in all of the components of serum assessed inflammatory profile, PCR (154.75 ± 19:33) vs (78.06 ± 8.9) TNF α (10.89 ± 5.09) vs (6:39 ± 1:41) and IL6 (154.75 ± 19:33) vs (78.06 ± 08.09) (p <0:00) in association with improvement some hormonal parameters evaluated. Conclusion: PCOS contributed to the development of chronic inflammation and changes in glucose metabolism by increasing CRP, insulin and HOMA-IR, independent of nutritional status. The weight loss, caloric restriction has improved the inflammatory condition and hormonal status of the evaluated patients.


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The infection caused by Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is associated with gastroduodenal inflammation can lead to the development of gastritis, gastric or duodenal ulcer and gastric cancer (type 1 carcinogen for stomach cancer). Amoxicillin is used as first-line therapy in the treatment of H. pylori associated to metronidazole or clarithromycin, and a proton pump inhibitor. However, the scheme is not fully effective due to inadequate accumulation of antibiotics in gastric tissue, inadequate efficacy of ecological niche of H. pylori, and other factors. In this context, this study aimed to obtaining and characterization of particulate systems gastrorretentivos chitosan - amoxicillin aiming its use for treatment of H. pylori infections. The particles were obtained by the coacervation method / precipitation using sodium sulfate as precipitating agent and crosslinking and two techniques: addition of amoxicillin during preparation in a single step and the sorption particles prior to amoxycillin prepared by coacervation / precipitation and spray drying. The physicochemical characterization of the particles was performed by SEM, FTIR, DSC, TG and XRD. The in vitro release profile of amoxycillin free and incorporated in the particles was obtained in 0.1 N HCl (pH = 1.2). The particles have higher encapsulation efficiency to 80% spherical shape with interconnected particles or adhered to each other, the nanometric diameter to the systems obtained by coacervation / precipitation and fine for the particles obtained by spray drying. The characterization by FTIR, DSC and XRD showed that the drug was incorporated into the nanoparticles dispersed in the polymeric matrix. Thermal analysis (TG and DSC) indicated that encapsulation provides greater heat stability to the drug. Amoxicillin encapsulated in nanoparticles had slower release compared to free drug. The particles showed release profile with a faster initial stage (burst effect) reaching a maximum at 30 minutes 35% of amoxicillin for the system in 1: 1 ratio relative to the polymer and 80% for the system in the ratio 2: 1. Although simple and provide high encapsulation efficiency of amoxicillin, the process of coacervation, precipitation in one step using sodium sulfate as precipitant / cross-linker must be optimized in order to adjust the release kinetics according to the intended application.


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Augusta Holmès.


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Augusta Holmès.