906 resultados para Filosofía griega s.II-III
Vol. [2] by Domenico Barsocchini.
"April 1981."
Parts II-III want general t.-p.
"The aim which underlies [this work] ... is to provide a manual of reference to the constitutions of other countries which have achieved closer union. At first it was intended merely to bring up-to-date a manual prepared for the Convention of 1891 in Australia, by ... the Hon. Sir R. C. Baker ... But it was found ... that a mere bringing up-to-date of ... Baker's manual would scarcely serve the purpose required ... the author therefore decided to incorporate only those parts of ... Baker's work which will be found in chapters II., III., and IV. of part II. of this book."--Pref.
I. Introduction, appendix, notes, index of words and glossary, general index.--II.-III. Text.
t. I. Notes et mémoires. Précédés d'une notice par M.A. de la Rive. 1872.--t. II-III. Cours de physique professé à l'École polytechnique ... pub. par M.É. Fernet. 1868-69.--t. IV, 1.-2. ptie. Conférences de physique faites à l'École normale ... pub. par M.D. Gernez. 1872.--t. V-VI. Leçons d'optique physique ... pub. par M.A. Levistal. 1869-70.--t. VII-VIII. Théorie mécanique de la chaleur ... pub. par MM. Prudhon et Violle. 1868-72.
"Systematisch-alphabetisches verzeichnis der im zweiten[-dritten] bande dieses handbuches aufgeführten blumenbesuchenden tierarten nebst angabe der von jeder art besuchten blumen": v.2, pt.2, p. [559]-672 ; v.3, pt.2, p. [359]-470.
pt. I. (Vol. I) Exact equations and Pfaff's problem. 1890.--pt. II. (Vol. II-III) Ordinary equations, not linear. 1900.--pt. III. (Vol. IV) Ordinary equations. 1902.--pt. IV (vol. V-VI) Partial differential equations. 1906.
"February 1981"--V. II-III.
v. 1. Ortiz de Urbina, I. Nicée et Constantinople.--v. 2. Camelot, T. Ephèse et Chalcédoine.--v. 3. Murphy, F.-X.and Sherwood, P. Constantinople II and Constantinople III.--v. 4. Nicée II.--v. 5. Constantinople IV.--v. 6. Foreville, R. Latran I, II, III, et Latran IV.--v. 7. Lyon I et Lyon II.--v. 8. Lecler, J. Vienne.--v. 9. Gill, J. Constance et Bale-Florence.--v. 10. Latran V et Trente.--v. 11. Lecler, J. [et al.] Trente.--v. 12. Aubert, R. Vatican I.
Parts II-III have special t.-p.; pt.II has imprint: London, J. Rodwell, 1848.
Parts II-III are taken from "American politics," by Thomas V. Cooper and Hector T. Fenton.
At head of title: Colombia.
I. Schwarzwälder Dorfgeschichten. Barfussele. Der Tolpatsch. Die Kriegspfeife. Des Schlossbauers Vefele. Tonele mit der gebissenen Wange. Die feindlichen Brüder. Befehlerles. Kopfen und Gerste.--II-III. Das Landhaus am Rhein.