997 resultados para Feo-hifornicose


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Este trabajo forma parte de una investigación más amplia sobre la perspectiva de los indoamericanos sobre la invasión europea. Los europeos consistentemente se proyectan en las Crónicas de Indias como hombres blancos y hermosos ante los ojos de los indoamericanos. Aquí se presenta un tipo de micro historia indoamericana que mina la historia oficial al irse contraponiendo a lo establecido sobre la invasión de América en esos años. Se sigue una estética general de los indoamericanos según sus fuentes a través del continente usando el cabello como factor estético. Aunque en muchos casos las fuentes están "comprometidas" (y no podemos negar que la historia oficial también lo está), se ve una asombrosa consistencia en las diferentes versiones indoamericanas sobre los europeos de Norteamérica a Chile. Los indoamericanos rechazaron a los europeos, entre otras cosas por ser "cabelludos". El folkor americano forma una imagen-símbolo (los huecubuyes en Chile, el "un monstruo por venir" entre los michoacanos, y la Mala cosa en Norteamérica) de los cabelludos como rechazo de los invasores cabelludos europeos. Se les relaciona por lo tanto con los "animales salvajes" al unir su crueldad con su apariencia física cabelluda similar a los animales que los indoamericanos conocían. La barba pasa a ser una característica de fealdad extrema y de una indicación de deficiencia mental y física de los blancos. Se ve un rechazo a todo lo barbudo, incluyendo a los sacerdotes o a los santos barbudos de la iglesia. Es una visión general de los cabelludos como algo feo, malo y diabólico


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The study was inspired by information on Paleozoic andesites, dacites, and diabases on the Belkovsky Island in the 1974 geological survey reports used to reconstruct tectonic evolution of the continental block comprising the New Siberian Islands and the bordering shelf. We did not find felsic volcanics or Middle Paleozoic intrusions in the studied area of the island. Igneous rocks are mafic subvolcanic intrusions including dikes, randomly shaped bodies, explosion breccias, and peperites. They belong to the tholeiitic series and are similar to Siberian traps in petrography and trace-element compositions, with high LREE and LILE and prominent Nb negative anomalies. The island arc affinity is due to continental crust contamination of mantle magma and its long evolution in chambers at different depths. K-Ar biotite age (252+/-5 Ma) of magmatism indicates that it was coeval to the main stage of trap magmatism in the Siberian craton at the Permian-Triassic boundary. The terrane including the New Siberian Islands occurred on the periphery of the Siberian trap province where magmatism acted in rifting environment. Magma intruded into semiliquid wet sediments at shallow depths shortly after their deposition. Therefore, the exposed Paleozoic section in Belkovsky Island may include Permian or possibly Lower Triassic sediments of younger ages than it was believed earlier.


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Drilling at site 207 (DSDP Leg 21), located on the broad summit of the Lord Howe Rise, bottomed in rhyolitic rocks. Sanidine concentrates from four samples of the rhyolite were dated by the 40Ar/39Ar total fusion method and conventional K-Ar method, and yielded concordant ages of 93.7 +/- 1.1 my, equivalent to the early part of the Upper Cretaceous. At this time the Lord Howe Rise, which has continental-type structure, is thought to have been emergent and adjacent to the eastern margin of the Australian-antarctic continent. Subsequent to 94 my ago and prior to deposition of Maastrichtian (70-65 myBP) marine sediments on top of the rhyolitic basement of the Lord Howe Rise, rifting occurred and the formation of the Tasman Basin began by sea-floor spreading with rotation of the Rise away from the margin of Australia. Subsidence of the Rise continued until Early Eocene (about 50 myBP), probably marking the end of sea-floor spreading in the Tasman Basin. These large scale movements relate to the breakup of this part of Gondwanaland in the Upper Cretaceous.


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New magnetometric, petrological, and geochemical data on basalts from the central Romanche Fracture Zone allow to classify these rocks into two groups. Igneous rocks from the active part of the fracture zone that have undergone transtension are referred to alkaline rocks. According to some indications, they are younger that oceanic tholeiites of the southern fault-line ridge, which were affected by elevated pressure in the past. These data indicate with a high probability that the Romanche Fracture Zone belongs to a rare group of magmatically active demarcation transform lines that separate large oceanic domains different in structural and geochemical features.