953 resultados para FUNGAL PATHOGEN
Chronic periodontitis (CP) is considered to be a multifactorial disease influenced by microbial and genetic factors. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether the genetic susceptibility to CP in individuals with the IL8 ATC/TTC haplotype is associated with subgingival levels of periodontopathogens. Sixty-five individuals, grouped according to the presence (n=28) or absence (n=37) of the IL8 haplotype, were evaluated. After clinical periodontal evaluation, each group was subdivided according to the presence (CP) or absence (H) of periodontitis. Four subgingival samples were obtained from CP and two samples per subject from H patients. The levels and proportions of Porphyromonas gingivalis, Tannerella forsythia, and Treponema denticola were analyzed using quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (q-PCR). No differences were found in the proportion of periodontopathogenic bacteria between groups with the presence or absence of the IL8 haplotype. However, in the CP groups, the levels of periodontopathogens were significantly higher in the individuals withou the IL8 haplotype than in the individuals with the IL8 haplotype. These results suggest that periodontal destruction may occur in patients who are considered to be genetically susceptible to CP with a lower microbial challenge because of the presence of the IL8 ATC/TTC haplotype than in patients without this haplotype.
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of non-surgical treatment of periodontitis on the levels of periodontopathogens and clinical parameters in patients with different genetic backgrounds produced by polymorphisms in the Interleukin (IL8) gene. Thirty patients grouped according to IL8 ATC/TTC or AGT/TTC haplotypes were submitted to non-surgical periodontal treatment. Levels of Porphyromonas gingivalis, Tannerella forsythia, and Treponema denticola were determined in 240 subgingival plaque samples by qPCR. The association between IL8 haplotypes and the levels of periodontopathogens and clinical parameters was investigated by multilevel analysis accounting for the clustering of diseased sites analyzed within patients. It was observed that neither levels of periodontopathogens nor non-surgical treatment was associated with the IL8 haplotype. The clinical parameters after periodontal treatment were similar in diseased and healthy sites, independently of the IL8 haplotype. Nonetheless, in the same period, diseased sites of AGT/TTC patients harbored higher levels of P. gingivalis, T. denticola, T. forsythia, and red complex than those of ATC/TTC patients. However, the non-surgical periodontal therapy decreased the levels of these periodontopathogens and of the tested clinical parameters of diseased sites in both groups. Non-surgical therapy is equally effective in improving clinical parameters and decreasing the levels of periodontopathogens, independent of the genotype groups produced by the IL8 haplotype.
The principal capsular component of Cryptococcus neoformans, glucuronoxylomannan (GXM), interacts with surface glycans, including chitin-like oligomers. Although the role of GXM in cryptococcal infection has been well explored, there is no information on how chitooligomers affect fungal pathogenesis. In this study, surface chitooligomers of C. neoformans were blocked through the use of the wheat germ lectin (WGA) and the effects on animal pathogenesis, interaction with host cells, fungal growth and capsule formation were analyzed. Treatment of C. neoformans cells with WGA followed by infection of mice delayed mortality relative to animals infected with untreated fungal cells. This observation was associated with reduced brain colonization by lectin-treated cryptococci. Blocking chitooligomers also rendered yeast cells less efficient in their ability to associate with phagocytes. WGA did not affect fungal viability, but inhibited GXM release to the extracellular space and capsule formation. In WGA-treated yeast cells, genes that are involved in capsule formation and GXM traffic had their transcription levels decreased in comparison with untreated cells. Our results suggest that cellular pathways required for capsule formation and pathogenic mechanisms are affected by blocking chitin-derived structures at the cell surface of C. neoformans. Targeting chitooligomers with specific ligands may reveal new therapeutic alternatives to control cryptococcosis.
Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill., Solanum lycopersicon L.) is one of the most popular vegetable throughout the world, and the importance of its cultivation is threatened by a wide array of pathogens. In the last twenty years this plant has been successfully used as a model plant to investigate the induction of defense pathways after exposure to fungal, bacterial and abiotic molecules, showing triggering of different mechanisms of resistance. Understanding these mechanisms in order to improve crop protection is a main goal for Plant Pathology. The aim of this study was to search for general or race-specific molecules able to determine in Solanum lycopersicon immune responses attributable to the main systems of plant defense: non-host, host-specific and induced resistance. Exopolysaccharides extracted by three fungal species (Aureobasidium pullulans, Cryphonectria parasitica and Epicoccum purpurascens), were able to induce transcription of pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins and accumulation of enzymes related to defense in tomato plants cv Money Maker,using the chemical inducer Bion® as a positive control. During the thesis, several Pseudomonas spp. strains were also isolated and tested for their antimicrobial activity and ability to produce antibiotics. Using as a positive control jasmonic acid, one of the selected strain was shown to induce a form of systemic resistance in tomato. Transcription of PRs and reduction of disease severity against the leaf pathogen Pseduomonas syringae pv. tomato was determined in tomato plants cv Money Maker and cv Perfect Peel, ensuring no direct contact between the selected rhizobacteria and the aerial part of the plant. To conclude this work, race-specific resistance of tomato against the leaf mold Cladosporium fulvum is also deepened, describing the project followed at the Phytopathology Laboratory of Wageningen (NL) in 2007, dealing with localization of a specific R-Avr interaction in transfected tomato protoplast cultures through fluorescence microscopy.
The objective was to analyse population structure and to determine genetic diversity of Erysiphe necator (syn. Uncinula necator) populations obtained from some vineyards located in the South-East Po valley (Italy). Powdery mildew is one of the most important fungal diseases of grapes (Vitis vinifera L.) throughout the world. The causal agent is the haploid, heterothallic ascomycete E. necator. It is an obligate biotrophic fungus and it can be found only on green organs of plants belonging to the family Vitaceae. For this pathogen, two sympatric populations (groups A and B) have been described in Europe and Australia. The two genetic groups differ at multiple genetic loci and previous studies reported a lack of interfertility among isolates of the two groups. There are now several well documented examples of plant pathogen species, such as Leptosphaeria maculans, Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici, Botrytis cinerea and Erysiphe syringae, which are indeed composed of genetically differentiated clades, that have led to the description of new groups or even new species. Several studies have suggested that genetic E. necator group A and B correlated with ecological features of the pathogen; some researchers proposed that group A isolates over-winter as resting mycelium within dormant buds, and in spring originate infected shoots, known as Flag shoots, while group B isolates would survive as ascospores in overwintering cleistothecia. However, the association between genetic groups and mode of over-wintering has been challenged by recent studies reporting that flag-shoot may be originated indifferently by group A or group B isolate. Previous studies observed a strong association between the levels of disease severity at the end of the growing season and the initial compositions of E. necator populations in commercial vineyards. The frequencies of E. necator genetic groups vary considerably among vineyards, and the two groups may coexist in the same vineyard. This finding suggests that we need more information on the genetics and epidemiology of E. necator for optimize the crop management In this study we monitored E. necator populations in different vineyards in Emilia – Romagna region (Italy), where the pathogen overwinters both as flagshoots and as cleistothecia. During the grape growing season, symptomatic leaves were sampled early in the growing season and both leaves and berries later during the epidemic growth of the disease. From each sample, single-conidial isolate was obtained. Each isolates was grown on V. vinifera leaf cv. Primitivo and after harvesting the mycelium, the DNA was purified and used as template for PCR amplification with SCAR primers (Sequences Characterised Amplified Region ), -tubulin, IGS sequences and Microsatellite markers (SSR). Amplified DNA from b-tubulin and IGS loci was digested with AciI and XhoI restriction enzymes, respectively, to show single-nucleotide polymorphisms specific for the two genetic groups. The results obtained indicated that SCAR primers are not useful to study the epidemiology. of E. necator conversely the b-tubulin IGS sequences and SSR. Summarize the results obtained with b-tubulin, IGS sequences, in treated vineyards we have found individuals of group B along all grape growing season, whereas in the untreated vineyard individuals of the two genetic groups A and B coexisted throughout the season, with no significant change of their frequency. DNA amplified from ascospores of single cleistothecia showed the presence of markers diagnostic for either groups A and B and were seldom observed also the coexistence of both groups within a claistothecium. These results indicate that individuals of the two groups mated in nature and were able to produced ascospores. With SSR we showed the possibility of recombination between A and B groups in field isolates. During winter, cleistothecia were collected repeatedly in the same vineyards sampling leaves fallen on ground, exfoliating bark from trunks, and from soil. From each substrate, was assess the percentage of cleistothecia containing viable ascospores. Our results confirmed that cleisthotecia contained viable ascospores, therefore they have the potential to be an additional and important source of primary inoculum in Emilia-Romagna vineyards.
153 Nachkommen einer Kreuzung aus der pilzresistenten Rebsorte ‘Regent‘ und ‘Lemberger‘ als klassischer pilzsensitiver Sorte zeigen quantitative Merkmalsvariation bezüglich der Resistenz gegen Plasmopara viticola und Uncinula necator sowie für weitere Eigenschaften, die z.B. das Eintreten der Beerenreife betreffen. Auf dem Weg über die genetische Kartierung mit molekularen Markern und der Lokalisierung von QTL-Effekten konnten Hinweise auf weinbaulich relevante Genomregionen gewonnen werden; dies liefert z.B. die Basis für markergestützte Selektion bei Zuchtvorhaben mit dem Resistenzträger ‘Regent’ (vgl. auch FISCHER et al., 2004). Ein Major-QTL für die Resistenz gegen den Echten Mehltau Uncinula necator sowie zwei Major QTL für die Resistenz gegen den Erreger des Falschen Mehltau, Plasmopara viticola, traten mit hoher Signifikanz auf drei verschiedenen Kopplungsgruppen von ‘Regent‘ auf. Auch Regionen mit Relevanz für das Eintreten der Beerenreife wurden beschrieben. Über die Isolierung, Sequenzierung und anschließende Analyse einzelner Markerfragmente mit Methoden der Bioinformatik ist es gelungen, ein putatives T10P12.4-Ortholog der Weinrebe (ein thioredoxinähnliches Protein) in enger Kopplung zu einem Major-QTL-Maximum für Plasmopara viticola-Resistenz zu identifizieren, das als Kandidat für die Beteiligung an der Pathogenantwort in Frage kommt. Es konnte exemplarisch gezeigt werden, dass die eingesetzten Methoden der Kartierung und QTL-Analyse unter Verwendung PCR-basierter Markertypen wie SSR und AFLP und einer beschleunigten Analyse über computergestützte Kapillargelelektrophorese in vertretbarem Zeitrahmen bis zur Isolation potentieller Schlüsselgene führen können. Die grundsätzliche Eignung der QTL-Analyse als effizientes Werkzeug gezielter Züchtungsplanung für den Weinbau bestätigte sich. Ihre Anwendung im Rahmen der vorliegenden Dissertation hat die Basis für die Nutzung von QTL-Information bei dem Vergleich etablierter und der Entwicklung neuer Sorten gelegt und zum Verständnis von Prozessen beigetragen, die den betrachteten Eigenschaften wie der Pilzresistenz möglicherweise zu Grunde liegen. Ein großer Teil der gewonnenen Daten bringt auch die Untersuchungen anderer Kultivare voran und ist intervarietal übertragbar. Darüber hinaus haben sich Chancen für vergleichende Studien zwischen der Weinrebe einerseits und der Modellpflanze Arabidopsis thaliana sowie weiteren Kulturpflanzen andererseits abgezeichnet. Die Hinweise auf die zentrale Rolle und universelle Natur des Redox-Signalling haben interessante Perspektiven zum Verständnis organismenübergreifender physiologischer Zusammenhänge eröffnet. Dies betrifft z.B. auch die Reaktion auf Verwundung oder die Pathogenantwort.
Ziel der Untersuchungen war, Pilze aus geschädigtem und ungeschädigtem Wurzelmaterial konventionell und ökologisch bewirtschafteter Weinbergsböden zu isolieren und diese auf ihre Durchsetzungsfähigkeit gegenüber den anderen Arten bzw. deren Pilzmetabolitsuspensionen unter unterschiedlichen Nahrungsbedingungen zu prüfen und eine eventuelle substratabhängige Verhaltensänderung bei den Spezies in Interaktion festzustellen. Zudem wurde in weiteren In-vitro- Versuchen das pathogene Potenzial der gefundenen Arten gegenüber Vitis spp. getestet. Hintergrund dieser Untersuchungen war die Hypothese, dass Absterbeerscheinungen in Rebanlagen nicht durch die Reblaus per se verursacht werden, sondern dass ein Zusammenhang zwischen der Bewirtschaftungsmethode und dem Schadbild in reblausbefallenen Rebanlagen besteht und dessen Entstehung auf pathogenkonduktive und –suppressive Eigenschaften des Bodens zurückgeführt werden kann. Aus rund 2400 Wurzelproben konnten insgesamt 49 Pilzarten isoliert und bestimmt und mehr als die Hälfte davon in Wurzeln beider Versuchsflächen nachgewiesen werden. Ein Großteil der Pilze wurde sowohl in geschädigten als auch in ungeschädigten Wurzelgeweben identifiziert. Darunter waren Arten, die in der Literatur als Parasiten und Saprobier beschrieben werden, aber auch Arten, die eine andere Lebensweise pflegen oder deren Lebensweise nicht bekannt ist. Mit Hilfe von Interaktionsversuchen auf unterschiedlichen Nährmedien (einem Voll- und einem Mangelmedium) konnte bei den untersuchten Arten teilweise starke substratabhängige Verhaltensänderung in Interaktion mit bestimmten Pilzkolonien festgestellt und auf die Verfügbarkeit von organischem Kohlenstoff zurückgeführt werden. Starke Konkurrenz um organischen Kohlenstoff und dadurch entstehende fungistatische und antibiotische Effekte können in diesem Zusammenhang pathogenkonduktive bzw. pathogensuppressive Bodeneigenschaften fördern oder hemmen. Weiterhin konnte gezeigt werden, dass alle 15 in vitro an Vitis spp. inokulierten Pilze (Absidia glauca, Acremonium kiliense, Aspergillus ustus, Cylindrocarpon magnusianum, Cylindrocarpon sp., Fusarium culmorum, F. detonianum, F. oxysporum, F. sacchari, F. semitectum, Gliocladium roseum, Leptosphaeria coniothyrium, Penicillium expansum, Trichoderma harzianum, T. pseudokoningii), unter denen sich auch als Saprobier bekannte Arten befanden (P. expansum, T. harzianum), selbst bei Verfügbarkeit organischer Kohlenstoffverbindungen im Substrat, gegenüber Vitis spp. ein fakultativ pathogenes Potenzial besitzen. Diese aus In-vitro-Interaktionsversuchen gewonnenen Erkenntnisse geben Hinweise darauf, welchen Einfluss die Bewirtschaftung, insbesondere die Versorgung der Weinbergsböden mit organischem Kohlenstoff, auf fakultativ pathogene Sekundärparasiten in Form von Bodenpilzen und folglich auf die Entwicklung von Schadbildern an durch die Reblaus prädispositionierten Rebpflanzen in vivo haben kann.
In 2010, 2011 and 2012 growing seasons, the occurrence of the ascomycetes Podosphaera fusca and Golovinomyces orontii, causal agents of powdery mildew disease, was monitored on cultivated cucurbits located in Bologna and Mantua provinces to determine the epidemiology of the species. To identify the pathogens, both morphological and molecular identifications were performed on infected leaf samples and a Multiplex-PCR was performed to identify the mating type genes of P. fusca isolates. The investigations indicated a temporal succession of the two species with the earlier infections caused by G. orontii, that seems to be the predominant species till the middle of July when it progressively disappears and P. fusca becomes the main species infecting cucurbits till the end of October. The temporal variation is likely due to the different overwintering strategies of the two species instead of climatic conditions. Only chasmothecia of P. fusca were recorded and mating type alleles ratio tended to be 1:1. Considering that only chasmothecia of P. fusca were found, molecular-genetic analysis were carried out to find some evidence of recombination within this species by MLST and AFLP methods. Surprisingly, no variations were observed within isolates for the 8 MLST markers used. According to this result, AFLP analysis showed a high similarity within isolates, with SM similarity coefficient ranging between 0.91-1.00 and also, sequencing of 12 polymorphic bands revealed identity to some gene involved in mutation and selection. The results suggest that populations of P. fusca are likely to be a clonal population with some differences among isolates probably due to agricultural practices such as fungicides treatments and cultivated hosts. Therefore, asexual reproduction, producing a lot of fungal biomass that can be easily transported by wind, is the most common and useful way to the spread and colonization of the pathogen.
Host-Pathogen Interaction is a very vast field of biological sciences, indeed every year many un- known pathogens are uncovered leading to an exponential growth of this field. The present work lyes between its boundaries, touching different aspects of host-pathogen interaction: We have evaluate the permissiveness of Mesenchimal Stem cell (FM-MSC from now on) to all known human affecting herpesvirus. Our study demonstrate that FM-MSC are full permissive to HSV1, HSV2, HCMV and VZV. On the other hand HHV6, HHV7, EBV and HHV8 are susceptible, but failed to activate a lytic infection program. FM-MSC are pluripotent stem cell and have been studied intensely in last decade. FM-MSC are employed in some clinical applications. For this reason it is important to known the degree of susceptibility to transmittable pathogens. Our atten- tion has then moved to bacterial pathogens: we have performed a proteome-wide in silico analy- sis of Chlamydiaceae family, searching for putative Nuclear localization Signal (NLS). Chlamy- diaceae are a family of obligate intracellular parasites. It’s reasonably to think that its members could delivered to nucleus effector proteins via NLS sequences: if that were the case the identifi- cation of NLS carrying proteins could open the way to therapeutic approaches. Our results strengthen this hypothesis: we have identified 72 protein bearing NLS, and verified their func- tionality with in vivo assays. Finally we have conceived a molecular scissor, creating a fusion protein between HIV-1 IN protein and FokI catalytic domain (a deoxyexonuclease domain). Our aim is to obtain chimeric enzyme (trojIN) which selectively identify IN naturally occurring target (HIV LTR sites) and cleaves subsequently LTR carrying DNA (for example integrated HIV1 DNA). Our preliminary results are promising since we have identified trojIN mutated version capable to selectively recognize LTR carrying DNA in an in vitro experiments.
Clostridium difficile is an obligate anaerobic, Gram-positive, endospore-forming bacterium. Although an opportunistic pathogen, it is one of the important causes of healthcare-associated infections. While toxins TcdA and TcdB are the main virulence factors of C. difficile, the factors or processes involved in gut colonization during infection remain unclear. The biofilm-forming ability of bacterial pathogens has been associated with increased antibiotic resistance and chronic recurrent infections. Little is known about biofilm formation by anaerobic gut species. Biofilm formation by C. difficile could play a role in virulence and persistence of C. difficile, as seen for other intestinal pathogens. We demonstrate that C. difficile clinical strains, 630, and the strain isolated in the outbreak, R20291, form structured biofilms in vitro. Biofilm matrix is made of proteins, DNA and polysaccharide. Strain R20291 accumulates substantially more biofilm. Employing isogenic mutants, we show that virulence-associated proteins, Cwp84, flagella and a putative quorum sensing regulator, LuxS, Spo0A, are required for maximal biofilm formation by C. difficile. Moreover we demonstrate that bacteria in C. difficile biofilms are more resistant to high concentrations of vancomycin, a drug commonly used for treatment of CDI, and that inhibitory and sub-inhibitory concentrations of the same antibiotic induce biofilm formation. Surprisingly, clinical C. difficile strains from the same out-break, but from different origin, show differences in biofilm formation. Genome sequence analysis of these strains showed presence of a single nucleoide polymorphism (SNP) in the anti-σ factor RsbW, which regulates the stress-induced alternative sigma factor B (σB). We further demonstrate that RsbW, a negative regulator of alternative sigma factor B, has a role in biofilm formation and sporulation of C. difficile. Our data suggest that biofilm formation by C. difficile is a complex multifactorial process and may be a crucial mechanism for clostridial persistence in the host.
Opportunistic diseases caused by Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) is an omnipresent global challenge. In order to manage these epidemics, we need to have low cost and easily deployable platforms at the point-of-care in high congestions regions like airports and public transit systems. In this dissertation we present our findings in using Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance (LSPR)-based detection of pathogens and other clinically relevant applications using microfluidic platforms at the point-of-care setting in resource constrained environment. The work presented here adopts the novel technique of LSPR to multiplex a lab-on-a-chip device capable of quantitatively detecting various types of intact viruses and its various subtypes, based on the principle of a change in wavelength occurring when metal nano-particle surface is modified with a specific surface chemistry allowing the binding of a desired pathogen to a specific antibody. We demonstrate the ability to detect and quantify subtype A, B, C, D, E, G and panel HIV with a specificity of down to 100 copies/mL using both whole blood sample and HIV-patient blood sample discarded from clinics. These results were compared against the gold standard Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-qPCR). This microfluidic device has a total evaluation time for the assays of about 70 minutes, where 60 minutes is needed for the capture and 10 minutes for data acquisition and processing. This LOC platform eliminates the need for any sample preparation before processing. This platform is highly multiplexable as the same surface chemistry can be adapted to capture and detect several other pathogens like dengue virus, E. coli, M. Tuberculosis, etc.
Adhesion, immune evasion and invasion are key determinants during bacterial pathogenesis. Pathogenic bacteria possess a wide variety of surface exposed and secreted proteins which allow them to adhere to tissues, escape the immune system and spread throughout the human body. Therefore, extensive contacts between the human and the bacterial extracellular proteomes take place at the host-pathogen interface at the protein level. Recent researches emphasized the importance of a global and deeper understanding of the molecular mechanisms which underlie bacterial immune evasion and pathogenesis. Through the use of a large-scale, unbiased, protein microarray-based approach and of wide libraries of human and bacterial purified proteins, novel host-pathogen interactions were identified. This approach was first applied to Staphylococcus aureus, cause of a wide variety of diseases ranging from skin infections to endocarditis and sepsis. The screening led to the identification of several novel interactions between the human and the S. aureus extracellular proteomes. The interaction between the S. aureus immune evasion protein FLIPr (formyl-peptide receptor like-1 inhibitory protein) and the human complement component C1q, key players of the offense-defense fighting, was characterized using label-free techniques and functional assays. The same approach was also applied to Neisseria meningitidis, major cause of bacterial meningitis and fulminant sepsis worldwide. The screening led to the identification of several potential human receptors for the neisserial adhesin A (NadA), an important adhesion protein and key determinant of meningococcal interactions with the human host at various stages. The interaction between NadA and human LOX-1 (low-density oxidized lipoprotein receptor) was confirmed using label-free technologies and cell binding experiments in vitro. Taken together, these two examples provided concrete insights into S. aureus and N. meningitidis pathogenesis, and identified protein microarray coupled with appropriate validation methodologies as a powerful large scale tool for host-pathogen interactions studies.
Traditional cell culture models have limitations in extrapolating functional mechanisms that underlie strategies of microbial virulence. Indeed during the infection the pathogens adapt to different tissue-specific environmental factors. The development of in vitro models resembling human tissue physiology might allow the replacement of inaccurate or aberrant animal models. Three-dimensional (3D) cell culture systems are more reliable and more predictive models that can be used for the meaningful dissection of host–pathogen interactions. The lung and gut mucosae often represent the first site of exposure to pathogens and provide a physical barrier against their entry. Within this context, the tracheobronchial and small intestine tract were modelled by tissue engineering approach. The main work was focused on the development and the extensive characterization of a human organotypic airway model, based on a mechanically supported co-culture of normal primary cells. The regained morphological features, the retrieved environmental factors and the presence of specific epithelial subsets resembled the native tissue organization. In addition, the respiratory model enabled the modular insertion of interesting cell types, such as innate immune cells or multipotent stromal cells, showing a functional ability to release pertinent cytokines differentially. Furthermore this model responded imitating known events occurring during the infection by Non-typeable H. influenzae. Epithelial organoid models, mimicking the small intestine tract, were used for a different explorative analysis of tissue-toxicity. Further experiments led to detection of a cell population targeted by C. difficile Toxin A and suggested a role in the impairment of the epithelial homeostasis by the bacterial virulence machinery. The described cell-centered strategy can afford critical insights in the evaluation of the host defence and pathogenic mechanisms. The application of these two models may provide an informing step that more coherently defines relevant molecular interactions happening during the infection.
La Fusariosi della spiga (FDS) è una fitopatia diffusa a livello mondiale che colpisce le colture cerealicole, tra cui il frumento duro, ed è in grado di causare gravi danni di tipo qualitativo ed economico. Le specie fungine responsabili appartengono al genere Fusarium, tra cui F. graminearum, F. culmorum e più recentemente F. poae. La conseguenza più rilevante riguarda la contaminazione della granella da micotossine, molecole prodotte dai miceti, considerate dalla comunità scientifica ad alto rischio per la salute dell’uomo e animali. L’eziologia è molto complessa, dal momento che su una stessa spiga di frumento possono coesistere più specie fungine che contribuiscono ad influenzare i quantitativi di micotossine prodotte. Lo scopo della ricerca è incentrato sulla caratterizzazione di ceppi di F. poae, in termini di potenziale patogeno e aggressività. Tramite l’allestimento di un saggio di inoculazione in vitro “Petri-dish” è stato possibile attribuire un indice di aggressività a ciascun isolato fungino, basato su parametri quali AUHPC e AUDPC standard, insieme ad altre variabili come la riduzione della lunghezza del coleottile e del tasso di germinazione. Il saggio è stato esteso anche a F. culmorum, per valutare la riproducibilità del test su altre specie fungine. Il test in vitro offre diversi vantaggi, tra cui affidabilità e rapidità di esecuzione ed è quindi adatto allo screening di ceppi patogeni da utilizzare in successive sperimentazioni. Gli stessi ceppi di F. poae, provenienti da una prova di inoculazione artificiale in serra su piante di frumento duro, sono stati caratterizzati dal punto di vista bio-molecolare. Poichè lo studio della fusariosi della spiga richiede la determinazione quantitativa della biomassa dei patogeni nei tessuti della pianta-ospite, anche in assenza di sintomi, il protocollo di Real-Time PCR con chimica SYBR® Green I qui sviluppato, ha dimostrato essere un buon compromesso tra attendibilità, rapidità e costi complessivi della metodica.