921 resultados para Experimental study


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Compensation grouting is increasingly employed as a mitigation technique of settlements induced by tunnelling and its effectiveness both in clayey and sandy soils is reported in a wide number of case histories. However, the results are highly dependent on grout properties, injection characteristics and soil properties. An experimental study was conducted to investigate the parameters that control grout injections in silty soils. The results from one injection test in a large sample of silty soil show that the compensation efficiency, defined as the ratio of the volume of heave obtained at ground surface and the injected grout volume, is much lower than one and tends to decrease with time, while the initial volume of grout lost due to pressure filtration is small. Finally, results from finite elements back analyses of the laboratory test show that a good agreement with the experimental data can be obtained if the development of large strains is taken into account. © 2012 Taylor & Francis Group.


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O estudo de escoamentos turbulentos em descarregadores em degraus tem sido um desafio para os investigadores. A macro-rugosidade do leito, a ondulação da superfície livre, a intermitência da localização da secção inicial de entrada de ar e o escoamento bi-fásico a jusante da secção inicial de entrada de ar fazem com que a caracterização do escoamento deslizante sobre turbilhões em descarregadores em degraus não seja simples. Actualmente, é possível combinar técnicas de medição fiáveis com simulações numéricas e análise teórica. Nesta dissertação, o estudo experimental baseia-se em resultados experimentais obtidos em duas instalações experimentais: a instalação A, do Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC), dotada de um descarregador em degraus com declive de 1V:0.75H e a instalação B, do Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), dotada de um descarregador em degraus com declive de 1V:2H. Uma sonda de ar, um tubo de Pitot modificado e vários hidrómetros permitiram o estudo do escoamento deslizante sobre turbilhões mono- e bifásico ao longo do descarregador em degraus da instalação A. Na bacia de dissipação de energia, a observação visual do escoamento foi auxiliada pelas leituras efectuadas em tomadas de pressão localizadas na soleira da bacia e pelas leituras da altura do escoamento efectuadas em réguas graduadas localizadas nas paredes da bacia. Na instalação B foram utilizados um tubo de Pitot e vários hidrómetros para estudar a região não arejada do escoamento deslizante sobre turbilhões no descarregador em degraus. O estudo numérico é baseado em simulações numéricas da região não arejada do escoamento deslizante sobre turbilhões sobre descarregadores em degraus com o código comercial de CFD FLOW-3D® de modo a reproduzir as condições ensaiadas experimentalmente. As simulações beneficiaram da técnica de blocos múltiplos (multi-block) num sistema de coordenadas cartesianas, da determinação da superfície livre pelo método TruVOF e da utilização de dois modelos de turbulência: os modelos k- e RNG k-. Por último, o estudo teórico consistiu em desenvolver um modelo simplificado 1D para determinar as características hidráulicas principais do trecho não arejado do escoamento deslizante sobre turbilhões em descarregadores em degraus. O modelo foi desenvolvido a partir das equações de Navier-Stokes, conjuntamente com resultados experimentais e numéricos. Os resultados apresentados nesta dissertação contribuem para o conhecimento do escoamento deslizante sobre turbilhões em descarregadores em degraus, nomeadamente na região não arejada, na secção inicial de entrada de ar e na região arejada. A hidráulica dos dissipadores de energia a jusante de descarregadores em degraus, em particular das bacias tipo III do USBR, é também objecto de estudo. Em relação à região não arejada do escoamento em descarregadores com declive acentuado, e com base em resultados experimentais e numéricos, são propostas expressões para estimar o desenvolvimento da altura equivalente de água, da espessura da camada limite, da concentração média de ar, do coeficiente de energia cinética, da dissipação de energia, do factor de resistência e do coeficiente n da fórmula de Manning. São ainda propostas expressões adimensionais para a energia cinética turbulenta e sua dissipação. Para declives moderados, são propostas expressões para estimar o desenvolvimento da altura equivalente de água, do coeficiente de energia cinética e da energia específica residual. São ainda apresentados valores do expoente 1/N da expressão adimensional da distribuição de velocidades, quer para descarregadores com declive acentuado quer com declive moderado. Em conformidade com outros estudos centrados em escoamentos de parede e com derivações teóricas, para a região não arejada do escoamento em descarregadores em degraus de acentuado declive, observa-se que o factor de resistência depende da macro-rugosidade criada pelos degraus e da geometria da secção transversal e que o coeficiente n da fórmula de Manning aumenta com a rugosidade. A descrição estatística da turbulência do escoamento é igualmente explorada, contribuindo para o conhecimento da estrutura do escoamento. Observou-se que para números de Reynolds rugoso não superiores a 6.8x104 a energia cinética turbulência e a sua dissipação cumprem leis de semelhança. Estas expressões adimensionais estão de acordo com os resultados obtidos por outros autores para escoamentos completamente desenvolvidos em canais abertos e no escoamento em rios com leito de gravilha. Em acréscimo, a taxa de dissipação de energia, quer para descarregadores de declive acentuado quer de moderado declive, é baixa. Por último, observa-se que os valores da média temporal da concentração de ar entre 0 e 1 medidos na região não arejada do escoamento dizem respeito não só ao ar capturado entre ondas de água, na zona de ondulação da superfície livre, mas também ao ar emulsionado no escoamento, i.e., sob a forma de bolhas de ar, quando perto da secção média inicial de entrada de ar, devido à diferença entre localizações instantânea e média temporal. Foram revistas metodologias e fórmulas para estimar a localização da secção inicial de entrada de ar e apresentadas expressões para estimar a concentração média de ar e a altura equivalente de água nessa secção. Relativamente à região de escoamento arejado em descarregadores em degraus com declive acentuado, os resultados experimentais apresentados nesta dissertação permitiram estimar a influência da definição da superfície livre nos parâmetros hidráulicos da região do escoamento arejado e estimar a máxima elevação do escoamento nesta região do escoamento. Com base nos resultados experimentais obtidos na bacia de dissipação de energia do tipo III do USBR localizada a jusante do descarregador em degraus da instalação A, observou-se que os perfis da altura piezométrica e da altura do escoamento tendem a seguir o perfil recomendado pelo USBR para bacias tipo III. A excepção ocorre à entrada da bacia, onde as alturas piezométricas apresentadas nesta dissertação excedem largamente as apresentadas pelo USBR. É ainda observado que, tal como entre as bacias tipo I e tipo III do USBR, o ressalto hidráulico estabiliza muito mais rapidamente numa bacia tipo III a jusante de um descarregador em degraus do que uma bacia tipo I a jusante do mesmo descarregador em degraus. Finalmente, observa-se que os blocos de amortecimento a colocar no descarregador não têm influência visível nos resultados da altura piezométrica nem da altura do escoamento ao longo da bacia. Relativamente às simulações numéricas do escoamento não arejado, a proximidade entre resultados experimentais e numéricos permite validar o modelo teórico e a integração numérica usados no FLOW-3D®. As simulações desenvolvidas também mostraram que o modelo de turbulência k- permite representar as características do escoamento não arejado em descarregadores em degraus, uma vez que não foram observadas diferenças significativas entre as simulações com este modelo e com o modelo RNG k-. Finalmente, observou-se que o modelo de entrada de ar usado no FLOW-3D® é válido para estimar a localização da secção inicial de entrada de ar. Por último, a proximidade entre os resultados obtidos da aplicação do modelo teórico desenvolvido no âmbito desta dissertação e os resultados experimentais indica que as hipóteses e simplificações consideradas no desenvolvimento do modelo são adequadas.


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Objectifs: Le Nystatin est un antibiotique efficace pour le traitement d’otomycose. Bien que sa sécurité au niveau de l’oreille externe soit bien établie, son utilisation n’est pas recommandée lorsqu’il y a une perforation tympanique. L’objectif de cette étude est d’évaluer le potentiel ototoxique du Nystatin lorsque celui-ci est appliqué directement au niveau de l’oreille moyenne. Méthodes: Nous avons fait une étude expérimentale avec 18 cochons d’Indes de souche Hartley que nous avons divisés en deux groupes. En exposant l’oreille moyenne de chaque animal au Nystatin (groupe I) ou à la néomycine (groupe II) et chaque oreille controlatérale à une solution physiologique (NaCl), la fonction auditive a été évaluée avec un test de potentiels évoqués auditif du tronc cérébral avant et après les injections. Une étude par microscopie électronique a permis une comparaison histologique de l’état des cellules ciliées cochléaires entre les 2 groupes. Résultats: Les pertes auditives moyennes du groupe « Nystatin » étaient de 13.0 dB et comparables aux pertes moyennes observées dans les oreilles ayant été injectées avec du NaCl (4.0 dB dans le groupe I et 15.1 dB dans le groupe II). Le groupe de contrôle « néomycine » a subi une perte auditive moyenne de 39.3 dB, ce qui représente une différence cliniquement et statistiquement significative (p<0.001). L’étude histologique avec une microscopie à balayage électronique a démontré une conservation de l’architecture des cellules ciliées cochléaires dans les groupe Nystatin et NaCl. La néomycine a causé une destruction marquée de ces structures. Conclusions: Le Nystatin ne provoque pas d’atteinte auditive ni de destruction des cellules ciliées externes après injection directe dans l’oreille moyenne chez le cochon d’Inde.


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The right ventricle has become an increasing focus in cardiovascular research. In this position paper, we give a brief overview of the specific pathophysiological features of the right ventricle, with particular emphasis on functional and molecular modifications as well as therapeutic strategies in chronic overload, highlighting the differences from the left ventricle. Importantly, we put together recommendations on promising topics of research in the field, experimental study design, and functional evaluation of the right ventricle in experimental models, from non-invasive methodologies to haemodynamic evaluation and ex vivo set-ups.


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Purpose: To present a technique for filling facial folds by using autologous orbicularis oculi muscle, based on an experimental model. Methods: two studies are presented: (1) an experimental study using 15 albino guinea-pigs from which a strip of the sural triceps muscle was removed and implanted in the subcutaneous tissue of the dorsal area. The animals were sacrificed 7, 30 and 60 days after the implantation, and the material was histologically evaluated. And (2%) an interventional prospective clinical trial carried out on 20 patients referred to blepharoplasty surgery. They received autologous preseptal orbicularis muscle for filling facial folds. The results where evaluated by patients satisfaction and clinical exam. Results: the sural tricep muscle, when implanted in the subcutaneous tissue, resulted in fibrosis. The patients whom received autologous orbicularis muscle implanted for filling facial folds showed that the procedure can be successfully carried out. Conclusions: autologous preseptal orbicularis muscle is a good material for filling facial folds. Cicatricial tissue will be formed on its implantation site, filling the tissue gap that forms the folds on the skin.


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Aims: The objective of this study is to create an experimental model of intestinal endometriosis in pigs, which might allow better understanding of deep infiltrating endometriosis and development of new treatment techniques. As secondary objective, we intend to create endometrial implants accessible by transrectal ultrasonography (TRUS). Study Design: Surgical experimental study in swine. Place and Duration of Study: This study was performed at the Instituto de Ensino e Pesquisa do Hospital Sírio-Libanês, São Paulo, Brazil, between January 2012 and December 2012. Methodology: Two sexually mature female minipigBR pigs underwent two laparotomies (each animal). The first laparotomy was performed to implant two fragments of autologous endometrium in the rectal wall. The second one was performed thirty days later to visualize, measure and obtain tissue of the site of the implants for histopathology study. A TRUS study was performed prior to the second surgery. The Institution’s Animal Utilization Study Committee approved the study. Results: In the first laparotomy a 5-cm segment of right uterine horn was resected. The endometrium was separated from the myometrium through sub-endometrial saline injection. Two endometrial fragments (1.0 x 2.0 cm) were dissected and sutured in the intra peritoneal anterior rectal wall of the animals. Thirty days later, all implants were identified during preoperative TRUS. “En-bloc” resection of the intestinal segment with the implants was performed during the second surgery. The autologous implants of endometrium invaded the muscular layer in one of the two animals. Conclusion: We demonstrated that the creation of an animal model of deep infiltrating endometriosis with intestinal involvement is feasible through a simple surgical technique. We believe that this model can be applied in experimental and clinical studies but further studies are necessary to refine the technique.


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A numerical and experimental study of ballistic impacts at various temperatures on precipitation hardened Inconel 718 nickel-base superalloy plates has been performed. A coupled elastoplastic-damage constitutive model with Lode angle dependent failure criterion has been implemented in LS-DYNA non-linear finite element code to model the mechanical behaviour of such an alloy. The ballistic impact tests have been carried out at three temperatures: room temperature (25 °C), 400 °C and 700 °C. The numerical study showed that the mesh size is crucial to predict correctly the shear bands detected in the tested plates. Moreover, the mesh size convergence has been achieved for element sizes on the same order that the shear bands. The residual velocity as well as the ballistic limit prediction has been considered excellent for high temperature ballistic tests. Nevertheless, the model has been less accurate for the numerical simulations performed at room temperature, being though in reasonable agreement with the experimental data. Additionally, the influence that the Lode angle had on quasi-static failure patterns such as cup-cone and slanted failure has been studied numerically. The study has revealed that the combined action of weakened constitutive equations and Lode angle dependent failure criterion has been necessary to predict the previously-mentioned failure patterns


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This is an experimental study into the permeability and compressibility properties of bagasse pulp pads. Three experimental rigs were custom-built for this project. The experimental work is complemented by modelling work. Both the steady-state and dynamic behaviour of pulp pads are evaluated in the experimental and modelling components of this project. Bagasse, the fibrous residue that remains after sugar is extracted from sugarcane, is normally burnt in Australia to generate steam and electricity for the sugar factory. A study into bagasse pulp was motivated by the possibility of making highly value-added pulp products from bagasse for the financial benefit of sugarcane millers and growers. The bagasse pulp and paper industry is a multibillion dollar industry (1). Bagasse pulp could replace eucalypt pulp which is more widely used in the local production of paper products. An opportunity exists for replacing the large quantity of mainly generic paper products imported to Australia. This includes 949,000 tonnes of generic photocopier papers (2). The use of bagasse pulp for paper manufacture is the main application area of interest for this study. Bagasse contains a large quantity of short parenchyma cells called ‘pith’. Around 30% of the shortest fibres are removed from bagasse prior to pulping. Despite the ‘depithing’ operations in conventional bagasse pulp mills, a large amount of pith remains in the pulp. Amongst Australian paper producers there is a perception that the high quantity of short fibres in bagasse pulp leads to poor filtration behaviour at the wet-end of a paper machine. Bagasse pulp’s poor filtration behaviour reduces paper production rates and consequently revenue when compared to paper production using locally made eucalypt pulp. Pulp filtration can be characterised by two interacting factors; permeability and compressibility. Surprisingly, there has previously been very little rigorous investigation into neither bagasse pulp permeability nor compressibility. Only freeness testing of bagasse pulp has been published in the open literature. As a result, this study has focussed on a detailed investigation of the filtration properties of bagasse pulp pads. As part of this investigation, this study investigated three options for improving the permeability and compressibility properties of Australian bagasse pulp pads. Two options for further pre-treating depithed bagasse prior to pulping were considered. Firstly, bagasse was fractionated based on size. Two bagasse fractions were produced, ‘coarse’ and ‘medium’ bagasse fractions. Secondly, bagasse was collected after being processed on two types of juice extraction technology, i.e. from a sugar mill and from a sugar diffuser. Finally one method of post-treating the bagasse pulp was investigated. The effects of chemical additives, which are known to improve freeness, were also assessed for their effect on pulp pad permeability and compressibility. Pre-treated Australian bagasse pulp samples were compared with several benchmark pulp samples. A sample of commonly used kraft Eucalyptus globulus pulp was obtained. A sample of depithed Argentinean bagasse, which is used for commercial paper production, was also obtained. A sample of Australian bagasse which was depithed as per typical factory operations was also produced for benchmarking purposes. The steady-state pulp pad permeability and compressibility parameters were determined experimentally using two purpose-built experimental rigs. In reality, steady-state conditions do not exist on a paper machine. The permeability changes as the sheet compresses over time. Hence, a dynamic model was developed which uses the experimentally determined steady-state permeability and compressibility parameters as inputs. The filtration model was developed with a view to designing pulp processing equipment that is suitable specifically for bagasse pulp. The predicted results of the dynamic model were compared to experimental data. The effectiveness of a polymeric and microparticle chemical additives for improving the retention of short fibres and increasing the drainage rate of a bagasse pulp slurry was determined in a third purpose-built rig; a modified Dynamic Drainage Jar (DDJ). These chemical additives were then used in the making of a pulp pad, and their effect on the steady-state and dynamic permeability and compressibility of bagasse pulp pads was determined. The most important finding from this investigation was that Australian bagasse pulp was produced with higher permeability than eucalypt pulp, despite a higher overall content of short fibres. It is thought this research outcome could enable Australian paper producers to switch from eucalypt pulp to bagasse pulp without sacrificing paper machine productivity. It is thought that two factors contributed to the high permeability of the bagasse pulp pad. Firstly, thicker cell walls of the bagasse pulp fibres resulted in high fibre stiffness. Secondly, the bagasse pulp had a large proportion of fibres longer than 1.3 mm. These attributes helped to reinforce the pulp pad matrix. The steady-state permeability and compressibility parameters for the eucalypt pulp were consistent with those found by previous workers. It was also found that Australian pulp derived from the ‘coarse’ bagasse fraction had higher steady-state permeability than the ‘medium’ fraction. However, there was no difference between bagasse pulp originating from a diffuser or a mill. The bagasse pre-treatment options investigated in this study were not found to affect the steady-state compressibility parameters of a pulp pad. The dynamic filtration model was found to give predictions that were in good agreement with experimental data for pads made from samples of pretreated bagasse pulp, provided at least some pith was removed prior to pulping. Applying vacuum to a pulp slurry in the modified DDJ dramatically reduced the drainage time. At any level of vacuum, bagasse pulp benefitted from chemical additives as quantified by reduced drainage time and increased retention of short fibres. Using the modified DDJ, it was observed that under specific conditions, a benchmark depithed bagasse pulp drained more rapidly than the ‘coarse’ bagasse pulp. In steady-state permeability and compressibility experiments, the addition of chemical additives improved the pad permeability and compressibility of a benchmark bagasse pulp with a high quantity of short fibres. Importantly, this effect was not observed for the ‘coarse’ bagasse pulp. However, dynamic filtration experiments showed that there was also a small observable improvement in filtration for the ‘medium’ bagasse pulp. The mechanism of bagasse pulp pad consolidation appears to be by fibre realignment. Chemical additives assist to lubricate the consolidation process. This study was complemented by pulp physical and chemical property testing and a microscopy study. In addition to its high pulp pad permeability, ‘coarse’ bagasse pulp often (but not always) had superior physical properties than a benchmark depithed bagasse pulp.


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This paper presents the details of an experimental study on the shear behaviour and strength of a recently developed, cold-formed steel hollow flange channel beam known as LiteSteel Beam (LSB). The new LSB sections with rectangular hollow flanges are produced using a patented manufacturing process involving simultaneous cold-forming and dual electric resistance welding. They are commonly used as flexural members in buildings. However, no research has been undertaken on the shear behaviour of LSBs. Therefore a detailed experimental study involving 36 shear tests was undertaken to investigate the shear behaviour of 10 different LSB sections. Simply supported test specimens of LSBs with aspect ratios of 1.0 and 1.5 were loaded at midspan until failure using both single and back to back LSB arrangements. Test specimens were chosen such that all three types of shear failure (shear yielding, inelastic and elastic shear buckling) occurred in the tests. Comparison of experimental results with corresponding predictions from the current Australian and North American cold-formed steel design rules showed that the current design rules are very conservative for the shear design of LSBs. Significant improvements to web shear buckling occurred due to the presence of rectangular hollow flanges while considerable post-buckling strength was also observed. Appropriate improvements have been proposed for the shear strength of LSBs based on the design equations in the North American Specification. This paper presents the details of this experimental study and the results. When reduced height web side plates or only one web side plate was used, the shear capacity of LSB was reduced. Details of these tests and the results are also presented in this paper. Keywords: LiteSteel beam, Shear strength, Shear tests, Cold-formed steel structures, Direct strength method, Slender web, Hollow flanges.


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Light gauge cold-formed steel frame (LSF) structures are increasingly used in industrial, commercial and residential buildings because of their non-combustibility, dimensional stability, and ease of installation. A floor-ceiling system is an example of its applications. LSF floor-ceiling systems must be designed to serve as fire compartment boundaries and provide adequate fire resistance. Fire rated floor-ceiling assemblies formed with new materials and construction methodologies have been increasingly used in buildings. However, limited research has been undertaken in the past and hence a thorough understanding of their fire resistance behaviour is not available. Recently a new composite panel in which an external insulation layer is used between two plasterboards has been developed at QUT to provide a higher fire rating to LSF floors under standard fire conditions. But its increased fire rating could not be determined using the currently available design methods. Research on LSF floor systems under fire conditions is relatively recent and the behaviour of floor joists and other components in the systems is not fully understood. The present design methods thus require the use of expensive fire protection materials to protect them from excessive heat increase during a fire. This leads to uneconomical and conservative designs. Fire rating of these floor systems is provided simply by adding more plasterboard sheets to the steel joists and such an approach is totally inefficient. Hence a detailed fire research study was undertaken into the structural and thermal performance of LSF floor systems including those protected by the new composite panel system using full scale fire tests and extensive numerical studies. Experimental study included both the conventional and the new steel floor-ceiling systems under structural and fire loads using a gas furnace designed to deliver heat in accordance with the standard time- temperature curve in AS 1530.4 (SA, 2005). Fire tests included the behavioural and deflection characteristics of LSF floor joists until failure as well as related time-temperature measurements across the section and along the length of all the specimens. Full scale fire tests have shown that the structural and thermal performance of externally insulated LSF floor system was superior than traditional LSF floors with or without cavity insulation. Therefore this research recommends the use of the new composite panel system for cold-formed LSF floor-ceiling systems. The numerical analyses of LSF floor joists were undertaken using the finite element program ABAQUS based on the measured time-temperature profiles obtained from fire tests under both steady state and transient state conditions. Mechanical properties at elevated temperatures were considered based on the equations proposed by Dolamune Kankanamge and Mahendran (2011). Finite element models were calibrated using the full scale test results and used to further provide a detailed understanding of the structural fire behaviour of the LSF floor-ceiling systems. The models also confirmed the superior performance of the new composite panel system. The validated model was then used in a detailed parametric study. Fire tests and the numerical studies showed that plasterboards provided sufficient lateral restraint to LSF floor joists until their failure. Hence only the section moment capacity of LSF floor joists subjected to local buckling effects was considered in this research. To predict the section moment capacity at elevated temperatures, the effective section modulus of joists at ambient temperature is generally considered adequate. However, this research has shown that it leads to considerable over- estimation of the local buckling capacity of joist subject to non-uniform temperature distributions under fire conditions. Therefore new simplified fire design rules were proposed for LSF floor joist to determine the section moment capacity at elevated temperature based on AS/NZS 4600 (SA, 2005), NAS (AISI, 2007) and Eurocode 3 Part 1.3 (ECS, 2006). The accuracy of the proposed fire design rules was verified with finite element analysis results. A spread sheet based design tool was also developed based on these design rules to predict the failure load ratio versus time, moment capacity versus time and temperature for various LSF floor configurations. Idealised time-temperature profiles of LSF floor joists were developed based on fire test measurements. They were used in the detailed parametric study to fully understand the structural and fire behaviour of LSF floor panels. Simple design rules were also proposed to predict both critical average joist temperatures and failure times (fire rating) of LSF floor systems with various floor configurations and structural parameters under any given load ratio. Findings from this research have led to a comprehensive understanding of the structural and fire behaviour of LSF floor systems including those protected by the new composite panel, and simple design methods. These design rules were proposed within the guidelines of the Australian/New Zealand, American and European cold- formed steel structures standard codes of practice. These may also lead to further improvements to fire resistance through suitable modifications to the current composite panel system.


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Fire safety of buildings has been recognised as very important by the building industry and the community at large. Traditionally, increased fire rating is provided by simply adding more plasterboards to light gauge steel frame (LSF) walls, which is inefficient. Many research studies have been undertaken to investigate the thermal behaviour of traditional LSF stud wall systems under standard fire conditions. However, no research has been undertaken on the thermal behaviour of LSF stud walls using the recently proposed composite panel. Extensive fire testing of both non-load bearing and load bearing wall panels was conducted in this research based on the standard time-temperature curve in AS1530.4. Three groups of LSF wall specimens were tested with no insulation, cavity insulation and the new composite panel based on an external insulation layer between plasterboards. This paper presents the details of this experimental study into the thermal performance of non-load bearing walls lined with various configurations of plasterboard and insulation. Extensive descriptive and numerical results of the tested non-load bearing wall panels given in this paper provide a thorough understanding of their thermal behaviour, and valuable time-temperature data that can be used to validate numerical models. Test results showed that the innovative composite stud wall systems outperformed the traditional stud wall systems in terms of their thermal performance, giving a much higher fire rating.


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Abstract: LiteSteel beam (LSB) is a new cold-formed steel hollow flange channel section produced using a patented manufacturing process. It is commonly used as flexural members in residential, industrial and commercial buildings. Current practice in flooring systems is to include openings in the web element of floor joists or bearers so that building services can be located within them. Test results have shown that the shear capacity of LSBs can be reduced considerably by the inclusion of web openings. A cost effective method of eliminating the detrimental effects of a large web opening is to attach suitable stiffeners around the web openings of LSBs. A detailed experimental study consisting of 17 shear tests was therefore undertaken to investigate the shear behaviour and strength of LSBs with stiffened circular web openings. Both plate and stud stiffeners with varying sizes and thicknesses were attached to the web elements of LSBs using a number of screw-fastening arrangements in order to develop a suitable stiffening arrangement for LSBs. Simply supported test specimens of LSBs with an aspect ratio of 1.5 were loaded at mid-span until failure. This paper presents the details of this experimental study of LSBs with stiffened web openings, and the results of their shear capacities and associated behavioural characteristics. Suitable screw-fastened plate stiffener arrangements have been recommended in order to restore the original shear capacity of LSBs.


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Cold-formed steel members are increasingly used as primary structural elements in the building industries around the world due to the availability of thin and high strength steels and advanced cold-forming technologies. Cold-formed lipped channel beams (LCB) are commonly used as flexural members such as floor joists and bearers. However, their shear capacities are determined based on conservative design rules. Current practice in flooring systems is to include openings in the web element of floor joists or bearers so that building services can be located within them. Shear behaviour of LCBs with web openings is more complicated while their shear strengths are considerably reduced by the presence of web openings. However, limited research has been undertaken on the shear behaviour and strength of LCBs with web openings. Hence a detailed experimental study involving 40 shear tests was undertaken to investigate the shear behaviour and strength of LCBs with web openings. Simply supported test specimens of LCBs with aspect ratios of 1.0 and 1.5 were loaded at midspan until failure. This paper presents the details of this experimental study and the results of their shear capacities and behavioural characteristics. Experimental results showed that the current design rules in cold-formed steel structures design codes are very conservative for the shear design of LCBs with web openings. Improved design equations have been proposed for the shear strength of LCBs with web openings based on the experimental results from this study.


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This paper presents the details of an experimental study of a cold-formed steel hollow flange channel beam known as LiteSteel Beam (LSB) subject to combined bending and shear actions. The LSB sections are produced by a patented manufacturing process involving simultaneous cold-forming and electric resistance welding. Due to the geometry of the LSB, as well as its unique residual stress characteristics and initial geometric imperfections resultant of manufacturing processes, much of the existing research for common cold-formed steel sections is not directly applicable to LSB. Experimental and numerical studies have been carried out to evaluate the behaviour and design of LSBs subject to pure bending actions and predominant shear actions. To date, however, no investigation has been conducted into the strength of LSB sections under combined bending and shear actions. Combined bending and shear is especially prevalent at the supports of continuous span and cantilever beams, where the interaction of high shear force and bending moment can reduce the capacity of a section to well below that for the same section subject only to pure shear or moment. Hence experimental studies were conducted to assess the combined bending and shear behaviour and strengths of LSBs. Eighteen tests were conducted and the results were compared with current AS/NZS 4600 and AS 4100 design rules. AS/NZS 4600 design rules were shown to grossly underestimate the combined bending and shear capacities of LSBs and hence two lower bound design equations were proposed based on experimental results. Use of these equations will significantly improve the confidence and cost-effectiveness of designing LSBs for combined bending and shear actions.


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Cold-formed steel members are widely used in residential, industrial and commercial buildings as primary load-bearing elements. During fire events, they will be exposed to elevated temperatures. If the general appearance of the structure is satisfactory after a fire event then the question that has to be answered is how the load bearing capacity of cold-formed steel members in these buildings has been affected. Hence after such fire events there is a need to evaluate the residual strength of these members. However, the post-fire behaviour of cold-formed steel members has not been investigated in the past. This means conservative decisions are likely to be made in relation to fire exposed cold-formed steel buildings. Therefore an experimental study was undertaken to investigate the post-fire mechanical properties of cold-formed steels. Tensile coupons taken from cold-formed steel sheets of three different steel grades and thicknesses were exposed to different elevated temperatures up to 800 oC, and were then allowed to cool down to ambient temperature before they were tested to failure. Tensile coupon tests were conducted to obtain their post-fire stress-strain curves and associated mechanical properties (yield stress, Young’s modulus, ultimate strength and ductility). It was found that the post-fire mechanical properties of cold-formed steels are reduced below the original ambient temperature mechanical properties if they had been exposed to temperatures exceeding 300 oC. Hence a new set of equations is proposed to predict the post-fire mechanical properties of cold-formed steels. Such post-fire mechanical property assessments allow structural and fire engineers to make an accurate prediction of the safety of fire exposed cold-formed steel buildings. This paper presents the details of this experimental study and the results of post-fire mechanical properties of cold-formed steels. It also includes the results of a post-fire evaluation of cold-formed steel walls.