942 resultados para Ether clarification procedure
Herbicides are used to control the growth of weeds along highways, power lines, and many other urban locations. Exposure to herbicides has been linked to adverse health outcomes. This study was initiated to pretest for the presence of herbicides in multiple water sources near intersections in a corridor in the Northwest Harris County (specifically in the Highway 6/FM 1960, North Freeway 45, US 290 and S 99 corridor). Roadside water and tap water samples were collected and analyzed for herbicides using the established Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Method 515.4: "Determination of Chlorinated Acids in Drinking Water by Liquid-Liquid Micro-extraction, Derivatization, and Fast Gas Chromatography with Electron Capture Detection." A standard operating procedure (adapted from the US EPA Method 515.4) was developed for subsequent, larger studies of environmental fate of herbicides and non-occupational exposure risks. Preliminary testing of 16 water samples was performed to pretest the existence of trace herbicides; all concentrations that were greater than the minimum reporting limits of each analyte are reported with a 99 percent confidence. This study failed to find concentrations above the limits of detection of the method in any of the samples collected on June 15, 2008. However, this does not indicate that the waters around the NW Harris County are free of herbicides and metabolites. A larger and repeated sampling in the region would be necessary to make that claim. ^
Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are brominated flame retardants (BFRs) that have been widely produced and used as flame retardants since the 1970’s in many consumer products such as carpet and drape linings, plastics used in electronics, computer and television casings and polyurethane foam used in chairs, sofas and mattresses. PBDEs are persistent organic pollutants (POPs), which, by definition, are toxic in nature, persistent in the environment and accumulative in living organisms. Animal studies have found PBDEs to cause health defects such as fetal malformations, delayed onset of puberty, decreased sperm count, behavioral changes, permanent learning and memory impairment, endocrine disruption, as well as cancer at high doses. Recent research involving humans reported that elevated breast milk PBDEs levels in their mothers are associated with cryptorchidism (absence of one or both testes from the scrotum) in newborn boys and adverse birth outcomes as well as elevated serum PBDE levels in mothers are associated with low sperm count in young men. There are three commonly manufactured PBDE commercial mixtures: Penta-, Octa-, and Deca-BDEs. Two of them (Octa- and Penta-BDEs) have been banned by the European Union and are being voluntarily phased out in the United States. However, Deca continues to be manufactured, used, and imported in the United States. This MPH thesis consists of a literature review of peer reviewed scientific articles concerned with PBDEs in the environment and in humans, as well as a discussion concerning different routes of exposure to PBDEs and their blood, milk and tissue levels as surrogates for body burdens in North Americans and in people from other countries. Results of this literature review shows PBDE levels in human blood, milk and tissues are higher in North Americans than people from other countries worldwide. To date, the highest level of PBDEs was found in a toddler’s blood in a California study. Despite the fact that PBDEs are associated with adverse health effects, and highest levels of PBDEs in North Americans, Deca-BDE is still manufactured, used and imported in the United States. There is an urgent need of new federal regulatory policy to ban completely the production, importation and use of all commercial mixtures of PBDEs.^
Although the processes involved in rational patient targeting may be obvious for certain services, for others, both the appropriate sub-populations to receive services and the procedures to be used for their identification may be unclear. This project was designed to address several research questions which arise in the attempt to deliver appropriate services to specific populations. The related difficulties are particularly evident for those interventions about which findings regarding effectiveness are conflicting. When an intervention clearly is not beneficial (or is dangerous) to a large, diverse population, consensus regarding withholding the intervention from dissemination can easily be reached. When findings are ambiguous, however, conclusions may be impossible.^ When characteristics of patients likely to benefit from an intervention are not obvious, and when the intervention is not significantly invasive or dangerous, the strategy proposed herein may be used to identify specific characteristics of sub-populations which may benefit from the intervention. The identification of these populations may be used both in further informing decisions regarding distribution of the intervention and for purposes of planning implementation of the intervention by identifying specific target populations for service delivery.^ This project explores a method for identifying such sub-populations through the use of related datasets generated from clinical trials conducted to test the effectiveness of an intervention. The method is specified in detail and tested using the example intervention of case management for outpatient treatment of populations with chronic mental illness. These analyses were applied in order to identify any characteristics which distinguish specific sub-populations who are more likely to benefit from case management service, despite conflicting findings regarding its effectiveness for the aggregate population, as reported in the body of related research. However, in addition to a limited set of characteristics associated with benefit, the findings generated, a larger set of characteristics of patients likely to experience greater improvement without intervention. ^
While reported prevalence rates of troubled employees vary considerably, even conservative estimates indicate a major public health problem. For example, alcohol and drug related problems alone cost U.S. industry more than 45 billion dollars annually.^ Of the alternatives available to deal with these problems, e.g., dismissal or disciplinary actions, the most viable and cost effective are employee assistance programs (EAP), designed to provide professional assistance to employees experiencing alcohol, drug, emotional or personal crisis.^ The principal component of an EAP is that of assessment and referral, and this study was developed to determine which EAP client intake variables are the most efficacious predictors of assessment and referral procedures.^ Although, specific client intake variables were statistically significant the discriminant classification analysis was demonstrably inadequate. Nevertheless, the identification of A/R procedure phases which were not efficacious, as well as EAP client populations for whom services were not effective, were extremely valuable discernments. Identifying the less efficacious components of the A/R process provided an opportunity to recommend alternatives to current program procedures and practices, which may ameliorate program effectiveness. ^
Background: Poor communication among health care providers is cited as the most common cause of sentinel events involving patients. Sign-out of patient data at the change of clinician shifts is a component of communication that is especially vulnerable to errors. Sign-outs are particularly extensive and complex in intensive care units (ICUs). There is a paucity of validated tools to assess ICU sign-outs. ^ Objective: To design a valid and reliable survey tool to assess the perceptions of Pediatric ICU (PICU) clinicians about sign-out. ^ Design: Cross-sectional, web-based survey ^ Setting: Academic hospital, 31-bed PICU ^ Subjects: Attending faculty, fellows, nurse practitioners and physician assistants. ^ Interventions: A survey was designed with input from a focus group and administered to PICU clinicians. Test-retest reliability, internal consistency and validity of the survey tool were assessed. ^ Measurements and Main Results: Forty-eight PICU clinicians agreed to participate. We had 42(88%) and 40(83%) responses in the test and retest phases. The mean scores for the ten survey items ranged from 2.79 to 3.67 on a five point Likert scale with no significant test-retest difference and a Pearson correlation between pre and post answers of 0.65. The survey item scores showed internal consistency with a Cronbach's Alpha of 0.85. Exploratory factor analysis revealed three constructs: efficacy of sign-out process, recipient satisfaction and content applicability. Seventy eight % clinicians affirmed the need for improvement of the sign-out process and 83% confirmed the need for face- to-face verbal sign-out. A system-based sign-out format was favored by fellows and advanced level practitioners while attendings preferred a problem-based format (p=0.003). ^ Conclusions: We developed a valid and reliable survey to assess clinician perceptions about the ICU sign-out process. These results can be used to design a verbal template to improve and standardize the sign-out process.^
A selection of PBDE congeners was analyzed in pooled blubber samples of pilot whale (Globicephala melas), ringed seal (Phoca hispida), minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata), fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus), harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena), hooded seal (Cystophora cristata) and Atlantic white-sided dolphin (Lagenorhynchus acutus), covering a time period of more than 20 years (1986-2009). The analytes were extracted and cleaned-up using open column extraction and multi-layer silica gel column chromatography, and the analysis was performed on a GC-MS system operating in the NCI mode. The highest PBDE levels were found in the toothed whale species pilot whale and white-sided dolphin, and the lowest levels in fin whales and ringed seals. One-sided analyses of variance (ANOVA) followed by Tukey comparisons of means were applied to test for differences between years and sampling areas. Due to inter-year sampling variability, only general comparisons of PBDE concentrations between different sampling areas could be made. Differences in PBDE concentrations between three sampling periods, from 1986 to 2007, were evaluated in samples of pilot whales, ringed seals, white-sided dolphins and hooded seals. The highest PBDE levels were found in samples from the late 1990s or beginning of 2000, possibly reflecting the increase in the global production of technical PBDE mixtures in the 1990s. The levels of BDE #153 and #154 increased relative to the total PBDE concentration in some of the species in recent years, which may indicate an increased relative exposure to higher brominated congeners. In order to assess the effect of measures taken in legally binding international agreements, it is important to continuously monitor POPs such as PBDEs in sub-Arctic and Arctic environments.
Fil: Malbrán, María del Carmen. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.
Fil: Malbrán, María del Carmen. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.
Glycerol ether lipids have been detected in the bitumen of DSDP sediments from Sites 467, 440B and 380 and from the Green River Shale. The alkyl side groups of these ethers were determined by conversion into deuteroalkanes. The presence of glycerol ethers produced by methanogenic bacteria was indicated in the DSDP bitumens by the formation of monodeuterated phytane and dideuterated biphytane. Other ethers were found with novel non-isoprenoidal side groups which may belong to sulfate-reducing or other, probably anaerobic, bacteria. Kerogen-bound alkoxy groups were determined using hydrogen iodide cleavage of the ether link followed by conversion of the iodoalkanes into corresponding deuteroalkanes. For this reaction, the kerogen was not isolated from the rock matrix. The structures so produced were found to include alkyl groups which have known bacterial precursors as well as others that are presently unknown in organisms. The Green River ether biomarker profile is interpreted as possibly indicative of bacterial diagenesis exclusive of biomethanogenesis.
A selection of MeO-BDE and BDE congeners were analyzed in pooled blubber samples of pilot whale (Globicephala melas), ringed seal (Phoca hispida), minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata), fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus), harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena), hooded seal (Cystophora cristata), and Atlantic white-sided dolphin (Lagenorhynchus acutus), covering a time period of more than 20 years (1986-2009). The analytes were extracted and cleaned-up using open column extraction and multi-layer silica gel column chromatography. The analysis was performed using both low resolution and high resolution GC-MS. MeO-PBDE concentrations relative to total PBDE concentrations varied greatly between sampling periods and species. The highest MeO-PBDE levels were found in the toothed whale species pilot whale and white-sided dolphin, often exceeding the concentration of the most abundant PBDE, BDE-47. The lowest MeO-PBDE levels were found in fin whales and ringed seals. The main MeO-BDE congeners were 6-MeO-BDE47 and 2'-MeO-BDE68. A weak correlation only between BDE47 and its methoxylated analog 6-MeO-BDE47 was found and is indicative of a natural source for MeO-PBDEs.
Many of the material models most frequently used for the numerical simulation of the behavior of concrete when subjected to high strain rates have been originally developed for the simulation of ballistic impact. Therefore, they are plasticity-based models in which the compressive behavior is modeled in a complex way, while their tensile failure criterion is of a rather simpler nature. As concrete elements usually fail in tensión when subjected to blast loading, available concrete material models for high strain rates may not represent accurately their real behavior. In this research work an experimental program of reinforced concrete fíat elements subjected to blast load is presented. Altogether four detonation tests are conducted, in which 12 slabs of two different concrete types are subjected to the same blast load. The results of the experimental program are then used for the development and adjustment of numerical tools needed in the modeling of concrete elements subjected to blast.
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