747 resultados para Espectrometria de fluorescencia


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A olivicultura possui uma grande importância no cenário económico mundial, devido ao facto de a azeitona e o azeite fazerem parte da dieta alimentar de muitos países, especificamente os da região Mediterrânea. A “Cobrançosa” é uma cultivar Portuguesa com muita importância na região de Trás-os-Montes encontrando-se atualmente disseminada por seis regiões de Denominação de Origem Protegida. Os contaminantes emitidos para a atmosfera atingem as oliveiras e as azeitonas através da água, do ar, das plantas e do solo. Embora a ingestão de metais pesados através da azeitona e do azeite seja reduzida, a sua bioacumulação no organismo pode resultar em toxicidade e pôr em causa a saúde pública. É deste ponto de vista, que se centra o objetivo geral deste trabalho. Assim sendo, tentou-se quantificar o conteúdo de metais (de segurança e de qualidade), tais como o alumínio, arsénio, cádmio, chumbo, cálcio, cobalto, cobre, ferro, magnésio, manganês, sódio, níquel, e zinco nas azeitonas e azeites da cv “Cobrançosa” de seis clones em dois estados de maturação, com diferentes rendimentos de produção e diferentes atividades antioxidantes. Verificou-se que todos os metais analisados se encontram de acordo com o legislado e publicado por outros autores, verificando-se neste estudo particular que a componente genética que diferencia as amostras em estudo, não está significativamente relacionada com o conteúdo em metais.


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O presente trabalho consiste na caracterização física e química da pólvora. Esta caracterização foi realizada para alguns tipos de pólvora, com o objetivo de se poder empregar este tipo de material noutros âmbitos, que não seja só nas Forças Armadas, nomeadamente, no armamento. A caracterização física abrangeu, essencialmente, a caracterização morfológica das amostras tal-qual, nomeadamente, as pólvoras multi-perfurada, tubular, tubular (rocket), cilíndrica, esférica, lamelar, em fita e a pólvora negra. A técnica utilizada foi a observação através de uma lupa estereoscópica. Após a combustão, foi utilizado o microscópio eletrónico de varrimento. A caracterização química foi realizada no âmbito da análise química elementar, e também no âmbito da combustão, às condições atmosféricas. Na análise química elementar, foram estudadas a pólvora multiperfurada, tubular, tubular rocket e em fita, por intermédio da espectrometria de fluorescência de raios-X - dispersão de energia e por espectrometria de absorção atómica de chama. No âmbito da combustão, foram estudas a taxa de queima e a velocidade de propagação de chama, nas amostras de pólvora multi-perfurada e a pólvora de fita, através de técnicas de medição de massa e de visualização de chama. Na discussão de resultados constatou-se que a maioria dos tipos de pólvora estudados pertencem ao grupo dos propelentes de base dupla. Apesar da variabilidade entre amostras, verificou-se que o principal elemento comum é o chumbo. Quanto à taxa de queima, esta apresenta uma evolução aproximadamente linear em todas as amostras. Foi, ainda, apresentada uma velocidade de propagação de chama característica para os dois tipos de pólvora estudados, tendo sido estabelecida para a pólvora multi-perfurada uma velocidade SR = 1,1 mm/s, para em fita, SR = 6,0 mm/s.


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A garantia da qualidade de produtos alimentares constitui um requisito fundamental no setor alimentar pelo que, na última década se tem assistido à intensificação do desenvolvimento e otimização de processos de controlo. O setor vinícola, em particular, tem essa permanente preocupação em relação à presença de contaminantes que possam conferir ao vinho outras características organoléticas consideradas como defeitos, nomeadamente, o 2,4,6-tricloroanisol (TCA). A presença de TCA no vinho, atribuída à migração a partir de rolhas de cortiça contaminadas com TCA, tem sido apontada como responsável pela ocorrência do referido defeito organolético do vinho, conhecido como “cheiro/gosto a mofo” ou “gosto a rolha”, o qual tem levado a perdas económicas bastante elevadas no setor vinícola mundial. O limite humano para a sua deteção sensorial é inferior a 5 ng/L, pelo que uma concentração reduzida de TCA no vinho é facilmente detetada pelo consumidor. Por este motivo, é de grande relevância para a indústria corticeira, nomeadamente para a indústria de produção de rolhas de cortiça para o engarrafamento de vinho, conseguir identificar a presença deste composto na rolha antes da sua utilização ou ainda nas pranchas de cortiça usadas na produção de rolhas, de modo a poderem ser implementadas medidas corretivas que permitam eliminar ou reduzir o teor de TCA nas mesmas, evitando assim a contaminação futura do vinho engarrafado. Diversas técnicas são utilizadas para detetar a presença do TCA no vinho ou em rolhas, sendo de especial relevância as baseadas em cromatografia gasosa com deteção por espectrometria de massa. Contudo, estas técnicas analíticas capazes de detetar e quantificar níveis de TCA da ordem dos ng/L, são em geral dispendiosas, requerendo equipamentos analíticos caros e pessoal técnico altamente qualificado, não sendo portáteis e por isso dificilmente aplicáveis in-situ, necessitando de um pré-tratamento das amostras complexo com a finalidade de extrair o TCA e concentrá-lo para posterior quantificação. Assim, este procedimento de deteção de TCA, tido como método de referência, não é uma solução economicamente viável para grande parte das pequenas e médias empresas corticeiras, sendo apenas aplicável a um reduzido número de amostras, o que limita a real deteção de contaminações de TCA na cortiça e nas rolhas fabricadas. Neste trabalho, utilizou-se a técnica de voltametria cíclica para detetar TCA na água de cozedura de pranchas de cortiça utilizadas para a produção de rolhas para engarrafamento de vinho. As análises foram realizadas à temperatura ambiente, em menos de 15 minutos, com reduzido uso de solventes orgânicos e sem qualquer pré-tratamento da amostra. A técnica proposta apresenta limites de deteção de 0,31 0,01 ng/L e de quantificação de 0,95 0,05 ng/L inferiores ao limiar de deteção humano. Ensaios realizados em soluções não contaminadas com TCA permitiram quantificar uma concentração de TCA da ordem do referido limite de quantificação (1,0 0,2 ng/L), o que confirma o desempenho satisfatório da metodologia proposta. Por outro lado, o método apresentou uma repetibilidade satisfatória (valores inferiores a 3%) quando aplicado a amostras reais de água de cozedura das pranchas de cortiça obtidas no processo industrial de produção de rolhas. Verificou-se ainda que os teores de TCA nas amostras aquosas determinados pela técnica proposta são concordantes com os obtidos por GC-MS (coeficiente de correlação igual a 0,98), o que confirma a precisão satisfatória da metodologia proposta. Assim, uma vez que esta nova abordagem é um método rápido, de baixo custo, portátil e de fácil utilização, pode ser visto como uma ferramenta alternativa e útil para aplicações industriais in-situ, permitindo a deteção de TCA numa fase inicial da produção de rolhas de cortiça. Esta técnica pode contribuir para a implementação mais eficaz de procedimentos de segregação da cortiça contaminada com o intuito de reduzir ou evitar futuras contaminações de vinho engarrafado com TCA.


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Water and gas is a common by - product of the oil production process. Production may be compromised by the precipitation of inorganic salts in both the reservoir and producing well, through scale formation. This precipitation is likely the cause of the formation damage. High temperatures and h igh pressures (HTHP) may favor the precipitation of insoluble salts. The most common types of scale in oil fields are calcium carbonate and calcium sulphate, strontium and barium sulphate. New types of scale formation have attracted special attention such as zinc sulphide and lead. This precipitation may occur in the pores of reservoir rocks, in the production string and in equipment, causing obstructions and consequent production losses. In this study, the influence of well depth on incrustation compositio n was investigated to design removal treatments and assess the behavior of these deposits along the string, through the analysis of pressure and temperature. Scale residues were recovered from the inside of the production string of an oil and gas well duri ng the string removal operation. A total of 10 samples from different depths (15.4 m to 4061.5 m) were obtained. Initially a dissolution test was conducted in weak acid, similar to that used in removal operations with this type of scale formation. Majority composition was defined and confirmed by dissolution tests using X - Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy (XRF), X - Ray Diffraction (XRD) and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) techniques. Residues with distinct characteristics were observed in different proportion s, showing a tendency toward increased and/or decreased mass with depth. In the samples closest to the surface, typical sandstone residues were found, with calcium (45% Ca) as the metal of highest concentration. The obtained results indicate correlations o f the scale types studied with the depth and, consequently, with the thermodynamic conditions of pressure and temperature.


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This study aimed to assess ambient air quality in a urban area of Natal, capital of Rio Grande do Norte (latitude 5º49'29 '' S and longitude 35º13'34'' W), aiming to determine the metals concentration in particulate matter (PM10 and PM2,5) of atmospheric air in the urban area o the Natal city. The sampling period for the study consisted of data acquisition from January to December 2012. Samples were collected on glass fiber filters by means of two large volumes samplers, one for PM2,5 (AGV PM 2,5) and another for PM10 (PM10 AGV). Monthly averages ranged from 8.92 to 19.80 g.m-3 , where the annual average was 16,21 g.m-3 for PM10 and PM2,5 monthly averages ranged from 2,84 to 7,89 g.m -3 , with an annual average of 5,61 g.m-3 . The results of PM2,5 and PM10 concentrations were related meteorological variables and for information on the effects of these variables on the concentration of PM, an exploratory analysis of the data using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was performed. The results of the PCA showed that with increasing barometric pressure, the direction of the winds, the rainfall and relative humidity decreases the concentration of PM and the variable weekday little influence compared the meteorological variables. Filters containing particulate matter were selected in six days and subjected to microwave digestion. After digestion samples were analyzed by with Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS). The concentrations for heavy metals Vanadium, Chromium, Manganese, Nickel, Copper, Arsenic and lead were determined. The highest concentrations of metals were for Pb and Cu, whose average PM10 values were, respectively, 5,34 and 2,34 ng.m-3 and PM2,5 4,68 and 2,95 ng.m-3 . Concentrations for metals V, Cr, Mn, Ni, and Cd were respectively 0,13, 0,39, 0,48, 0,45 and 0,03 ng.m-3 for PM10 fraction and PM2,5 fraction, 0,05, 0,10, 0,10, 0,34 and 0,01 ng.m-3. The concentration for As was null for the two fractions


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Produced water is a major problem associated with the crude oil extraction activity. The monitoring of the levels of metals in the waste is constant and requires the use of sensitive analytical techniques. However, the determination of trace elements can often require a pre-concentration step. The objective of this study was to develop a simple and rapid analytical method for the extraction and pre-concentration based on extraction phenomenon cloud point for the determination of Cd, Pb and Tl in produced water samples by spectrometry of high resolution Absorption source continues and atomization graphite furnace. The Box Behnken design was used to obtain the optimal condition of extraction of analytes. The factors were evaluated: concentration of complexing agent (o,o-dietilditilfosfato ammonium, DDTP), the concentration of hydrochloric acid and concentration of surfactant (Triton X -114). The optimal condition obtained through extraction was: 0,6% m v-1 DDTP, HCl 0,3 mol L-1 and 0,2% m v-1 of Triton X - 114 for Pb; 0,7% m v-1 DDTP, HCl 0,8 mol L-1 and 0,2% m v-1 Triton X-114 for Cd. For Tl was evidenced that best extraction condition occurs with no DDTP, the extraction conditions were HCl 1,0 mol L-1 e 1,0% m v-1 de Triton X - 114. The limits of detection for the proposed method were 0,005 µg L-1 , 0,03 µg L-1 and 0,09 µg L-1 to Cd, Pb and Tl, Respectively. Enrichment factors Were greater than 10 times. The method was applied to the water produced in the Potiguar basin, and addition and recovery tests were performed, and values were between 81% and 120%. The precision was expressed with relative standard deviation (RSD) is less than 5%


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The determination and monitoring of metallic contaminants in water is a task that must be continuous, leading to the importance of the development, modification and optimization of analytical methodologies capab le of determining the various metal contaminants in natural environments, because, in many cases, the ava ilable instrumentation does not provide enough sensibility for the determination of trace values . In this study, a method of extraction and pre- concentration using a microemulsion system with in the Winsor II equilibrium was tested and optimized for the determination of Co, Cd, P b, Tl, Cu and Ni through the technique of high- resolution atomic absorption spectrometry using a continuum source (HR-CS AAS). The optimization of the temperature program for the graphite furnace (HR-CS AAS GF) was performed through the pyrolysis and atomization curves for the analytes Cd, Pb, Co and Tl with and without the use of different chemical modifiers. Cu and Ni we re analyzed by flame atomization (HR-CS F AAS) after pre-concentr ation, having the sample introduction system optimized for the realization of discrete sampling. Salinity and pH levels were also analyzed as influencing factors in the efficiency of the extraction. As final numbers, 6 g L -1 of Na (as NaCl) and 1% of HNO 3 (v/v) were defined. For the determination of the optimum extraction point, a centroid-simplex statistical plan was a pplied, having chosen as the optimum points of extraction for all of the analytes, the follo wing proportions: 70% aqueous phase, 10% oil phase and 20% co-surfactant/surfactant (C/S = 4). After extraction, the metals were determined and the merit figures obtained for the proposed method were: LOD 0,09, 0,01, 0,06, 0,05, 0,6 and 1,5 μg L -1 for Pb, Cd, Tl, Co, Cu and Ni, re spectively. Line ar ranges of ,1- 2,0 μg L -1 for Pb, 0,01-2,0 μg L -1 for Cd, 1,0 - 20 μg L -1 for Tl, 0,1-5,0 μg L -1 for Co, 2-200 μg L -1 and for Cu e Ni 5-200 μg L -1 were obtained. The enrichment factors obtained ranged between 6 and 19. Recovery testing with the certified sample show ed recovery values (n = 3, certified values) after extraction of 105 and 101, 100 and 104% for Pb, Cd, Cu and Ni respectively. Samples of sweet waters of lake Jiqui, saline water from Potengi river and water produced from the oil industry (PETROBRAS) were spiked and the recovery (n = 3) for the analytes were between 80 and 112% confirming th at the proposed method can be used in the extraction. The proposed method enabled the sepa ration of metals from complex matrices, and with good pre-concentration factor, consistent with the MPV (allowed limits) compared to CONAMA Resolution No. 357/2005 which regulat es the quality of fresh surface water, brackish and saline water in Brazil.


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The detection of emerging interest microcontaminants in environmental samples of surface water, groundwater, drinking water, wastewater and effluents from water and sewage treatment plants (WTP and STP), in many countries, suggests these pollutants are widespread in the environment, mainly in urban areas. This is a reason for great concern, since many of these compounds are potentially harmful for humans other living beings, and they are not efficiently removed in the majority of WTP and STP, which is exacerbated by precariousness of water supply and sanitation services. In Natal, like other Brazilian cities, the sewage system serves only part of the urban area (about 30%), so that the rest of the wastewater is infiltrated in the sandy soil of the region in cesspool-dry well systems. This has resulted in contamination of groundwater in the area (sand-dune barrier aquifer, which supplies more than 50% of the city population), which has been observed by the increase in nitrate concentration in supply wells. The vulnerability of the sanddune barrier aquifer, combined with reports of the presence of emerging interest microcontaminants in Brazil and worldwide, led to this research, which investigated the occurrence of fifteen microcontaminants in Natal groundwater and sewage. Samples were collected at five wells used for water supply, the raw sewage and the effluents from biological reactors from STP (UASB and activated sludge reactors). Two samples of each sample were taken, with one week apart between the samples. To determine the contaminants, extraction of aquifer water, and raw and treated sewage samples were performed, through the technique of using SPE Strata X cartridge (Phenomenex®) to the aquifer water, and Strata SAX and Strata X (Phenomenex® ) for samples of raw and treated sewage. Subsequently the extracts were analyzed using GC-MS technique. Much of the analyzed microcontaminants were detected in groundwater and sewage. The concentrations in groundwater are generally lower than those found in the sewers. Some of the compounds (estrone, estradiol, bisphenol A, caffeine, diclofenac, naproxen, paracetamol and ibuprofen) are partially removed at STP.


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The skin is one of the largest organs of the human body and accounts for about 16% of body weight. The body protection against the external environment microorganisms is one of its most important functions, however is necessary that the skin remain intact for this function be exercised, so that when there is an injury on the skin, the process of restructuring needs to be starts, however this restructuration may also be compromised due to some diseases, justifying even more the need for the development of topical products that promote or accelerate the skin healing. Thus the aim of this study was to extract bullfrog oil and to develop a suitable topical emulsion. Two different oil samples were extracted by hot or organic solvent process. Titration techniques and gas chromatography- mass spectrometry were used to characterize the bullfrog oil. The required hydrophile-lipophile balance (HLBr) of bullfrog oil was determined and a pseudo-ternary phase diagram was constructed. The stability of the topical emulsion was evaluated. Then, cellular viability was determined by MTT assay using normal fibroblasts (3T3) and melanoma (B16F10) cells lines. The hot extraction yield was 60.6%. The major polyunsaturated compounds found were Eicosapentaenoic acid (17.6%) and Arachidonic acid (8.4%). HLBr study demonstrated the presence of stable systems with HLB ranging from 12.1 to 13.5 and the pseudo-ternary phase diagram showed mainly emulsion systems (62%). Topical emulsion showed 390 nm, polydispersity 0.05, zeta potential -25 mV and remained stable for ninety days. The bullfrog oil and topical emulsion did not showed citotoxicity in normal fibroblasts cells. However, these systems showed significantly inhibition of melanoma cells growth. In conclusion, the bullfrog oil presented desirable chemical characteristics required to be used for the development of a pharmaceutical and cosmetic products.


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The recycling of metals from secondary sources can be advantageous. Among the metals of interest, we have cobalt, a metal used for various purposes. As regards the secondary sources of cobalt, the lithium-ion batteries can be considered, since they contain cobalt oxide in their composition (LiCoO2). This way, the objective of this work was to use the microorganism strains (Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans and Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans) to bioleach the LiCoO2 extracted from discarded lithium ion batteries with emphasis on the recovery of cobalt for synthesis of new materials of interest. The lineage growth occurred in T&K medium and the growth investigation was made by observing the media, by platelet growth and microscope analysis. Then, the inoculum was standardized on 5 x 106 cells mL-1 and used in bioleaching tests. The bioleaching was investigated: the microorganism nature: separate strains and A. ferrooxidans and A. thiooxidans consortium, bioleaching time (0 to 40 days), inoculum proportion (5 to 50% v/v), energy source (iron and sulfur) and residue concentration (1063 to 8500 mg L-1 of cobalt). The cobalt concentration in the media was found by atomic absorption spectrometry and the medium pH was monitored during the bioleaching. The results show that the amount of bioleached cobalt increases with time and the iron concentration. The bioleaching with A. thiooxidans was not influenced by the addition of sulfur. The use of the two lineages together did not improve the bioleaching rates. Among the lineages, the A. thiooxidans presented better results and was able to bioleach cobalt amounts above 50% in most of the experiments. A. thiooxidans presented lower bioleaching rates, with a maximum of 50% after 24 days of experiment. After reprocessing by bioleaching, the cobalt in solution was used for synthesis of new materials: such as LiCoO2 cathode and as adsorbent pesticide double lamellar hydroxide (HDL Co-Al-Cl) by the Pechini and co-precipitation methods. The reprocessed LiCoO2 presented a unique stoichiometric phase relative to the HT-LiCoO2 structure similar to the JCPDS 44-0145, presenting electrochemical activity when tested as a cathode material. The double lamellar hydroxide Co-Al-Cl was tested as pesticide adsorbent, being possible to adsorb around 100% of the pesticide. The bioleaching was efficient in the recovery of cobalt present in lithium-ion batteries and microorganisms presented high tolerance to the residue, being able to bioleach even at higher LiCoO2 concentrations. The cobalt bioleaching medium did not impair the synthesis phases and the obtained materials presented structure and activity similar to the sintered materials from the reagents containing cobalt.


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With the increasing fungi resistance compared with existing drugs on the market and the side effects reported by some compounds with antioxidant properties and enzymatic inhibitors, in particular against α-amylase and α-glucosidase, the discovery of new compounds with biological potential, becomes a need. In this context, natural products can be an important source for the discovery of new active molecular architectures. Then, this study aimed to evaluate the antioxidant activity, the enzymatic inhibitory activity of α-amylase and α-glucosidase, the antifungal and cytotoxic activities of ethanolic extract (EE) the leaves of Banisteriopsis argyrophylla (Malpighiaceae) and their fractions, obtained by liquid-liquid extraction using solvents of increasing polarity. The antioxidant activity was evaluated by the free radical DPPH scavenging method (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) and the ethyl acetate fractions (FAE) and n-butanol (FB) were the most active, confirmed by the peak current and the oxidation potential obtained by differential pulse voltammetry (DPV). The inhibitory activity of the α-amylase and α-glucosidase was analyzed considering the reactions between substrates α-(2-chloro-4-nitrophenyl)-β-1,4-galactopiranosilmaltoside (Gal-α-G2-CNP) and 4-nitrophenyl-α-D-glucopyranoside (p-NPG), respectively. Initially, it was found that the EE showed considerable activity against α-amylase (EC50 = 2.89±0.1 μg m L–1) compared to the acarbose used as positive control (EC50 = 0.08±0.1 μg mL–1) and that did not showed promising activity against the α-glucosidase. After this observation we evaluated the inhibitory activity of α-amylase fractions, with FAE (EC50 = 2.33±0.1 μg mL–1) and FB (EC50 = 2.57 ± 0.1 μg mL–1) showing the best inhibitions. The antifungal activity was evaluated against Candida species, and the FAE had better antifungal potential (MIC's between 93.75 and 11.72 μg mL–1) compared with amphotericin as positive standard (MIC = 1.00 and 2.00 μg L–1 for C. parapsilosis and C. krusei used as controls, respectively). The EE (CC50 = 360.00 ± 12 μg mL–1) and fractions (CC50's> 270.00 μg mL–1) were considerably less toxic to Vero cells than the cisplatin used as positive control (CC50 = 7.01 ± 0 6 μg mL–1). The FAE showed the best results for the activities studied, this fraction was submitted to ultra performance liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS)), and the following flavonoids have been identified: (±)-catechin, quercetin-3-O-β-D-Glc/ quercetin-3-O-β-D-Gal, quercetin-3-O-β-L-Ara, quercetin-3-O-β-D-Xyl, quercetin-3-O-α-L-Rha, kaempferol-3-O-α-L-Rha, quercetin-3-O-(2''-galoil)-α-L-Rha, quercetin-3-O-(3''-galoil)-α-L-Rha and kaempferol-3-O-(3''-galoil)-α-L-Rha,. FAE was submitted to column chromatography using C18 phase, and (±)-catechin was isolated (FAE-A1, 73 mg) and three fractions consisting of a mixture of flavonoids were obtained (FAE-A2, FAE-A3 and FAE-A4). These compounds were identified by thin layer chromatography (TLC) and (–)-ESI-MS. The (±)-catechin fraction showed an MIC = 2.83 μg ml–1 in assay using C. glabrata, with amphotericin as positive control. The fractions FAE-A2, FAE-A3, FAE-A4, showed less antifungal potential in tested concentrations. The identified flavonoids are described in the literature, regarding their antioxidant capacity and (±)-catechin, quercetin-3-O-Rha and kaempferol-3-O-Rha are described as α-amylase inhibitors. Thus, B. argyrophylla is an important species that produces compounds with antioxidant potential that can be related to the traditional use as anti-inflammatory and also has antifungal compounds and inhibitors of α-amylase. Therefore, these leaves are promising resources for the production of new drugs.


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A indústria agro-alimentar produz anualmente uma grande quantidade de subprodutos, ainda tratados como desperdício. A indústria cervejeira, em particular, está associada à produção de vários resíduos, entre os quais o bagaço de malte, também designado bagaço de cerveja ou dreche. Sendo produzida numa razão de 20 kg por cada 100 litros de cerveja, só na Ilha da Madeira a produção de dreche ultrapassa as 2000 toneladas/ano. O presente trabalho foi realizado com o intuito de estudar a utilização da dreche como material de partida para a extracção de ácido ferúlico, um ácido hidroxicinâmico com elevada bioactividade e aplicações. A caracterização físico-química da dreche permitiu determinar um teor de humidade de aproximadamente 70% e um teor de cinzas de cerca de 3,6%. A distribuição granulométrica da dreche seca, revelou que cerca de 70% das partículas que a constituem têm dimensão entre 1 e 0,25 mm. A extracção com acetona produziu um extracto contendo 5 compostos de natureza fenólica, determinados por LC-MS. A hidrólise alcalina – uma das técnicas que permitem a extracção de compostos como o ácido ferúlico a partir de matrizes lenhocelulósicas – foi estudada em amostras de dreche submetidas a tratamento prévio. O pré-tratamento com ácido diluído demonstrou ser eficiente na extracção do ácido ferúlico a partir da dreche. A extracção em autoclave mostrou ser eficiente na extracção do ácido ferúlico [0,28% (m/m)] e uma simplificação do procedimento posterior à reacção de hidrólise alcalina fez aumentar o rendimento de extracção em cerca de 84%, comparativamente ao procedimento habitual. As condições óptimas de hidrólise alcalina em tubos autopressurizados aconteceram a 120 ºC, por 1,5 horas, num rácio de 20 mL/g e NaOH (1,5%). O processo de purificação do ácido ferúlico extraído por adsorção numa resina sintética resultou em percentagens de adsorção de 90,83% e de dessorção em torno dos 68,70%.


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O consumo de frutas e vegetais tem sido associado à prevenção de várias doenças crónicas, nomeadamente doenças cardiovasculares, diabetes, cancro e outras que envolvam processos inflamatórios. As bagas destacam-se pelo seu elevado conteúdo em polifenóis, cujas propriedades antioxidantes contribuem para a manutenção da saúde humana. O presente trabalho teve como alvo de estudo as diferentes partes morfológicas (bagas e folhas) de espécies produtoras de bagas, nomeadamente Elaeagnus umbellata, a Rubus grandofolius, a Sambucus lancolata, a Vaccinium padifolium e a Vaccinium cylindraceum, tendo em vista a sua valorização como produtos alimentares e/ou nutracêuticos. A caracterização físico-química destas espécies permitiu determinar que o teor total de sólidos solúveis (TSS) das bagas varia de 4,4 a 16,5 °Brix. As bagas demonstraram ser a parte morfológica com teor de humidade mais elevado. A análise do perfil fenólico por HPLC-DAD-ESI/MSn, no modo negativo, dos extractos metanólicos mostrou que as folhas apresentam maior conteúdo de compostos fenólicos, comparativamente às bagas. Os ácidos hidroxicinâmicos (derivados dos ácidos cafeicos, cumárico e ferúlico), os ácidos cafeoilquínicos, bem como os flavonóis-O-glicosilados (derivados da quercetina e canferol) predominam nestas espécies. A análise pelo modo positivo permitiu a identificação de antocianinas glicosiladas (delfinidina, cianidina, petunidina, peonidina e malvidina) nas bagas e folhas jovens da espécie Vaccinium padifolium. Os ensaios in vitro de simulação da digestão gastrointestinal permitiram compreender a sua influência na actividade antioxidante dos extractos. Após a digestão, as folhas continuam a apresentar maior capacidade antioxidante do que as bagas. Adicionalmente, concluiu-se que as enzimas presentes neste processo têm menor influência do que o pH e a força iónica dos sucos digestivos. O estudo do efeito inibitório in vitro dos extractos sobre a actividade de enzimas responsáveis pelo metabolismo dos hidratos de carbono permitiu determinar que os viii Joana Pinto (2016) extractos foram mais eficientes na inibição da actividade da α-glucosidase do que na inibição da actividade da α-amilase.


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The Mediterranean species Cynara cardunculus L. is recognized in the traditional medicine, for their hepatoprotective and choleretic effects. Biomass of C. cardunculus L. var. altilis (DC), or cultivated cardoon, may be explored not only for the production of energy and pulp fibers, but also for the extraction of bioactive compounds. The chemical characterization of extractable components, namely terpenic and phenolic compounds, may valorize the cultivated cardoon plantation, due to their antioxidant, antitumoral and antimicrobial activities. In this study, the chemical composition of lipophilic and phenolic fractions of C. cardunculus L. var. altilis (DC), cultivated in the south of Portugal (Baixo Alentejo region) was characterized in detail, intending the integral valorization of its biomass. The biological activity of cultivated cardoon extracts was evaluated in terms of antioxidant, human tumor cell antiproliferative and antibacterial effects. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) was used for the chemical analysis of lipophilic compounds. Sixty-five lipophilic compounds were identified, from which 1 sesquiterpene lactone and 4 pentacyclic triterpenes were described, for the first time, as cultivated cardoon components, such as: deacylcynaropicrin, acetates of β- and α-amyrin, lupenyl acetate and ψ-taraxasteryl acetate. Sesquiterpene lactones were the major family of lipophilic components of leaves (≈94.5 g/kg), mostly represented by cynaropicrin (≈87.4 g/kg). Pentacyclic triterpenes were also detected, in considerably high contents, in the remaining parts of cultivated cardoon, especially in the florets (≈27.5 g/kg). Taraxasteryl acetate was the main pentacyclic triterpene (≈8.9 g/kg in florets). High pressure liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS) was utilized for the chemical analysis of phenolic compounds. Among the identified 28 phenolic compounds, eriodictyol hexoside was reported for the first time as C. cardunculus L. component, and 6 as cultivated cardoon components, namely 1,4-di-O-caffeoylquinic acid, naringenin 7-O-glucoside, naringenin rutinoside, naringenin, luteolin acetylhexoside and apigenin acetylhexoside. The highest content of the identified phenolic compounds was observed in the florets (≈12.6 g/kg). Stalks outer part contained the highest hydroxycinnamic acids abundance (≈10.3 g/kg), and florets presented the highest flavonoids content (≈10.3 g/kg). The antioxidant activity of phenolic fraction was examined through 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free radical scavenging assay. Stalks outer part, and receptacles and bracts extracts demonstrated the highest antioxidant effect on DPPH (IC50 of 34.35 μg/mL and 35.25 μg/mL, respectively). (cont.) abstract (cont.) The DPPH scavenging effect was linearly correlated with the total contents of hydroxycinnamic acids (r = -0.990). The in vitro antiproliferative activity of cultivated cardoon lipophilic and phenolic extracts was evaluated on a human tumor cells line of triple-negative breast cancer (MDA-MB-231), one of the most refractory human cancers to conventional therapeutics. After 48 h of exposition, leaves lipophilic extract showed higher inhibitory effect (IC50 = 10.39 μg/mL) than florets lipophilic extract (IC50 = 315.22 μg/mL), upon MDA-MB-231 cellular viability. Pure compound of cynaropicrin, representative of the main compound identified in leaves lipophilic extract, also prevented the cell proliferation of MDA-MB-231 (IC50 = 17.86 μM). MDA-MB-231 cells were much more resistant to the 48 h- treatment with phenolic extracts of stalks outer part (IC50 = 3341.20 μg/mL) and florets (IC50 > 4500 μg/mL), and also with the pure compound of 1,5-di-O-caffeoylquinic acid (IC50 = 1741.69 μM). MDA-MB-231 cells were exposed, for 48 h, to the respective IC50 concentrations of leaves lipophilic extract and pure compound of cynaropicrin, in order to understand their ability in modelling cellular responses, and consequently important potentially signaling pathways for the cellular viability decrease. Leaves lipophilic extract increased the caspase-3 enzymatic activity, contrarily to pure compound of cynaropicrin. Additionally, leaves lipophilic extract and pure compound of cynaropicrin caused G2 cell cycle arrest, possibly by upregulating the p21Waf1/Cip1 and the accumulation of phospho-Tyr15-CDK1 and cyclin B1. The inhibitory effects of leaves lipophilic extract and cynaropicrin pure compound, against the MDA-MB-231 cell proliferation, may also be related to the downregulation of phospho-Ser473-Akt. The antibacterial activity of cultivated cardoon lipophilic and phenolic extracts was assessed, for the first time, on two multidrug-resistant bacteria, such as the Gram-negative Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 and the Gram-positive methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), two of the main bacteria responsible for health care-associated infections. Accordingly, the minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) were determined. Lipophilic and phenolic extracts of florets did not have antibacterial activity on P. aeruginosa PAO1 and MRSA (MIC > 2048 μg/mL). Leaves lipophilic extract did not prevent the P. aeruginosa PAO1 growth, but pure compound of cynaropicrin was slightly active (MIC = 2048 μg/mL). Leaves lipophilic extract and pure compound of cynaropicrin blocked MRSA growth (MIC of 1024 and 256 μg/mL, respectively). The scientific knowledge revealed in this thesis, either by the chemical viewpoint, or by the biological viewpoint, contributes for the valorization of C. cardunculus L. var. altilis (DC) biomass. Cultivated cardoon has potential to be exploited as source of bioactive compounds, in conciliation with other valorization pathways, and Portuguese traditional cheeses manufacturing.


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La invención está dirigida al desarrollo de un método y creación de un kit para la cuantificación del efecto citotóxico y/o viabilidad celular ante agentes químicos (elemento, compuesto, mezcla o fármaco en cualquier de sus estados) y/o físicos (i.e. iluminación, temperatura, turbulencia, fluidodinámica, etc.) que puedan producir rotura de la membrana celular. El kit mide la liberación de la enzima citoplasmática lactato deshidrogenasa (LDH) proveniente de células muertas y/o lisadas. Esta enzima cataliza la oxidación del lactato, presente en el kit, a piruvato. Durante la reacción, el NAD+, también presente en el kit, es reducido a NADH. La concentración de LDH, se cuantifica a través de la fluorescencia del NADH formado. Las mediciones indirectas de la enzima LDH se realizan en el sobrenadante de cultivos celulares. El método es aplicable tanto en medios inorgánicos para microalgas como en medios comerciales para células animales y de insecto.