888 resultados para Erros médicos


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INTRODUCTION: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a global health problem, with increasing prevalence in its terminal stage and one of the factors that can contribute is the failure to recognize the disease and its risk factors. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the knowledge of medical residents (MR) and medical preceptors (MP) in hospitals in the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte in Natal-RN - Brazil, on the DRC, based on the policy of the Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO ). METHODS: Cross-sectional study where 64 MR (R1 = 32; R2 = 15; R3 = 17) and 63 MP answered a questionnaire divided into seven sessions that addressed aspects of the DRC since the setting up referral to a nephrologist. RESULTS: Only 20 participants (15.7%) reported using any guidelines for the management of CKD. The scores obtained by session were: Definition and classification (46.1 ± 47.8); Risk factors (70.5 ± 27.9); Laboratory evaluation (58.2 ± 8.8); Clinical action plan (57.6 ± 19.9); Reduction in proteinuria (68.3 ± 15.0); Complications (64.8 ± 19.9); Referral to a nephrologist (73.0 ± 44.6). There was a statistically significant difference between the knowledge of MR and MP in the sessions: Laboratory evaluation (MR 61.5 ± 8.4 vs 54.8 ± 7.9 MP; p <0.001); Reduction in proteinuria (73.1 ± 11.4 vs MR MP 63.5 ± 16.7; p <0.001) and Referral to a nephrologist (MR 81.2 ± 39.3 vs 64.5 ± 48.2 MP; p = 0.035). Among the MR, the R2 obtained the best score (63.9 ± 22.6 vs R1 R2 R3 71.9 ± 17.2 vs 63.5 ± 22.5, p = 0.445). It identified a low percentage of success of the doctors on the definition of CKD (MP = 46%; R1 = 40.6%; R2 = 60%; R3 = 52.9%; p = 0.623) and classification (MP = 34.9%; R1 = 53.1%, R2 = 60%; R3 = 52.9%; p = 0.158). CONCLUSION: The study showed that most doctors do not use any guidelines for clinical management of CKD and that there are gaps in knowledge on the subject, even among physicians who work in the university environment. In this sense, we propose the realization of mini-workshops for participants and students from boarding UFRN, using Case-Based Learning Strategy (CBL), with small group discussion, to strengthen the incorporation of CKD guidelines in undergraduate teaching and in clinical medical practice in general.


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INTRODUCTION: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a global health problem, with increasing prevalence in its terminal stage and one of the factors that can contribute is the failure to recognize the disease and its risk factors. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the knowledge of medical residents (MR) and medical preceptors (MP) in hospitals in the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte in Natal-RN - Brazil, on the DRC, based on the policy of the Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO ). METHODS: Cross-sectional study where 64 MR (R1 = 32; R2 = 15; R3 = 17) and 63 MP answered a questionnaire divided into seven sessions that addressed aspects of the DRC since the setting up referral to a nephrologist. RESULTS: Only 20 participants (15.7%) reported using any guidelines for the management of CKD. The scores obtained by session were: Definition and classification (46.1 ± 47.8); Risk factors (70.5 ± 27.9); Laboratory evaluation (58.2 ± 8.8); Clinical action plan (57.6 ± 19.9); Reduction in proteinuria (68.3 ± 15.0); Complications (64.8 ± 19.9); Referral to a nephrologist (73.0 ± 44.6). There was a statistically significant difference between the knowledge of MR and MP in the sessions: Laboratory evaluation (MR 61.5 ± 8.4 vs 54.8 ± 7.9 MP; p <0.001); Reduction in proteinuria (73.1 ± 11.4 vs MR MP 63.5 ± 16.7; p <0.001) and Referral to a nephrologist (MR 81.2 ± 39.3 vs 64.5 ± 48.2 MP; p = 0.035). Among the MR, the R2 obtained the best score (63.9 ± 22.6 vs R1 R2 R3 71.9 ± 17.2 vs 63.5 ± 22.5, p = 0.445). It identified a low percentage of success of the doctors on the definition of CKD (MP = 46%; R1 = 40.6%; R2 = 60%; R3 = 52.9%; p = 0.623) and classification (MP = 34.9%; R1 = 53.1%, R2 = 60%; R3 = 52.9%; p = 0.158). CONCLUSION: The study showed that most doctors do not use any guidelines for clinical management of CKD and that there are gaps in knowledge on the subject, even among physicians who work in the university environment. In this sense, we propose the realization of mini-workshops for participants and students from boarding UFRN, using Case-Based Learning Strategy (CBL), with small group discussion, to strengthen the incorporation of CKD guidelines in undergraduate teaching and in clinical medical practice in general.


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The study of chemical reactions is among the most important contents to the understanding of Chemistry discipline in basic education. However, there are still few studies about chemical reactions as a complex system because, generally, this content is presented in textbooks, taught and even researched in a fragmented form. The thesis here presented aims to investigate, identify and characterize the mistakes and learning difficulties of the students about chemical reactions as a complex system, using for that purpose the analysis of the answers of 126 exams of candidates for the bachelor’s degree in Chemistry Teaching on the entrance exam for the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). The mistakes and learning difficulties about the parameters ΔG°, Kp, Ea and of the calculation of the amount of substance in a chemical reaction have been identified, as well as the levels of development of the ability to interpret the chemical reaction as a system. The main theoretical source of this study is structured based on the mistakes and learning difficulties (NÚÑEZ, RAMALHO, 2012), of the chemical reactions as complex systems (NÚÑEZ, 1994; RESHETOVA, 1988; SANDERSON, 1968). As methodology, it was prioritized the analysis of the answers to the exams and the interview with the teachers. The results showed typical mistakes in the study of this subject, especially low levels and skill development. No student was able to integrate the different aspects in the systemic understanding of the chemical reaction. From the interviews with Chemistry teachers from High School, it was determined the reasons the teachers assign to those mistakes and learning difficulties. The interviews revealed that the teachers do not work in the perspective of integration of the contents which leads the students to present difficulties and make mistakes related to the content previously mentioned. The study presents a proposal for the organization of the contents of Chemistry discipline for High School as a possibility of a dialectic systemic integration of contents, understanding that this systematic vision, leads to important contributions to the development of the theoretical thinking of the students. We can mention as one of the conclusions of this study, the fact that the non-systemic organization of contents do not favor this kind of thinking in students.


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Una de las tareas más comunes a las que se enfrentan los médicos es buscar historiales médicos, una tarea lenta y laboriosa que les arrebata tiempo útil. Este proyecto intenta reducir el tiempo dedicado a esa búsqueda permitiendo que, a partir del historial médico de un paciente, se encuentren otros casos similares dentro de la base de datos. Por eso, la base de datos con los documentos clínicos, en lenguaje natural en castellano, ha de ser procesada con las herramientas producidas por este proyecto. La aplicación está dividida en tres partes: la primera y la segunda se encargan de procesar los informes, dividiendo en campos y hallando los conceptos médicos respectivamente; la tercera parte es la que realiza las búsquedas de informes médicos similares.


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In several areas of health professionals (pediatricians, nutritionists, orthopedists, endocrinologists, dentists, etc.) are used in the assessment of bone age to diagnose growth disorders in children. Through interviews with specialists in diagnostic imaging and research done in the literature, we identified the TW method - Tanner and Whitehouse as the most efficient. Even achieving better results than other methods, it is still not the most used, due to the complexity of their use. This work presents the possibility of automation of this method and therefore that its use more widespread. Also in this work, they are met two important steps in the evaluation of bone age, identification and classification of regions of interest. Even in the radiography in which the positioning of the hands were not suitable for TW method, the identification algorithm of the fingers showed good results. As the use AAM - Active Appearance Models showed good results in the identification of regions of interest even in radiographs with high contrast and brightness variation. It has been shown through appearance, good results in the classification of the epiphysis in their stages of development, being chosen the average epiphysis finger III (middle) to show the performance. The final results show an average percentage of 90% hit and misclassified, it was found that the error went away just one stage of the correct stage.


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O presente relatório de Prática de Ensino Supervisionada apresenta o meu percurso ao longo do Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Este encontra-se dividido em duas partes distintas. A primeira parte corresponde à dimensão reflexiva e a segunda parte à dimensão investigativa. A primeira parte aborda as experiências vivenciadas em contexto de Creche, Pré-Escolar e 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e as aprendizagens realizadas ao longo das mesmas. A segunda parte corresponde ao ensaio investigativo realizado. Pretende compreender a relação entre as atividades de consciência fonológica e de ortografia e a diminuição de erros ortográficos. Este estudo de caso, de caráter quantitativo e qualitativo foi baseado na seguinte pergunta de partida “As atividades de treino de consciência fonológica e de ortografia podem melhorar o desempenho ortográfico dos alunos?”. Os resultados confirmam que quando a competência ortográfica é trabalhada pela via do desenvolvimento da consciência fonológica a quantidade de erros ortográficos diminui. Os resultados alcançados apontam ainda para a importância e necessidade de os educadores e professores conceberem intervenções pedagógicas que sejam capazes de fomentar o desenvolvimento da consciência fonológica e, consequentemente, a aprendizagem do código ortográfico.


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MORENO,Cléa Maria da Costa,ENDERS,Bertha Cruz, SIMPSON, Clélia Albino. Avaliação das capacitações de Hanseníase: enfermeiros opinião de médicos e enfermeiros das equipes de saúde da família. Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem, Brasília, v.61,n.esp.p. 671-5.2008.


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Las Representaciones Sociales (RS) son un sistema de valores, ideas, y prácticas que posee dos funciones, la primera función es la de capacitar a los individuos para orientarse en su mundo material y social para su dominio, y la segunda es posibilitar la comunicación para hacer parte de los miembros de una comunidad (1).


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MORENO,Cléa Maria da Costa,ENDERS,Bertha Cruz, SIMPSON, Clélia Albino. Avaliação das capacitações de Hanseníase: enfermeiros opinião de médicos e enfermeiros das equipes de saúde da família. Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem, Brasília, v.61,n.esp.p. 671-5.2008.


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Quando os doentes entram no sistema de saúde esperam receber tratamento e cuidados que conduzirão à melhoria da sua condição. Se, por um lado, se encontram inseguros quanto à probabilidade de sucesso dos atos médicos a que são sujeitos, têm expectativas elevadas em relação à qualidade dos cuidados que vão receber. Não esperam que a sua condição se deteriore em resultado de eventos adversos no processo de tratamento. Faz parte das responsabilidade s de todos os profissionais de saúde reconhecer que os incidentes são de esperar, que ocorrerão em sistemas complexos como é o caso da radioterapia e que alguns desses incidentes poderão, direta ou indiretamente, causar danos aos doentes. O reconhecimento de que os erros levam a incidentes e de que os incidentes conduzem a eventos adversos é o primeiro passo para a construção de um sistema de saúde robusto que admite a tolerância à falha. Este sistema terá que identificar e responder eficazmente aos incidentes de tal forma que a aprendizagem organizacional seja uma realidade.


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El trabajo en equipo multidisciplinario aumenta la seguridad de los pacientes, minimiza los errores médicos, mejora la satisfacción y el rendimiento del personal de salud y posiblemente evita gastos generados por mala praxis y complicaciones. Sin embargo, la implementación del trabajo médico en equipos es compleja y parecería ser una utopía principalmente en países con escasos recursos dedicados a la salud. A pesar de los esfuerzos por cambiar el paradigma de la asistencia médica, este aún se basa en la adquisición de conocimientos individuales más que en la interacción colectiva. El desarrollo de las habilidades necesarias para trabajar en equipo no forma parte del programa curricular en medicina en nuestro país. En este artículo, nos hemos apoyado en literatura indexada (PUBMED-MEDLINE Y LATININDEX) para explicar los pilares y las ventajas del trabajo en equipo. Nuestro objetivo es generar conciencia para iniciar el difícil camino hacia esa forma de trabajo en Uruguay.


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Este trabalho propõe um estudo sobre códigos numéricos e detecção de erros de transmissão. Os códigos são de uso rotineiro, sua estrutura é simples e motiva alguns aspectos da teoria de divisibilidade, de uma forma diferenciada. A pesquisa trata da estrutura de alguns códigos e, com cálculos simples, detecta-se a presença de um erro de transmissão. Por fim, fazemos uma proposta pedagógica, a qual almeja fomentar hábitos de pesquisa no aprendiz e, especialmente, colocar a Matemática como uma ciência do seu cotidiano.