814 resultados para Ensino superior e trabalho


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With the increasing offer of education services in Brazil, it is necessary to evaluate the quality of service in education, especially in those institutions for vocational education which have a greater interaction with the labor market, in order to form qualified professionals and meet the growing demand that the country has today[A1] . In Brazil, the evaluation of the quality of library services has influenced the assessment of educational institutions and in this context, there needs to be a process to monitor the quality of services provided by libraries. However, the service is not done in a single moment and thus to a more detailed assessment it needs to be measured and evaluated each different time the customer uses it. Therefore, the aim of this work consists in measuring the quality in every moment of truth of a cycle of library services to assess which are the most relevant moments in the client's perspective at the library of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN) Campus João Câmara in building the overall quality of service. In the literature review, internal secondary sources were used, from the database of the institution studied, and also external sources, through literature in books, articles, dissertations, theses and journals on compost quality, service quality, cycle services, measuring quality, satisfaction, teaching activities, and on library services specifically. We applied a questionnaire to students in the library based on models of quality measurement SERVPERF and SERVQUAL and its variations such as SERVQUAL pondered and SERVPERF pondered . Through analysis based on concepts of reliability and validity of measuring instruments, it was found that the SERVPERF model is the instrument that most closely matches the dimensions of quality assessed in the library with customer satisfaction measured by the questionnaire. From there, the search results as measured by statistical techniques of analysis, indicated that the initial and final moments of truth of the cycle of service quality had the greatest influence on overall customer satisfaction with the library service


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This piece of work has investigated the alternative conceptions shown by students of secondary school, concerned to the concepts of warmth and temperature, aiming the elaboration and application of a learning strategy as of the diagnose risen from the conceptions present in students. The learning strategy was built up by a sequence of activities that involve History of Science and experiments, put in a course that had as a base the proposal of the Group of Redevelopment of Physics Teaching (GREF). We have used as the conductor wire of our research the development of thermo dynamics since the development of the first thermo machines, passing by the Industrial Revolution and the evolution of concepts of warmth and temperature. The learning strategy was applied to a group of second grade of secondary school in a public school in Mossoró (RN). By doing these activities we tried to become the concepts, which are part of thermo dynamics, more meaningful to the students. We have estimated that the application of the strategy has represented some profits to the students of the group, concerning to learning of laws and concepts of thermo dynamics (specifically the concepts of warmth and temperature), as well as what it is referred to the overcoming of its initial conceptions


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The accomplishment of this work was motivated by our concerns, while teacher of Physics discipline, in the medium teaching and in the higher education, where we have been observing a lot of difficulties in the students' acting, to the they try to give pursuit out to their studies of the classroom, because of the lack of appropriate equipments, or even, of a laboratory where they can put in practice the studied contents. The work aims at to build and to test an educational software that it serves as tool auxiliadora in Physics learning in the Medium Teaching, in the area of electricity, with emphasis in the study of the electrodynamic in resistors. The developed software comes as an alternative to the learning problems, putting the computer science as auxiliary tool, because, besides being an alternative in the middle of the technological expansion, endowed with several resources, it stimulates the significant learning, according to David Ausubel's perspective. A software containing a program destined to the applicability of physics contents in the branch of the electricity is presented as an auxiliary tool, where the student can, not just, to review the contents presented at room, as well as for in practice, through a virtual laboratory, some of these contents, besides testing their knowledge through a bank of discursive subjects. The evaluation of the developed software was made submitting him/it to the professionals' of physics area appreciation. Equally, through continuous evaluations, they were made comparisons among the students' of five different groups acting, in the same school, that you/they were used of the program as tool of his auxiliary learning, and the acting of those that didn't use it


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The Brazilian legal documents are directing the reformulation of the courses that prepare students to be teachers. Through out the country many institutions look for to fit themselves in such documents. On the other hand, other IES (Superior Education Institutions), when they are setting up such courses they looked for to be adequate to the new public politics. Based on the National Curricular Norms to form teachers for Basic Education, in tertiary level, in 2004 it was created at the CEFET-PB,the Chemistry Course (Licenciatura) to prepare people to be teachers, whose organization. This work presents the results of a research of phenomenological nature that aimed to comprehend the teachers opinions, in the range of discussions about the current politics of formation, particularly related to the CNE/CP 1 and CNE/CP 2/2002 resolutions. This work based on the curricular proposal for the Chemistry Course (Licenciatura), presents the relationship between the probationary period and the teaching practice at the CEFET-PB, in order to contribute for a reflection about these categories to clarify the teachers of the course. It started from the consideration of all changes operated in contemporary society implies changes on teacher's pedagogical practices. It was used tow instruments for the data collection: a questionnaire with open and closed questions and recordable interviews. Nine teachers form the CEFET-PB took apart and four licensed teachers. It was based in a theoretic frame as a support for discussions about the different models of teachers formation. We concluded that the representations of teachers about probationary period the practice on the activity for the teachers formation was strongly anchored in characteristic elements of the formative tendency of a institution that historically acted on a technician formation, and the results pointed to strong signs of attitudes based on a model of the technical rationality


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This paper aims at building a proposal for teaching of electromagnetism in the secondary level in the state public school in Natal, RN, encompassing at the most possible comprehensive manner the fundamental aspects of electromagnetism. The methodology employed here is prioritize physical concepts rather than instruments (such as the mathematics), which should have the connotation of just tools, or of aids in the context of physics teaching in the referred teaching level. The proposal is to give teachers a consultation resource, from differentiated lesson plans, which have as main focus activities based primarily in texts and active participation of students in the teaching- learning process and the implementation of the PCN+ proposals (BRAZIL, 2000), which suggest alternative ways to make the practice in the classroom more exciting, targeting a significant teaching-learning process for both the teacher and the student. This material was applied during the 3rd and 4th term (i.e., bimester) throughout the school year of 2007, in the State School Teacher Varela Barca in two classes (3V1 and 3V2) of 3rd grade of secondary level. As evaluation of the implementation of this proposal one can cite that students were more secure when to apply the concepts, when conducting the experiments, and less anxious when formal evaluation of the evidence, showing greater motivation when presented to electromagnetism contextualized in their everyday situations. The product of this educational work includes, besides the dissertation, the lesson plans, itineraries and experimental assessment of the instruments used (Annex E to I)


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Este estudio investigó las actitudes y creencias de los estudiantes universitarios en Ciencias Químicas por la Universidad de Río Grande do Norte (UERN) como un paso hacia la elaboración de una propuesta de material didáctico para el estudio de las relaciones CTSA en la licenciatura en química. Para el conocimiento de las actitudes y creencias fue utilizado dos instrumentos (Escala Likert y un cuestionario), que proporcionó un análisis dentro del nuevo paradigma de investigación (cuantitativa y cualitativa) en la Enseñanza de la Ciencia y Matemáticas. Los resultados mostraron que los estudiantes de licenciatura en química tienen creencias positivistas y que suelen son considerados por algunos como ingenuas, como la creencia en el modelo de decisión tecnocrática, la linealidad del desarrollo científico y tecnológico que lleva a el bienestar social y neutralidad de los conocimientos científicotecnológico. Basándose en estos datos y la literatura sobre el tema se elaboraron tres módulos de aprendizaje: a) Cuestionando la hegemonía del conocimiento técnico y científico, b) Las relaciones entre ciencia, tecnología, sociedad y medio ambiente - las relaciones CTSA c) Propuesta de temática para la enseñanza de la química en una perspectiva de CTSA: El Río Mossoró. Por último, el material producido se utilizó en dos cursos ocurridos en el Campus Central en el Centro de Educación Superior en São Miguel, ambos de UERN. Los participantes expresaron su aprobación al enfoque trajo de el experimento propuesto y de el caso de simulación contenidos en la propuesta de


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This paper discusses aspects related to the mathematical language and its understanding, in particular, by students of final years of elementary school. Accordingly, we aimed to develop a proposal for teaching, substantiated by mathematical modeling activities and reading, which takes advantage of the student of elementary school a better understanding of mathematical language for the content of proportion. We also aim to build / propose parameters for the assessment of reading proficiency of the language of the student in analyzing and modeling process, its ability to develop/improve/enhance this proficiency. For this purpose, we develop a qualitative research, with procedures for an action research whose analysis of the data is configured as Content Analysis. We refer to epistemological and didactic, in the studies: Piaget (1975, 1990), Vygotsky (1991, 2001), Bakhtin (2006), Freire (1974, 1994), Bicudo and Garnica (2006), Smole and Diniz (2001), Barbosa (2001), Burak (1992), Biembengut (2004), Bassanezi (2002), Carrasco (2006), Becker (2010), Zuin and Reyes (2010), among others. We understand that to acquire new knowledge one must learn to read and reading to learn it, this process is essential for the development of reading proficiency of a person. Modeling, in turn, is a process which enables contact with different forms of reading providing elements favorable to the development here mentioned. The evaluation parameters we use to analyze the level of reading proficiency of mathematical language proved to be effective and therefore a valuable tool that allows the teacher an efficient evaluation and whose results can guide you better in the planning and execution of their practice


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This paper describes a study on the possibilities of teaching Vedic Mathematics for teaching the four operations. For this various literature sources were consulted considering three main aspects. The first of a historical-cultural, in order to gather information about the Mathematics originated from Vedic civilization, which highlight (Plofker, 2009), (Joseph, 1996), (Bishop, 1999), (Katz, 1998), (Almeida , 2009). This sought to emphasize relationships of the development of this culture with the math involved in the book Vedic Mathematics written by Tirthaji and published in 1965. In this respect the work brings notes on the history of mathematics on the development of mathematics in ancient India. The second aspect was related to teaching mathematics through research activities in the classroom, in this sense, I sought a bibliography to assist in the construction of a proposed activity to teach the four operations, based on the sutras of Vedic Mathematics, but within an investigative approach, assisting in the development of mental calculation strongly stimulated by the Vedic Mathematics Sutras. The authors were adopted (Mendes, 2006, 2009a, 2009b), Bridge (2003). The third aspect considered to search for books on teaching Vedic Mathematics, written by other authors, based on the book by Tirthaji. This revealed Vedic Mathematics textbooks adopted in schools and free courses in the UK, USA and India, all based on the book Vedic Mathematics of Tirthaji. From the bibliographical studies were prepared didactic guidelines and suggested activities for the teacher, to assist in teaching the four operations. The educational product, consisting of Chapters 4 and 5, is the body of the dissertation and consists of didactic guidelines and suggestions for activities that aim to contribute to the teachers who teach initial years of elementary school


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The research aims to evaluate the contributions of a teaching unit to enhance the learning contents ecological green areas in elementary school. The work was conducted with elementary students in a public school in Natal-RN. We sought to identify the students´ previous knowledge about the contents of ecology, develop and implement a Potentially Meaningful Teaching Units PMTU; assess learning of ecological concepts in Teaching Unit Potentially Significant; assess the contribution of interpretative trail as strategy teaching to learning content ecology. The survey of students´ previous knowledge through the pre-test was essential to identify the appropriate subsumers and partially correct, since they served as "anchor" for further expansion of scientific concepts contained in this research. The green areas of the school as an educational, contributed the motivational aspect, as students were protagonists throughout the entire process of teaching and learning. The method of stimulated memory was effective to evidence learning ecological concepts in interpretive trails. The use of diverse activities organized on a PMTU promoted intellectual autonomy of the students and facilitated the acquisition of new meanings through progressive differentiation, and integrative reconciliation consolidation of ecological content and concepts related to biotic and abiotic factors on the basis of the central ideas thematic Life and Environment. The development of procedural skills to capture and share meanings, observe, collect and record data, hypotheses, ability to explain, to apply knowledge to solve problem situations, argue, identify, compare, differentiate and relate concepts, negotiate meanings, reflecting Critically, systematize data was evidenced. Collaborative activities promoted the incorporation of attitudinal contents as developing respect for differences, learn to work in teams to plan, develop and implement actions together for citizenship and environmental responsibility. The application of the Potentially Meaningful Teaching Units PMTU showed evidence of Critical meaningful learning ecological concepts covered in elementary school.


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This work aims to propose and to discuss methodologies and practical activities for Astronomy teaching in the 1st and 2nd cycles of the primary education and in the adult education. The proposals presented here were applied to students from the metropolitan region of Natal (RN), including students of the called normal education (formerly magisterial education) and of the undergraduate formation in pedagogy at the Instituto de Formação Superior Presidente Kennedy , and also, in particular, to teachers and students of public municipal school Escola Municipal Djalma Maranhão at the district of Felipe Maranhão II, also analyzing some didactic books used by these institutions. Several elements which we confronted with during this didactic-pedagogical experience were systematized, indicating principles, contents, reflections and procedures related to Astronomy teaching to students of those levels of education. Doing this we aim to make such an experience accessible to those interested in developing a similar approach involving the themes treated here as well as other ones related to Astronomy for those levels of education. The resources and practices implemented here aim to contribute to the effective realization of an interdisciplinary and contextualized education according to orientations proposed by the Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (Brazilian National Curricular Guidelines). In order to guarantee a broad accessibility to what we propose in this work, we intend to make available in printed form and also in an Internet page the procedures, instruction materials and texts we developed


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Relations between the meaning attributed to work by first year university students and their academic and professional choice were analyzed. The participants were 921 students, 17-52 years old (M = 22; SD = 4.9), enrolled in 16 courses common to two college level institutions of the city of Natal, RN, one public, the other private. A questionnaire was designed for collecting data about the academic-professional choice, with open-ended and multiple choice questions. Work meaning was obtained by means of two questions on centrality and two scales pertaining to the Inventory of Motivation and Work Meaning: value and descriptive attributes. A socio-demographic set of questions ended the questionnaire. Data was entered in a SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) database, allowing for the pertinent statistical analyses, such as frequency, t test, chi square, factor analysis, cluster analysis and ANOVA. Results indicated that the decision about academic-professional career was made by the majority of the participants (in first option, N = 921) without the adequate consideration of the socio-professional reality (80.7%) and personal internal resources (98.5%). When considering the second option (N = 654), only the first criterion was taken into account, but only by 12.5% of the sample. The main difficulties faced by students during the choosing process were, then, made apparent in the data. 46.8% of the participants were unsatisfied with the course they had started and were anticipating unpromising perspectives in relation to it. The first year students took work as the second most important aspect of their lives and demonstrated an idealized vision about it. Five patterns of work meaning were identified. In relation to centrality and the value and descriptive attributes, the university students displayed differentiation in the attribution of work meaning according to course and area of knowledge


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The house work is a reality for girls of humble class and one of the most found forms of work among adolescent workers. Moreover, it is a mean of work which reproduces poverty and gender relations within the society. The purpose of this essay in to understand the house work in the life of adolescent workers, emphasizing the meaning produced by these teenagers concerning the job they perform. In order to achieve such goal, questionnaires were applied to 332 adolescents, under 18 years old from public schools (from EJA-supletivo) in Natal, with the purpose of mapping the registration of this activity among young students. Next, 14 adolescents were interviewed in order to recognize the meaning of this work and its repercussions over the teenagery, such as school education, socialization, relations with employers and adolescent s self-image. Later we have noticed most workers among the students from public schools are housemaids. Furthermore, this work is used as a form of social ascension and it contributes for the search for better opportunities in the state capital for adolescents who leave the countryside trying to agree to education and remuneration. This work plays an important role, which is to reproduce gender relations, as a woman works to maintain the private space as a female space and maintains the man out of this relation. Besides it reproduces class relations, ethny and generation conflicts, in which the employer replaces the control the parents have in the adolescent s life. Summing up, this study about house work have negative aspects, related to exploitation, humiliation and mistreat, as well as positive ones, for it permits the adolescent to improve his life conditions. The most important thing is to look for a mean of work in which human and workers rights are respected


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Considerando o papel do ensino superior em saúde para a sociedade brasileira, em que os egressos dos cursos ofertados na área serão os profissionais prestadores de serviços à população, este estudo objetivou analisar o componente ensino do PET-Saúde da Família - Natal-RN na formação de estudantes dos cursos de graduação em saúde da UFRN. Foi realizada pesquisa qualitativa com análise de documentos das disciplinas SACI e POTI datados entre 2009 e 2011 (portfólios, avaliações de desempenho e oficina de avaliação), mediante o auxílio do software Alceste© e análise de conteúdo, segundo Bardin. Na análise foi encontrado como potencialidades: o alunato trabalhando em grupo tutorial multidisciplinar, cuja interação e contato com a Unidade de Saúde da Família, incluídos os profissionais, bem como a comunidade, instiga nos aprendizes o diálogo consigo mesmo e com o outro, numa construção dos ser/agir no mundo. Os textos trabalhados durante as aulas permitem refletir e teorizar a respeito da realidade observada, auxiliando-os na identificação dos problemas e no traçar estratégias de intervenção. Já a observação da realidade reveste o aluno de humanização. Este passa a captar as necessidades e dificuldades enfrentadas pela comunidade observada. Nas fragilidades ficaram evidenciados: problemas de relações interpessoais entre os estudantes da SACI; a maioria dos projetos de intervenção ocorrendo numa perspectiva paternalista, reproduzindo o modelo de prestação de serviços na saúde mais praticado nas sociedades brasileiras; dificuldades em aprofundar no aprendiz, a importância da teorização dos assuntos; problemas de financiamento de projetos de intervenção; descumprimento do plano de ensino em alguns grupos tutoriais; e, por fim, dificuldades dos alunos e monitores em acompanhar as atividade de pesquisa e extensão do PET-Saúde, pela falta de integração dos projetos pedagógicos dos cursos. Conclui-se que o componente ensino do PET-Saúde da Família adota metodologias ativas de ensino na inserção de alunos na Atenção Primária em Saúde, proporcionando uma formação dentro de princípios éticos e humanísticos a partir do trabalho em equipe e da inclusão reflexiva dos alunos na Estratégia Saúde da Família. Apesar da existência de fragilidades concernentes às relações interpessoais, descompasso entre as proposições multiprofissionais e interdisciplinares da SACI e POTI e as dificuldades de pô-las em prática em currículos fragmentados e organizados por disciplinas pouco flexíveis, potencialmente, ao fim dessas experiências conectadas a Atenção Primária, os discentes apresentam uma nova visão do cuidado com a saúde, próxima às necessidades da população, iniciando uma tomada de postura crítica e reflexiva, entendendo-se com sujeitos ativos no construir a saúde coletivamente


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Éste trabajo se inserta en el ámbito de los cambios en la Enseñanza Fundamental (EF) brasileño que, por la Ley Federal n.º 11.114/2005 anticipa el EF para seis años de edad, y de la Ley n.º 11.274/2006 que amplia el mismo nivel de enseñanza de ocho para nueve años Tales cambios tienen sido respaldados por el argumento de la importancia de se anticipar y promover un mayor acceso a la educación y garantizar una permanencia bien sucedida del alumno en la etapa obligatoria de la Educación Básica. La inclusión de los niños de seis años en el EF puede ser considerada una conquista en el ámbito de las políticas públicas brasileñas destinadas a la educación de niños. Sin embargo, la sencilla simples anticipación/ampliación de matrículas en el EF puede constituirse en más una forma de exclusión, si no fueren garantizadas las condiciones necesarias para se ofrecer una educación de calidad que considere las peculiaridades de una práctica pedagógica de alfabetización con niños más jóvenes. Evidentemente, muchos son los factores que pueden influenciar la calidad de la educación y el tratamiento escolar financiamiento, gestión, organización del espacio escolar pero la acción del profesor, en ése sentido, es un factor primordial entre otros determinantes. Así pensando, definimos como objetivo de éste trabajo investigar saberes docentes requeridos de el profesor para el desarollo de una práctica pedagógica que tiene por meta la apropiación de la lengua escrita, por el niño de seis años recién-ingresa en la Enseñanza Fundamental respetando su condición de ser niño . Para tanto, en el ámbito del enfoque cualitativo de la encusta, realizamos un estudio de caso en dos instituciones públicas: Escola Municipal Professora Emilia Ramos y Centro Municipal de Educação Infantil Marise Paiva, ambas ubicadas en la Zona Este en la ciudad de Natal. De la análisis del contenido de los datos, emergió la temática Saberes Docentes para la Alfabetización de Niños de seis años en la Enseñanza Fundamental que, a la vez, cubre dos categorías de saberes, con suyas respectivas subcategorías: Saberes Docentes Transversales a las Práctica Pedagógica de Alfabetización y Saberes Docentes Específicos a la Práctica Pedagógica de Alfabetización. Entre tantos aprendizaje proporcionadas por el estudio, comprendemos que, sea en la Educação Infantil, sea en la Enseñanza Fundamental, el trabajo con el niño no debe constituirse en la negación de su infancia. Sin embargo, en se tratando de el EF, el esfuerzo para no desvirtuar la voluntad política de proporcionar al niño oportunidades de alfabetización debe ser redoblado, una vez que ésa etapa de la educación podrá ser la marca de un rico y agradable proceso de alfabetización, como puede ser motivo para que el niño se torne desinteresado y acobardado para aprender a leer y a escribir, si no fueren respetadas las necesidades y especificidades propias de ése momento de su desarollo. El estudio también ratificó nuestra comprensión de que la Alfabetización es un proceso peculiar, no constituyéndose, por lo tanto, en tarea simple para el docente, ni tampoco para el niño, visto que la lengua escrita, por si misma, ya es un objeto de estudio bastante complejo. Comprendemos, sin embargo, que esa complejidad no puede tornarse obstáculo para que, también en la escuela pública, ya a los seis años, se permita al niño un trabajo de calidad que tiene por meta su alfabetización, hasta porque, mientras participantes de una sociedad letrada, antes de ingresar a la escuela, los niños ya construyeran concepciones previas sobre la lectura y la escrita, a las cuales el profesor debe estar muy atento


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Among several theorems which are taught in basic education some of them can be proved in the classroom and others do not, because the degree of difficulty of its formal proof. A classic example is the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra which is not proved, it is necessary higher-level knowledge in mathematics. In this paper, we justify the validity of this theorem intuitively using the software Geogebra. And, based on [2] we will present a clear formal proof of this theorem that is addressed to school teachers and undergraduate students in mathematics