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Bond distances, vibrational frequencies, electron affinities, ionization potentials, and dissociation energies of the diatomic 5d transition metal (except La) monoxides and their positively and negatively charged ions were studied by use of density functional methods B3LYP, BLYP, B3PW91, BPW91, B3P86, BP86, MPW1PW91, PBE1PBE, and SVWN. Our calculation shows that for each individual species, the calculated properties are quite sensitive to the method used. Compared with hybrid density functional method B3PW91 (B3P86), pure density functional method BPW91 (BP86) gives longer bond distance (lower vibrational frequency) from HfO to PtO for neutral species, HfO+ to IrO+ for cationic species, and HfO- to AuO- for anionic species. While for B3LYP and BLYP, the trend was observed for cationic species from HfO+ to IrO+ and anionic species from HfO- to AuO- (except TaO-), but not for neutrals. Pure density function methods BLYP, BPW91, and BP86 give larger dissociation energy compared with hybrid density functional methods B3LYP, B3PW91, and B3P86. SVWN in most cases gives the smallest bond distance, while BLYP gives the largest value. MPW1PW91 and PBE1PBE show the same performance in predicting the spectroscopic constants.


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We have fabricated and measured a series of electroluminescent devices with the structure of ITO/TPD/Eu(TTA)(3)phen (x):CBP/BCP/ ALQ/LiF/Al, where x is the weight percentage of Eu(TTA)3phen (from 0% to 6%). At very low current density, carrier trapping is the dominant luminescent mechanism and the 4% doped device shows the highest electroluminescence (EL) efficiency among all these devices. With increasing current density, Forster energy transfer participates in EL process. At the current density of 10.0 and 80.0mA/ cm(2), 2% and 3% doped devices show the highest EL efficiency, respectively. From analysis of the EL spectra and the EL efficiency-current density characteristics, we found that the EL efficiency is manipulated by Forster energy transfer efficiency at high current density. So we suggest that the dominant luminescent mechanism changes gradually from carrier trapping to Forster energy transfer with increasing current density. Moreover, the conversion of dominant EL mechanism was suspected to be partly responsible for the EL efficiency roll-off because of the lower EL quantum efficiency of Forster energy transfer compared with carrier trapping.


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Four novel Ir-III and Pt-II complexes with cyclometalated ligands bearing a carbazole framework are prepared and characterized by elemental analysis, NMR spectroscopy, and mass spectrometry. Single-crystal X-ray diffraction studies of complexes 1, 3, and 4 reveal that the 3- or 2-position C atom of the carbazole unit coordinates to the metal center. The difference in the ligation position results in significant shifts in the emission spectra with the changes in wavelength being 84 nm for the Ir complexes and 63 nm for the Pt complexes. The electrochemical behavior and photophysical properties of the complexes are investigated, and correlate well with the results of density functional theory (DFT) calculations. Electroluminescent devices with a configuration of ITO/NPB/CBP:dopant/BCP/AlQ(3)/LiF/Al can attain very high efficiencies.


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Equilibrium geometries, vibrational frequencies, and dissociation energies of the transition metal carbonyls MCO (M = Nb, Ta, Rh, Ir, Pd, Pt) were studied by use of diverse density functional methods B3LYP, BLYP, B3P86, B3PW91, BHLYP, BP86, and PBE1PBE. It was found that the ground electronic state is (6)Sigma(+) for NbCO and TaCO, (2)Sigma(+) for RhCO,(2)Delta for IrCO, and (1)Sigma(+) for PdCO and PtCO, in agreement with previous theoretical studies. The calculated properties are highly dependent on the functionals employed, in particular for the dissociation energy. For most of the molecules, the predicted bond distance is in agreement with experiments and previous theoretical results. BHLYP is the worst method in reproducing the experimental results compared with the other density functional methods for the title molecules.


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A new solid solution system of Al in WC, with the stoichiometry of (W1-xAlx)C (x = 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 0.86), has been synthesized by a solid-state reaction between W1-xAlx alloys and carbon at around 1673 K in vacuum. Environment scanning electron microscope, energy- dispersive analysis of X-ray, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and inductively coupled plasma analyses are used to certify the formation of the products. The mechanism of the solid-state reaction is also discussed. (W1-xAlx)C is identified to crystallize in the hexagonal space group P6m2 (No. 187) and belongs to the WC structure type. The atoms of W and Al occupy the same lattice site (la site) in the cell of (W1-xAlx)C. The cell parameters for each specimen in the phase of W-AI-C are quite close to that of WC, while their densities are far lower than that of WC.


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Equilibrium geometries, vibrational frequencies and dissociation energies of the second row transition metal dimers (from Y-2 to Cd-2 except Tc-2) ere studied by use of density functional methods B3LYP, BLYP, B3PW91, BHLYP, BP86, B3P86, SVWN, MPW1PW91 and PBE1PBE. The accuracy DFT methods is found to be highly dependent on the functional employed, in particular for vibrational frequency and dissociation energy. In most cases, the predicted bond distance is in general agreement with experiment and previous theoretical results. For van der Waals dimer Cd-2, B3LYP and BLYP have excellent performance in predicting the bond distance. For Ag-2, all density functional methods used in this study perform well in producing the bond distance, vibrational frequency and dissociation energy.


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Equilibrium geometries, vibrational frequencies and dissociation energies of hafnium dimer and trimer were studied by density functional methods B3LYP, BLYP, B3PW91, BHLYP, BP86, B3P86, mPW1PW91 and PBE1PBE. The results indicate that singlet is the ground state both for hafnium dimer and for trimer. For hafnium dimer, the calculated bond distance is less sensitive to the methods used. Except at BHLYP level, the calculated vibrational frequency is comparable to the experimental value. For hafnium trimer, equilateral triangle with D-3h symmetry is slightly favored compared with isosceles triangle with C-2v, symmetry except at BHLYP level. This conclusion is in agreement with experiment in which the ground state of Hf-3 is fluxional and low-spin or closed shell is preferred.


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La-2, Yb-2, and Lu-2 have been studied by use of the density-functional methods B3LYP, BLYP, B3PW91, BHLYP, BP86, B3P86, MPW1PW91, and PBE1PBE. In these density-functional methods, the exchange functional is from either Becke's three-parameter HF-DFT hybrid exchange functional (B3), pure DFT exchange functional of 1988 (B), a modification of the half-and-half HF/DFT hybrid method (BH), Perdew-Wang 1991 (PW91), or Barone's modified PW91 (MPW1), while the correlation functional is from either Lee, Yang, and Parr (LYP), Perdew-Wang 1991 (PW91), or Perdew 86 (P86). PBE1PBE is the generalized-gradient-approximation exchange-correlation functional of Perdew, Burke, and Ernzerhof. For La-2, the calculated bond distance is in reasonable agreement with the experiment, but the calculated vibrational frequency is underestimated significantly compared with the experiment. Only BP86 and B3P86 have the best performance in reproducing the experimental dissociation energy for La-2. For the van der Waals dimer Yb-2, three functionals, B3LYP, BLYP, and BHLYP have excellent performance in reproducing the spectroscopic constants compared with both the experiment and previous theoretical studies.


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Bond distances, vibrational frequencies and dissociation energies for the ground state of Lu-2 were studied by density functional methods B3LYP, B3PW91, BLYP, BHLYP, BP86, B3P86, MPW1PW91, PBE1PBE and SVWN with CEP-121G and SDD basis sets. Singlet state is predicted to be the most stable. CEP-121G has a better overall performance than SDD. At CEP-121G basis set, all density functional methods used in this study perform well in reproducing the spectroscopic constants.


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Habbal, Shadia Rifai; Morgan, Huw; Johnson, Judd; Arndt, Martina Belz; Daw, Adrian; Jaeggli, Sarah; Kuhn, Jeff; Mickey, Don, LOCALIZED ENHANCEMENTS OF Fe+10 DENSITY IN THE CORONA AS OBSERVED IN Fe xi 789.2 nm DURING THE 2006 MARCH 29 TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 663, Issue 1, pp. 598-609


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Wireless sensor networks have recently emerged as enablers of important applications such as environmental, chemical and nuclear sensing systems. Such applications have sophisticated spatial-temporal semantics that set them aside from traditional wireless networks. For example, the computation of temperature averaged over the sensor field must take into account local densities. This is crucial since otherwise the estimated average temperature can be biased by over-sampling areas where a lot more sensors exist. Thus, we envision that a fundamental service that a wireless sensor network should provide is that of estimating local densities. In this paper, we propose a lightweight probabilistic density inference protocol, we call DIP, which allows each sensor node to implicitly estimate its neighborhood size without the explicit exchange of node identifiers as in existing density discovery schemes. The theoretical basis of DIP is a probabilistic analysis which gives the relationship between the number of sensor nodes contending in the neighborhood of a node and the level of contention measured by that node. Extensive simulations confirm the premise of DIP: it can provide statistically reliable and accurate estimates of local density at a very low energy cost and constant running time. We demonstrate how applications could be built on top of our DIP-based service by computing density-unbiased statistics from estimated local densities.


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The sudden decrease of plasma stored energy and subsequent power deposition on the first wall of a tokamak due to edge localised modes (ELMs) is potentially detrimental to the success of a future fusion reactor. Understanding and control of ELMs is critical for the longevity of these devices and also to maximise their performance. The commonly accepted picture of ELMs posits a critical pressure gradient and current density in the plasma edge, above which coupled magnetohy drodynamic peeling-ballooning modes become unstable. Much analysis has been presented in recent years on the spatial and temporal evolution of the edge pressure gradient. However, the edge current density has typically been overlooked due to the difficulties in measuring this quantity. In this thesis, a novel method of current density recovery is presented, using the equilibrium solver CLISTE to reconstruct a high resolution equilibrium utilising both external magnetic and internal edge kinetic data measured on the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak. The evolution of the edge current density relative to an ELM crash is presented, showing that a resistive delay in the buildup of the current density is unlikely. An uncertainty analysis shows that the edge current density can be determined with an accuracy consistent with that of the kinetic data used. A comparison with neoclassical theory demonstrates excellent agreement be- tween the current density determined by CLISTE and the calculated profiles. Three ELM mitigation regimes are investigated: Type-II ELMs, ELMs sup- pressed by external magnetic perturbations, and Nitrogen seeded ELMs. In the first two cases, the current density is found to decrease as mitigation on- sets, indicating a more ballooning-like plasma behaviour. In the latter case, the flux surface averaged current density can decrease while the local current density increases, providing a mechanism to suppress both the peeling and ballooning modes.


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Diminishing non-renewable energy resources and planet-wide de-pollution on our planet are among the major problems which mankind faces into the future. To solve these problems, renewable energy sources such as readily available and inexhaustible sunlight will have to be used. There are however no readily available photocatalysts that are photocatalytically active under visible light; it is well established that the band gap of the prototypical photocatalyst, titanium dioxide, is the UV region with the consequence that only 4% of sun light is utilized. For this reason, this PhD project focused on developing new materials, based on titanium dioxide, which can be used in visible light activated photocatalytic hydrogen production and destruction of pollutant molecules. The main goal of this project is to use simulations based on first principles to engineer and understand rationally, materials based on modifying TiO2 that will have the following properties: (1) a suitable band gap in order to increase the efficiency of visible light absorption, with a gap around 2 – 2.5 eV considered optimum. (2). The second key aspect in the photocatalytic process is electron and hole separation after photoexcitation, which enable oxidation/reduction reactions necessary to i.e. decompose pollutants. (3) Enhanced activity over unmodified TiO2. In this thesis I present results on new materials based on modifying TiO2 with supported metal oxide nanoclusters, from two classes, namely: transition metal oxides (Ti, Ni, Cu) and p-block metal oxides (Sn, Pb, Bi). We find that the deposited metal oxide nanoclusters are stable at rutile and anatase TiO2 surfaces and present an analysis of changes to the band gap of TiO2, identifying those modifiers that can change the band gap to the desirable range and the origin of this. A successful collaboration with experimental researchers in Japan confirms many of the simulation results where the origin of improved visible light photocatalytic activity of oxide nanocluster-modified TiO2 is now well understood. The work presented in this thesis, creates a road map for the design of materials with desired photocatalytic properties and contributes to better understanding these properties which are of great application in renewable energy utilization.


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Based on Pulay's direct inversion iterative subspace (DIIS) approach, we present a method to accelerate self-consistent field (SCF) convergence. In this method, the quadratic augmented Roothaan-Hall (ARH) energy function, proposed recently by Høst and co-workers [J. Chem. Phys. 129, 124106 (2008)], is used as the object of minimization for obtaining the linear coefficients of Fock matrices within DIIS. This differs from the traditional DIIS of Pulay, which uses an object function derived from the commutator of the density and Fock matrices. Our results show that the present algorithm, abbreviated ADIIS, is more robust and efficient than the energy-DIIS (EDIIS) approach. In particular, several examples demonstrate that the combination of ADIIS and DIIS ("ADIIS+DIIS") is highly reliable and efficient in accelerating SCF convergence.


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We propose a novel data-delivery method for delay-sensitive traffic that significantly reduces the energy consumption in wireless sensor networks without reducing the number of packets that meet end-to-end real-time deadlines. The proposed method, referred to as SensiQoS, leverages the spatial and temporal correlation between the data generated by events in a sensor network and realizes energy savings through application-specific in-network aggregation of the data. SensiQoS maximizes energy savings by adaptively waiting for packets from upstream nodes to perform in-network processing without missing the real-time deadline for the data packets. SensiQoS is a distributed packet scheduling scheme, where nodes make localized decisions on when to schedule a packet for transmission to meet its end-to-end real-time deadline and to which neighbor they should forward the packet to save energy. We also present a localized algorithm for nodes to adapt to network traffic to maximize energy savings in the network. Simulation results show that SensiQoS improves the energy savings in sensor networks where events are sensed by multiple nodes, and spatial and/or temporal correlation exists among the data packets. Energy savings due to SensiQoS increase with increase in the density of the sensor nodes and the size of the sensed events. © 2010 Harshavardhan Sabbineni and Krishnendu Chakrabarty.