979 resultados para Eficiência alimentar
O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar a concentração de N-NH3, o pH do líquido ruminal e a eficiência de síntese microbiana de rações que continham diferentes fontes energéticas: milho (MI), milho + casca de mandioca desidratada (MC), raspa de mandioca (RM) e farinha de varredura de mandioca (FV). Foram utilizados quatro novilhos da raça Holandesa (270 kg), portadores de cânulas ruminal e duodenal, distribuídos em um delineamento Quadrado Latino 4x4. A cinza insolúvel em ácido foi utilizada como indicador do fluxo duodenal e fecal. Não houve efeito das rações experimentais no pH ruminal. No entanto, menor concentração de N-NH3 foi observada para a ração com FV. O fluxo duodenal de matéria orgânica e nitrogênio e a composição química das bactérias ruminais não foram influenciados pelas rações experimentais. A maior eficiência microbiana aparente foi obtida para a ração com FV. Nas condições do presente experimento a FV, possivelmente apresentou uma melhor sincronização com a fonte protéica (farelo de soja), diminuindo a perda de nitrogênio na forma de N-NH3 e aumentando a eficiência microbiana.
Objetivou-se avaliar, por meio do desempenho animal, silagens de três híbridos de milho (Zea mays, L.): Agroceres AG-5011, Braskalb XL-344 e Cargill C-806. Foram utilizados 27 machos, não-castrados, mestiços Nelore x Charolês, com idade média de 10 meses e peso médio inicial de 252 kg, confinados durante 84 dias, subdivididos em quatro períodos de 21 dias. As silagens dos híbridos testados corresponderam a 70% da matéria seca ofertada. Não houve interação do híbrido de milho testado com o período de avaliação em confinamento, para os parâmetros estudados. A dieta que incluiu a silagem do híbrido AG-5011 resultou em maior consumo voluntário médio diário de matéria seca, expresso por 100 kg de peso vivo e tamanho metabólico, e maior consumo médio diário de fibra em detergente ácido, expresso nas diferentes formas, em relação aos híbridos XL-344 e C-806, que, por sua vez, foram semelhantes entre si. As dietas que incluíram silagens dos híbridos AG-5011, XL-344 e C-806 apresentaram semelhanças quanto ao consumo voluntário de matéria seca, expresso em kg/animal/dia (6,73; 6,05; e 6,19), consumo médio diário de FDN, em kg/dia (3,054; 2,837; e 2,836), e energia digestível, expressa nas diferentes formas, ganho de peso médio diário, em kg/dia (1,283; 1,219; e 1,249), ganho em estado corporal, conversão alimentar (5,26; 4,98; e 4,97) e eficiência energética (14,02; 13,68; e 13,21). Os três híbridos são indicados como materiais genéticos de muito boa qualidade para produção de silagem, promovendo ganhos de peso diário superior a 1,2 kg/animal/dia, quando utilizados em dietas com relação volumoso:concentrado de 70:30.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Um experimento foi conduzido com o objetivo de verificar os efeitos de diferentes relações flúor:fosforo na alimentação sobre o desempenho de frangos de corte. Foram utilizados 1.000 pintos de corte de 1 dia distribuídos em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com quatro tratamentos e cinco repetições de 50 aves por boxe. Os tratamentos consistiram de quatro fontes de fósforo com relações flúor:fósforo de 1:40, 1:60, 1:80 e 1:100. O experimento foi dividido em três fases experimentais: 1 a 21, 22 a 42 e 43 a 49 dias de idade. em cada fase, avaliou-se o consumo de ração, o ganho de peso e a conversão alimentar. Ao final do experimento, foram abatidas duas aves de cada repetição para coleta da tíbia e de músculos do peito para análise das concentrações.
Avaliaram-se as exigências nutricionais de proteína e energia em juvenis de acará-bandeira (Pterophyllum scalare). Utilizou-se delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 3 × 2, com três níveis de proteína bruta (26, 30 e 34%), dois de energia digestível (3.100 e 3.300 kcal/kg de ração) e três repetições. Juvenis com peso médio de 2,33 ± 0,26 g foram distribuídos em aquários contendo 25 litros de água, temperatura controlada (26 ± 1ºC) e filtro biológico, na densidade de estocagem de seis animais por aquário. Os peixes foram alimentados à vontade às 9, 14 e 16h30. Na análise do desempenho produtivo, foram avaliados o peso final, o comprimento final, o ganho de peso, o consumo de ração, a conversão alimentar, a taxa de crescimento específico, a taxa de eficiência protéica e o fator de condição. As dietas contendo 26% PB proporcionaram maiores valores para taxa de eficiência protéica apenas em relação às dietas contendo 34% PB. As exigências nutricionais de proteína e energia em juvenis de acará-bandeira podem ser atendidas com dietas contendo 26% PB e 3.100 kcal ED/kg.
Os frutos de Pachira aquatica Aublet apresentam sementes comestíveis com características organolépticas muito apreciadas pelas populações amazônicas, sendo pouco utilizados em outras regiões. Este trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar as sementes quanto à composição centesimal e determinar as características físico-químicas e perfil de ácidos graxos. A determinação da composição centesimal das sementes (teores de umidade, lipídios, proteínas, cinzas e carboidratos) e análises do óleo extraído das mesmas (ácidos graxos livres, índices de peróxido, iodo, refração, saponificação, ponto de fusão e perfil de ácidos graxos) foram realizadas seguindo metodologia oficial. O teor de óleo nas sementes 38,39% demonstrou que estas têm potencial para aproveitamento industrial. Das características físico-químicas analisadas, o óleo extraído das sementes apresentou 39,2% de ácidos graxos livres (expresso em % ácido oleico), índice de iodo de 27,4 g I2.100 g-1, índice de saponificação de 208,0 mg.KOH g-1, índice de refração (40 °C) de 1,4569 e ponto de fusão de 41,9 °C. Quanto à composição de ácidos graxos do óleo predominaram os ácidos palmítico (44,93%), oleico (39,27%) e linoleico (11,35%). Tal fato favorece o uso deste óleo como matéria-prima para as indústrias alimentícia, farmacêutica e de cosméticos.
This research was conducted to evaluate the productive performance (live weight gain and carcass weight gain and gain efficiency) of animals from four zebu breed slaughtered in three maturity stages. Thirty-six bulls from Gyr, Guzera, Mocho Tabapua and Nellore with twenty-four months of average age and average initial live weight of 357.6, 362.0, 368.6 and 376.4 kg, respectively, were used. The bulls, from each breed, were randomly assigned to individual pens and were full-fed a diet containing 50% concentrate (DM basis) and distributed to three category (1, 2 and 3) of slaughter weights. The bulls from category 1, 2 and 3 were slaughtered when reached the individual live weight of 405, 450 and 500 kg, respectively. At slaughter the empty body weight was determined. The Nellore breed bulls showed greater average empty body weight gain and carcass gain in relation to the other breeds, which did not differ among themselves. There were no differences among breeds regarding to feed efficiency (empty body weight gain efficiency and carcass gain efficiency per unit of metabolizable energy intake). The slaughter weight did not influence the empty body weight gain and carcass gain, but animals slaughtered at higher slaughter weights showed lower gain efficiency and spent more time in feedlot.
The objective of this research was to test the control of Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes, 1939) by the hexythiazox and quinometionato products in citrus crop with and without adhesive spread and when submitted to artificial rain. The plants were sprayed at 2, 4, 8, 24 and 48 hours. When dried, the fruits were collected (eight/plants) and half of them were washed in laboratory with artificial rainfall on the basis of 30 mm/h during 15 minutes establishing the following treatments: T1 - hexythiazox + washing; T2 - hexythiazox + agral + washing; T3 - quinometionato + washing; T4 - quinometionato + agral + washing; T5 - control + agral + washing; T6 - hexythiazox; T7 - hexythiazox + agral; T8 - quinometionato; T9 - quinometionato + agral; T10 - control + agral. Thus, all the fruits were inoculated with ten females of B. phoenicis and five days later the mites alive were counted and eliminated. Approximately 15 days later the number of larvae alive were also counted. The results obtained allowed the following conclusions: a) the acaricides were efficient to control B. phoenicis; b) the rainfall (washing) did not alter the efficiency; c) the agral did not change the results.
To determine the effects of the pre-slaughter showering on some meat quality parameters, the biochemical changes in the Longus colli muscle and the bleeding efficiency were studied. Thirty-six Nelore steers were slaughtered in a commercial slaughterhouse. Eighteen animals were submitted to pre-slaughter showering; a control group of eighteen animals were slaughtered without showering. Samples were collected for evaluations in the muscle depth, in the anterior portion of longus colli muscle,just before chilling. Bleeding efficiency was evaluated through the ratio of muscle haemoglobin/blood haemoglobin using blood samples taken five seconds after bleeding, and muscle sample taken before chilling. Longus colli muscle samples were also used to determine glycogen, glucose, pH and acidity, 5, 24 and 48 hours after slaughtering. Multivariate methods were used to evaluate biochemical data and the bleeding efficiency data analysis followed the randomized block design. Haemoglobin retained in the muscle and bleeding efficiency were not affected (P > .05) by pre-slaughter showering. The pre-slaughter showering did not affect (P > .05) the glycolysis. There was a significant effect of time in glycogen, glucose, pH and acidity, in the first 24 hours.
For an adequate management program of urban ants, knowledge on their biology is required, with the aim of detecting and exploring their vulnerabilities. This type of information has been used in the manufacture of baits, which must show, among other characteristics, attractiveness to several species to be considered efficient and economically viable. Therefore, the present study was aimed to evaluate in the laboratory the attractiveness of sweet and fatty substances to Camponotus vittatus, trying to find which substances would be more efficient to be introduced as the attractive component in baits. Five colonies, 68 sweet substances and 23 fatty substances were utilized in the laboratory trials. The most attractive sweet and fatty substances, were, respectively, 75% demerara sugar and vegetable fat. When substances of both natures were tested together, sweet substances presented slightly higher attractive indexes than oily substances.
The objective of this work was to estimate, by meta-analysis, the heritability (h(2)) and the genetic (r(g)) and phenotypic (r(f)) correlations of residual feed intake (RFI), and of its component traits in beef cattle from 19 breeds or genetic groups. Twenty-two scientific papers published from 1963 to 2011, from eight countries, totaling 52,637 cattle of ages from 28 days up to slaughter, were evaluated. The estimates of RFI, dry matter intake (DMI), average daily gain (ADG) and metabolic weight (BW0.75) were weighted by the inverse of sample variance. The variation between studies of h(2) for each trait was analyzed by weighted least squares. The effects of sex, country and breed were significant for h(2) of RFI, explaining 67% of variation between studies. For DMI, country and breed effects were significant and explained 96% of variation. Pooled estimates of h(2) were: 0.255+/-0.008, 0.278+/-0.012, 0.321+/-0.015, and 0.397+/-0.032 for RFI, DMI, ADG and BW0.75, respectively. Pooled estimates of genetic and phenotypic correlations were low between RFI and ADG and between RFI and BW0.75 (from -0.021+/-0.034 to 0.025+/-0.035), and moderate between RFI and DMI (0.636+/-0.035 and 0.698+/-0.041) and between DMI, ADG and BW0.75 (0.441+/-0.062 to 0.688+/-0.032). The trait RFI has lower heritability estimates than its components.
This study was carried out to determine the best digestible energy and digestible protein ratio in feeds for Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) juveniles 30.0 +/- 4.21 g) based on digestible amino acids and the ideal protein concept). Twelve rations were formulated with protein levels 22.0; 26.0; 30.0 and 34.0% of digestible protein and levels 3,000, 3,300 and 3,600 kcal/kg digestible energy. The digestible energy/digestible protein ratio was between 8.94 and 15.19 kcal/g. Three hundred and twenty four tilapias were randomly distributed in thirty six 250 L circular tanks at a density of 9 fish/tank, a total of 12 treatments with three replications. After 60 days, there was no significant difference in weight gain, daily weight gain and feed conversion ratio among the studied treatments. A linear increase was observed in fillet yield with increasing digestible protein. With respect to feed cost/kg weight gain, the treatment with 30.0% DP and 3,000 kcal/kg DE presented low cost and better cost effectiveness index. Therefore, it was concluded that digestible energy did not influence the productive performance parameters and that effective feeds can be formulated with DP levels lower than 34% when feeding juvenile tilapias. The ration should be formulated based on the concept of ideal protein.
Feeding preference of adults of Metriona elatior Klug (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae, Cassidinae) for different hybrids of Solanum melogena Linnaeus (Solanaceae). Metriona elatior Klug is a potential biocontrol agent for Solanum viarum Dunal (tropical soda apple), because larvae and adults feed on its leaves and this species shows a low dispersion rate. Specificity plays a major role in the feasibility of an organism as a biological control agent, especially in the inundative strategy. The feeding preference of M. elatior adults was evaluated to 14 eggplant (Solanum melogena Linnaeus) hybrids. Mass rearing was carried out under lab conditions, with the insect feeding directly on S. viarum leaves. The study started with dual and multiple choice tests in 24 and 48 hour feeding times, by offering leaf disks in Petri dish conditions. Survival and leaf consumption analysis were performed in newly adults in tropical soda apple and eggplant leaves kept turgid by immersing the petioles in water. The leaf area was measured before and after four days of insect exposure. M. elatior showed higher feeding preference, survival and consumption of the weed species, especially in comparison with the hybrid Ryoma. The highest feeding preference among the eggplant hybrids was observed in 'Minikuro Kowishiki'.