879 resultados para Edge based analysis


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This paper discusses the main characteristics and presents a comparative analysis of three synchronization algorithms based respectively, on a Phase-Locked Loop, a Kalman Filter and a Discrete Fourier Transform. It will be described the single and three-phase models of the first two methods and the single-phase model of the third one. Details on how to modify the filtering properties or dynamic response of each algorithm will be discussed in terms of their design parameters. In order to compare the different algorithms, these parameters will be set for maximum filter capability. Then, the dynamic response, during input amplitude and frequency deviations will be observed, as well as during the initialization procedure. So, advantages and disadvantages of all considered algorithms will be discussed. ©2007 IEEE.


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An analysis of the active pixel sensor (APS), considering the doping profiles of the photodiode in an APS fabricated in a 0.18 μm standard CMOS technology, is presented. A simple and accurate model for the junction capacitance of the photodiode is proposed. An analytic expression for the output voltage of the APS obtained with this capacitance model is in good agreement with measurements and is more accurate than the models used previously. A different mode of operation for the APS based on the dc level of the output is suggested. This new mode has better low-light-level sensitivity than the conventional APS operating mode, and it has a slower temporal response to the change of the incident light power. At 1μW/cm2 and lower levels of light, the measured signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of this new mode is more than 10 dB higher than the SNR of previously reported APS circuits. Also, with an output SNR of about 10 dB, the proposed dc level is capable of detecting light powers as low as 20 nW/cm2, which is about 30 times lower than the light power detected in recent reports by other groups. © 2007 IEEE.


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The structural health monitoring (SHM) systems based on electromechanical (E/M) impedance technique have been widely investigated. Although many studies indicate the reliability of this technique, some practical considerations still have to be considered in real applications. This paper presents an experimental analysis of the effect of the structure area on the system's performance. The results indicate that the sensitivity of the system to detect damage decreases significantly when the host structure has large cross-section area. Copyright © 2009 by ASME.


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The presence of porosities at the dentin/adhesive interface has been observed with the use of new generation dentin bonding systems. These porosities tend to contradict the concept that etching and hybridization processes occur equally and simultaneously. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the micromechanical behavior of the hybrid layer (HL) with voids based on a self-etching adhesive system using 3-D finite element (FE) analysis. Three FE models (Mr) were built: Mr, dentin specimen (41x41x82 μm) with a regular and perfect (i.e. pore-free) HL based on a self-etching adhesive system, restored with composite resin; Mp, similar to M, but containing 25% (v/v) voids in the HL; Mpp, similar to Mr, but containing 50% (v/v) voids in the HL. A tensile load (0.03N) was applied on top of the composite resin. The stress field was obtained by using Ansys Workbench 10.0. The nodes of the base of the specimen were constrained in the x, y and z axes. The maximum principal stress (σmax) was obtained for all structures at the dentin/adhesive interface. The Mpp showed the highest peak of σmax in the HL (32.2 MPa), followed by Mp (30 MPa) and Mr (28.4 MPa). The stress concentration in the peritubular dentin was high in all models (120 MPa). All other structures positioned far from voids showed similar increase of stress. Voids incorporated into the HL raised the σmax in this region by 13.5%. This behavior might be responsible for lower bond strengths of self-etching and single-bottle adhesives, as reported in the literature.


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The effect of snoring on the cardiovascular system is not well-known. In this study we analyzed the Heart Rate Variability (HRV) differences between light and heavy snorers. The experiments are done on the full-whole-night polysomnography (PSG) with ECG and audio channels from patient group (heavy snorer) and control group (light snorer), which are gender- and age-paired, totally 30 subjects. A feature Snoring Density (SND) of audio signal as classification criterion and HRV features are computed. Mann-Whitney statistical test and Support Vector Machine (SVM) classification are done to see the correlation. The result of this study shows that snoring has close impact on the HRV features. This result can provide a deeper insight into the physiological understand of snoring. © 2011 CCAL.


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The objective of this paper is to show a methodology to estimate the longitudinal parameters of transmission lines. The method is based on the modal analysis theory and developed from the currents and voltages measured at the sending and receiving ends of the line. Another proposal is to estimate the line impedance in function of the real-time load apparent power and power factor. The procedure is applied for a non-transposed 440 kV three-phase line. © 2011 IEEE.


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In this paper, an exact series solution for the vibration analysis of circular cylindrical shells with arbitrary boundary conditions is obtained, using the elastic equations based on Flügge's theory. Each of the three displacements is represented by a Fourier series and auxiliary functions and sought in a strong form by letting the solution exactly satisfy both the governing differential equations and the boundary conditions on a point-wise basis. Since the series solution has to be truncated for numerical implementation, the term exactly satisfying should be understood as a satisfaction with arbitrary precision. One of the important advantages of this approach is that it can be universally applied to shells with a variety of different boundary conditions, without the need of making any corresponding modifications to the solution algorithms and implementation procedures as typically required in other techniques. Furthermore, the current method can be easily used to deal with more complicated boundary conditions such as point supports, partial supports, and non-uniform elastic restraints. Numerical examples are presented regarding the modal parameters of shells with various boundary conditions. The capacity and reliability of this solution method are demonstrated through these examples. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents an experimental research on the use of eddy current testing (ECT) and artificial neural networks (ANNs) in order to identify the gauge and position of steel bars immersed in concrete structures. The paper presents details of the ECT probe and concrete specimens constructed for the tests, and a study about the influence of the concrete on the values of measured voltages. After this, new measurements were done with a greater number of specimens, simulating a field condition and the results were used to generate training and validation vectors for multilayer perceptron ANNs. The results show a high percentage of correct identification with respect to both, the gauge of the bar and of the thickness of the concrete cover. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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A finite element analysis was used to compare the effect of different designs of implant-retained overdentures and fixed full-arch implant-supported prosthesis on stress distribution in edentulous mandible. Four models of an human mandible were constructed. In the OR (O'ring) group, the mandible was restored with an overdenture retained by four unsplinted implants with O'ring attachment; in the BC (bar-clip) -C and BC groups, the mandibles were restored with overdentures retained by four splinted implants with bar-clip anchor associated or not with two distally placed cantilevers, respectively; in the FD (fixed denture) group, the mandible was restored with a fixed full-arch four-implant-supported prosthesis. Models were supported by the masticatory muscles and temporomandibular joints. A 100-N oblique load was applied on the left first molar. Von Mises (σvM), maximum (σmax) and minimum (σmin) principal stresses (in MPa) analyses were obtained. BC-C group exhibited the highest stress values (σvM=398.8, σmax=580.5 and σmin=-455.2) while FD group showed the lowest one (σvM=128.9, σmax=185.9 and σmin=-172.1). Within overdenture groups, the use of unsplinted implants reduced the stress level in the implant/prosthetic components (59.4% for σvM, 66.2% for σmax and 57.7% for σmin versus BC-C group) and supporting tissues (maximum stress reduction of 72% and 79.5% for σmax, and 15.7% and 85.7% for σmin on the cortical and trabecular bones, respectively). Cortical bone exhibited greater stress concentration than the trabecular bone for all groups. The use of fixed implant dentures and removable dentures retained by unsplinted implants to rehabilitate edentulous mandible reduced the stresses in the periimplant bone tissue, mucosa and implant/prosthetic components. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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The degradation phenomena of ZnO and SnO2-based varistors were investigated for two different degradation methods: DC voltage at increased temperature and degradation with 8/20 μs pulsed currents (lightning type). Electrostatic force microscopy (EFM) was used to analyze the surface charge accumulated at grain-boundary regions before and after degradation. Before the degradation process, 85% of the barriers are active in the SnO2 system, while the ZnO system presents only 30% effective barriers. Both systems showed changes in the electrical behavior when degraded with pulses. In the case of the ZnO system, the behavior after pulse degradation was essentially ohmic due to the destruction of barriers (about 99% of the interfaces are conductive). After the degradation with 8/20 μs pulsed currents, the SnO2 system still presents nonohmic behavior with a significant decrease in the quantity of effective barriers (from 85% to 5%). However, when the degradation is accomplished with continuous current, the SnO2 system exhibits minimum variation, while the ZnO system degrades from 30% to 5%. This result indicates the existence of metastable defects of low concentration and/or low diffusion in the SnO2 system. High energy is necessary to degrade the barriers due to defect annihilation in the SnO2 system. © 2013 The American Ceramic Society.


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Analiza sistematicamente las alternativas existentes para mejorar la gestion de las instituciones vinculadas a los recursos hidricos en America Latina y el Caribe. Incluye la presentacion somera de un metodo secuencial para la evaluacion de los variados procesos de gestion de recursos hidricos, asi como cuadros y anexos con listas reales de problemas y demandas planteados por usuarios y autoridades de aguas.


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Neste trabalho foi testado o efeito do gradiente de salinidade do eixo-leste oeste do sistema subtropical Complexo Estuarino da Baía de Paranaguá na estrutura dos peixes de águas rasas, determinado de acordo com as métricas taxonômica (famílias e espécies) e de composição funcional. Um total de 152 espécies foi registrado. As famílias com maior número de espécies foram Sciaenidae, Carangidae, Haemulidae e Gobiidae. As espécies mais abundantes foram A. brasiliensis, H. clupeola, A. januaria e A. tricolor. Os visitantes marinhos dominaram em número de espécies, seguidos pelos migrantes marinhos e estuarinos. A maioria das espécies são zoobentívoras, seguidas pelas piscívoras e zooplanctívoras. As famílias e espécies mais relacionadas com condições estuarinas dominaram no setor mesohalino e aquelas mais relacionadas com condições marinhas dominaram no setor euhalino. A métrica taxonômica foi mais eficiente na caracterização das assembleias de peixes ao longo do gradiente estuarino de salinidade do que a funcional. Isso ocorreu principalmente porque indivíduos de todos os grupos funcionais estiveram presentes ao longo de todos os setores de salinidade, invalidando o emprego dessa métrica na diferenciação das assembleias nos diversos setores. Nosso resultado foi diferente do encontrado em outros estuários tropicais e subtropicais, que enfatizaram a importância dos grupos funcionais na estruturação das assembleias de peixes ao longo de um gradiente de salinidade.