851 resultados para Ecological houses
1. Successful seed dispersal by animals is assumed to occur when undamaged seeds arrive at a favourable microsite. Most seed removal and dispersal studies consider only two possible seed fates, predation or escape intact. Whether partial consumption of seeds has ecological implications for natural regeneration is unclear. We studied partial consumption of seeds in a rodent-dispersed oak species. 2. Fifteen percent of dispersed acorns were found partially eaten in a field experiment. Most damage affected only the basal portion of the seeds, resulting in no embryo damage. Partially eaten acorns had no differences in dispersal distance compared to intact acorns but were recovered at farther distances than completely consumed acorns. 3. Partially eaten acorns were found under shrub cover unlike intact acorns that were mostly dispersed to open microhabitats. 4. Partially eaten acorns were not found buried proportionally more often than intact acorns, leading to desiccation and exposure to biotic agents (predators, bacteria and fungi). However, partial consumption caused more rapid germination, which enables the acorns to tolerate the negative effects of exposure. 5. Re-caching and shrub cover as microhabitat of destination promote partial seed consumption. Larger acorns escaped predation more often and had higher uneaten cotyledon mass. Satiation at seed level is the most plausible explanation for partial consumption. 6. Partial consumption caused no differences in root biomass when acorns experienced only small cotyledon loss. However, root biomass was lower when acorns experienced heavy loss of tissue but, surprisingly, they produced longer roots, which allow the seeds to gain access sooner to deeper resources. 7.Synthesis. Partial consumption of acorns is an important event in the oak regeneration process, both quantitatively and qualitatively. Most acorns were damaged non-lethally, without decreasing both dispersal distances and the probability of successful establishment. Faster germination and production of longer roots allow partially eaten seeds to tolerate better the exposure disadvantages caused by the removal of the pericarp and the non-buried deposition. Consequently, partially consumed seeds can contribute significantly to natural regeneration and must be considered in future seed dispersal studies.
Considering that the vast majority of housing stock existing in 2011 will be used to satisfy residential needs in the year 2020 and beyond, ecological urban regeneration appears clearly as the key issue in relation to global urban sustainability for the most part of this century. Thus, if the 1992 Rio Summit identified the urban environment as the main arena where the global environmental crisis should be fought, 20 years later we must emphasize that it is mainly to the real cities and territories around us now where we should address our attention
Objetivos. Análisis a través del prisma de la sostenibilidad, con un triple objetivo: consumo de energía, aspecto constructivo y recursos arquitectónicos, de algunos ejemplos destacados de vivienda aislada desde 1973, crisis del petróleo, hasta el cambio ideológico del 11 de septiembre de 2001. Emplazadas en microclimas semejantes en distintas latitudes, para extrapolar al clima mediterráneo. Ejemplos. Siete viviendas aisladas de distinto diseño conceptual, situadas en climas subtropicales, en ecosistemas variados pero de concepción medioambiental, constructiva y arquitectónica muy actual. Los ejemplos elegidos, por su intencionalidad, su diseño, y su sentido utilitario, constructivo y semiótico, se analizan desde el hecho acumulativo y el hecho reactivo, mediante el procedimiento de contrastar diversas fuentes de información. Objetivos. El análisis de cada una de las viviendas procedentes de diferentes arquitectos, se hace mediante la simulación de modelos que permitan describir la parte esencial del comportamiento de un sistema de interés, así como diseñar y realizar experimentos con el modelo para extraer conclusiones de sus resultados y apoyar la toma de decisiones proyectual. Procedimiento. En una primera fase, el medio natural queda definido por su localización, interpretación del lugar, el clima concreto (mediante climogramas generales y de isopletas), determinando un diagnóstico medioambiental para el establecimiento de estrategias a partir de los datos experimentales a contrastar con el resultado finalmente obtenido. En una segunda fase se eligen los casos más representativos de LowTech / LowEnergy y HighTech / HighEnergy. Se realiza un análisis del modelo, frente a uno de los elementos predominantes: sol, aire, agua, tierra, luna, vegetación y miscelánea. Resultados. De los casos estudiados se extraen principios aplicables en cada uno de los ámbitos: medioambiental, relacionados con la adaptabilidad energética; constructivo, en relación con la economía; y arquitectónico, vinculado con lo social, con una perspectiva diferente sobre los nuevos espacios vivibles. Conclusiones y relevancia. En los emplazamientos estudiados, los arquitectos herederos del movimiento moderno, han utilizado los recursos medioambientales pasivos y activos más actuales en cada uno de los elementos, así como la orientación, la ventilación, la radiación, la inercia térmica,…las actitudes más contemporáneas como expertos bioclimáticos. Los principios extraídos deben facilitar un proceso proyectual mediante pautas experimentales a desarrollar sin un uso desmesurado de la tecnología. Los principios y las conclusiones obtenidos servirán de aplicación a nuevos modelos conociendo los parámetros más relevantes. La modelización analógica - digital permitirá evaluar el comportamiento más aplicable según las necesidades a satisfacer. Objectives. Architectural analysis through the prism of sustainability with three aims: energy consumption, building technique and architectonical resources. The study is focused on some key examples of low density houses since 1973 (featured by the Oil crisis) until the 11th September 2001´s ideological change. These living spaces are settled in similar microclimates although in different latitudes with strong possibilities for applications in Mediterranean climates. Examples. Seven remote detached dwellings with different conceptual characters, located in subtropical climates, in different ecosystems, however with a sustainable basis and architectonical building concepts very updated. The cultural objects chosen, due to legitimate reasons such as: purpose, a plan, an utilitarian sense, constructive and semiotic, are analyzed under an accumulative perspective along with the reactive fact as the procedure to contrast and compare different sources of information. Goals. The analysis of the examples of different architects, will be done in order to simulate through models which describe and display the essential part of behaviour that corresponds to an interest system, along with the design and to try out or experiment with the model and to draw up results which support the projecting decision process. Procedure. On a first stage, the natural environment is shaped by its location, interpretation of the pace, a particular climate (through general climograms and isophlets), determining an environmental diagnosis which would be able to generate scientific conclusions in order to develop adequate strategies. Hence from experimental data we contrast with the results. On a second stage the more representative cases of LowTech / LowEnergy and HighTech / HighEnergy are choosen. We analyze the model taking into consideration and facing a key element: sun, air, water, soil, moon, vegetation and miscellany. Results. From the study cases we draw up applicable principles in each field: the ecological in relation with energetic adaptability, the constructive potential related with economy, and the social in relation with a different perspective about new architectural living spaces. Conclusions and Relevance. On those settlements studied, the heirs architects from Modern Movement, had used the passive and active, updated environmental resources in each element. For instance, aspects like orientation, ventilation, solar radiation, thermal inertia…, and the most contemporary attitude as bioclimatic expert that they are. These principles speed up through experimental guidelines, the technology is diminished and the design process be provided. The principles and conclusions generated will be useful in order to apply new models because we are able to know the most relevant key parameters. The analogical-digital modelizations allow us to revaluate the applicable behaviour according to the needs to satisfy.
In sustainable intensive agriculture, the biodiversity of monoculture fields can be increased by managing the field margins to provide ecological infrastructures that serve as refuges and resources for beneficial organisms (pollinators and natural enemies). In the present work we summarize two years of field trials following the goal to increase biodiversity of beneficial fauna in a barley field in Central Spain by sowing different herbaceous mixtures in the field margins. The presence of arthropods visiting flowers on plots sown with different types of seed mixtures and unsown natural flora (control plot) was compared by visual sampling every week between April and June. The results showed that a combination of herbaceous big-size seeds was the most successful mixture emerging under our experimental conditions and achieved a higher number of visits of beneficial arthropods than the unsown natural vegetation.
The presented work proposes a new approach for anomaly detection. This approach is based on changes in a population of evolving agents under stress. If conditions are appropriate, changes in the population (modeled by the bioindicators) are representative of the alterations to the environment. This approach, based on an ecological view, improves functionally traditional approaches to the detection of anomalies. To verify this assertion, experiments based on Network Intrussion Detection Systems are presented. The results are compared with the behaviour of other bioinspired approaches and machine learning techniques.
The current economic crisis has meant, particularly in Spain, the almost cessation of new buildings construction. This deep crisis will mean in future an irreversible change in the Spanish construction model, based to date almost exclusively on the brick. After focusing on the Spanish property boom and examining its impact on the concept of housing (in a few years the house has moved forward from being contemplated exclusively as a primary good to be also considered a capital asset), we analyse the influence that this transformation has had on architecture (housing typology, building methods, the architectural profession and the architect training) and offers architectural alternatives –trough the university– to the present crisis. The project “Houses built from accommodating cabins” is part of a larger research within the line “Modular Architecture” developed by the Research Group “Design and Industrial Production”, belonging to the Technical University of Madrid, which aims to respond to the need for decent housing at an affordable price, by offering through Internet the plans, resources and other technical details required to build a house oneself. The proposed houses are built from the combination of industrially made modules (accommodation cabins, which are prefabricated modules usually used as provisional constructions in conventional building works), prefabricated subsystems and other catalogue components available on the market, all they set together by dry joints.
The first step in order to comply with the European Union goals of Near to Zero Energy Buildings is to reduce the energy consumption in buildings. Most of the building consumption is related to the use of active systems to maintain the interior comfort. Passive design strategies contribute to improve the interior comfort conditions, increasing the energy efficiency in buildings and reducing their energy consumption. In this work, an analysis of the passive strategies used in Net Energy Plus Houses has been made. The participating houses of the Solar Decathlon Europe 2012 competition were used as case studies. The passive design strategies of these houses were compared with the annual simulations, and the competition monitored data, especially during the Passive Monitored Period. The analysis included the thermal properties of the building envelope, geometric parameters, ratios and others passive solutions such as Thermal Energy Storage systems, evaporative cooling, night ventilation, solar gains and night sky radiation cooling. The results reflect the impact of passive design strategies on the houses' comfort and efficiency, as well as their influence in helping to achieve the Zero Energy Buildings category.
Virus emergence is a complex phenomenon, which generally involves spread to a new host from a wild host, followed by adaptation to the new host. Although viruses account for the largest fraction of emerging crop pathogens, knowledge about their emergence is incomplete. We address here the question of whether Pepino mosaic virus (PepMV) emergence as a major tomato pathogen worldwide could have involved spread from wild to cultivated plant species and host adaptation. For this, we surveyed natural populations of wild tomatoes in southern Peru for PepMV infection. PepMV incidence, genetic variation, population structure, and accumulation in various hosts were analyzed. PepMV incidence in wild tomatoes was high, and a strain not yet reported in domestic tomato was characterized. This strain had a wide host range within the Solanaceae, multiplying efficiently in most assayed Solanum species and being adapted to wild tomato hosts. Conversely, PepMV isolates from tomato crops showed evidence of adaptation to domestic tomato, possibly traded against adaptation to wild tomatoes. Phylogenetic reconstructions indicated that the most probable ancestral sequence came from a wild Solanum species. A high incidence of PepMV in wild tomato relatives would favor virus spread to crops and its efficient multiplication in different Solanum species, including tomato, allowing its establishment as an epidemic pathogen. Later, adaptation to tomato, traded off against adaptation to other Solanum species, would isolate tomato populations from those in other hosts.
The current economic crisis has meant, particularly in Spain, the almost cessation of new buildings construction. This deep crisis will mean in future an irreversible change in the Spanish construction model, based to date almost exclusively on the brick. The project “Accommodating cabins as a new way of building houses” is part of a larger research within the line “Modular Architecture” developed by the Research Group “Design and Industrial Production”, belonging to the Technical University of Madrid, which aims to respond to the need for decent housing at an affordable price, by offering through Internet the plans, resources and other technical details required to build a house oneself. The proposed houses are built from the combination of industrially made modules (accommodation cabins, which are prefabricated modules usually used as provisional constructions in conventional building works), prefabricated subsystems and other catalogue components available on the market, all they set together by dry joints.
An advance of the study undertaken of the plastering of the few dwellings that still exist in the historical area of Maracaibo is presented, with a base of restoration mortar of the plastering of sandstone known as “piedra de ojo”. The mortars are made of lime with a ferruginous stone aggregate that gives them a pinkish color, with additions of ceramics, bamboo, sand, wood and straw, and kneaded with salty water from Lake Maracaibo
This research was published online by the Spanish Ministry of Public Works in 2012. It collects 20 years of work that contributes to recognizing and enhancing the vernacular architecture in Spain, which has no known author, but has significant values and shows a wide variety of adaptation examples to climatic and environmental conditions. The research analyzes in detail and from different scales 15 houses in different climatic conditions and geographic regions in order to go deeper into the specific characteristics of each one of them from the perspective of sustainability. These houses are located in Tenerife, Salamanca, Huelva, Granada, Toledo, Madrid, Menorca, Alicante, Mallorca, Almería, La Coruña, Cantabria, Huesca and Lugo. The article analyzes the traditional dwelling, the natural environment and conditions that surround it and intends to discover the formal dialogue among them, as well as the origin of the design strategies
Technological progress in the area of informatics and human interface platforms create a window of opportunities for the neurorehablitation of patients with motor impairments. The CogWatch project (www.cogwatch.eu) aims to create an intelligent assistance system to improve motor planning and execution in patients with apraxia during their daily activities. Due to the brain damage caused by cardiovascular incident these patients suffer from impairments in the ability to use tools, and to sequence actions during daily tasks (such as making breakfast). Based on the common coding theory (Hommel et al., 2001) and mirror neuron primate research (Rizzolatti et al., 2001) we aim to explore use of cues, which incorporate aspects of biological motion from healthy adults performing everyday tasks requiring tool use and ecological sounds linked to the action goal. We hypothesize that patients with apraxia will benefit from supplementary sensory information relevant to the task, which will reinforce the selection of the appropriate motor plan. Findings from this study determine the type of sensory guidance in the CogWatch interface. Rationale for the experimental design is presented and the relevant literature is discussed.
This publication approaches the element of the "refuge" by showing several built prototypes designed and built by the author of this Ph.D and Yuko Ono that were effectively used as temporary shelters in Japan by the refugees in 2013. They consist on seven small wooden houses that can float and can also be packed into boxes and used as shelters following natural disasters. This publication explains both in Italian, English, Japanese and through small drawn diagrams the construction of these prototypes thanks to the help group "Architecture Global Aid" created by the author of this Ph.D in Japan (www.facebook.com/architectureglobalaid). Finally, this refuges can be as well seen in pages 660-664 of the Ph.D text were several kinds of architectures for shelters are analyzed. Esta publicación analiza el elemento del ?refugio? a través de varios ejemplos diseñados y construidos por la autora de este doctorado y la arquitecta Yuko Ono que fueron utilizados en la recuperación de Japón en el año 2013. Consisten en siete refugios de madera que pueden flotar y doblarse e introducirse en cajas del mismo material y de este modo, ser extraídos y empleados tras un desastre natural. Esta publicación explica en italiano, inglés, japonés y mediante varios diagramas, la construcción de estos prototipos gracias al grupo de ayuda ?Architecture Global Aid? creado por la autora de este doctorado en Japón (www.facebook.com/architectureglobalaid). Por último, la referencia a la investigación acerca de estos prototipos se puede encontrar en las páginas 660-664 de la tesis doctoral, entre las que se investiga también acerca de otras arquitecturas del refugio.
Brain Injury (BI) has become one of the most common causes of neurological disability in developed countries. Cognitive disorders result in a loss of independence and patients? quality of life. Cognitive rehabilitation aims to promote patients? skills to achieve their highest degree of personal autonomy. New technologies such as virtual reality or interactive video allow developing rehabilitation therapies based on reproducible Activities of Daily Living (ADLs), increasing the ecological validity of the therapy. However, the lack of frameworks to formalize and represent the definition of this kind of therapies can be a barrier for widespread use of interactive virtual environments in clinical routine.
Given the global energy and environmental situation, the European Union has been issuing directives with increasingly demanding requirements in term of the energy efficiency in buildings. The international competition of sustainable houses, Solar Decathlon Europe (SDE), is aligned with these European objectives. SDE houses are low energy solar buildings that must reach the near to zero energy houses’ goal. In the 2012 edition, in order to emphasize its significance, the Energy Efficiency Contest was added. SDE houses’ interior comfort, functioning and energy performance is monitored. The monitoring data can give an idea about the efficiency of the houses. However, a jury comprised by international experts is responsible for carrying out the houses energy efficiency evaluation. Passive strategies and houses services are analyzed. Additionally, the jury's assessment has been compared with the behavior of the houses during the monitoring period. Comparative studies make emphasis on the energy aspects, houses functioning and their interior comfort. Conclusions include thoughts related with the evaluation process, the results of the comparative studies and suggestions for the next competitions.