732 resultados para ETHNOGRAPHY
This dissertation is based on the ethnography of a strategic selection of three Tremembé ethnic situations, which are situated in the backlands of Acaraú and Itarema, municipalities located in Ceará State (Northeast Brazil). My main aims are the following. Firstly, I reconstitute the historical and social formation of three localities, called Lagoa dos Negros, Telhas, and Queimadas, related to a particular origin myth which refers to Almofala, an extinct colonial Aldeamento in the seashore, where the Tremembé indians and other native populations were converted and gathered under missionary administration. According to the origin myth, these three localities were set up after a strong drought which happened in 1888 (the so called three eights) when a group of Tremembé families moved to the countryside and established close to the Lagoa dos Negros and, later on, they were segmented into smaller groups which started to live in other areas and places not far from the former location. Notably, I develop an anthropological approach to understand the historical formation of these three localities. Secondly, I analyze some processes of territorialization, which were emerged from the 1980s and had important consequences to these indigenous families throughout the next two decades. This historical dimension is re-appropriated and ressignified in ethnic terms. A third point of my work is the analysis of the construction of territorialities and also the cultural and symbolic dimensions which are formulated by the Tremembé Indians who live in these localities. Therefore, I investigate some cultural traditions and rituals, such as the Torém dance, but I also examine their multiple semantics, which constitute a transversal direction throughout the history understood by the Tremembé of the different social situations I researched. To sum up, there is a process of cultural actualization, which is still going on and presents itself through the ludic sphere as well as their political and religions dimensions, which are usually associated to the ritual presentation of the Torém
Rezension von: Katrin Ulrike Zaborowski / Michael Meier / Georg Breidenstein: Leistungsbewertung und Unterricht, Ethnographische Studien zur Bewertungspraxis in Gymnasium und Sekundarschule, Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften 2011 (376 S.; ISBN 978-3-531-16808-1)
MENDES, Jean Joubert Freitas. Renovando os sentidos: percepção e escrita etnográfica na etnomusicologia. In: ANPPOM, 17. Rio de Janeiro, 2005. Anais... Rio de Janeiro: UFRN/ANPPOM, 2005.
Over the last two centuries many major cities have undergone large-scale modernisation that has led to the growing sense of homogenisation associated with such locales across the globe. The fractal logic that is at the heart of so many urban settings, where the whole system is made up of parts that are identical to the whole, seems to serve in making anonymous everyday experiences. Public transport and its corresponding street furniture, if thoughtfully designed and planned, has the potential to form an integral element in the promotion of a sense of identity, interconnectedness and flow within a city. Furthermore, bus stops, benches, litter bins, curb-sides, posts and pavements, to mention a few, offer interesting cases to consider how people truly engage with contemporary urban spaces. These objects—part of routine and made familiar—are elements of daily lives that are ingredients towards visual and multi-modal experiences. In addition, these are places where individuals encounter sociality and materiality in ordinary and sometimes extraordinary ways. This paper uses a visual ethnographic approach towards exploring the human traces of routine activities that have an impact on the cityscape. An Investigation of these details found within the urban landscape lead us towards understanding how we engage with and navigate cities. This is essentially an urban archaeological study that looks to reveal how non-designed phenomenon in urban places can contribute to our image of a city, providing a reflection on homogeneity within the built environment. Our visual ethnography focuses on six major cities: two each in Britain, Europe and North America. The findings of this work illustrate through visual analyses three key characteristics: first, how urban spaces are transformed intentionally and unintentionally; second, how transformations are practical, functional, beautiful and sometimes ridiculous; third, how transformations reveal values around visual and multi-modal experiences inherent to people.
The goal of this study was to understand how and whether policy and practice relating to violence against women in Uganda, especially Uganda’s Domestic Violence Act of 2010, have had an effect on women’s beliefs and practices, as well as on support and justice for women who experience abuse by their male partners. Research used multi-sited ethnography at transnational, national, and local levels to understand the context that affects what policies are developed, how they are implemented, and how, and whether, women benefit from these. Ethnography within a local community situated global and national dynamics within the lives of women. Women who experience VAW within their intimate partnerships in Uganda confront a political economy that undermines their access to justice, even as a women’s rights agenda is working to develop and implement laws, policies, and interventions that promote gender equality and women’s empowerment. This dissertation provides insights into the daily struggles of women who try to utilize policy that challenges duty bearers, in part because it is a new law, but also because it conflicts with the structural patriarchy that is engrained in Ugandan society. Two explanatory models were developed. One explains factors relating to a woman’s decision to seek support or to report domestic violence. The second explains why women do and do not report DV. Among the findings is that a woman is most likely to report abuse under the following circumstances: 1) her own, or her children’s survival (physical or economic) is severely threatened; 2) she experiences severe physical abuse; or, 3) she needs financial support for her children. Research highlights three supportive factors for women who persist in reporting DV. These are: 1) the presence of an “advocate” or support 2) belief that reporting will be helpful; and, 3) lack of interest in returning to the relationship. This dissertation speaks to the role that anthropologists can play in a multi-disciplinary approach to a complex issue. This role is understanding – deeply and holistically; and, articulating knowledge generated locally that provides connections between what happens at global, national and local levels.
Unter dem Vorzeichen wenig erfolgreicher formaler Bildungslaufbahnen finden sich dennoch nach wie vor problematische Orientierungen an stereotypen Männlichkeiten, die für Jugendliche die Anschlussmöglichkeiten an Bildungschancen vergrößern sollen. Dass auch ohne eine explizite Programmatik in pädagogischen Institutionen an der Veränderung von Männlichkeitskonstruktionen gearbeitet wird, um eine bessere habituelle Passung von Jugendlichen für die Erfordernisse des Arbeitsmarkts herzustellen, zeigt der Beitrag des Autors mit dem Titel Männlichkeit verpflichtet. Die pädagogische Bearbeitung randständiger Männlichkeit im institutionellen Alltag dualer Berufsvorbereitung. Der Artikel widmet sich mit der Berufsvorbereitung einem empirisch kaum ausgeleuchteten Feld. Vor dem Hintergrund einer in weiten Teilen geschlechtersegregierten Arbeitswelt und dem segmentierten Ausbildungssystem kommt Angeboten wie dem Berufsvorbereitungsjahr für Männlichkeitskonstruktionen eine immense Bedeutung zu. Wesentliches pädagogisches Moment solcher Angebote ist die Herstellung von Ausbildungsreife. Anhand eines methodenpluralen Forschungsprojektes mit Schülern im Berufsfeld Lagerlogistik legt der Autor das Augenmerk auf die Mitkonstruktionen eines männlichen Habitus durch die Ausbilder in den überbetrieblichen Klassen durch die Betonung männlicher Härte sowie der Ablehnung von als unmännlich markierter Schwäche, die sich vor allem an körperbezogenen Praktiken feststellen lässt. Als Fazit zieht der Autor, dass das pädagogische Arrangement der Berufsvorbereitung, das auf die Förderung von Ausbildungsreife zielt, sich in männlich dominierten Berufen demnach auch als eine „Schule von Männlichkeit“ verstehen lässt, welche insofern funktional ist, als sie auf die Herausbildung eines für die manuellen Tätigkeiten funktionalen Geschlechtshabitus abzielt. (DIPF/Orig.)
Este trabalho tem como propósito explicitar a relação de injustiça ambiental e as controvérsias entre atores sociais com distintos modos de significação e apropriação territorial no contexto de um conflito ambiental na localidade do Pontal da Barra, praia do Laranjal, Pelotas - RS. Desde uma perspectiva etnográfica, objetiva-se incorporar a dimensão do conflito enquanto elemento central de análise. Para isso, partiu-se da proposta analítica de explicitação do conflito como forma de mapeamento dos diferentes atores sociais em interação, contemplando suas visões, posições, interesses, discursos e estratégias de disputa e legitimação no campo ambiental. Consiste em um conflito ambiental que insurgiu a partir da proposta de implantação de um loteamento residencial no contexto de urbanização do balneário do Laranjal durante a década de 1980, envolvendo os seguintes atores sociais: moradores removidos e os que permanecem no Pontal da Barra; membros da comunidade científica e movimento ambientalista local; empresário do ramo imobiliário e turístico no Pontal da Barra e a intervenção de instâncias públicas. Destaca-se a posição dos moradores, vistos em situação de marginalidade, que passaram a representar obstáculos e entraves, tanto para os interesses imobiliários e turísticos na localidade como para uma parcela significativa de ambientalistas que visam à preservação integral da área do Pontal da Barra. Em conjunto a essas iniciativas de grupos organizados sobressai a posição do Estado enquanto mediador desses conflitos e agente que procura executar estratégias de controle e planejamento do espaço, envolvendo as disputas territoriais e os discursos ambientais em questão. Perante esses órgãos do Estado e setores da iniciativa privada, a situação desses moradores caracteriza-se pela irregularidade fundiária, no qual seu espaço habitado não é reconhecido como deles. Dessa forma, este trabalho foi desenvolvido a partir da seguinte questão: tendo em vista os diferentes atores sociais envolvidos, como tem se configurado, desde a década de 1980, o conflito ambiental em torno da disputa territorial pelo Pontal da Barra, Pelotas/RS. Nessa perspectiva, busca-se desconstruir a retórica hegemônica e dominante que escamoteia as diferenças e naturaliza as desigualdades entre os atores sociais envolvidos procurando silenciar e despolitizar a participação pública no debate dos conflitos ambientais, para, através desse entendimento, corroborar com a discussão de uma Educação Ambiental crítica que tenha nos conflitos existentes a sua pauta de pesquisa e de ação.
To demonstrate how the growing influence of alternative media in civil society correlates with the rise of social movements and their influence on contemporary manifestations of resistance, this research uses critical ethnographic methodologies to document the narratives of alternative media producers in the pro-Indigenous and anti-“Chief” campaigns at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign during the 2006-2007 school year. These narratives demonstrate not only the ways alternative media help transmit dissent by distributing information to diverse populations, but also the manner they facilitate contexts that influence identity formations and strengthen counter-cultural communal practices. Particular lineages of critical social theory are used to situate knowledge construction and social relationships within specific socio-historic contexts to approach issues of subjectivity, human agency, and resistance. These include the Frankfurt School for Social Research, the Birmingham Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies, and the Brazilian education philosopher Paulo Freire, who emphasize criticality based on the engagement of ideological analysis, as well as developing capacities to critique and resist oppressive social and political relationships. Thus, this study argues for expanding traditional notions of literacy to include the ability to decode and produce media as a critical element of meaningful democratic participation.
This dissertation examines how mainstream U.S. journalism consistently serves white racial interests and the racial status quo, or what I call white incumbency, despite its push for diversity and its stated aims to improve coverage of nonwhite communities. It is based on an in-depth ethnographic study of two daily newspapers and extensive one-on-one interviews with 61 journalists. I found that although journalists strongly identify with the need for more diverse coverage in newspapers, they emphasize individual and personal stories that avoid recognition of historical racial power imbalances, exhibiting what Ruth Frankenberg calls power-evasive race cognizance. Journalists also demonstrate a number of often contradictory identifications and self-understandings about themselves and their work, such as commitments to diversity and not taking sides, but these conflicts are almost always resolved in favor of white incumbency. Journalistic conventions and practices, such as the watchdog function and its emphasis on public institutions, routinely produce stories that replay and reinforce racial hegemony by portraying nonwhites as problems or people seeking “special privileges.” Also, journalistic repertoires about those conventions and practices avoid interrogations of journalists’ ongoing complicity in the maintenance of white incumbency.
O objetivo deste artigo é oferecer uma definição do relativamente recente género literário que é exemplificado pela escrita de autoras como Margarida Rebelo Pinto, Fátima Lopes e Rita Ferro. Trata-se de literatura cujo possível ''par'' anglo-saxónico encontramos na ‘chick lit’ – uma ficção escrita geralmente por mulheres e para mulheres, que se foca na sua vida quotidiana. Pretende-se chegar a esta definição, por um lado, via análise do discurso mediático e académico à volta das obras mais populares e através de inquéritos com leitores e leitoras, por outro lado. Assim, pomos em relevo o jogo que se desenvolve entre a crítica literária, que ocorre publicamente (revistas, programas televisivos, blogues), e a leitura, que se exerce num âmbito privado e individual. Consideramos também como a crítica determina a leitura e em que medida a leitura e interpretação são atos isolados e pessoais. A pesquisa da qual resulta este artigo levou-nos às considerações literárias de índole mais geral, como, por exemplo, quem tem o poder de dizer o que é a literatura? A quem cabe o privilégio de designar o valor duma obra literária?
A presente dissertação pretende contribuir para a compreensão dos processos de patrimonialização. Especificamente, exploram-se contextos quotidianos associados à prática do Cante Alentejano, delineando as suas reconfigurações e manifestações contemporâneas. A pesquisa é ancorada metodologicamente em investigação etnográfica na localidade de Santo Aleixo da Restauração (Moura). Neste contexto empírico, caracterizam-se os espaços sociais onde é desenvolvido o quotidiano do Cante Alentejano, de forma a perceber o dualismo entre a sua prática quotidiana e aquilo que é a sua patrimonialização, tal como é percepcionada pelos atores sociais locais; Abstract: This dissertation aims to contribute to the understanding of processes of heritagization. Specifically, we explore contexts of daily practice of Cante Alentejano and identify the current manifestations and reconfigurations of this practice. Methodologically, research is based in an ethnography conducted in the locality of Santo Aleixo da Restauração (Moura). In this empirical context, we analyse daily social spaces where Cante Alentejano has been developed, with the purpose of understanding the dualism between this daily practice and the process of patrimonialization, as i tis perceived by local social actors.
This research has been conducted within the realm of where today’s digital media society and the timeless concept of cultural identity overlap. The aim of this thesis is to explore the nature of online cultural identity management. By focusing on the social media platform, Pinterest, this study considers the food-pinning behavior of a group of Americans living in Finland and connects their online actions with their cultural identity. Through an examination of Pinterest as a social space, and even a third place, the relative theoretical literature provides and interesting background for a contemporary discussion on the matter. Literature on food as a cultural marker is also brought into consideration. Using the methods of introspection and an adapted version of virtual ethnography, a study was conducted, and ultimately, the analysis of data obtained from the Pinterest boards of ten individuals shows that the vast majority of food-related information in this setting is US-sourced. A questionnaire provides further insight into the individuals’ Pinterest usage. I argue that pinning is an act of online identity management, whether it is a conscious act or a situational effect, and that using Pinterest maintains and even strengthens these individuals’ cultural identity as Americans. This study adds to current discussions pertaining to transnationalism, globalization, and online cultural identity, as well as opens channels for further research on this dynamic topic, which is needed to understand ourselves as cultural beings in the digital age.