819 resultados para EDTA


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This study sought to evaluate the efficacy of passive ultrasonic irrigation (PUI) on removing the smear layer and debris from root dentin using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Twenty-five bovine incisors were manually prepared and divided into three groups according to the final irrigation protocol: EDTA, final irrigation with 12 mL of 17% EDTA for 3 minutes followed by 5 mL of 2.5% NaOCl; EDTA=PUI, final flush with 4 mL of 17% EDTA and PUI for 30 seconds. These procedures were repeated three times to standardize the volume of the irrigant. Control group, after preparation, the specimens were irrigated only with 17 mL of 2.5% NaOCl. The roots were fractured and analyzed using SEM. The intragroup analysis revealed that the EDTA=PUI protocol removed a higher amount of debris at the cervical third (P 5 0.03). The intergroup analysis revealed that EDTA=PUI presented the lowest amount of debris at the cervical third (P 5 0.007). Smear layer scores were higher in the control group compared with the EDTA and EDTA=PUI groups, but only at the cervical third (P 50.02). None of the final irrigant protocols completely removed the smear layer and debris. EDTA=PUI only improved the removal of debris at the cervical third.


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Abstract Background The aim of this study was to determine the effects of creatine supplementation on kidney function in resistance-trained individuals ingesting a high-protein diet. Methods A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial was performed. The participants were randomly allocated to receive either creatine (20 g/d for 5 d followed by 5 g/d throughout the trial) or placebo for 12 weeks. All of the participants were engaged in resistance training and consumed a high-protein diet (i.e., ≥ 1.2 g/Kg/d). Subjects were assessed at baseline (Pre) and after 12 weeks (Post). Glomerular filtration rate was measured by 51Cr-EDTA clearance. Additionally, blood samples and a 24-h urine collection were obtained for other kidney function assessments. Results No significant differences were observed for 51Cr-EDTA clearance throughout the trial (Creatine: Pre 101.42 ± 13.11, Post 108.78 ± 14.41 mL/min/1.73m2; Placebo: Pre 103.29 ± 17.64, Post 106.68 ± 16.05 mL/min/1.73m2; group x time interaction: F = 0.21, p = 0.64). Creatinine clearance, serum and urinary urea, electrolytes, proteinuria, and albuminuria remained virtually unchanged. Conclusions A 12-week creatine supplementation protocol did not affect kidney function in resistance-trained healthy individuals consuming a high-protein diet; thus reinforcing the safety of this dietary supplement. Trial registration ClinicalTrials.gov NCT01817673


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The effect of solutions of 0.2% chitosan, 15% EDTA and 10% citric acid on the microhardness of root dentin was evaluated comparatively in this study. Thirteen sound human maxillary central incisors were selected and decoronated at the cementoenamel junction. Ten roots were set into rapid polymerization acrylic resin and the root/resin block was fitted to the cutting machine to obtain slices from the cervical third. The first slice was discarded and the second slice was divided into four quadrants. Each quadrant was used to construct a sample, so that 4 specimens were obtained from each root slice, being one for each chelating solution to be tested: 15% EDTA, 10% citric acid, 0.2% chitosan and distilled water (control). The specimens were exposed to 50 μL of the solution for 5 min, and then washed in distilled water. A microhardness tester (Knoop hardness) with a 10 g load was used for 15 s. Data were analyzed statistically by one-way ANOVA and Tukey-Kramer test (α=0.05). The other 3 roots had the canals instrumented and irrigated at the end of the biomechanical preparation with the test solutions, and then examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) for qualitative analysis. All solutions reduced the microhardness of root dentin in a way that was statistically similar to each other (p>0.05) but significantly different from the control (p>0.05). The SEM micrographs showed that the three solutions removed smear layer from the middle third of the root canal. In conclusion, 0.2% chitosan, 15% EDTA and 10% citric acid showed similar effects in reducing dentin microhardness.


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The aim of this preliminary study was to verify the antibacterial potential of cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC) in root canals infected by Enterococcus faecalis. Forty human maxillary anterior teeth were prepared and inoculated with E. faecalis for 60 days. The teeth were randomly assigned to the following groups: 1: Root canal preparation (RCP) + 0.1% CPC with positive-pressure irrigation (PPI, Conventional, NaviTip®); 2: RCP + 0.2% CPC PPI; 3: RCP + 2.5% NaOCl PPI; 4: RCP + 2.5% NaOCl with negative-pressure irrigation system (NPI, EndoVac®); 5: Positive control; and 6: Negative control. Four teeth of each experimental group were evaluated by culture and 4 by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). In all teeth, the root canals were dried and filled with 17% EDTA (pH 7.2) for 3 min for smear layer removal. Samples from the infected root canals were collected and immersed in 7 mL of Letheen Broth (LB), followed by incubation at 37°C for 48 h. Bacterial growth was analyzed by turbidity of culture medium and then observed with a UV spectrophotometer. The irrigating solutions were further evaluated for antimicrobial effect by an agar diffusion test.The statistical data were treated by means, standard deviation, Kruskal-Wallis test and analysis of variance. Significance level was set at 5%. The results showed the presence of E. faecalis after root canal sanitization. The number of bacteria decreased after the use of CPC. In the agar diffusion test, CPC induced large microbial inhibition zones, similar to 2% chlorhexidine and large than 2.5% NaOCl. In conclusion, cetylpyridinium chloride showed antibacterial potential in endodontic infection with E. faecalis.


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Es wurde bis heute meist mit relativ aufwendigen Methoden nach dem Vorkommen von Strangbrüchen in der DNA gesucht. Die hier verwendete Fast-Micromethod steht jetzt neben mehreren bereits etablierten Methoden zur qualitativen und quantitativen Erfassung von DNA-Strangbrüchen zur Verfügung. Die Methode wurde zur schnellen und empfindlichen Messung von DNA-Schäden und deren Reparatur unter Verwendung von PicoGreen, einem spezifisch an DNA-Einzelstränge bindenden Fluoreszenzfarbstoff, durchgeführt. Die Methode wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit für verschiedene Zellarten wie HeLa-Zellen und Schwamm-Zellen mit Schwermetallionen verwendet. Sie wurde ebenfalls bei verschiedenen Strangbruch-induzierenden Stoffen wie NQO und physikalischen Faktoren wie UV-Bestrahlung und Gammastrahlung erfolgreich eingesetzt. Die Strangbrüche wurden bei HeLa-Zellen mit 10 µM NQO nach 90 Minuten Inkubation und ebenso bei Gammastrahlung mit 16 Gy gemessen. An Schwammzellen wurden Effekte von Schwermetallionen und UV, auch einschließlich nachgeschalteter Reparaturaktivität, gemessen. Dabei war die Reparatur jedoch nicht ganz vollständig. Durch die Fast-Micromethod wurde DNA-Schädigung durch UV-Bestrahlung und Gentoxizität von Schwermetall-Ionen an HeLa-Zellen nachgewiesen. Die Schwammzellen wurden mit verschiedenen Schwermetall-Ionen in verschiedenen Konzentrationen getestet und mit UV bei verschiedenen Dosen bestrahlt. Teilweise wurde nach dem Einfluss die DNA-Reparatur erfasst. Schwammzellen wurden in den drei häufig verwendeten Medien CMFSW, CMFSW+EDTA und Seewasser aufgenommen. Im Seewasser waren die Zellen nach 60 Minuten Inkubationszeit aggregiert (Primmorphe). Im CMFSW+EDTA Medium lagen dagegen nur Einzellen vor, da die Zellen im EDTA-Medium dissoziiert wurden und auch nicht mehr proliferierten.


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A major myonecrotic zinc containing metalloprotease 'malabarin' with thrombin like activity was purified by the combination of gel permeation and anion exchange chromatography from T. malabaricus snake venom. MALDI-TOF analysis of malabarin indicated a molecular mass of 45.76 kDa and its N-terminal sequence was found to be Ile-Ile-Leu- Pro(Leu)-Ile-Gly-Val-Ile-Leu(Glu)-Thr-Thr. Atomic absorption spectral analysis of malabarin raveled the association of zinc metal ion. Malabarin is not lethal when injected i.p. or i.m. but causes extensive hemorrhage and degradation of muscle tissue within 24 hours. Sections of muscle tissue under light microscope revealed hemorrhage and congestion of blood vessel during initial stage followed by extensive muscle fiber necrosis with elevated levels of serum creatine kinase and lactate dehydrogenase activity. Malabarin also exhibited strong procoagulant action and its procoagulant action is due to thrombin like activity; it hydrolyzes fibrinogen to form fibrin clot. The enzyme preferentially hydrolyzes A? followed by B subunits of fibrinogen from the N-terminal region and the released products were identified as fibrinopeptide A and fibrinopeptide B by MALDI. The myonecrotic, fibrinogenolytic and subsequent procoagulant activities of malabarin was neutralized by specific metalloprotease inhibitors such as EDTA, EGTA and 1, 10-phenanthroline but not by PMSF a specific serine protease inhibitor. Since there is no antivenom available to neutralize local toxicity caused by T. malabaricus snakebite, EDTA chelation therapy may have more clinical relevance over conventional treatment.


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This study aims to show that sensitive detection of ethyl glucuronide in dried blood spotted onto various surfaces after a period of 24h is feasible. At present, there is insufficient information how tightly ethyl glucuronide (EtG) binds to various materials and how easily it can be eluted. 4ml aliquots of blood samples obtained from seven volunteers after consumption of alcoholic beverages were applied to six different surfaces. After drying and a 24h-storage at 20±2°C the samples were re-dissolved in water, and EtG was subsequently analyzed by a LC-MS Paul-type ion trap. A comparison was made between dried and corresponding fluid samples. EtG was detectable in all subjects' samples following consumption of alcohol. EtG was also detectable after a storage time of four weeks at 4°C in whole blood that had been preserved with EDTA. EtG was detectable in all samples dried on different surfaces and its concentration remained relatively constant irrespective of the particular condition of the material. Detection of EtG in blood spots from the scene may indicate recent alcohol consumption in cases where collection of blood remained undone or could not be performed.


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Hypertension is a well-known complication in children on renal replacement therapy and an important risk factor for cardiovascular disease in later life. In order to define the prevalence of and risk factors for hypertension among children, we enrolled 3337 pediatric patients from 15 countries in the ESPN/ERA-EDTA Registry of whom 464 were on hemodialysis, 851 on peritoneal dialysis, and 2023 had received a renal allograft. Hypertension was defined as either systolic or diastolic blood pressures in the 95th percentile or greater for age, height, and gender or use of antihypertensive medication. Analyses were adjusted for age, gender, duration, and modality of renal replacement therapy. In 10 countries in which information on the use of antihypertensive medication was available, hypertension was present in over two-thirds of hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, or transplant patients. Blood pressure values above the 95th percentile were significantly more prevalent in very young patients (under 3 years) compared to 13- to 17-year olds (odds ratio 2.47), during the first year compared to over 5 years of renal replacement therapy (odds ratio 1.80), and in patients on hemodialysis compared to transplant recipients or those on peritoneal dialysis (odds ratios of 2.48 and 1.59, respectively). Over time, mean blood pressures decreased in both hemodialysis and transplant patients, but not in peritoneal dialysis patients. Hence, our findings highlight the extent of the problem of hypertension in children with end-stage renal disease in Europe.


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Background: The clinical use of an enamel matrix derivative (EMD) has been shown to promote formation of new cementum, periodontal ligament (PDL), and bone and to significantly enhance the clinical outcomes after regenerative periodontal surgery. It is currently unknown to what extent the bleeding during periodontal surgery may compete with EMD adsorption to root surfaces. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of blood interactions on EMD adsorption to root surfaces mimicking various clinical settings and to test their ability to influence human PDL cell attachment and proliferation. Methods: Teeth extracted for orthodontic reasons were subjected to ex vivo scaling and root planing and treated with 24% EDTA, EMD, and/or human blood in six clinically related settings to determine the ability of EMD to adsorb to root surfaces. Surfaces were analyzed for protein adsorption via scanning electron microscopy and immunohistochemical staining with an anti-EMD antibody. Primary human PDL cells were seeded on root surfaces and quantified for cell attachment and cell proliferation. Results: Plasma proteins from blood samples altered the ability of EMD to adsorb to root surfaces on human teeth. Samples coated with EMD lacking blood demonstrated a consistent even layer of EMD adsorption to the root surface. In vitro experiments with PDL cells demonstrated improved cell attachment and proliferation in all samples coated with EMD (irrespective of EDTA) when compared to samples containing human blood. Conclusion: Based on these findings, it is advised to minimize blood interactions during periodontal surgeries to allow better adsorption of EMD to root surfaces.


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Degree III furcation involvements were surgically created at four first molars in each of three monkeys. Following 6 weeks of healing, full-thickness flaps were elevated. Following 24% EDTA gel conditioning, the defects were treated with one of the following: (1) enamel matrix proteins (EMD), (2) guided tissue regeneration (GTR) or (3) a combination EMD and GTR. The control defects did not receive any treatment. After 5 months of healing, the animals were sacrificed. Three 8 μm thick histological central sections, 100 μm apart, were used for histomorphometric analysis in six zones of each tooth either within the furcation area or on the pristine external surface of the root. In all specimens, new cementum with inserting collagen fibres was formed. Following GTR or GTR + EMD, cementum was formed up to and including the furcation fornix indicating complete regeneration on the defect periphery. Periodontal ligament fibres were less in all four modalities compared to pristine tissues. In the teeth treated with GTR and GTR + EMD a higher volume of bone and periodontal ligament tissues was observed compared to EMD. After 5 months of healing, regenerated tissues presented quantitative differences from the pristine tissues. In the two modalities where GTR alone or combined with EMD was used, the regenerated tissues differed in quantity from the EMD-treated sites.


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The majority of human patients with pemphigus foliaceus (PF) have circulating IgG autoantibodies that target conformational epitopes on the desmosomal cadherin desmoglein-1 (dsg1). Limited studies using immunoblot techniques suggested that the principal autoantigen in dogs with PF might also be dsg1. It was the objective of this study to test this hypothesis. A comprehensive survey of canine PF sera was conducted using a novel screening strategy that detects conformational epitopes. This method consists of the ectopic expression of canine dsg1 at the surface of human 293T epithelial kidney cells and their live screening, i.e. prior to fixation. Out of seven control human PF sera that bound to canine epidermis, three (57%) contained IgG autoantibodies that recognized ectopically expressed canine dsg1 with a membrane and punctate pattern. Out of 83 canine PF sera only five (6%) contained IgG that recognized canine dsg1. Consistent with findings for human PF sera obtained in this study, autoantibody binding was conformation- and glycosylation-dependent as demonstrated by calcium chelation with EDTA and tunicamycin or wheat germ agglutinin treatment, respectively. In conclusion, these studies establish canine dsg1 as a minor autoantigen for canine PF. Antigenic epitopes appear to be conformation- and glycosylation-dependent.


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Acidic or EDTA-containing oral hygiene products and acidic medicines have the potential to soften dental hard tissues. The low pH of oral care products increases the chemical stability of some fluoride compounds, favors the incorporation of fluoride ions in the lattice of hydroxyapatite and the precipitation of calcium fluoride on the tooth surface. This layer has some protective effect against an erosive attack. However, when the pH is too low or when no fluoride is present these protecting effects are replaced by direct softening of the tooth surface. Xerostomia or oral dryness can occur as a consequence of medication such as tranquilizers, anti-histamines, anti-emetics and anti-parkinsonian medicaments or of salivary gland dysfunction e.g. due to radiotherapy of the oral cavity and the head and neck region. Above all, these patients should be aware of the potential demineralization effects of oral hygiene products with low pH and high titratable acids. Acetyl salicylic acid taken regularly in the form of multiple chewable tablets or in the form of headache powder as well chewing hydrochloric acids tablets for treatment of stomach disorders can cause erosion. There is most probably no direct association between asthmatic drugs and erosion on the population level. Consumers, patients and health professionals should be aware of the potential of tooth damage not only by oral hygiene products and salivary substitutes but also by chewable and effervescent tablets. Additionally, it can be assumed that patients suffering from xerostomia should be aware of the potential effects of oral hygiene products with low pH and high titratable acids.


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Recent studies have implied that GPIb-IX-V as well as functioning as an adhesion receptor may also induce signaling to mediate binding of platelets to damaged vessel wall to prevent bleeding. Reorganization of the cytoskeleton and redistribution of platelet structural proteins and signaling molecules are thought to be important in this early activation process, though the molecular mechanisms remain to be fully defined. In this study, we have used mucetin, a snake venom lectin protein that activates platelets via GPIb, to study the redistribution of GPIb in platelets. In unstimulated platelets, a minor portion of GPIb localized to Triton-insoluble cytoskeleton fractions (TIC). This portion increased considerably after platelet activation by mucetin. We also find increased contents of the FcRgamma chain in TIC. Anti-GPIb antibodies, mocarhagin or cytochalasin D completely inhibited the cytoskeletal translocation. In addition, BAPTA-AM, a cytoplasmic calcium chelator, strongly inhibited this process. On the other hand, inhibitors of alphaIIbbeta3, PLCgamma, PKC, tyrosine kinases, ADP receptor, PI3-kinase or EDTA are effective in preventing GPIb relocation in convulxin- but not in mucetin-activated platelets. We propose that cytoskeletal translocation of GPIb is upstream of alphaIIbbeta3 activation and cross-linking of GPIb is sufficient to induce this event in mucetin-activated platelets.


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Many mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of chronic enteropathies or host-pathogen interactions in canine intestine have not been elucidated so far. Next to the clinical and in vivo research tools, an in vitro model of canine intestinal cell culture would be very helpful for studies at the cellular level. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to establish and characterize a primary canine duodenal epithelial cell culture. Neonatal duodenum was disrupted with trypsin-ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and the mucosa scraped off and digested with collagenase and dispase. After centrifugation on a 2% sorbitol gradient, the cells were incubated at 37 degrees C in OptiMEM supplemented with Primocin, epidermal growth factor, insulin, hydrocortisone, and 10% fetal calf serum (FCS). After 24 h, the FCS concentration was reduced to 2.5%, and the temperature decreased to 33 degrees C. With this method, the cultures were growing to confluent monolayers within 5-6 d and remained viable for an average of 2 wk. Their epithelial nature was confirmed by electron microscopy and immunofluorescence staining using antibodies directed against specific cytokeratins, desmosomes, and tight junctions. The intestinal cells proliferated, as evidenced by immunolabeling with a Ki-67 antibody, and cryptal cell subpopulations could be identified. Furthermore, alkaline phosphatase and sucrase activity were detected.


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The objective of this article was to assess whether matrix metalloproteinase-13 (MMP-13) is produced by cells of the peri-implant interface tissues and to further characterize these cells. Tissue specimens were collected from the bone-prosthesis interface at the time of revision surgery of clinically loosened hip and knee arthroplasties (n = 27). Synovial tissues from osteoarthritic patients and young patients with mild joint deformity were used as controls (n = 6). Tissue samples were fixed in 4% PFA, decalcified with EDTA, and embedded in paraffin. Sections (4 microm) were stained with hematoxylin/eosin and for the osteoclastic marker enzyme tartrate resistant acid phosphatase. Monocytes/macrophages were characterized with a monoclonal antibody against CD68 and mRNAs encoding MMP-13 and alpha(1) collagen I (COL1A1) were detected by in situ hybridization. Cells expressing transcripts encoding MMP-13 were found in 70% of the interface tissues. These cells colocalized with a cell population expressing COL1A1 mRNA, and were fibroblastic in appearance. MMP-13 expressing cells were found in the close vicinity of osteoclasts and multinuclear giant cells. No signals for transcripts encoding MMP-13 were detected in multinuclear giant cells or in osteoclasts. Control tissues were negative for transcripts encoding MMP-13 mRNA. Fibroblasts of the interface from aseptically loosened endoprostheses selectively express MMP-13. By the expression and the release of MMP-13, these fibroblastic cells may contribute to the local degradation of the extracellular matrix and to bone resorption.