891 resultados para EAD Finding Aids
The tradition and living in African-Brazilian religious spaces, called yards, reveal how dynamic the reproduction and exchange of knowledge are, and that through their worldview, reveal ways of dealing with health and disease. The yards are culturally rich territories, in which people shape concepts, practices, and beliefs about health, disease and forms of healing, passed on from generation to generation through oral tradition. With the advent of HIV/AIDS from the 80s, a new challenge is established in the community of the yards and in the individual trajectories of people affected by the disease, who since an early age participate in this religious practice. The objective of this research is the analysis on the stigma in living with HIV/AIDS in yards of Umbanda in Fortaleza-Ceará, considering the (re)production of social dramas experienced by the community in question. During the investigation we adopted two basic parameters: the first one considers the understanding of the reproduction of stigma (or deteriorated identity) in relation to HIV/AIDS in its socio-historical dimension and its effects in the investigated context (Goffman, 1988). And the second one refers to the creation and reproduction of social dramas as a social experience carried through learning, handling and symbolic performance, which is reproduced in four stages: rupture, crisis, corrective action and reintegration (Turner, 1971)
Introduction: The emergence of High Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) increase the life expectancy of the persons living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIV), therefore the prolonged use cause metabolic implications and influences on body fat distribution and increase the cardiovascular diseases prevalence. Aims: Evaluate the effect of resistance training on heart rate variability, biochemical parameters and somatotype on PLHIV. Methods: Participated this study seven sedentary men, with age above 25 years old, living with HIV/AIDS, under HAART use. Were submitted a 16 week intervention with resistance training. Evaluated the heart rate variability, biochemical parameters and somatotype, before, after 8 weeks and 16 weeks, all in paired form. It was found the data normality by Shapiro-Wilk test and conducted the Anova one way combined with Tukey post hoc to samples in each evaluate moment, adopting significance level p<0,05. Also were calculated percentage change deltas. For somatotype was used the somatotype spatial distance (DES), obeying the significance value DES≥1. Results: Was found significance differences only in variable final heart rate delta 60s (p=0,01), however, is not showed changes on heart rate variability, biochemical parameters and somatotype components. Conclusion: 16 weeks of resistance training showed improvement on heart rate recovery after submaximal effort and, despite is not enough to produce significance differences on biochemical parameters and somatotype components, could be realize improvement on average value of fasting glucose and lipid profile, as well as reducing the endomorphic component
The counseling on HIV/Aids consists in a prevention strategy that contributes to increase the diagnosis of HIV and start earlier the treatment. The counseling has as pillars the emotional and educational support, risks evaluation that aim at the adoption of safe practices and the individual s responsibility for his own health. To accomplish these results, it is necessary that health workers understand counseling as a unique educational moment that stimulates the user s critical-reflection when it comes to his role as an active subject in this process. This study aimed to analyze the counseling on HIV/Aids conducted by the professionals of the Testing and Counseling Center (CTA), based on the educational perspective of Paulo Freire . This is a descriptive qualitative study with a critical reflexive design based on the principles of Action-Science. All the professionals acting as counselors in the Joao Pessoa, PB CTA, eight in total, took part in the study. Data were collected during the month of March, 2011, through non participative observation and semi-structured interviews with a critical-reflexive focus, analyzed according to the tenets of the critical-reflexive methodology, and discussed taking into consideration the Paulo Freire s pedagogy and pertinent literature. It was observed that most of the professionals expressed the work philosophy of CTA as the diagnosis and prevention of the disease, associated with the utilization and demonstration of condoms. However, upon observation of their counseling sessions, these ideas were not converted in actions. Educational themes were not covered and the condom wasn t offered at any time. The counseling actions focused on the provision of information and filling out the paper forms which are necessary for attendance. The sessions were conducted with brief dialogues and little opportunity for the users to expose or complement their thoughts and needs. The professionals mentioned as facilitating conditions for counseling, the team interaction and physical structure. The difficulties focused on the users low cognition, the large demand for attendance, aspects related to the service organization, and the counselors absences and delays. After reflecting about the actions observed in the counseling, the majority of professionals admitted the need to modify their practice in the incorporation of educational principles for the achievement of a broader prevention, and seemed to be willing to work in this perspective. In conclusion, although the counselors show ideas consistent with the purposes of CTA, these ideas are limited when it comes to the understanding of the meaning of prevention in HIV/Aids. Taking into consideration that they express a certain comprehension and act differently during the counseling, they demonstrate a lack of bond between the theories in use and the proposed ones, in accordance with the contribution of the action-science theory. The counseling, as an educative practice, doesn t materialize in the counseling itself and the orientation for reflection is not given during the attendance. These findings suggest the need to include the process of reflection in the execution of the actions of counseling, so that these practices are guided by reflexive practice, aiming at transforming the way of thinking and acting into a more educational perspective toward a more democratic and holistic assistance.
OBJETIVO: Este trabalho apresenta resultados acerca das propriedades psicométricas da Escala de atitudes frente ao HIV/AIDS. Os dados, provenientes de uma amostra de 549 alunos entre universitários, ensinos médio e ensino fundamental. MÉTODOS: Os dados foram tratados pelo método dos componentes principais da análise fatorial. A análise final, postulado um eigenvalue mínimo de 2, resultou cinco fatores. Foram eliminados itens que apresentaram carga fatorial menor que 0,30. Neste estudo, o menor alfa observado foi de 0,79. Portanto, é provável que todos os 47 itens do instrumento final elaborado meçam o mesmo construto: atitude frente ao HIV/AIDS. RESULTADOS: Escores inferiores a 96 foram considerados fraco grau de conhecimento sobre HIV/AIDS; entre 96 e 192 moderado grau de conhecimento e acima de 192 alto grau de conhecimento sobre HIV/AIDS. Foram estabelecidos os fatores: 1, 2 e 3, sendo fator geral de percepção da informação técnico-científica; fator de percepção da informação técnico-científica versus sexualidade e preconceito; fator de percepção da informação técnico-científica no uso de drogas, respectivamente. CONCLUSÕES: O alfa de Cronbach encontrado para a escala como um todo foi de 0,859, sugerindo fortemente a existência da fidedignidade do instrumento que se mostrou útil para avaliar o grau de conhecimento acerca do HIV/AIDS e o risco decorrente do desconhecimento, entre estudantes.
Learning difficulties can have a direct influence on the teaching-learning process of students by reducing their school performance. One factor that may contribute to this negative influence on learning refers to the presence of alternative conceptions, which may have different origins in the educational process. It is of paramount importance, for teachers, for example, to identify the concepts and the difficulties of their students in order for that knowledge can be able to contribute significantly to improve the teaching and learning process. From the following considerations, the present study (still in progress) aims to investigate aspects related to the concepts and difficulties of graduating students in relation to the contents of Biology. The participants of the research were undergraduate students in Biological Sciences from UFRN, studying by Distance Learning (Educação a Distância). To develop the survey, questionnaires were developed to identify the contents in Biology that these students have more difficulties as well as an interview to raise misconceptions regarding the content of cytology. Another tool developed was a textbook evaluation form, which was applied in conjunction with a questionnaire in workshops (short courses) in order to identify possible errors and mistakes that could jeopardize the process of teaching and learning, such as the importance that these learners assign to textbooks in the educational process. From the data collected, a booklet on the content of cytology was developed as a product. It is expected that it can be applied in classrooms in order to improve the teaching and learning in references to Biology, to minimize, for example, alternative conceptions than can occur related to the theme
INTRODUÇÃO: A lipodistrofia relacionada ao uso de terapia antirretroviral (TARV) pode causar estigma estético e elevar o risco de doenças cardiovasculares. A atividade física pode ser uma alternativa válida para o tratamento e prevenção da lipodistrofia. Entretanto, poucos estudos tratam dessa temática. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a ocorrência de lipodistrofia relacionada ao uso de TARV em portadores de HIV/AIDS, com diferentes hábitos de atividades físicas. MÉTODOS: A casuística foi formada por 42 portadores de HIV em uso de TARV, do Centro de Testagem e Aconselhamento de Presidente Prudente. Para obtenção do nível de atividade física aplicou-se o Questionário Internacional de Atividade Física (IPAQ); a lipodistrofia foi diagnosticada pelo autorrelato do paciente e a confirmação médica. O percentual de gordura de tronco foi estimado pela absortometria por raio-X de dupla energia (DEXA). Foram coletados também dados referentes a sexo, idade, tempo de uso de TARV, valores de CD4 e carga viral. RESULTADOS: Verificou-se maior ocorrência de lipodistrofia no grupo sedentário quando comparado ao ativo, além de fator protetor da prática da atividade física em relação à ocorrência da lipodistrofia. O grupo com valores mais elevados de CD4 também apresentou maior proporção de sujeitos com lipodistrofia, além de maior proporção de ativos e de indivíduos com menor faixa etária. Os acometidos pela lipodistrofia apresentaram maiores valores de percentual de gordura de tronco, bem como, os sedentários em relação aos ativos. CONCLUSÕES: O estilo de vida fisicamente ativa resultou em efeito protetor para ocorrência da lipodistrofia relacionada ao uso da TARV.
Beneath the theoretical assumptions of Cognitive Linguistics contemporary, we analyze the cognitive processes underlying the construction of the reference in the text. To do so, we choose as corpus the written textual productions of undergraduates at the Department of Distance Education/UFRN provided in sections of responses of presential evaluation activities and activities in the Moodle virtual ambience. These activities and texts were produced in the discipline of Reading, Interpretation and Textual Production taught in the courses of Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Biology and Geography we monitor during the period of 2008.1 to 2010.1. Through the analysis of discursive productions, it was evident that the construction of the reference is made by means of the activation and manipulation of information acquired through our perceptual and social experiences. Thus, we confirm the cognitive assumption that the linguistic clues available in the texts of the activities serve as guides towards cognitive domains that activate the process of building reference
Youngsters and teenagers are still a very vulnerable group of DST/AIDS. In order to combat this vulnerability the community intervention project being developed in Mãe Luiza neighborhood in the city of Natal-RN, entitled Strengthening Community Action Network for Prevention in HIV/AIDS: knowledge and Intervene emerged, popularly known as Project Viva Mãe Luiza. The project develops workshops of educomunication whose approach involves the DST/AIDS subject with the following media: video, photography, and theater playbook. This research integrates the activities of the project and has as main objective to investigate how strategies and practices of media communication developed in Project Viva Mãe Luiza through workshops of educomunication, assisted learning for the prevention of DST/AIDS and contributed to the reduction of vulnerability to DST/AIDS among adolescents and young participants of the project residents of Mãe Luiza community. The methodological basis was based on intervention research, with the technique of gathering daily field data, literature and documentary, in-depth interviews and ethnographic observation. The qualitative analysis was based on the monitoring of video workshops, photography, theater and primer, respectively, crossed by transverse to the prevention of DST/AIDS, conducted between June 2012 and December 2013 issues. Interviews with eight multipliers, aiming to understand their perceptions of vulnerability, prevention, multiplication and use of media that were part of the project were conducted. The analyzes show that learning workshops educomunication community health repercussions both in the development of individual skills in communication as changing perceptions about the vulnerabilities to which they are exposed, the awareness about prevention at the individual and differentiated actions multiplication in the community
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The struggle against AIDS is a kind of action in favor of life and the organized Brazilian civil society incorporated it in a meaningful dimension. This struggle matured the creation of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and advanced with the discoveries about the disease. Since the very early 90 s, the consolidation of the partnership involving the movement anti-aids with State came up with a dilemma for the entities of civil society: are they just executors of governmental policies or do they take up the role of effective demands concerning public policies? Since then, activism against aids started to stand for execution of projects and one considers that the institutional way of anti-aids work has problems because it constructs a basic strategy to take off the political aspect of the third sector. The NGOs/aids consolidate the reconfiguration of capital and get far from street activities. This is important to be studied because the relationship between society and aids, contemporarily, can prevent them from accomplishing their agenda referring to political mobilization and collective resistance. This research started to be carried after some visits, previously arranged, to an institutional life support group called Grupo de Apoio à Vida-GAV, in Campina Grande. A semi-structured interview was applied to 31 users and to 6 technicians of the entity mentioned. One aimed at investigating the activist anti-aids practice, identifying the conceptions of activism and knowing how social actors assess those practices. Preliminary results indicate that one of the conceptions on activism among the interviewees refers to the execution of projects through partnership of NGOs and supporting institutions, governmental or non-governmental. Although this new conception on activism consolidates a non-political aspect, there are other ways of executing projects and participating actively, according to some users, such as: meetings, lectures and other sorts of events promoted by the group, which are also legitimate actions representing anti-aids activism at the present context
Community-based interventions have been presented as a proposal of operationalization of the concept of vulnerability to STD/Aids prevention. This study aimed to analyze the Community intervention developed through the project Strengthening of Community action networks for STD/Aids prevention: know and intervenein, at Mãe Luiza neighborhood, in the city of Natal, State of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The study was conducted in the same location where intervention occurs and took as time reference the first 30 months of construction and deployment process, from April 2010 until December 2012. This is research with qualitative approach, participatory character, developed from the immersion of the researcher in the field, being this community intervention itself. In this perspective, the study approximates to the Cartographic method in which the researcher-researched is engendered in the acts and effects research. The data-generating sources were the memories of the researcher from the field notes, written narratives of subjects involved in the intervention and documents pertaining to the project. In the methodological path of cartography, the image of the rhizome by Deleuze and Guattari (1995) has accompanied the immersion in the field given the nature of research-intervention which approach to the concept of object-Rhizome. The presentation of results was composed for the attempted rhizomatic and a hypertext representation, based on the descriptive narrative taken from the documentary analysis and the multi-faceted narratives with the voices, the looks and the affections narrated by the subject involved, respectively. On the path taken, three lanes were drawn as synthesis of learning produced by experience-that can contribute to understanding the process under study, in his singular character, and reflections on other experiences of community intervention: track 1- Community intervention as active-reflective space and a cause; track 2 Inclusion as power and challenge of community involvement; track 3 Sustainability as A challenge of Community intervention. The study indicates that community intervention is presented as a potential producer of health as also produces practical and creative skills, subjects and inventive in the daily life of the community with a view to reinventing knowledge and practices for the prevention of STD/HIV/Aids
This research presents the labors developed by the Social Service unto socially excluded HIV/Aids positives at public hospitals in Rio Grande do Norte (RN). It purposes to identify and to analyze the demands brought by the holder onto the Social Service professional as well as the challenges the latter face to minister to the former. It privileges, from the methodological viewpoint, the qualitative and quantitative analysis with the application of questionnaires, direct observation, semi-structured interviews and bibliographic references. Data were collected from 12 (twelve) social assistants who work at Giselda Trigueiro Hospital in Natal (7) and Rafael Fernandes Hospital in Mossoró (5). The central hypothesis that guided this study is that the social inclusion/exclusion process experienced by the HIV/Aids positive on society implies a demand for the Social Service that is inserted in the public health context (specially in HIV-referred public hospitals), whose agents, however, when attempting to answer those demands, meet obstacles due to both the precariousness of public health services and the social complexity that concerns the HIV/Aids epidemic. Results point out that, de facto, the HIV/Aids epidemic, because of the social exclusion/inclusion process to which the holder is subject results a demand for the social agents at hospitals. Demands rise principally from the patient s life condition, considering the increasing pauperization in the epidemic context. As to what it is concerned, social assistants, responding to the needs, come across concrete twofold challenges: the illness in itself, for all social, negative aspects that make part of quotidian life of holders; and the precarious state of the public health service in RN State, since that working conditions are unsatisfactory
This study has as main objective to verify the proportionality of the costs with elaboration of didactic material and costs with tutelage and instruction incurred in a higher education institution, located in national territory, and that offers a degree course in the education area in the modality of EaD online. The purpose of the measurement of this proportionality of the costs was of answering these they are, among other, the relevant costs incurred by the institution research object. This is a research of exploratory stamp whose methodological procedure adopted for your development, in what it refers the collection, analysis of the data and the investigation means, it is the case study, as well as the documental and bibliographical research. The found results indicate that the costs with elaboration of didactic material and the costs with tutelage and instruction are relevant, however they are not the only ones considered as such. The costs involved with acquisition and operation of specific softwares they also constitute an relevant costs. The structure of the costs can be altered in agreement with the analyzed period and in agreement with the characteristics of synchronism of the offered course. It was also verified that the technology used in this education modality it ends up generating additional costs incurred with professionals of specific knowledge in technology
A epidemia do HIV/AIDS tem desafiado tanto a biomedicina como a ciência de modo geral. Tecnologias vêm sendo exploradas a fim de criar uma base terapêutica consistente às pessoas infectadas. Se os tratamentos exigem o consumo diário de medicamentos, os exames laboratoriais contemplam uma rotina a ser sempre mantida. Levam a um processo de mudança e adaptação pessoal junto de uma reorganização intensiva das formas de cuidado do corpo. As práticas clínico-terapêuticas devem ser entendidas, porém, como elementos particulares de processos culturais de grande alcance. Partindo de pesquisa etnográfica no Rio de Janeiro, discuto os efeitos sociais da biomedicina como um saber e uma cultura global sobre práticas sociais locais.
Considerando o caráter multifacetado e socialmente heterogêneo da epidemia do HIV/AIDS, gostaria de refletir sobre as formas pragmáticas de apropriação, negociação e conflito de gênero em termos das disposições possíveis de masculinidade e feminilidade ou, ainda, suas amplas combinações entre homens e mulheres de diferentes identidades sexuais e diversos status sorológicos. Os contextos a serem explorados e descritos são aqueles particulares ao mundo social da AIDS, incluindo tanto o cotidiano de uma ONG AIDS específica, bem como os que se apresentam em situações tanto públicas como privadas na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Pretendo discutir como novas subjetividades podem se constituir a partir dos usos de categorias sexuais e sorológicas, valores morais e de expressões performativas de gênero.