867 resultados para Distributed
The computer systems of today are characterised by data and program control that are distributed functionally and geographically across a network. A major issue of concern in this environment is the operating system activity of resource management for different processors in the network. To ensure equity in load distribution and improved system performance, load balancing is often undertaken. The research conducted in this field so far, has been primarily concerned with a small set of algorithms operating on tightly-coupled distributed systems. More recent studies have investigated the performance of such algorithms in loosely-coupled architectures but using a small set of processors. This thesis describes a simulation model developed to study the behaviour and general performance characteristics of a range of dynamic load balancing algorithms. Further, the scalability of these algorithms are discussed and a range of regionalised load balancing algorithms developed. In particular, we examine the impact of network diameter and delay on the performance of such algorithms across a range of system workloads. The results produced seem to suggest that the performance of simple dynamic policies are scalable but lack the load stability of more complex global average algorithms.
We perform numerical simulations on a model describing a Brillouin-based temperature and strain sensor, testing its response when it is probed with relatively short pulses. Experimental results were recently published [e.g., Opt. Lett. 24, 510 (1999)] that showed a broadening of the Brillouin loss curve when the probe pulse duration is reduced, followed by a sudden and rather surprising reduction of the linewidth when the pulse duration gets shorter than the acoustic relaxation time. Our study reveals the processes responsible for this behavior. We give a clear physical insight into the problem, allowing us to define the best experimental conditions required for one to take the advantage of this effect.
We report on a novel experimental setup for distributed measurement of temperature, based on spontaneous Brillouin scattering in optical fiber. We have developed a mode-locked Brillouin fiber ring laser in order to generate the dual frequency source required for a heterodyne detection of the backscattered signal. This relatively simple system enables temperature measurements over 20 km with a spatial resolution of 7 m.
Distributed Brillouin sensing of strain and temperature works by making spatially resolved measurements of the position of the measurand-dependent extremum of the resonance curve associated with the scattering process in the weakly nonlinear regime. Typically, measurements of backscattered Stokes intensity (the dependent variable) are made at a number of predetermined fixed frequencies covering the design measurand range of the apparatus and combined to yield an estimate of the position of the extremum. The measurand can then be found because its relationship to the position of the extremum is assumed known. We present analytical expressions relating the relative error in the extremum position to experimental errors in the dependent variable. This is done for two cases: (i) a simple non-parametric estimate of the mean based on moments and (ii) the case in which a least squares technique is used to fit a Lorentzian to the data. The question of statistical bias in the estimates is discussed and in the second case we go further and present for the first time a general method by which the probability density function (PDF) of errors in the fitted parameters can be obtained in closed form in terms of the PDFs of the errors in the noisy data.
A pulsed Brillouin fibre ring laser has been developed and we describe its main features. The pump and the Brillouin laser are shown to form an excellent dual frequency source for distributed sensing. A first application for fire detection is demonstrated.
A distributed temperature sensor for transient threshold monitoring with a 22 km sensing length, based on the Brillouin loss in standard communications fibre, is demonstrated. The system can be used for real-time monitoring of a preset temperature threshold. Good S/N ratios were achieved with only 8–16 sample averages giving a response time of 2 to 4 s with a temperature uncertainty of ±1 °C.
Results are reported from recent research on the use of the Brillouin gain/loss mechanism for distributed sensing. A theoretical model of the interaction of the pulsed and CW beams is described and compared with experiments. Results from a system with a 51 km sensing length are presented. We finally investigate issues related to the variation within the sensing fiber of the polarizations of the two beams.
A frequency-modulated continuous-wave technique is used to detect the presence of frequency shifts in the Rayleigh-backscattered light in a single-mode optical fiber as a result of a changing temperature. The system is able to detect a rate of temperature change of 0.014 K/s, when a 20-cm length of fiber is heated. The system is also able to demonstrate a spatial resolution of better than 15 cm.
A novel distributed strain sensor is presented utilizing the strain dependence of the frequency at which the Brillouin loss is maximized in the interaction between a cw laser and a pulsed laser. A strain resolution of 20 µ with a spatial resolution of 5 m has been achieved with a 22 km sensing length.
We present a novel distributed sensor that utilizes the temperature and strain dependence of the frequency at which the Brillouin loss is maximized in the interaction between a cw laser and a pulsed laser. With a 22-km sensing length, a strain resolution of 20 µ? and a temperature resolution of 2°C have been achieved with a spatial resolution of 5 m.
A Brillouin-gain based distributed temperature sensor has been investigated experimentally and theoretically. The relation between Brillouin gain, input probe power and sensing length have been studied. The study shows that there is an optimum probe power providing a maximum Brillouin gain signal for a given sensing length.
We present a novel distributed temperature sensor that uses the temperature dependence of the frequency at which the loss is maximized in the interaction between a cw laser and a pulsed laser. With a 32-km sensing length, a temperature resolution of 1°C has been achieved; it is also shown that a spatial resolution of 5 m may be obtained.
A study is presented of the effects of temperature non-uniformity in a distributed temperature sensor based on the temperature dependence of Brillouin gain in an optical fibre. The form of the Brillouin gain profile for a given temperature distribution is measured and successfully modelled.
We describe an experimental distributed temperature sensor that uses the temperature dependence of the Brillouin frequency shift. When a 22.2-km sensing length is used, we have observed a temperature resolution of 1°C and have obtained a spatial resolution of 10 m.