939 resultados para Directional imbalance of freight rates


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Microscopic studies reveal a predominance of terrestrial organic matter in sediments of Site 808. Terrestrial vitrinite and inertinite are more abundant (73% to 100%) than marine organic matter (alginite, 0% to 27%), which increases from open oceanic deposits of the Shikoku Basin sediments to sediments of the outer trench wedge. The abundance of terrestrial organic matter is also reflected through carbon isotope values of -23 per mil to -25.9 per mil. Mass accumulation rates of organic carbon are low in hemipelagic sediments of the Shikoku Basin (<0.2 g/cm**2/k.y.) but increase significantly in sediments of the Nankai Trench (0.2 to 1.7 g/cm**2/k.y.). Although the organic mass accumulation is high in sediments of the Nankai Trench, a comparison of sedimentation rates and total organic carbon suggests relative dilution of organic carbon through turbidite flows. Calculated marine paleoproductivity of organic carbon is low in sediments of the open ocean (Shikoku Basin) and increases closer to the shore (Nankai Trench). Thermal evolution of organic matter is obtained from vitrinite reflectance measurements. Two populations of vitrinites have been observed between 600 and 1234 mbsf. Reflectance values change with increasing depth and temperature in both groups of vitrinite (0.3% to 0.68% in group 1; 0.6% to 1% in group 2).


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Mapping is an important tool for the management of plant invasions. If landscapes are mapped in an appropriate way, results can help managers decide when and where to prioritize their efforts. We mapped vegetation with the aim of providing key information for managers on the extent, density and rates of spread of multiple invasive species across the landscape. Our case study focused on an area of Galapagos National Park that is faced with the challenge of managing multiple plant invasions. We used satellite imagery to produce a spatially-explicit database of plant species densities in the canopy, finding that 92% of the humid highlands had some degree of invasion and 41% of the canopy was comprised of invasive plants. We also calculated the rate of spread of eight invasive species using known introduction dates, finding that species with the most limited dispersal ability had the slowest spread rates while those able to disperse long distances had a range of spread rates. Our results on spread rate fall at the lower end of the range of published spread rates of invasive plants. This is probably because most studies are based on the entire geographic extent, whereas our estimates took plant density into account. A spatial database of plant species densities, such as the one developed in our case study, can be used by managers to decide where to apply management actions and thereby help curtail the spread of current plant invasions. For example, it can be used to identify sites containing several invasive plant species, to find the density of a particular species across the landscape or to locate where native species make up the majority of the canopy. Similar databases could be developed elsewhere to help inform the management of multiple plant invasions over the landscape.


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By incorporating recently available remote sensing data, we investigated the mass balance for all individual tributary glacial basins of the Lambert Glacier-Amery Ice Shelf system, East Antarctica. On the basis of the ice flow information derived from SAR interferometry and ICESat laser altimetry, we have determined the spatial configuration of eight tributary drainage basins of the Lambert-Amery glacial system. By combining the coherence information from SAR interferometry and the texture information from SAR and MODIS images, we have interpreted and refined the grounding line position. We calculated ice volume flux of each tributary glacial basin based on the ice velocity field derived from Radarsat three-pass interferometry together with ice thickness data interpolated from Australian and Russian airborne radio echo sounding (RES) surveys and inferred from ICESat laser altimetry data. Our analysis reveals that three tributary basins have a significant net positive imbalance, while five other subbasins are slightly positive or close to zero balance. Overall, in contrast to previous studies, we find that the grounded ice in Lambert Glacier-Amery Ice Shelf system has a positive mass imbalance of 22.9 ± 4.4 Gt/a. The net basal melting for the entire Amery Ice Shelf is estimated to be 27.0 ± 7.0 Gt/a. The melting rate decreases rapidly from the grounding zone to the ice shelf front. Significant basal refreezing is detected in the downstream section of the ice shelf. The mass balance estimates for both the grounded ice sheet and the ice shelf mass differ substantially from other recent estimates.


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The effects of fungal endophytes Beauveria bassiana isolates ICIPE 279, G1LU3, S4SU1 and Hypocrea lixii isolate F3ST1 on the life-history of Phaedrotoma scabriventris and Diglyphus isaea, parasitoids of the pea leafminer Liriomyza huidobrensis, were studied in the laboratory. Parasitoids were allowed to parasitize 2nd-3rd L. huidobrensis larvae reared on endophytically-inoculated Vicia faba. In the control, parasitoids were reared on non-inoculated host plants. Parasitism, pupation, adult emergence and survival were recorded. No significant difference was observed between the control and the endophyte-inoculated plants in terms of parasitism rates of P. scabriventris (p = 0.68) and D. isaea (p = 0.45) and adult' survival times (p = 0.06). The survival period of the F1 progeny of P. scabriventris was reduced (p < 0.0001) in B. bassiana S4SU1 to 28 days as compared to more than 40 days for B. bassiana G1LU3, ICIPE 279 and H. lixii F3ST1. However, no significant difference (p = 0.54) was observed in the survival times of the F1 progeny of D. isaea. This study has therefore demonstrated the beneficial effects of both endophytes and parasitoids in L. huidobrensis population suppression.


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The SES_UNLUATA_GR1-Mesozooplankton faecal pellet production rates dataset is based on samples taken during March and April 2008 in the Northern Libyan Sea, Southern Aegean Sea and in the North-Eastern Aegean Sea. Mesozooplankton is collected by vertical tows within the 0-100 m layer or within the Black sea water body mass layer in the case of the NE Aegean, using a WP-2 200 µm net equipped with a large non-filtering cod-end (10 l). Macrozooplankton organisms are removed using a 2000 µm net. A few unsorted animals (approximately 100) are placed inside several glass beaker of 250 ml filled with GF/F or 0.2 µm Nucleopore filtered seawater and with a 100 µm net placed 1 cm above the beaker bottom. Beakers are then placed in an incubator at natural light and maintaining the in situ temperature. After 1 hour pellets are separated from animals and placed in separated flasks and preserved with formalin. Pellets and are counted and measured using an inverted microscope. Animals are scanned and counted using an image analysis system. Carbon- Specific faecal pellet production is calculated from a) faecal pellet production, b) individual carbon: Animals are scanned and their body area is measured using an image analysis system. Body volume is then calculated as an ellipsoid using the major and minor axis of an ellipse of same area as the body. Individual carbon is calculated from a carbon- total body volume of organisms (relationship obtained for the Mediterranean Sea by Alcaraz et al. (2003) divided by the total number of individuals scanned and c) faecal pellet carbon: Faecal pellet length and width is measured using an inverted microscope. Faecal pellet volume is calculated from length and width assuming cylindrical shape. Conversion of faecal pellet volume to carbon is done using values obtained in the Mediterranean from: a) faecal pellet density 1,29 g cm**3 (or pg µm**3) from Komar et al. (1981); b) faecal pellet DW/WW=0,23 from Elder and Fowler (1977) and c) faecal pellet C%DW=25,5 Marty et al. (1994).


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The SES_GR2-Mesozooplankton faecal pellet production rates dataset is based on samples taken during August and September 2008 in the Northern Libyan Sea, Southern Aegean Sea and the North-Eastern Aegean Sea. Mesozooplankton is collected by vertical tows within the 0-100 m layer or within the Black sea water body mass layer in the case of the NE Aegean, using a WP-2 200 µm net equipped with a large non-filtering cod-end (10 l). Macrozooplankton organisms are removed using a 2000 µm net. A few unsorted animals (approximately 100) are placed inside several glass beaker of 250 ml filled with GF/F or 0.2 µm Nucleopore filtered seawater and with a 100 µm net placed 1 cm above the beaker bottom. Beakers are then placed in an incubator at natural light and maintaining the in situ temperature. After 1 hour pellets are separated from animals and placed in separated flasks and preserved with formalin. Pellets are counted and measured using an inverted microscope. Animals are scanned and counted using an image analysis system. Carbon- Specific faecal pellet production is calculated from a) faecal pellet production, b) individual carbon: Animals are scanned and their body area is measured using an image analysis system. Body volume is then calculated as an ellipsoid using the major and minor axis of an ellipse of same area as the body. Individual carbon is calculated from a carbon- total body volume of organisms (relationship obtained for the Mediterranean Sea by Alcaraz et al. (2003) divided by the total number of individuals scanned and c) faecal pellet carbon: Faecal pellet length and width is measured using an inverted microscope. Faecal pellet volume is calculated from length and width assuming cylindrical shape. Conversion of faecal pellet volume to carbon is done using values obtained in the Mediterranean from: a) faecal pellet density 1,29 g cm**3 (or pg µm**3) from Komar et al. (1981); b) faecal pellet DW/WW=0,23 from Elder and Fowler (1977) and c) faecal pellet C%DW=25,5 Marty et al. (1994).


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The SES_GR1-Mesozooplankton faecal pellet production rates dataset is based on samples taken during April 2008 in the North-Eastern Aegean Sea. Mesozooplankton is collected by vertical tows within the Black sea water body mass layer in the NE Aegean, using a WP-2 200 µm net equipped with a large non-filtering cod-end (10 l). Macrozooplankton organisms are removed using a 2000 µm net. A few unsorted animals (approximately 100) are placed inside several glass beaker of 250 ml filled with GF/F or 0.2 µm Nucleopore filtered seawater and with a 100 µm net placed 1 cm above the beaker bottom. Beakers are then placed in an incubator at natural light and maintaining the in situ temperature. After 1 hour pellets are separated from animals and placed in separated flasks and preserved with formalin. Pellets are counted and measured using an inverted microscope. Animals are scanned and counted using an image analysis system. Carbon- Specific faecal pellet production is calculated from a) faecal pellet production, b) individual carbon: Animals are scanned and their body area is measured using an image analysis system. Body volume is then calculated as an ellipsoid using the major and minor axis of an ellipse of same area as the body. Individual carbon is calculated from a carbon- total body volume of organisms (relationship obtained for the Mediterranean Sea by Alcaraz et al. (2003) divided by the total number of individuals scanned and c) faecal pellet carbon: Faecal pellet length and width is measured using an inverted microscope. Faecal pellet volume is calculated from length and width assuming cylindrical shape. Conversion of faecal pellet volume to carbon is done using values obtained in the Mediterranean from: a) faecal pellet density 1,29 g cm**3 (or pg µm**3) from Komar et al. (1981); b) faecal pellet DW/WW=0,23 from Elder and Fowler (1977) and c) faecal pellet C%DW=25,5 Marty et al. (1994).


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Strontium isotopic compositions of ichthyoliths (microscopic fish remains) in deep-sea clays recovered from the North Pacific Ocean (ODP holes 885A, 886B, and 886C) are used to provide stratigraphic age control within these otherwise undatable sediments. Age control within the deep-sea clays is crucial for determining changes in sedimentation rates, and for calculating fluxes of chemical and mineral components to the sediments. The Sr isotopic ages are in excellent agreement with independent age datums from above (diatom ooze), below (basalt basement) and within (Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary) the clay deposit. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios of fish teeth from the top of the pelagic clay unit (0.7089891), indicate an Late Miocene age (5.8 Ma), as do radiolarian and diatom biostratigraphic ages in the overlying diatom ooze. The 87Sr/86Sr ratio (0.707887) is consistent with a Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary age, as identified by anomalously high iridium, shocked quartz, and sperules in Hole 886C. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios of pretreated fish teeth from the base of the clay unit are similar to Late Cretaceous seawater (0.707779-0.7075191), consistent with radiometric ages from the underlying basalt of 81 Ma. Calculation of sedimentation rates based on Sr isotopic ages from Hole 886C indicate an average sedimentation rate of 17.7 m/Myr in Unit II (diatom ooze), 0.55 m/Myr in Unit IIIa (pelagic clay), and 0.68 m/Myr in Unit IIIb (distal hydrothermal precipitates). The Sr isotopic ages indicate a period of greatly reduced sedimentation (or possible hiatus) between about 35 and 65 Ma (Eocene-Paleocene), with a linear sedimentation rate of only 0.04 m/Myr The calculated sedimentation rates are generally inversely proportional to cobalt accumulation rates and ichthyolith abundances. However, discrepancies between Sr isotope ages and cobalt accumulation ages of l0-15 Myr are evident, particularly in the middle of the clay unit IIIa (Oligocene-Paleocene).


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Three sediment cores from the continental shelf and slope off NW Africa (Banc d'Arguin; 52 m, 665 m and 973 m water depth) have been investigated by means of a coarse fraction analysis. The two shallower cores have been deposited during less than 10,000 years, the deeper one during the last 36,000 years. The Holocene sedimentation ( 4000 years) in the deeper part of core 79 the edge of the Banc d'Arguin is strongly influenced by reworking of Late Glacial dune sands and biogenic particles from shallower ware (<40 m), as well as eroding current influence. A decrease in grain size of silicate material and a decrease in lateral supply, correlated to a doubling of accumulation rates in the upper part of the core, indicates a more autochthonous sedimentation with less sorting influence in the youngest Holocene. The depth of provenance of the allochttonous material can be assumed in 100-300 m water depth as indicated by various biogenous particles. Small amounts of shallow water particles in the autochthonous layers indicate a supplay from shallow water, which probably occured b ythe mechanism of "particle by particle supply". None of the three cores indicates upwelling influence, although occanographers found intense upwelling in the area of the Banc d'Arguin. The Holocene climate in that area probably has been arid, small variations in terrigenous matter composition and grain size in the Early Holocene might be due to decreased wind strength or to an increase in rain fall. The Peak Glacial section (14,000-22,000 y. B.P.) of the deepest core 88 indicates a very much intensified eolian silt supply and an additional bottom supply of quartz sand In the interval 22,000-36,000 y. B.P. wind strength decreased, but probably no increase in humidity occurred. So this area in about 19° 40' N had an arid climate in the Late Holocene and in the Peak Glacial. The fragmentation of planktonic foraminifers and the abundance of aragonitic tests of pteropods in core 88 indicate an Early Holocene (8330 y. B.P.) preservation spike. Two minima in fragmentation correlated to maxima in pteropod content at about 15,700 and 21,000 y. B.P. are correlated to maxima in shallow water supply and thus do not reflect preservation conditions, but only lateral supply from the carbonate dissolution minimum zone in about 300 m water depth.


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From a 10.7 m long gravity core from the Sierra Leone Rise (5°39.5' N, 19°51' W) a detailed oxygen and carbon isotope record of both planktonic and benthonic foraminifera species was obtained extending from the Recent to Jaramillo event. The analysis yielded six major results. 1. Benthos oxygen isotopes varied by 1.8-2.2 per mil from interglacial to glacial times and may indicate a synglacial cooling of North Atlantic Deep Water at 2800 m depth by 1-3°C. 2. Variable anomalies between the benthos and plankton d18O record indicate a cooling of sea-surface temperatures (SST) by up to 6 °C during some glacial stages. 3. Southerly trade winds and equatorial upwelling may excert the primary control off SST variations, in particular of extremee values of cold and warm stages and of the abrupt character of climate transitions and their leads and lags, and finally, of variable sedimentation rates. 4. The benthos d13C record correlates well with the flux and preservation of organic matter. 5. A new time scale, CARPOR, was established from the assumption that terrigenous sediment supply was ± constant bit CaCO3 varied considerably. When applied to the d18O record, three major and numerous short-term variations of sedimentation rates (0.8 to 4.0 cm/kyr) can be distinguished. 6. The climatic record was modified by bioturbation much more strongly during cold than during warm stages.


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An estimate of rate of transformation of organic matter and regeneration of nutrients (in particular phosphorus) was calculated for different regions of the Sea of Okhotsk. The rate was estimated by means of rate of complete oxidation of organic matter to CO2 and H2O catalyzed by enzymes of the electron transport system (ETS) and rate of hydrolytic splitting of phosphate from organic phosphorus compounds catalyzed by alkaline phosphatase. Organic matter destruction rate was at its maximum on the shelf of Kamchatka and Sakhalin, as well as in the layer of maximum oxygen gradients in deep waters. It was found that zones of intensive primary production were characterized by high rates of phosphorus regeneration, which provided for 80% of primary production when concentration of mineral phosphorus was low.


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A composite strontium isotopic seawater curve was constructed for the Miocene between 24 and 6 Ma by combining 87Sr/86Sr measurements of planktonic foraminifera from Deep Sea Drilling Project sites 289 and 588. Site 289, with its virtually continuous sedimentary record and high sedimentation rates (26 m/m.y.), was used for constructing the Oligocene to mid-Miocene part of the record, which included the calibration of 63 biostratigraphic datums to the Sr seawater curve using the timescale of Cande and Kent (1992 doi:10.1029/92JB01202). Across the Oligocene/Miocene boundary, a brief plateau occurred in the Sr seawater curve (87Sr/86Sr values averaged 0.70824) which is coincident with a carbon isotopic maximum (CM-O/M) from 24.3 to 22.6 Ma. During the early Miocene, the strontium isotopic curve was marked by a steep rise in 87Sr/86Sr that included a break in slope near 19 Ma. The rate of growth was about 60 ppm/m.y. between 22.5 and 19.0 Ma and increased to over 80 ppm/m.y. between 19.0 and 16 Ma. Beginning at ~16 Ma (between carbon isotopic maxima CM3 and CM4 of Woodruff and Savin (1991 doi:10.1029/91PA02561)), the rate of 87Sr/86Sr growth slowed and 87Sr/86Sr values were near constant from 15 to 13 Ma. After 13 Ma, growth in 87Sr/86Sr resumed and continued until ~9 Ma, when the rate of 87Sr/86Sr growth decreased to zero once again. The entire Miocene seawater curve can be described by a high-order function, and the first derivative (d87Sr/86Sr/dt) of this function reveals two periods of increased slope. The greatest rate of 87Sr/86Sr change occurred during the early Miocene between ~20 and 16 Ma, and a smaller, but distinct, period of increased slope also occurred during the late Miocene between ~12 and 9 Ma. These periods of steepened slope coincide with major phases of uplift and denudation of the Himalayan-Tibetan Plateau region, supporting previous interpretations that the primary control on seawater 87Sr/86Sr during the Miocene was related to the collision of India and Asia. The rapid increase in 87Sr/86Sr values during the early Miocene from 20 to 16 Ma imply high rates of chemical weathering and dissolved riverine fluxes to the oceans. In the absence of another source of CO2, these high rates of chemical weathering should have quickly resulted in a drawdown of atmospheric CO2 and climatic cooling through a reversed greenhouse effect. The paleoclimatic record, however, indicates a warming trend during the early Miocene, culminating in a climatic optimum between 17 and 14.5 Ma. We suggest that the high rates of chemical erosion and warm temperatures during the climatic optimum were caused by an increase in the contribution of volcanic CO2 from the eruption of the Columbia River Flood Basalts (CRFB) between 17 and 15 Ma. The decrease in the rate of CRFB eruptions at 15 Ma and the removal of atmospheric carbon dioxide by increased organic carbon burial in Monterey deposits eventually led to cooling and increased glaciation between ~14.5 and 13 Ma. The CRFB hypothesis helps to explain the significant time lag between the onset of increased rates of organic carbon burial in the Monterey at 17.5 Ma (as marked by increased delta13C values) and the climatic cooling and glaciation during the middle Miocene (as marked by the increase in delta18O values), which did not begin until ~14.5 Ma.


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