975 resultados para Direct solar radiation pressure torque


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After treatment lipophilic pesticides tend to diffuse by penetrating the epicuticular wax of fruits. In this way, solar radiation only acts on pesticide molecules after passing through the waxes. The effect of epicuticular waxes of three fruits (orange, nectarine, and olive) on the photodegradation of fenthion was studied. The waxes affected the photodegradation process of fenthion. The decay rate of fenthion increased in the presence of orange and nectarine waxes, while it decreased when olive wax was used. In all waxes, the transformation of fenthion produced mainly fenthion sulfoxide and low amounts of fenthion sulfone. In orange wax, 50% of the initial fenthion was transformed into unknown compounds. In nectarine wax, fenthion was degraded stoichiometrically into fenthion sulfoxide and fenthion sulfone. In olive wax, the photodegradation of fenthion yielded about 80% of fenthion sulfoxide.


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Farmers of the Submedio Sao Francisco Region (Brazil) have been spraying amino acids on mango trees with the objective of increasing panicle length and improving fruit retention and quality. This study, done in two experiments, tested the effect of amino acids sprayings at concentrations of 0.0%; 0.02%; 0.04% and 0.06%, on mango plants, 'Tommy Atkins', on the budding phase (panicles with 5 cm), fruit set and fruit growth (5 cm diameter). They were carried out from June to October in 2003, that is the natural period for harvest in the region, and from January to May, in 2004. There were no statistical differences in the first experiment among treatments regarding panicle length and fruit production, probably due to an appropriate management of nutrition, water and plant growth regulators, besides climatic conditions, mainly temperature and solar radiation. In the second experiment, significant increments in the panicle length of 13.37%, 11.70% and 21.4% were observed with amino acids concentrations, compared to the control. Increasing amino acids doses also enhanced the number of fruits per plant, thirty days before the harvest, in 16.17%, 45.32% and 37.38%, respectively, compared to the control, but there were no significant statistical differences. Characteristics of fruit quality during storage, as weight loss, total soluble solids, total titratable acidity and pulp firmness were not significantly affected by amino acids spraying. Changes on those variables were registered as a consequence of fruit ripening. Amino acids sprays lightly delayed the evolution of skin luminosity and Hue of pulp, but the differences could not be visually identified. The concentrations of amino acids were not efficient for improving the natural concentrations of these substances in the leaves, which could be the reason for the non significant effects on the variables analyzed.


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This paper presents an analysis of the frequency of the sky conditions in Botucatu. The classification of sky conditions was made based on the clearness index (K T), calculated from a database with 10 years of measured daily global solar radiation. Throughout the year in Botucatu, there is a predominance of days with clear sky condition, on average 114 days. For cloudy sky condition, the average frequency is 61 days. About the two intermediate sky conditions, the frequency of the sky partially cloudy with dominance for the diffuse is 94 days and the one with dominance for the clear is 96 days. The main influential factors on the sky conditions in Botucatu are the inputs of cold fronts and the formation of the South Atlantic Convergence Zone. They respond primarily by altering the sky condition of clear to cloudy or partially cloudy with dominance to diffuse. The aerosols resulting from burning in sugarcane fields respond by altering the sky condition from clear to partly cloudy with dominance for the clear.


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The spittlebugs are considered the most important pests in tropical pastures. The damages caused by these insects decrease the production of pastures. The objective this work was to study the population dynamics of Notozulia entreriana, from June 2007 to June 2008, and the correlation with meteorological and environmental factors (rainfall, temperature, daily solar radiation and pasture height). Therefore, sampled were made in three areas of grassland in the municipality of Marechal Candido Rondon-PR. Sampling of adults and nymphs was made. Also we determined which species of spittlebugs (Hemiptera: Cercopidae) occur in the western region of Parana State. The population fluctuation of N. entreriana showed four peaks during the period of favorable development - spring / summer. The daily solar radiation had a higher correlation with the population. Rainfall, temperature and pasture height had little correlation with the population dynamics. The species that occurred with greater abundance was N. entreriana, representing 88.4% of the total insects collected in western of Parana State.


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This work deals with net radiation (Q*) estimates as function of solar radiation (K↓) for the Jaboticabal region in Sao Paulo State. In the same way shows a comparison between measured and Penman estimates net radiations. The data were 207 pairs of net and solar radiation obtained in a net radiometer and a Eppley Piranometer. The results show a good agreement between Q* and K↓ for two periods: spring-summer and autumn-winter. The Penman's equation for Q* underestimates the values for any station with albedo of 0.25. -English summary


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The radiation budget in agricultural crops is very important on the microclimate characterization, on the water losses determination and on dry matter accumulation of vegetation. This work describes the radiation budget determination in a green beans crop (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), in Botucatu, SP, Brazil (22° 54′S; 48° 27′W; 850 m), under two different conditions: the normal field culture and in a polyethylene greenhouse. The densities of fluxes of radiation were used to construct diurnal curves of the components of global radiation (Rg), reflected radiation (Rr), net radiation (Rn).The arithmetic's relations allowed to obtain the components net short-waves (Rc) and net long-waves (Rl). The analysis of these components related to the leaf area index (LAI) in many phenological phases of the culture showed Rg distributed in 68%, 85%, 17% and 66%, 76%, 10% to Rn, Rc and Rl in the internal and external ambients in a polyethylene greenhouse, respectively.


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Temporal and spatial acoustic intensity (SATA) of therapeutic ultrasound (US) equipment should be monitored periodically. In order to evaluate the conditions of US equipment in use in the city of Piracicaba-Sao Paulo, Brazil, 31 machines - representing all Brazilian manufacturers - were analysed under continuous and pulsed conditions at a frequency of 1 MHz. Data about temporal and spatial acoustic intensity were collected and the use of equipment was surveyed. Intensities of 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5 and 3.0 Wcm -2, indicated on the equipment panel were analysed using a previously calibrated digital radiation pressure scale, model UPM-DT-1 (Ohmic Instruments Co). The acoustic intensity (I) results were expressed as superior and inferior quartile ranges for transducers with metal surfaces of 9 cm 2 and an effective radiation area (ERA) Of 4 cm 2. The results under continuous conditions were: I 0.1 = -20.0% and -96%. I 0.2 = -3.1% and -83.7%. I 0.5 = -35.0% and -86.5%. I 0.8 = -37.5% and -71.0%. I 2.5 = -49.0% and -69.5%. I 3.0 = -58.1% and -77.6%. For pulsed conditions, intensities were: I 0.1 = -40.0% and -86.2%. I 1.0 = -50.0% and -86.5%. I 1.5 = -62.5% and -82.5%. I 2.0 = -62.5% and -81.6%. I 2.5 = -64.7% and -88.8%. I 3.0 = -87.1% and -94.8%. In reply to the questionnaire drawn up to check the conditions of use of equipment, all users reported the use of hydrosoluble gel as a coupling medium and none had carried out previous calibrations. Most users used intensities in the range of 0.4. to 1.0 Wcm -2 and used machines for 300 to 400 minutes per week. The majority of machines had been bought during the previous seven years and weekly use ranged from less than 100 minutes to 700 minutes (11 hours 40 minutes). Findings confirm previous observations of discrepancy between the intensity indicated on the equipment panel and that emitted by the transducer and highlight the necessity for periodic evaluations of US equipment.


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The experiment was carried out at Piracicaba, São Paulo, Brazil, from January to February 1993, with the objective of evaluating the behavior responses of Holstein cows, with constant or limited access to shade. The experimental design used was completely randomized. Twenty four dairy cows were used, at different lactation stages and production levels, kept in two free stall barns, with or without protection against solar radiation in south-east and north-west edge. The behavior parameters studied were: alimentation, rumination, rest time and frequency and water ingestion frequency. The protection of the free stall barn didn't affect the behavior responses. The alimentation, rumination and rest time, daily, were 3.4, 7.0 e 9.0 hours, respectively. The highest alimentation frequencies were before and after milking. The rumination was mainly during nocturnal period; the rest was more frequent during the period with higher solar radiation. The animals stayed more time in the shelter (13.4 vs 2.5 h/day). The highest daily water ingestion frequencies were in the hot time and next milking, mainly.


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The photo-Fenton process using potassium ferrioxalate as a mediator in the photodegradation reaction of organochloride compounds in an aqueous medium was investigated. The influence of parameters such as hydrogen peroxide and ferrioxalate concentrations and initial pH, was evaluated using dichloroacetic acid (DCA) as a model compound under black-light lamp irradiation. An upflow annular photoreactor, operating in a single pass or recirculating mode was used during photodegradation experiments with artificial light. The extent of the release of chloride ions was used to evaluate the photodegradation reaction. The optimum pH range observed was 2.5-2.8. The efficiency of DCA dechlorination increased with increasing concentrations of H2O2 and potassium ferrioxalate, reaching a plateau after the addition of 6 and 1.5 mmol/L of those reagents, respectively. The total organic carbon (TOC) content in DCA and 2,4-dichlorophenol (DCP) solutions was compared with the chloride released after photodegradation. The influence of natural solar light intensity, measured at 365 nm, was evaluated for the dechlorination of DCA on typical summer's days showing a linear dependency. The photodegradation of DCA using black-light lamp and solar irradiation was compared.


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An equation based on heat transfer theory was presented to estimate the rate of heat loss from cattle exposed to a tropical environment, specified by the air temperature, humidity, solar radiation, and wind speed. The animals' variables (sweating rate, rectal temperature, respiratory rate, surface temperature, haircoat color, and body weight) were considered together with environmental variables (air temperature and humidity, solar radiation, wind speed, and globe temperature). The equation allows the prediction of (a) the metabolic heat production level necessary to balance heat losses under specified environmental conditions; (b) the combination of environmental factors that provide a determined heat flux between a given animal and its environment.


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A methodology for analyzing the solar access and its influence on both air temperature and thermal comfort of the urban environment was here developed by applying the potentiality of GIS tools. Urban canyons in a specific area of a Brazilian medium sized city were studied. First, a computational algorithm was applied in order to allow the determination of sky view factors (SVF) and sun-paths in urban canyons. Then, air temperatures in 40 measurement points were collected within the study area. Solar radiation values of these canyons were determined and subsequently stored in a GIS database. The creation of thermal maps for the whole neighbourhood was possible due to a statistical treatment of the data, by promoting the interpolation of values. All data could then be spatially cross-examined. In addition, thermal comfort maps for summer and winter periods were generated. The methodology allowed the identification of thermal tendencies within the neighbourhood, what can be useful in the conception of guidelines for urban planning purposes.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The aim of this investigation was to evaluate four reference methods to estimate evapotranspiration (Makkink, Hargreaves, Class A pan and Radiation), compared tb Penman-Monteith method, that is considered standard by the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Errors due to variable measurements in the reference evapotranspiration estimate were taken into consideration. The research was developed in an experimental area of the Department of Rural Engieering of the School of Agricultural and Veterinarian Sciences, Campus of Jaboticabal, São Paulo State University. An automated weather station was used and it was equipped with sensors to measure global and net radiation, temperature, relative humidity, and wind speed. The aftermath showed a better adjustment to Hargreaves. Makkink, Class A pan and Radiation methods are different from Penman-Monteith, therefore, they cannot be compared. To evaluate methods to estimate evapotranspiration and avoid possible evaluation errors, ETo estimate errors must be considered.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate and compare measurements and estimates from Davis and Campbell Scientific Instruments in two automatic weather stations. Integrity of meteorological data for estimates of evapotranspiration of reference crop (ETo) from both stations was also evaluated. The following meteorological data were evaluated: air temperature, air humidity, wind speed, precipitation, net radiation and global solar radiation. The Penman-Monteith reference method to estimate ETo was evaluated daily. The weather stations were set up in an experimental area of the Rural Engineering Department-FACV/ UNESP, in Jaboticabal, State of Sao Paulo. Data were collected daily and statistical analysis was performed using linear regression analysis. The integrity of meteorological data to estimate ETo was evaluated. The results of the study in the stations using linear regression analysis showed that daily estimates for ETo had acceptable differences. The technique which evaluates the integrity of meteorological data revealed that data of relative humidity from both stations and of precipitation using Campbell Instruments were not good.


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This review focuses on the heterogeneous photocatalytic treatment of organic dyes in air and water. Representative studies spanning approximately three decades are included in this review. These studies have mostly used titanium dioxide (TiO2) as the inorganic semiconductor photocatalyst of choice for decolorizing and decomposing the organic dye to mineralized products. Other semiconductors such as ZnO, CdS, WO3, and Fe2O3 have also been used, albeit to a much smaller extent. The topics covered include historical aspects, dark adsorption of the dye on the semiconductor surface and its role in the subsequent photoreaction, semiconductor preparation details, photoreactor configurations, photooxidation kinetics/mechanisms and comparison with other Advanced Oxidation Processes (e.g., UV/H2O2, ozonation, UV/O3, Fenton and photo-Fenton reactions), visible light-induced dye decomposition by sensitization mechanism, reaction intermediates and toxicity issues, and real-world process scenarios. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.