863 resultados para Desenvolvimento rural - Ribeira de Iguape, Rio, Vale (PR e SP)


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Ao viver uma gestação, a mulher passa por mudanças biológicas, somáticas, psicológicas e sociais. É de fundamental importância que as gestantes recebam apoio, sejam orientadas sobre tais mudanças e também sobre o parto, momento comumente temido por elas. A assistência pré-natal é oferecida em nível nacional pelo Ministério da Saúde, que propõem a realização de ações educativas e a criação de grupos de apoio, que visam complementar o atendimento realizado nas consultas médicas. Porém, apesar de serem preconizadas, tais ações ainda são insuficientes ou insatisfatórias. O presente estudo visa contribuir com a área de Educação em Saúde buscando, a partir do conhecimento da realidade de gestantes, realizar uma ação de orientação, com a intenção de complementar o pré-natal realizado em Unidades de Saúde da Família (USFs). Para tanto, o objetivo geral da pesquisa foi investigar aspectos do conhecimento e dos sentimentos de gestantes usuárias do SUS de Rio Claro a respeito da gestação e parto, orientando-as sobre tais assuntos. A pesquisa, com abordagem Qualitativa, objetivo Descritivo e que usou como procedimento técnico a Pesquisa-ação, ocorreu no município de Rio Claro e teve como sujeitos 15 gestantes. A coleta de dados se deu através de entrevistas semi-estruturadas, que foram gravadas e de um diário de campo. Foi elaborado um material contendo 16 imagens coloridas, que foram utilizadas nas orientações individuais com o intuito de esclarecer os processos da gestação e parto. Os dados foram analisados através da técnica de Análise de Conteúdo. A maioria das entrevistadas afirmou que não planejava engravidar e, ainda assim, mais da metade delas não fazia uso de nenhum método contraceptivo, mostrando que não houve um planejamento familiar efetivo. As fontes de informação mais citadas foram as pessoas mais velhas e/ou experientes... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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This text is aimed at disseminating cultural and environmental wealth of a region little known of major tour operators - which is strongly marked by historical traditions, in a bucolic rural still and by the hospitality of its residents. The Historic Valley of Rio Paraíba do Sul, although located in the Rio - Sao Paulo road lives in the shadow of the remarkable progress of the industrial cities in the main Valley. This paper presents results of research that deepened the knowledge of this region, with notable findings from the standpoint of culture and tourism, regional and national history. Isolated by considerable geographical barriers, this region has two aspects: the rebirth of nature after the decline of coffee plantations, with ecological sanctuaries that can now point toward environmental sustainability, and the formation of a culture with two historical times - refinement inherited from the barons coffee, paradoxically linked to the rustic countryside and modernity derived of its proximity to major centers. The results presented here are part of exploratory research, but were presented at different events, emphasizing the baroque character of practices derived from these two historical times and tourist potential related to the “cultura tropeira” and to hospitality that marks this countryside.


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In this study the development of four clones (IAC 35; 40; 300 e 301) of rubber tree [Hevea brasiliensis (Willd. ex A. Juss.) Müell. Arg.] selected by Instituto Agronômico de Campinas were evaluated during the first 24 months of cultivation. The experiment was laid out in randomized block design with three replications and four plants for parcel following the 1.5mx1.0m spacing at São José do Rio Preto, SP. The clone RRIM 600 was used as check. The variables analyzed were the trunk girth, the number of matured whorl, the photosynthesis rate and the concentrations of chlorophyll a, b, total and carotenoids. At the end of the experiment the values of trunk girth at 0.5m above the budgrafting union varied from 5.85 cm (IAC 301) to 10.53 cm (IAC 300) and the mean number of matured whorl varied from 2.58 (IAC 301) to 3.91 (RRIM 600). During the dry season, when the plants were 22 month old, the mean value of photosynthesis rate of IAC 40 and IAC 301 (12mol m-2 s-1) were lower compared to the other clones (15mol m-2 s-1). The chlorophyll a, b and total carotenoids concentrations were equal or superior to the check, never lower. Considering the variables analyzed, excluding the IAC 301, the other clones show performance comparable to RRIM 600.


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Eficiência agrícola (EA) é utilizada como indicador do nível de desenvolvimento agrícola regional, expressando, por meio da relação entre as produtividades real e atingível, o nível tecnológico empregado nas culturas. Com base nisso, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a EA das culturas da soja, do milho e do trigo para o estado do Rio Grande do Sul, entre os anos de 1980 e 2008, identificando os principais fatores que as condicionaram. A EA foi obtida pela relação entre a produtividade atingível (PA) e a real (PR). A PR foi obtida junto ao banco de dados do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE). A PA foi obtida pela estimativa da produtividade potencial (PPf), pelo método de Zona Agroecológica da FAO, deflacionada pelo déficit hídrico em cada uma das fases da cultura. Verificou-se que as EAs médias para as culturas do milho, da soja e do trigo para o RS foram iguais a 54, 61 e 43%, respectivamente. Nas localidades de Santa Rosa, São Borja e Veranópolis, a EA para a soja foi, ao contrário das demais localidades, negativa. Os principais fatores que contribuíram para o aumento da EA, na maioria das localidades, foram: mudanças no uso e fertilidade do solo; uso de mecanização agrícola; preços pagos pelas commodities; investimentos em pesquisa e desenvolvimento; adoção do zoneamento de risco climático; e melhoramento genético.


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This paper searches to understand which disputes and conflicts are around the consolidation of agroecology as one of the alternatives and initiatives of local development in a land reform settlement. Thus, this paper, which consists of one of the results presented in the author´s dissertation, aims to identify the disputes and conflicts that occur among local initiatives related to agroecology. Santa Rosa settlement is located in one of the densest areas in relation to rural settlements in Rio Grande do Sul (RS) State. The research sources used to collect data and references to this paper were obtained in: researched bibliography in the writing of the author's dissertation; academic articles; and perceptions from the author's experiences in some land reform settlements. In this research it was considered that initiatives and actions in agroecology in the studied settlement can be strategic to make the social relations potential to the occurrence of experiences in local development different from those that occur alongside agribusiness.


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This paper searches to understand which disputes and conflicts are around the consolidation of agroecology as one of the alternatives and initiatives of local development in a land reform settlement. Thus, this paper, which consists of one of the results presented in the author´s dissertation, aims to identify the disputes and conflicts that occur among local initiatives related to agroecology. Santa Rosa settlement is located in one of the densest areas in relation to rural settlements in Rio Grande do Sul (RS) State. The research sources used to collect data and references to this paper were obtained in: researched bibliography in the writing of the author's dissertation; academic articles; and perceptions from the author's experiences in some land reform settlements. In this research it was considered that initiatives and actions in agroecology in the studied settlement can be strategic to make the social relations potential to the occurrence of experiences in local development different from those that occur alongside agribusiness.


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This paper searches to understand which disputes and conflicts are around the consolidation of agroecology as one of the alternatives and initiatives of local development in a land reform settlement. Thus, this paper, which consists of one of the results presented in the author´s dissertation, aims to identify the disputes and conflicts that occur among local initiatives related to agroecology. Santa Rosa settlement is located in one of the densest areas in relation to rural settlements in Rio Grande do Sul (RS) State. The research sources used to collect data and references to this paper were obtained in: researched bibliography in the writing of the author's dissertation; academic articles; and perceptions from the author's experiences in some land reform settlements. In this research it was considered that initiatives and actions in agroecology in the studied settlement can be strategic to make the social relations potential to the occurrence of experiences in local development different from those that occur alongside agribusiness.


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A obesidade comum é atualmente um dos problemas de saúde pública mais importante no mundo, frequentemente associada a outros distúrbios tais como hipertensão, diabetes, doenças cardiovasculares e câncer. Apesar da alta prevalência de obesidade em diversas populações, muitos dos estudos relacionados aos seus fatores de risco genéticos foram realizados com indivíduos de ascendência europeia ou asiática, mas foram poucos os realizados com populações de origem africana ou nativas americanas. Nosso trabalho tem por objetivo geral investigar potenciais fatores de risco genéticos associados ao sobrepeso e à obesidade em populações afrodescendentes remanescentes de quilombos do Vale do Ribeira - SP, comunidades rurais semi-isoladas, previamente bem caracterizadas do ponto de vista clínico, genealógico e genético-populacional. Nossa amostra constituiu-se de 759 indivíduos, pertencentes a doze populações de remanescentes de quilombos (Abobral, São Pedro, Galvão, Ivaporunduva, Pedro Cubas, André Lopes, Nhunguara, Sapatu, Pilões, Maria Rosa, Poça e Reginaldo), dos quais foram obtidos amostras de DNA, dados clínicos, informações genealógicas e medidas antropométricas. A investigação dos fatores de risco genéticos associados ao sobrepeso/obesidade foi realizada por duas abordagens: (1) estudo de associação baseado em famílias (N = 584, 59 famílias) e (2) estudo de associação populacional com indivíduos não aparentados (N=305). Foram selecionados para estudo nove polimorfismos em oito genes candidatos: LEP rs2167270, LEPR rs1137101, ADRB2 rs1042713, PPARG rs1801282, PLIN1 rs2289487, RETN rs1862513, INSIG2 rs7566605, FTO rs1121980 e FTO rs1421085. As análises de associação baseadas em família indicaram que, nessas populações, apenas o polimorfismo PLIN1 rs2289487 está associado significativamente com o grupo de risco em relação à razão cintura-quadril (RCQ >=0,85 para mulheres e >=0,90 para homens; P=0,013). Aparentemente não existem trabalhos anteriores que verificaram a associação deste polimorfismo com a obesidade por essa metodologia. As análises do estudo populacional com indivíduos não aparentados mostraram associação significativa entre: (i) o alelo G no polimorfismo LEPR rs1137101 e a variação do índice de massa corporal (IMC; P=0,027); (ii) o alelo G do polimorfismo LEPR rs1137101 e o fenótipo de sobrepeso/obesidade (IMC>=25 Kg/m²; P=0,027); (iii) o alelo G no polimorfismo ADRB2 rs1042713 e o fenótipo de risco (IMC>=25 Kg/m²; P=0,029); (iv) o polimorfismo PLIN1 rs2289487 (genótipo GG) e os menores valores do IMC (P=0,025); (v) o polimorfismo FTO rs1121980 (alelo G) e o fenótipo de risco (IMC>=25 Kg/m²), assim como a variação do IMC (P=0,037 e P=0,022 respectivamente); e (vi) o alelo A no polimorfismo FTO rs1421085 e maiores valores da circunferência da cintura (Cc; P=0,016) e da razão cintura-quadril (RCQ; P=0,030). Tomados em conjunto, nossos resultados sugerem a participação dos genes LEP, LEPR, ADRB2, PLIN1 e FTO no aumento da predisposição ao sobrepeso e à obesidade nas populações remanescentes de quilombos. Por fim, as elevadas estimativas de herdabilidade dos três fenótipos investigados (IMC=33%, Cc=33% e RCQ=70%) reforçam a relevância do papel dos fatores genéticos no acúmulo de gordura corporal. O trabalho apresentado é resultado de uma investigação cuidadosa sobre os componentes genéticos associados à regulação do peso corporal em uma população brasileira afrodescendente (com características históricas, ambientais e genéticas peculiares), corroborando a hipótese de que a obesidade comum nas populações quilombolas do Vale do Ribeira é condicionada por um mecanismo poligênico modulado por fatores ambientais importantes como o sedentarismo e a transição nutricional


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This work describes the design process of a small recreational gated community in Pium, Nísia Floresta/RN, from concept to final design stages, with emphasis on low environmental impact, thermal comfort and the spatial quality of housing. The process consisted in a review of the literature and relevant standards, studies of design references and architectural programming. The project development was initially focused on the project’s feasibility, with the definition of the number of units, implantation, size and location of the dwellings and the common areas of the development. Two types of houses (four low rise and five duplex units) have been proposed in order to attend the premises of architectural programming. The conception of the architectural design began with the rooms’ zoning according to the lots. This resulted in the pre-selection of three alternatives that were evaluated in terms of spatial quality and environmental performance. The development of sketches focused on the envelope consistent with the bioclimatic guidelines and on the language of the compatible proposal with the lowest possible environmental impact of the building system, which resulted in the selection of the eucalyptus wood type. During the working drawings, the Quality Technical Regulation for the Level of Energy Efficiency Residential Buildings (RTQ -R) was adopted for the evaluation of the envelope, which resulted in "B" level of efficiency for the first case. After minor adjustments, mainly in frames, the efficiency level rose to "A", demonstrating that early project decisions contributed to the envelope energy performance. Besides the design of the two types of units, the final proposal of the gated community includes the design of the equipment for the common areas (entrance, multipurpose room and support and service sector), and the descriptive texts explaining the project and construction’s details.


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The determination and monitoring of metallic contaminants in water is a task that must be continuous, leading to the importance of the development, modification and optimization of analytical methodologies capab le of determining the various metal contaminants in natural environments, because, in many cases, the ava ilable instrumentation does not provide enough sensibility for the determination of trace values . In this study, a method of extraction and pre- concentration using a microemulsion system with in the Winsor II equilibrium was tested and optimized for the determination of Co, Cd, P b, Tl, Cu and Ni through the technique of high- resolution atomic absorption spectrometry using a continuum source (HR-CS AAS). The optimization of the temperature program for the graphite furnace (HR-CS AAS GF) was performed through the pyrolysis and atomization curves for the analytes Cd, Pb, Co and Tl with and without the use of different chemical modifiers. Cu and Ni we re analyzed by flame atomization (HR-CS F AAS) after pre-concentr ation, having the sample introduction system optimized for the realization of discrete sampling. Salinity and pH levels were also analyzed as influencing factors in the efficiency of the extraction. As final numbers, 6 g L -1 of Na (as NaCl) and 1% of HNO 3 (v/v) were defined. For the determination of the optimum extraction point, a centroid-simplex statistical plan was a pplied, having chosen as the optimum points of extraction for all of the analytes, the follo wing proportions: 70% aqueous phase, 10% oil phase and 20% co-surfactant/surfactant (C/S = 4). After extraction, the metals were determined and the merit figures obtained for the proposed method were: LOD 0,09, 0,01, 0,06, 0,05, 0,6 and 1,5 μg L -1 for Pb, Cd, Tl, Co, Cu and Ni, re spectively. Line ar ranges of ,1- 2,0 μg L -1 for Pb, 0,01-2,0 μg L -1 for Cd, 1,0 - 20 μg L -1 for Tl, 0,1-5,0 μg L -1 for Co, 2-200 μg L -1 and for Cu e Ni 5-200 μg L -1 were obtained. The enrichment factors obtained ranged between 6 and 19. Recovery testing with the certified sample show ed recovery values (n = 3, certified values) after extraction of 105 and 101, 100 and 104% for Pb, Cd, Cu and Ni respectively. Samples of sweet waters of lake Jiqui, saline water from Potengi river and water produced from the oil industry (PETROBRAS) were spiked and the recovery (n = 3) for the analytes were between 80 and 112% confirming th at the proposed method can be used in the extraction. The proposed method enabled the sepa ration of metals from complex matrices, and with good pre-concentration factor, consistent with the MPV (allowed limits) compared to CONAMA Resolution No. 357/2005 which regulat es the quality of fresh surface water, brackish and saline water in Brazil.


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The accompaniment of growth and development is the central thrust of child care in primary health care in order to contribute to the reduction of infant morbidity and mortality and promote healthy development. Despite its importance, the family health unit located in rural Parazinhocounty experiences the problem of frequent absences of children to follow-up consultations. Thus, this study aims to analyze the participation of mothers in the accompaniment of growth and development of children in the Family Health Strategy. This is an exploratory, descriptive study with a qualitative approach with the method action research, developed with mothers who are part of the monitoring of the growth and development of children in the rural area of the municipality of Parazinho/RN from May to October 2014. Data collection was performed using the focus group techniques, participant observation and individual interviews. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis of categorization. The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee, under the opinion embodied 617,559 and CAAE 28598014.7.0000.5537. In step situation analysis, were conducted two focus groups, attended by a total of 14 mothers of different rural locations. From the speeches, one realizes that they have a satisfactory understanding of the monitoring of the growth and development of the childwas a learning moment. The nurse was mentioned as key professional that actionof accompaniment. The main reason that mothers to abandon consultations is access to health services, due to the distance from their homes to the basic unit, the shortage of public transport for the movement of users and delay between the service and the back home. As a strategy to try to tackle these problems, at the suggestion of their mothers was created Monitoring of Growth and Development Itinerant, where the FHS team moved to rural locations, performing activities related to children's health. Mothers who participated in the action approved the initiative as improving access and care of health needs, despite indicate dissatisfaction as the poor infrastructure and little privacy in consultations. Therefore, it is concluded that, despite the difficulties encountered often for lack of management support and involvement of some professionals, the monitoring of growth and development itinerant proved to be an important tool in solving the problem of access to services oriented to the health of child, in addition to functioning as a space for the realization of health education, becoming, since then, an activity inherent in family health team schedule.


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To acting in emergencies it is important that health professionals develop specific and differentiated skills, which shows us the importance of training in emergency planning. So undergraduate courses in medicine and nursing should encourage the development of these skills and evaluate them through various instruments targeted to the different fields. The aim of this study was to implement an optional and interprofessional curricular component, focusing on interprofessional education in pre-hospital emergency for medical and nursing courses Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). This is an exploratory descriptive study, with 24 medical and nursing graduates of last year undergraduate of supervised training, who underwent theoretical and practical training in the care of pre-hospital emergency services. There were theoretical and practical lessons per week for one school semester, taught by doctors and nurses of the Emergency Medical Service (EMS), where the topics discussed were: basic and advanced life support, safe transport in clinical emergencies, trauma, gynecological, obstetric, pediatric and psychiatric diseases, and have been carried out practical activities in ambulances. The students were evaluated by pre-test, post-test and practical stations made through the Objective Structured Clinical Evaluation (OSCE), in the skills laboratory of the Health Sciences Center. During the activities the students were encouraged to critical and reflective thinking, highlighting the importance of integration between the various health care professionals. It was observed that 88% of the students had a score increase over the pre-test. In the evaluation process carried out by medical students and nursing UFRN have similar expectations regarding the essential skills acquired during the training activity. The results of this study will form the basis for the organization of interprofessional education activity in pre-hospital emergency medical students and nursing, as well as helped to organize practices stations, identifying basic clinical skills, and implementing student assessment tools UFRN.


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BACKGROUND: Among the wide range of skills displayed by a medical doctor is undoubtedly the need to use cohesive and well grounded clinical reasoning in order for medical care to be indeed effective. It is in this respect that conceptual maps emerge; these are a methodological innovation that allows a comprehensive, panoramic and associative outlook of theoretical content, making it more practical and applicable to the reality of clinical observation. Promoting learning, learning resources and a feedback system between professor and students, as well as assessing and monitoring the performance of students during their academic training, are the main features of this tool. OBJETIVE: Assess the use of conceptual maps as a teaching-learning tool in the training of undergraduate medical students at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). METHODOLOGY: Interventional, randomized, cross-sectional study conducted with students from the 3rd and 5th periods of the medical course at UFRN, during the second semester of 2014, totaling 86 participants, divided into two groups: GI (intervention – clinical case resolution with a conceptual map) and GII (control – clinical case resolution without a conceptual map) in each period. RESULTS: The use of conceptual maps to teach liver failure syndrome resulted in a statistically significant cognitive gain for G1 students from the 5th period (GI: 6.8±1.6 and 8.0±1.5, p = 0.024; GII: 7.2±2.1 and 8.0±1.7, p = 0.125, pre and post-intermediate means, respectively), a result not observed in the period 3rd (GI: 7.7±1.3 and 8.0±1.4, p = 0.501; GII: 6.7±1.8 and 7.8±1.8; p=0.068, pre and post-intermediate means, respectively). Students in the 3 rd period gave better responses to the first clinical case, with a larger number of suitable concepts and crosslinks, when they used conceptual maps (GI: 91.3±13.15 and GII: 64.84±22.84, p=0,002). Students in the 5th period exhibited better clinical reasoning and more complete responses using the tool (p=0,01). Most of the students were not aware of the tool (53.8% from the 3rd period and 65.3% from the 5th period). Among those who knew about conceptual maps, most (59.3%) had only used them during high school, 14.8% had never used them and only seven students (25.9%) used them during the medical course. Analysis of open responses, obtained in process assessment showed clear satisfaction and enthusiasm with learning about the new tool, and frequent suggestions to use it at other moments in the course. Assessment of learning profile, using the VARK questionnaire, showed that most students from both periods exhibited a multimodal style. CONCLUSION: Despite their scant knowledge regarding the tool, good acceptability and understanding was observed in the study participants. The conceptual maps allowed cognitive gains, better responses and clinical reasoning in teaching liver failure syndrome to 5th period students.


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This study was developed in objecting to investigate the use and occupation of land in 1999, 2005, 2011 e 2015 and estimate soil degradation by laminar erosion and the relation with water quality in 2015 in the catchment basin of the Barro Preto river, Coronel Vivida – PR. For multitemporal analysis of use and occupation of land in the basin used in the Landsat 5, 7 and 8 images and Geographic Information System. The laminar erosion was estimated by the Universal Soil Loss Equation through the systematization of calculations of the factors that compose the equation in SPRING/INPE. The water quality of the studied river section was evaluated according to the Water Quality Idex and the Resolution CONAMA n. 357/2005. The multitemporal analysis of the use and occupation of land has demonstrated that basin is predominantly agricultural in all years studied, as well as the permanent preservation area presents it not regularized during the period in accordance with the Brazilian Forest Code in force. In relation the quantification of laminar soil erosion in the study period, the rainfall and runoff factor was estimated considering the rainfall data from 1986 to 2014 and resulted in a value of 11.573,47 MJ/ha.mm/a. The Dystrophic Red Latosol, Dystrophic Red Nitisol, Fluvisol and Leptosol soil erodibility factor were 0,0138, 0,0137, 0,0207, 0,0196 t.ha.h/ha.MJ.mm/a, respectively. The topographical factor has demonstrated that the catchment basin has the rough terrain because the moderate and moderate strong classes are dominant in the study area. The cover and management and support practice factors were estimated according to the multitemporal analysis of the use and occupation of land in the basin and the values ranged from 0,0006 to 0,0688. The soil losses by laminar erosion were simulated with agriculture areas with corn and soybeans in no-till. The soil losses with maize crop in no-till in 1999, 2005, 2011 and 2015 were 9.782,75, 10.592,71, 9.636,61 e 11.058,26 t/year, respectively, and soybeans crops in no-till were 15.140,01, 16.645,20, 14.662,14 e 17.049,85 t/year, respectively. In relation with water quality of the section studied river, the average of Water Quality Index during the season were 55,47, 53,09 and 49,72, for the first, second and third sample point, respectively. Indication a decrease in water quality since the source to the last sample point. It is concluded that the use and occupation of land in the catchment basin interferes in the water quality, as well as in soil degradation.