988 resultados para Desenvolvimento Local e Regional
A produção de uvas finas para mesa destaca-se entre as principais atividades econômicas da região noroeste do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Entretanto, os produtores comumente apontam os problemas relativos à comercialização da fruta como um dos mais importantes obstáculos interpostos ao desenvolvimento da fruticultura regional. Este trabalho analisa as transações entre produtores e agentes de comercialização da fruta, discutindo as estruturas de governança presentes e as razões que explicam a exposição dos produtores a comportamentos oportunísticos associados aos distribuidores. Conclui-se que produtores que desenvolvem sistemas produtivos mais especializados, ofertadores de frutas de melhor qualidade, são atendidos por agentes de intermediação também especializados e, portanto, estão menos expostos a comportamentos oportunísticos. Nestes casos, a relação entre os agentes torna-se mais efetiva e sistemática, e a estrutura de governança transita de coordenação via mercado para formas híbridas.
The Areado Group of the Sanfranciscana Basin is a Lower Cretaceous continental sedimentary system that is correlated to the Brazilian Pre-Salt beds. The Aerado Group is composed of Abaeté, Quiricó and Três Barras formations. Paleocurrent data for the Areado Group were previously presented, although not systematically which prevented significative interpretations on the basin paleogeography. This work attempts to systematically evaluate paleocurrent data, aiming to recognize depositional environment and paleogeographic reconstruction, based on the sedimentary facies and paleocurrents measurements along vertical profiles. Fluvial paleocurrents of the Abaeté Formation indicate paleoflows towards NW whereas aeolian palecurrents of the Três Barras Formation show paleowinds towards SW. The depositional systems interpreted for the Areado Group were: braided river, alluvial fan, lacustrine, playa lake, fluvial-deltaic and aeolian. The combined analyses of facies and paleocurrents allowed a reliable paleogeographic reconstruction of the basin, with paleodip towards northwest, paleowinds towards south-southwest and source-area located at southeast. These results indicate that paleowinds were orthogonal to paleostream, but parallel to depositional strike of the basin. The interpreted depositional systems characterize a desert environment during the Abaeté sub-basin times. The association of dunes and wet interdunes followed by large scale dunes and dry interdunes suggests a decrease in humidity towards the top of the Três Barras Formation, with a dry aeolian system onlapping the basement. The observed decrease of humidity in Sanfranciscana Basin may reflect local or regional paleoclimatic changes during the opening of the South Atlantic, but this assumption is only tentative
Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE
Pós-graduação em Ciências Ambientais - Sorocaba
The acid weathering of pyrite-bearing Pennsylvanian clastic sedimentary rocks in southeastern Nebraska locally produces the secondary sulfate minerals alunogen, copiapite, epsomite, felsobanyaite/basaluminite, gypsum, halotrichite, jarosite, rozenite, and slavikite. Of these mineral occurrences, four are first-time discoveries in the state or the surrounding region. Slavikite (NaMg2Fe5 (S04)7 (OH) 6• 33H20), which has been reported only once before in North America and from a handful of sites in Europe and South America, was found in abundance at an outcrop at Brownville, NE. The pH values in 1:1 solutions of deionized water of the studied minerals, excluding epsomite, range from 1.94 to 4.82. Therefore, segregations of secondary minerals in themselves are significant microenvironmental reservoirs of acid that can be mobilized during precipitation events. Because of its role in liberating and concentrating ions such as Al3+, Fe2+, Fe3+, Mg3+, and SO42-, acid rock weathering should be considered in local to regional assessments of surface-water and groundwater chemistry. Observations also suggest that rock weathering by the growth of sulfate salts is a potential factor in local hillslope development, one that has not previously been considered in the study area.
Extremely arid conditions in tropical Africa occurred in several discrete episodes between 135 and 90 ka, as demonstrated by lake core and seismic records from multiple basins [Scholz CA, Johnson TC, Cohen AS, King JW, Peck J, Overpeck JT, Talbot MR, Brown ET, Kalindekafe L,Amoako PYO, et al. (2007) Proc Natl Acad SciUSA104:16416–16421]. This resulted in extraordinarily low lake levels, even in Africa’s deepest lakes.On the basis of well dated paleoecological records from Lake Malawi, which reflect both local and regional conditions, we show that this aridity had severe consequences for terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. During the most arid phase, there was extremely low pollen production and limited charred-particle deposition, indicating insufficient vegetation to maintain substantial fires, and the Lake Malawi watershed experienced cool, semidesert conditions (<400 mm>/yr precipitation). Fossil and sedimentological data show that Lake Malawi itself, currently 706mdeep, was reduced to an ~125 m deep saline, alkaline, well mixed lake. This episode of aridity was far more extreme than any experienced in the Afrotropics during the Last Glacial Maximum (~35–15 ka). Aridity diminished after 95 ka, lake levels rose erratically, and salinity/alkalinity declined, reaching near-modern conditions after 60 ka. This record of lake levels and changing limnological conditions provides a framework for interpreting the evolution of the Lake Malawi fish and invertebrate species flocks. Moreover, this record, coupled with other regional records of early Late Pleistocene aridity, places new constraints on models of Afrotropical biogeographic refugia and early modern human population expansion into and out of tropical Africa.
Examples are presented of inter-hemispheric comparison of instrumental climate and paleoclimate proxy records from the Americas for different temporal scales. Despite a certain symmetry of seasonal precipitation patterns along the PEP 1 transect, decadal variability of winter precipitation shows different characteristics in terms of amplitude and frequency in both the last 100 and last 1000 years. Such differences in variability are also seen in a comparison of time series of different El Nino/Southern Oscillation proxy records from North and South America, however, these differences do not appear to affect the spatial correlation with Pacific sea surface temperature patterns. Local and regional differences in response to climate change are even more pronounced for records with lower temporal resolution, and inter-hemispheric synchroneity may or may not be indicative of the same forcing. This aspect is illustrated in an inter-hemispheric comparison of the last 1000 years of glacier variability, and of the full- and late-glacial lake level history.
In dealing with population estimates, we need to determine first the reason for estimating the population. If we are dealing with a local situation, are we concerned with a local estimate? If we are dealing with a regional problem, are we concerned with a regional estimate? The blackbird problem is chiefly a regional problem, but we need to look at broader horizons than just local or regional situations. Are we dealing with a national problem? Is this problem a year-round one or is it a seasonal problem? We may want to know just purely the number of birds we are dealing with. Another reason for doing population estimates might be to determine the effectiveness of some lethal control method that has been employed. Fortunately, those species with which we are most concerned are those not on the endangered species list at the present time. Many Ohio farmers would like to see the Red-winged Blackbird on the endangered species list, I think, but it is not there. My particular interest in population estimates is to determine if we can develop an early warning system for the agriculturists, so that they can better anticipate the time they can expect damage from birds. A lot of methods have been tried in the past.
Pós-graduação em Ciências Ambientais - Sorocaba
This essay aims to discuss the acquisition of food by the National School Feeding Program in light of its current legal framework with a view to promote healthy and culturally sound eating habits that help to improve the health of Brazilian school children and promote local development. The study presents an analysis of the current legislation of the National School Feeding Program, evidencing its intention to influence the Brazilian feeding system and the food pattern of its population using school meals, highlighting the gaps that challenge the achievement of major changes in the execution of the program. From this analysis and based on the high and growing consumption of ultra-processed foods in Brazil, and considering the disadvantages of these foods when compared with minimally-processed or fresh foods, a proposal is developed to guide the construction of a list of foods that is consistent with the current legal framework of the Program and its objectives. It is argued that the prevalence of minimally-processed or fresh foods in school meals can be a strategy to rescue the healthy-food heritage and strengthen local development if promoting family farming.
Evapotranspiration (ET) plays an important role in global climate dynamics and in primary production of terrestrial ecosystems; it represents the mass and energy transfer from the land to atmosphere. Limitations to measuring ET at large scales using ground-based methods have motivated the development of satellite remote sensing techniques. The purpose of this work is to evaluate the accuracy of the SEBAL algorithm for estimating surface turbulent heat fluxes at regional scale, using 28 images from MODIS. SEBAL estimates are compared with eddy-covariance (EC) measurements and results from the hydrological model MGB-IPH. SEBAL instantaneous estimates of latent heat flux (LE) yielded r(2) = 0.64 and r(2) = 0.62 over sugarcane croplands and savannas when compared against in situ EC estimates. At the same sites, daily aggregated estimates of LE were r(2) = 0.76 and r(2) = 0.66, respectively. Energy balance closure showed that turbulent fluxes over sugarcane croplands were underestimated by 7% and 9% over savannas. Average daily ET from SEBAL is in close agreement with estimates from the hydrological model for an overlay of 38,100 km(2) (r(2) = 0.88). Inputs to which the algorithm is most sensitive are vegetation index (NDVI), gradient of temperature (dT) to compute sensible heat flux (H) and net radiation (Re). It was verified that SEBAL has a tendency to overestimate results both at local and regional scales probably because of low sensitivity to soil moisture and water stress. Nevertheless the results confirm the potential of the SEBAL algorithm, when used with MODIS images for estimating instantaneous LE and daily ET from large areas.
The expansion of soybean cultivation into the Amazon in Brazil has potential hydrological effects at local to regional scales. To determine the impacts of soybean agriculture on hydrology, a comparison of net precipitation (throughfall, stemflow) in undisturbed tropical forest and soybean fields on the southern edge of the Amazon Basin in the state of Mato Grosso is needed. This study measured throughfall with troughs and stemflow with collar collectors during two rainy seasons. The results showed that in forest 91.6% of rainfall was collected as throughfall and 0.3% as stemflow, while in soybean fields with two-month old plants, 46.2% of rainfall was collected as throughfall and 9.0% as stemflow. Hence, interception of precipitation in soybean fields was far greater than in intact forests. Differences in throughfall, stemflow and net precipitation were found to be mainly associated with differences in plant structure and stem density in transitional forest and soybean cropland. Because rainfall interception in soybean fields is higher than previously believed and because both the area of cropland and the frequency of crop cycles (double cropping) are increasing rapidly, interception needs to be reconsidered in regional water balance models when consequences of land cover changes are analyzed in the Amazon soybean frontier region. Based on the continued expansion of soybean fields across the landscape and the finding that net precipitation is lower in soy agriculture, a reduction in water availability in the long term can be assumed. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Este artigo apresenta evidências das mudanças que estão se processando no aparato atacadista público de alimentos no Brasil abordando a evolução, as características atuais e as funções da estrutura atacadista do sistema brasileiro de abastecimento. O texto aborda algumas considerações sobre o contexto histórico vivido no momento de criação do Sistema Nacional de Abastecimento (Sinac) nos anos 70 e a emergência de novos modelos para os mercados atacadistas a partir dos anos 80. É realizada uma análise com base na observação dos dados coletados junto a 29 centrais de abastecimento públicas brasileiras em 2009 com informações sobre origem e destino dos hortigranjeiros comercializados nesses entrepostos a partir de uma amostra significativa. Os padrões sistêmicos podem ser observados através de dois aspectos: o desempenho da atividade econômica dos principais entrepostos atacadistas brasileiros e as funções remanescentes de reunião e distribuição da produção local e regional. Pretendemos demonstrar que o grupo de centrais públicas de abastecimento é bastante heterogêneo e que, de maneira geral, a dinâmica do seu crescimento é estabelecida de fora para dentro , sendo que muitos destes equipamentos não mais exercem papéis centrais como executores de políticas públicas voltadas para o abastecimento.
O papel dos governos locais, antes vistos como mero prestadores de serviços, vem evoluindo, pós-Constituição de 1988, para o de agentes do desenvolvimento local. Neste contexto, eles devem assumir o seu papel constitucional de zelar pelo meio ambiente, tomando a decisão de envolver-se com o tema e capacitando-se através da instituição de um Sistema Municipal de Meio Ambiente - SISMUMA. O SISMUMA é um conjunto de órgãos e entidades do Município que são responsáveis pela preservação, conservação, proteção, defesa, melhoria, recuperação e controle do meio ambiente e uso adequado dos recursos ambientais do Município. Este Sistema é uma estrutura político-administrativa que em última instância visa a inserção do componente ambiental no processo de tomada de decisão local, por meio da formulação, implementação e avaliação de políticas ambientais e integração com outras políticas, considerando a realidade e potencialidade de cada região, em conformidade com os princípios de desenvolvimento sustentável. Este artigo visa caracterizar e contextualizar o SISMUMA no Brasil, discutindo o seu papel estratégico na governança para a sustentabilidade municipal, entendida como processo de articulação e negociação que potencializa a integração do componente ambiental no processo de tomada de decisão local, e consequentemente, no processo de desenvolvimento local.
Este ensaio pretende discutir a aquisição de alimentos para o Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar à luz do seu marco legal vigente, na perspectiva de promover hábitos alimentares saudáveis e culturalmente articulados que contribuam para a promoção das condições de saúde da população escolar brasileira e para o desenvolvimento local. Apresentase análise da legislação em vigor do Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar, evidenciando a intencionalidade de influenciar o sistema alimentar brasileiro e o padrão alimentar de sua população a partir da alimentação escolar, destacandose as lacunas que desafiam a efetivação de mudanças substanciais na execução do programa. Partindo dessa análise e com base no elevado e crescente consumo de alimentos ultraprocessados no Brasil, e considerando as desvantagens desses alimentos diante de alimentos pouco ou não processados, desenvolvese proposta para orientar a construção de uma pauta de alimentos que seja consistente com o marco legal vigente do programa e com seus objetivos. Argumentase que a predominância de alimentos pouco ou não processados na alimentação escolar pode ser estratégia para o resgate do patrimônio alimentar saudável e para o fortalecimento do desenvolvimento local se resultar da aproximação com a agricultura familiar.