961 resultados para Davis, Natalie Zemon: Martin Guerren paluu
Aktuelle Inszenierungen denken den ästhetischen Rahmen, in dem sie sich ereignen, oftmals dezidiert mit. Sie machen ihn zum Thema, stellen ihn zur Disposition oder üben praxisimmanent Kritik am Kunstsystem, in dem sie operieren und von dem sie abhängig sind. Exemplarisch für diese Tendenz fokussiert dieser Aufsatz die 2011 im Rahmen von Freischwimmer entstandene Produktion CMMN SNS PRJCT von Laura Kalauz und Martin Schick. Es wird aufgezeigt, wie Kalauz und Schick einerseits mit den Mitteln des Theaters gesellschaftspolitische Themen in spielerischen Interaktionen gemeinsam mit dem Publikum aushandeln und andererseits das Aufführungsdispositiv sowie Rolle von Rezipienten und Produzenten stets aufs Neue zur Disposition stellen.
hrsg. vom Vorstande der Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaft des Judentums
von Philipp Bloch
[Verf.: Gustav Landauer]
comp. and transl. by Scherzinger J. Arnold
Vorbesitzer: Bartholomaeusstift Frankfurt am Main
What meaning does God’s name convey? This was a question Martin Buber and Franz Rosenzweig had to answer when working on their translation of the Bible. They noticed that, as certain crucial biblical verses suggest, there is indeed a meaning behind God’s name in the Bible. Thus, an important moment in their joint translation was their account of the self-revelation of God in Exod. III, together with the question of how best to translate the tetragrammaton YHWH— the name of God. This article will explore their decisions, based both on their dialogue concerning the translation of the Bible, and on their papers, especially Rosenzweig’s well-known article ‘Der Ewige’ (‘The Eternal’) and Buber’s response to it. Less well known is the fact that there exist two unpublished typescripts by Martin Buber reflecting on the name of God, which will also be taken into consideration. Contrary to the received view that the choice of the personal pronoun to transliterate the name of God in the Bible translation was mainly Rosenzweig’s, I will show that it was actually a joint decision in which both thinkers’ philosophies,1 and a question that had haunted Buber since his youth, played an important part. The choice of the personal pronoun is an answer to this question, addressing the omnipresent God, the eternal Thou, in a kind of cultic acclamation.