962 resultados para DRAFT TUBE
Plant cell expansion is controlled by a fine-tuned balance between intracellular turgor pressure, cell wall loosening and cell wall biosynthesis. To understand these processes, it is important to gain in-depth knowledge of cell wall mechanics. Pollen tubes are tip-growing cells that provide an ideal system to study mechanical properties at the single cell level. With the available approaches it was not easy to measure important mechanical parameters of pollen tubes, such as the elasticity of the cell wall. We used a cellular force microscope (CFM) to measure the apparent stiffness of lily pollen tubes. In combination with a mechanical model based on the finite element method (FEM), this allowed us to calculate turgor pressure and cell wall elasticity, which we found to be around 0.3 MPa and 20–90 MPa, respectively. Furthermore, and in contrast to previous reports, we showed that the difference in stiffness between the pollen tube tip and the shank can be explained solely by the geometry of the pollen tube. CFM, in combination with an FEM-based model, provides a powerful method to evaluate important mechanical parameters of single, growing cells. Our findings indicate that the cell wall of growing pollen tubes has mechanical properties similar to rubber. This suggests that a fully turgid pollen tube is a relatively stiff, yet flexible cell that can react very quickly to obstacles or attractants by adjusting the direction of growth on its way through the female transmitting tissue.
Avibacterium paragallinarum is an important pathogen of chicken livestock causing infectious coryza. Here, we report the draft genome sequence of the virulent A. paragallinarum serotype A strain JF4211 (2.8 Mbp and G+C content of 41%) and the two toxin operons discovered from the annotation of the genome.
Clostridium chauvoei is the etiological agent of blackleg, a disease of cattle and sheep with high mortality rates, causing severe economic losses in livestock production. Here, we report the draft genome sequence of the virulent C. chauvoei strain JF4335 (2.8 Mbp and 28% G+C content) and the annotation of the genome.
The Hamamatsu R11410 photomultiplier, a tube of 3" diameter and with a very low intrinsic radioactivity, is an interesting light sensor candidate for future experiments using liquid xenon (LXe) as target for direct dark matter searches. We have performed several experiments with the R11410 with the goal of testing its performance in environments similar to a dark matter detector setup. In particular, we examined its long-term behavior and stability in LXe and its response in various electric field configurations.
Neural tube defects (NTDs) are malformations of the developing brain and spinal cord; the most common are anencephaly and spina bifida. Evidence from many populations suggests that 50% of NTDs can be prevented through daily consumption of folic acid. A recent study has reported that folic acid may not protect populations of Mexican descent. This finding has serious implications for women living along the US-Mexico border. Not only is risk high in these Mexican American women compared with other US women; they also differ markedly in supplemental folic acid and dietary folate consumption, and in NTD-related risks (e.g., obesity, diabetes). This case-control study investigated whether folic acid supplements and dietary folate reduces NTDs in Mexican Americans. Cases included liveborn, stillborn, electively and spontaneously aborted NTD-affected fetuses and infants occurring in the 14-county Texas-Mexico border. Controls were randomly selected from unaffected live births, frequency matched to cases by hospital and year. An in-person interview of 110 case and 113 control mothers solicited data on folic acid supplements, dietary folate, and other covariates. Consumption of folic acid-containing vitamins before conception was only 5% for both case and control women. Taking vitamins the trimester before conception had no apparent effect, after adjusting for covariates [odds ratio (OR) = 1.0, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.3–3.4]. Combining folate from vitamins and diet showed a 20% risk reduction for women consuming at least 400 μg of folate daily [OR = 0.8, 95% CI = 0.5–1.5]; however, this estimate is statistically indistinguishable from the null. Although consistent with an inherent ineffectiveness of supplemental folic acid, that so few women consumed multivitamins during the critical time severely limited the assessment of folic acid in this population. A reduced folate response in Mexican descent women may be due to a genetic heterogeneity for metabolizing folate. Alternatively, folate intakes may be insufficient to overcome other underlying risk factors. In conclusion, determining whether folic acid reduces NTD risk in Mexican American women requires further study in populations with higher folic acid exposures. Meanwhile, we should pursue all recommended prevention strategies to reduce risk, including motivating Mexican American women of childbearing age to take folic acid routinely. ^
Resting endothelial cells express the small proteoglycan biglycan, whereas sprouting endothelial cells also synthesize decorin, a related proteoglycan. Here we show that decorin is expressed in endothelial cells in human granulomatous tissue. For in vitro investigations, the human endothelium-derived cell line, EA.hy 926, was cultured for 6 or more days in the presence of 1% fetal calf serum on top of or within floating collagen lattices which were also populated by a small number of rat fibroblasts. Endothelial cells aligned in cord-like structures and developed cavities that were surrounded by human decorin. About 14% and 20% of endothelial cells became apoptotic after 6 and 12 days of co-culture, respectively. In the absence of fibroblasts, however, the extent of apoptosis was about 60% after 12 days, and cord-like structures were not formed nor could decorin production be induced. This was also the case when lattices populated by EA.hy 926 cells were maintained under one of the following conditions: 1) 10% fetal calf serum; 2) fibroblast-conditioned media; 3) exogenous decorin; or 4) treatment with individual growth factors known to be involved in angiogenesis. The mechanism(s) by which fibroblasts induce an angiogenic phenotype in EA.hy 926 cells is (are) not known, but a causal relationship between decorin expression and endothelial cell phenotype was suggested by transducing human decorin cDNA into EA.hy 926 cells using a replication-deficient adenovirus. When the transduced cells were cultured in collagen lattices, there was no requirement of fibroblasts for the formation of capillary-like structures and apoptosis was reduced. Thus, decorin expression seems to be of special importance for the survival of EA.hy 926 cells as well as for cord and tube formation in this angiogenesis model.
Stylonychia lemnae is a classical model single-celled eukaryote, and a quintessential ciliate typified by dimorphic nuclei: A small, germline micronucleus and a massive, vegetative macronucleus. The genome within Stylonychia's macronucleus has a very unusual architecture, comprised variably and highly amplified "nanochromosomes," each usually encoding a single gene with a minimal amount of surrounding noncoding DNA. As only a tiny fraction of the Stylonychia genes has been sequenced, and to promote research using this organism, we sequenced its macronuclear genome. We report the analysis of the 50.2-Mb draft S. lemnae macronuclear genome assembly, containing in excess of 16,000 complete nanochromosomes, assembled as less than 20,000 contigs. We found considerable conservation of fundamental genomic properties between S. lemnae and its close relative, Oxytricha trifallax, including nanochromosomal gene synteny, alternative fragmentation, and copy number. Protein domain searches in Stylonychia revealed two new telomere-binding protein homologs and the presence of linker histones. Among the diverse histone variants of S. lemnae and O. trifallax, we found divergent, coexpressed variants corresponding to four of the five core nucleosomal proteins (H1.2, H2A.6, H2B.4, and H3.7) suggesting that these ciliates may possess specialized nucleosomes involved in genome processing during nuclear differentiation. The assembly of the S. lemnae macronuclear genome demonstrates that largely complete, well-assembled highly fragmented genomes of similar size and complexity may be produced from one library and lane of Illumina HiSeq 2000 shotgun sequencing. The provision of the S. lemnae macronuclear genome sets the stage for future detailed experimental studies of chromatin-mediated, RNA-guided developmental genome rearrangements.
In the framework of the European Research Area for Agricultural Research for Development (ERA-ARD) project, a survey of innovative approaches in capacity development (CD) was undertaken. All Consortium members were asked to describe innovative approaches and best practices of CD mechanisms within their ARD programmes. A tabular overview of all the programmes or mechanisms can be found on page 4. Abstracts of the programmes or mechanisms are compiled in alphabetic order of the consortium members in this document. The intention of this catalogue of mechanisms is to give an overview of different approaches and practices and not to provide a comprehensive mapping of all the ongoing CD activities of the Consortium members. Thus, the programmes described represent only a fraction of all the ongoing CD programmes on the national level.
Members of the Mycoplasma mycoides cluster' represent important livestock pathogens worldwide. Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides is the etiologic agent of contagious bovine pleuropneumonia (CBPP), which is still endemic in many parts of Africa. We report the genome sequences and annotation of two frequently used challenge strains of Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides, Afadé and B237. The information provided will enable downstream 'omics' applications such as proteomics, transcriptomics and reverse vaccinology approaches. Despite the absence of Mycoplasma pneumoniae like cyto-adhesion encoding genes, the two strains showed the presence of protrusions. This phenotype is likely encoded by another set of genes.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE Acute stroke patients with severely impaired oral intake are at risk of malnutrition and dehydration. Rapid identification of these patients is necessary to establish early enteral tube feeding. Whether specific lesion location predicts early tube dependency was analysed, and the neural correlates of impaired oral intake after hemispheric ischaemic stroke were assessed. METHODS Tube dependency and functional oral intake were evaluated with a standardized comprehensive swallowing assessment within the first 48 h after magnetic resonance imaging proven first-time acute supratentorial ischaemic stroke. Voxel-based lesion symptom mapping (VLSM) was performed to compare lesion location between tube-dependent patients versus patients without tube feeding and impaired versus unimpaired oral intake. RESULTS Out of 119 included patients 43 (36%) had impaired oral intake and 12 (10%) were tube dependent. Both tube dependency and impaired oral intake were significantly associated with a higher National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale score and larger infarct volume and these patients had worse clinical outcome at discharge. Clinical characteristics did not differ between left and right hemispheric strokes. In the VLSM analysis, mildly impaired oral intake correlated with lesions of the Rolandic operculum, the insular cortex, the superior corona radiata and to a lesser extent of the putamen, the external capsule and the superior longitudinal fascicle. Tube dependency was significantly associated with affection of the anterior insular cortex. CONCLUSIONS Mild impairment of oral intake correlates with damage to a widespread operculo-insular swallowing network. However, specific lesions of the anterior insula lead to severe impairment and tube dependency and clinicians might consider early enteral tube feeding in these patients.