978 resultados para DNA-binding
Les membres de la famille SMC (Structural Maintenance of Chromosomes), présents dans tous les domaines de la vie, sont impliqués dans des processus allant de la cohésion des chromatides-sœurs jusqu’à la réparation de l’ADN. Chacun des membres de cette famille, composée de 6 membres (Smc1 à Smc6), s’associe avec un autre membre ainsi qu’à des sous-unités non-SMC pour former 3 complexes : cohésine, condensine et Smc5-6. L’implication du complexe Smc5-6 dans plusieurs aspects du maintien de l’intégrité génomique est bien démontrée. Néanmoins, une question fondamentale concernant ce complexe demeure encore sans réponse: comment peut-il être impliqué dans autant d’aspects de la vie d’une cellule? Encore à ce jour, il est difficile de répondre à cette question en raison du manque d’information disponible au sujet des activités biochimiques de ce complexe. C’est pourquoi l’objectif de ce travail consiste en la caractérisation biochimique du complexe Smc5-6. La biochimie de cohésine et condensine suggère diverses possibilités en ce qui a trait aux activités biochimiques du complexe Smc5-6. La première étape de mon projet fut donc d’élaborer une procédure pour la purification de Smc5 et Smc6 après surexpression en levure. Après plusieurs expériences, il apparut clair que les deux protéines possèdent une activité de liaison à l’ADN simple brin (ADNsb) ainsi qu’à l’ADN double brins (ADNdb) et que, même si les protéines peuvent se lier aux deux types d’ADN, elles possèdent une plus grande affinité pour l’ADNsb. De plus, ces expériences permirent de démontrer que l’interaction entre Smc5 ou Smc6 et l’ADNsb est très stable, alors que l’interaction avec l’ADNdb ne l’est pas. Suite à l’obtention de ces résultats, la seconde étape fut la détermination de la ou des partie(s) de Smc5 et Smc6 permettant la liaison à l’ADN. Pour répondre à cette question, une dissection moléculaire fut réalisée, suivi d’une caractérisation des différents domaines constituants Smc5 et Smc6. De cette façon, il fut possible de démontrer qu’il existe deux sites de liaison à l’ADN sur Smc5 et Smc6 ; le premier site se trouvant dans le domaine «hinge» ainsi que dans la région adjacente du domaine «coiled-coil» et le second au niveau de la tête ATPase des deux protéines. Bien que les deux domaines puissent lier l’ADNsb, il fut démontré qu’une différence majeure existe au niveau de leur affinité pour ce type d’ADN. En effet, le domaine «hinge» possède une affinité plus forte pour l’ADNsb que la tête ATPase. De plus, cette dernière est incapable de lier l’ADNdb alors que le domaine «hinge» le peut. L’identification des sites de liaison à l’ADN sur Smc5 et Smc6 permettra de créer de nouveaux mutants possédant un défaut dans la liaison à l’ADN. Ainsi, l’étude du complexe Smc5-6 durant la réparation de l’ADN in vivo sera facilité.
Chez les plantes, le génome plastidique est continuellement exposé à divers stress mutagènes, tels l’oxydation des bases et le blocage des fourches de réplication. Étonnamment, malgré ces menaces, le génome du plastide est reconnu pour être très stable, sa stabilité dépassant même celle du génome nucléaire. Néanmoins, les mécanismes de réparation de l’ADN et du maintien de la stabilité du génome plastidique sont encore peu connus. Afin de mieux comprendre ces processus, nous avons développé une approche, basée sur l’emploi de la ciprofloxacine, qui nous permet d’induire des bris d’ADN double-brins (DSBs) spécifiquement dans le génome des organelles. En criblant, à l’aide de ce composé, une collection de mutants d’Arabidopsis thaliana déficients pour des protéines du nucléoïde du plastide, nous avons identifié 16 gènes vraisemblablement impliqués dans le maintien de la stabilité génomique de cette organelle. Parmi ces gènes, ceux de la famille Whirly jouent un rôle primordial dans la protection du génome plastidique face aux réarrangements dépendants de séquences de microhomologie. Deux autres familles de gènes codant pour des protéines plastidiques, soit celle des polymérases de types-I et celle des recombinases, semblent davantage impliquées dans les mécanismes conservateurs de réparation des DSBs. Les relations épistatiques entre ces gènes et ceux des Whirly ont permis de définir les bases moléculaires des mécanismes de la réparation dépendante de microhomologies (MHMR) dans le plastide. Nous proposons également que ce type de mécanismes servirait en quelque sorte de roue de secours pour les mécanismes conservateurs de réparation. Finalement, un criblage non-biaisé, utilisant une collection de plus de 50,000 lignées mutantes d’Arabidopsis, a été réalisé. Ce criblage a permis d’établir un lien entre la stabilité génomique et le métabolisme des espèces réactives oxygénées (ROS). En effet, la plupart des gènes identifiés lors de ce criblage sont impliqués dans la photosynthèse et la détoxification des ROS. Globalement, notre étude a permis d’élargir notre compréhension des mécanismes du maintien de la stabilité génomique dans le plastide et de mieux comprendre l’importance de ces processus.
Actuellement le polyéthylènimine (PEI) est l’agent de transfection transitoire le plus utilisé par l’industrie pharmaceutique pour la production de protéines recombinantes à grande échelle par les cellules de mammifères. Il permet la condensation de l’ADN plasmidique (ADNp) en formant spontanément des nanoparticules positives appelées polyplexes, lui procurant la possibilité de s’attacher sur la membrane cellulaire afin d’être internalisé, ainsi qu’une protection face aux nucléases intracellulaires. Cependant, alors que les polyplexes s’attachent sur la quasi-totalité des cellules seulement 5 à 10 % de l’ADNp internalisé atteint leur noyau, ce qui indique que la majorité des polyplexes ne participent pas à l’expression du transgène. Ceci contraste avec l’efficacité des vecteurs viraux où une seule particule virale par cellule peut être suffisante. Les virus ont évolués afin d’exploiter les voies d’internalisation et de routage cellulaire pour exprimer efficacement leur matériel génétique. Nous avons donc supposé que l’exploitation des voies d’internalisation et de routage cellulaire d’un récepteur pourrait, de façon similaire à plusieurs virus, permettre d’optimiser le processus de transfection en réduisant les quantités d’ADNp et d’agent de transfection nécessaires. Une alternative au PEI pour transfecter les cellules de mammifèreest l’utilisation de protéines possédant un domaine de liaison à l’ADNp. Toutefois, leur utilisation reste marginale à cause de la grande quantité requise pour atteindre l’expression du transgène. Dans cette étude, nous avons utilisé le système E/Kcoil afin de cibler un récepteur membranaire dans le but de délivrer l’ADNp dans des cellules de mammifères. Le Ecoil et le Kcoil sont des heptapeptides répétés qui peuvent interagir ensemble avec une grande affinité et spécificité afin de former des structures coiled-coil. Nous avons fusionné le Ecoil avec des protéines capables d’interagir avec l’ADNp et le Kcoil avec un récepteur membranaire que nous avons surexprimé dans les cellules HEK293 de manière stable. Nous avons découvert que la réduction de la sulfatation de la surface cellulaire permettait l’attachement ciblé sur les cellules par l’intermédiaire du système E/Kcoil. Nous démontrons dans cette étude comment utiliser le système E/Kcoil et une protéine interagissant avec l’ADNp pour délivrer un transgène de manière ciblée. Cette nouvelle méthode de transfection permet de réduire les quantités de protéines nécessaires pour l’expression du transgène.
Characterization and Pathogenicity of Vibrio cholerae and Vibrio vulnificus from Marine environments
The genus Vibrioof the family Vibrionaceae are Gram negative, oxidasepositive, rod- or curved- rodshaped facultative anaerobes, widespread in marine and estuarine environments. Vibrio species are opportunistic human pathogens responsible for diarrhoeal disease, gastroenteritis, septicaemia and wound infections and are also pathogens of aquatic organisms, causing infections to crustaceans, bivalves and fishes. In the present study, marine environmental samples like seafood and water and sediment samples from aquafarms and mangroves were screened for the presence of Vibrio species. Of the134 isolates obtained from the various samples, 45 were segregated to the genus Vibrio on the basis of phenotypic characterization.like Gram staining, oxidase test, MoF test and salinity tolerance. Partial 16S rDNA sequence analysis was utilized for species level identification of the isolates and the strains were identified as V. cholerae(N=21), V. vulnificus(N=18), V. parahaemolyticus(N=3), V. alginolyticus (N=2) and V. azureus (N=1). The genetic relatedness and variations among the 45 Vibrio isolates were elucidated based on 16S rDNA sequences. Phenotypic characterization of the isolates was based on their response to 12 biochemical tests namely Voges-Proskauers’s (VP test), arginine dihydrolase , tolerance to 3% NaCl test, ONPG test that detects β-galactosidase activity, and tests for utilization of citrate, ornithine, mannitol, arabinose, sucrose, glucose, salicin and cellobiose. The isolates exhibited diverse biochemical patterns, some specific for the species and others indicative of their environmental source.Antibiogram for the isolates was determined subsequent to testing their susceptibility to 12 antibiotics by the disc diffusion method. Varying degrees of resistance to gentamycin (2.22%), ampicillin(62.22%), nalidixic acid (4.44%), vancomycin (86.66), cefixime (17.77%), rifampicin (20%), tetracycline (42.22%) and chloramphenicol (2.22%) was exhibited. All the isolates were susceptible to streptomycin, co-trimoxazole, trimethoprim and azithromycin. Isolates from all the three marine environments exhibited multiple antibiotic resistance, with high MAR index value. The molecular typing methods such as ERIC PCR and BOX PCR revealed intraspecies relatedness and genetic heterogeneity within the environmental isolatesof V. cholerae and V. vulnificus. The 21 strains of V. choleraewere serogroupedas non O1/ non O139 by screening for the presence O1rfb and O139 rfb marker genes by PCR. The virulence/virulence associated genes namely ctxA, ctxB, ace, VPI, hlyA, ompU, rtxA, toxR, zot, nagst, tcpA, nin and nanwere screened in V. cholerae and V. vulnificusstrains.The V. vulnificusstrains were also screened for three species specific genes viz., cps, vvhand viu. In V. cholerae strains, the virulence associated genes like VPI, hlyA, rtxA, ompU and toxR were confirmed by PCR. All the isolates, except for strain BTOS6, harbored at least one or a combination of the tested genes and V. choleraestrain BTPR5 isolated from prawn hosted the highest number of virulence associated genes. Among the V. vulnificusstrains, only 3 virulence genes, VPI, toxR and cps, were confirmed out of the 16 tested and only 7 of the isolates had these genes in one or more combinations. Strain BTPS6 from aquafarm and strain BTVE4 from mangrove samples yielded positive amplification for the three genes. The toxRgene from 9 strains of V. choleraeand 3 strains of V. vulnificus were cloned and sequenced for phylogenetic analysis based on nucleotide and the amino acid sequences. Multiple sequence alignment of the nucleotide sequences and amino acid sequences of the environmental strains of V. choleraerevealed that the toxRgene in the environmental strains are 100% homologous to themselves and to the V. choleraetoxR gene sequence available in the Genbank database. The 3 strains of V. vulnificus displayed high nucleotide and amino acid sequence similarity among themselves and to the sequences of V. cholerae and V. harveyi obtained from the GenBank database, but exhibited only 72% homology to the sequences of its close relative V. vulnificus. Structure prediction of the ToxR protein of Vibrio cholerae strain BTMA5 was by PHYRE2 software. The deduced amino acid sequence showed maximum resemblance with the structure of DNA-binding domain of response regulator2 from Escherichia coli k-12 Template based homology modelling in PHYRE2 successfully modelled the predicted protein and its secondary structure based on protein data bank (PDB) template c3zq7A. The pathogenicity studies were performed using the nematode Caenorhabditiselegansas a model system. The assessment of pathogenicity of environmental strain of V. choleraewas conducted with E. coli strain OP50 as the food source in control plates, environmental V. cholerae strain BTOS6, negative for all tested virulence genes, to check for the suitability of Vibrio sp. as a food source for the nematode;V. cholerae Co 366 ElTor, a clinical pathogenic strain and V. cholerae strain BTPR5 from seafood (Prawn) and positive for the tested virulence genes like VPI, hlyA, ompU,rtxA and toxR. It was found that V. cholerae strain BTOS6 could serve as a food source in place of E. coli strain OP50 but behavioral aberrations like sluggish movement and lawn avoidance and morphological abnormalities like pharyngeal and intestinal distensions and bagging were exhibited by the worms fed on V. cholerae Co 366 ElTor strain and environmental BTPR5 indicating their pathogenicity to the nematode. Assessment of pathogenicity of the environmental strains of V. vulnificus was performed with V. vulnificus strain BTPS6 which tested positive for 3 virulence genes, namely, cps, toxRand VPI, and V. vulnificus strain BTMM7 that did not possess any of the tested virulence genes. A reduction was observed in the life span of worms fed on environmental strain of V. vulnificusBTMM7 rather than on the ordinary laboratory food source, E. coli OP50. Behavioral abnormalities like sluggish movement, lawn avoidance and bagging were also observed in the worms fed with strain BTPS6, but the pharynx and the intestine were intact. The presence of multi drug resistant environmental Vibrio strainsthat constitute a major reservoir of diverse virulence genes are to be dealt with caution as they play a decisive role in pathogenicity and horizontal gene transfer in the marine environments.
Cell-cell interactions during embryonic development are crucial in the co-ordination of growth, differentiation and maintenance of many different cell types. To achieve this co-ordination each cell must properly translate signals received from neighbouring cells, into spatially and temporally appropriate developmental responses. A surprisingly limited number of signal pathways are responsible for the differentiation of enormous variety of cell types. As a result, pathways are frequently 'reused' during development. Thus, in mammals the JAK/STAT pathway is required during early embryogenesis, mammary gland formation, hematopoiesis and, finally, plays a pivotal role in immune response. In the canonical way, the JAK/STAT pathway is represented by a transmembrane receptor associated with a Janus kinase (JAK), which upon stimulation by an extra-cellular ligand, phosphorylates itself, the receptor and, finally, the signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) molecules. Phosphorylated STATs dimerise and translocate to the nucleus where they activate transcription of target genes. The JAK/STAT pathway has been conserved throughout evolution, and all known components are present in the genome of Drosophila melanogaster. Besides hematopoietic and immunity functions, the pathway is also required during development for processes including embryonic segmentation, tracheal morphogenesis, posterior spiracle formation etc. This study describes Drosophila Ken&Barbie (Ken) as a selective regulator of JAK/STAT signalling. ken mutations identified in a screen for modulators of an eye overgrowth phenotype, caused by over-expression of the pathway ligand unpaired, also interact genetically with the pathway receptor domeless (dome) and the transcription factor stat92E. Over-expression of Ken can phenocopy developmental defects known to be caused by the loss of JAK/STAT signalling. These genetic interactions suggest that Ken may function as a negative regulator of the pathway. Ken has C-terminal Zn-finger domain, presumably for DNA binding, and N-terminal BTB/POZ domain, often found in transcriptional repressors. Using EGFP-fused construct expressed in vivo revealed nuclear accumulation of Ken. Therefore, it is proposed that Ken may act as a suppresser of STAT92E target genes. An in vitro assay, termed SELEX, determined that Ken specifically binds to a DNA sequence, with the essential for DNA recognition core overlapping that of STAT92E. This interesting observation suggests that not all STAT92E sites may also allow Ken binding. Strikingly, when effects of ectopic Ken on the expression of putative JAK/STAT pathway target genes were examined, only a subset of the genes tested, namely vvl, trh and kni, were down-regulated by Ken, whereas some others, such as eve and fj, appeared to be unresponsive. Further analysis of vvl, one of the genes susceptible to ectopic Ken, was undertaken. In the developing hindgut, expression of vvl is JAK/STAT pathway dependent, but remains repressed in the posterior spiracles, despite the stimulation of STAT92E by Upd in their primordia. Importantly, ken is also expressed in the developing posterior spiracles. Strikingly, up-regulation of vvl is observed in these tissues in ken mutant embryos. These imply that while ectopic Ken is sufficient to repress the expression of vvl in the hindgut, endogenous Ken is also necessary to prevent its activation in the posterior spiracles. It is therefore conceivable that ectopic vvl expression in the posterior spiracles of the ken mutants may be the result of de-repression of endogenous STAT92E activity. Another consequence of these observations is a fine balance that must exist between STAT92E and Ken activities. Apparently, endogenous level of Ken is sufficient to repress vvl, but not other, as yet unidentified, JAK/STAT pathway targets, whose presumable activation by STAT92E is required for posterior spiracle development as the embryos mutant for dome, the receptor of the pathway, show severe spiracle defects. These defects are also observed in the embryos mis-expressing Ken. Though it is possible that the posterior spiracle phenotype caused by higher levels of Ken results from a JAK/STAT pathway independent activity, it seems to be more likely that Ken acts in a dosage dependent manner, and extra Ken is able to further antagonise JAK/STAT pathway target genes. While STAT92E binding sites required for target gene expression have been poorly characterised, the existence of genome data allows the prediction of candidate STAT92E sites present in target genes promoters to be attempted. When a 6kb region containing the putative regulatory domains flanking the vvl locus are examined, only a single potential STAT92E binding site located 825bp upstream of the translational start can be detected. Strikingly, this site also includes a perfect Ken binding sequence. Such an in silico observation, though consistent with both Ken DNA binding assay in vitro and regulation of STAT92E target genes in vivo, however, requires further analysis. The JAK/STAT pathway is implicated in a variety of processes during embryonic and larval development as well as in imago. In each case, stimulation of the same transcription factor results in different developmental outcomes. While many potential mechanisms have been proposed and demonstrated to explain such pleiotropy, the present study indicates that Ken may represent another mechanism, with which signal transduction pathways are controlled. Ken selectively down-regulates a subset of potential target genes and so modifies the transcriptional profile generated by activated STAT92E - a mechanism, which may be partially responsible for differences in the morphogenetic processes elicited by JAK/STAT signalling during development.
Heterochromatin Protein 1 (HP1) is an evolutionarily conserved protein required for formation of a higher-order chromatin structures and epigenetic gene silencing. The objective of the present work was to functionally characterise HP1-like proteins in Dictyostelium discoideum, and to investigate their function in heterochromatin formation and transcriptional gene silencing. The Dictyostelium genome encodes three HP1-like proteins (hcpA, hcpB, hcpC), from which only two, hcpA and hcpB, but not hcpC were found to be expressed during vegetative growth and under developmental conditions. Therefore, hcpC, albeit no obvious pseudogene, was excluded from this study. Both HcpA and HcpB show the characteristic conserved domain structure of HP1 proteins, consisting of an N-terminal chromo domain and a C-terminal chromo shadow domain, which are separated by a hinge. Both proteins show all biochemical activities characteristic for HP1 proteins, such as homo- and heterodimerisation in vitro and in vivo, and DNA binding activtity. HcpA furthermore seems to bind to K9-methylated histone H3 in vitro. The proteins thus appear to be structurally and functionally conserved in Dictyostelium. The proteins display largely identical subnuclear distribution in several minor foci and concentration in one major cluster at the nuclear periphery. The localisation of this cluster adjacent to the nucleus-associated centrosome and its mitotic behaviour strongly suggest that it represents centromeric heterochromatin. Furthermore, it is characterised by histone H3 lysine-9 dimethylation (H3K9me2), which is another hallmark of Dictyostelium heterochromatin. Therefore, one important aspect of the work was to characterise the so-far largely unknown structural organisation of centromeric heterochromatin. The Dictyostelium homologue of inner centromere protein INCENP (DdINCENP), co-localized with both HcpA and H3K9me2 during metaphase, providing further evidence that H3K9me2 and HcpA/B localisation represent centromeric heterochromatin. Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) showed that two types of high-copy number retrotransposons (DIRS-1 and skipper), which form large irregular arrays at the chromosome ends, which are thought to contain the Dictyostelium centromeres, are characterised by H3K9me2. Neither overexpression of full-length HcpA or HcpB, nor deletion of single Hcp isoforms resulted in changes in retrotransposon transcript levels. However, overexpression of a C-terminally truncated HcpA protein, assumed to display a dominant negative effect, lead to an increase in skipper retrotransposon transcript levels. Furthermore, overexpression of this protein lead to severe growth defects in axenic suspension culture and reduced cell viability. In order to elucidate the proteins functions in centromeric heterochromatin formation, gene knock-outs for both hcpA and hcpB were generated. Both genes could be successfully targeted and disrupted by homologous recombination. Surprisingly, the degree of functional redundancy of the two isoforms was, although not unexpected, very high. Both single knock-out mutants did not show any obvious phenotypes under standard laboratory conditions and only deletion of hcpA resulted in subtle growth phenotypes when grown at low temperature. All attempts to generate a double null mutant failed. However, both endogenous genes could be disrupted in cells in which a rescue construct that ectopically expressed one of the isoforms either with N-terminal 6xHis- or GFP-tag had been introduced. The data imply that the presence of at least one Hcp isoform is essential in Dictyostelium. The lethality of the hcpA/hcpB double mutant thus greatly hampered functional analysis of the two genes. However, the experiment provided genetic evidence that the GFP-HcpA fusion protein, because of its ability to compensate the loss of the endogenous HcpA protein, was a functional protein. The proteins displayed quantitative differences in dimerisation behaviour, which are conferred by the slightly different hinge and chromo shadow domains at the C-termini. Dimerisation preferences in increasing order were HcpA-HcpA << HcpA-HcpB << HcpB-HcpB. Overexpression of GFP-HcpA or a chimeric protein containing the HcpA C-terminus (GFP-HcpBNAC), but not overexpression of GFP-HcpB or GFP-HcpANBC, lead to increased frequencies of anaphase bridges in late mitotic cells, which are thought to be caused by telomere-telomere fusions. Chromatin targeting of the two proteins is achieved by at least two distinct mechanisms. The N-terminal chromo domain and hinge of the proteins are required for targeting to centromeric heterochromatin, while the C-terminal portion encoding the CSD is required for targeting to several other chromatin regions at the nuclear periphery that are characterised by H3K9me2. Targeting to centromeric heterochromatin likely involves direct binding to DNA. The Dictyostelium genome encodes for all subunits of the origin recognition complex (ORC), which is a possible upstream component of HP1 targeting to chromatin. Overexpression of GFP-tagged OrcB, the Dictyostelium Orc2 homologue, showed a distinct nuclear localisation that partially overlapped with the HcpA distribution. Furthermore, GFP-OrcB localized to the centrosome during the entire cell cycle, indicating an involvement in centrosome function. DnmA is the sole DNA methyltransferase in Dictyostelium required for all DNA(cytosine-)methylation. To test for its in vivo activity, two different cell lines were established that ectopically expressed DnmA-myc or DnmA-GFP. It was assumed that overexpression of these proteins might cause an increase in the 5-methyl-cytosine(5-mC)-levels in the genomic DNA due to genomic hypermethylation. Although DnmA-GFP showed preferential localisation in the nucleus, no changes in the 5-mC-levels in the genomic DNA could be detected by capillary electrophoresis.
The Fox genes are united by encoding a fork head domain, a deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)-binding domain of the winged-helix type that marks these genes as encoding transcription factors. Vertebrate Fox genes are classified into 23 subclasses named from FoxA to FoxS. We have surveyed the genome of the amphioxus Branchiostoma floridae, identifying 32 distinct Fox genes representing 21 of these 23 subclasses. The missing subclasses, FoxR and FoxS, are specific to vertebrates, and in addition, B. floridae has one further group, FoxAB, that is not found in vertebrates. Hence, we conclude B. floridae has maintained a high level of Fox gene diversity. Expressed sequence tag and complementary DNA sequence data support the expression of 23 genes. Several linkages between B. floridae Fox genes were noted, including some that have evolved relatively recently via tandem duplication in the amphioxus lineage and others that are more ancient.
Homeobox genes encode DNA-binding proteins, many of which are implicated in the control of embryonic development. Evolutionarily, most homeobox genes fall into two related clades: the ANTP and the PRD classes. Some genes in ANTP class, notably Hox, ParaHox, and NK genes, have an intriguing arrangement into physical clusters. To investigate the evolutionary history of these gene clusters, we examined homeobox gene chromosomal locations in the cephalochordate amphioxus, Branchiostoma floridae. We deduce that 22 amphioxus ANTP class homeobox genes localize in just three chromosomes. One contains the Hox cluster plus AmphiEn, AmphiMnx, and AmphiDll. The ParaHox cluster resides in another chromosome, whereas a third chromosome contains the NK type homeobox genes, including AmphiMsx and ArnphiTlx. By comparative analysis we infer that clustering of ANTP class homeobox genes evolved just once, during a series of extensive cis-duplication events of genes early in animal evolution. A trans-duplication event occurred later to yield the Hox and ParaHox gene clusters on different chromosomes. The results obtained have implications for understanding the origin of homeobox gene clustering, the diversification of the ANTP class of homeobox genes, and the evolution of animal genomes.
Growth of the post- natal mammalian heart occurs primarily by cardiac myocyte hypertrophy. Previously, we and others have shown that a partial re- activation of the cell cycle machinery occurs in myocytes undergoing hypertrophy such that cells progress through the G(1)/ S transition. In this study, we have examined the regulation of the E2F family of transcription factors that are crucial for the G(1)/ S phase transition during normal cardiac development and the development of myocyte hypertrophy in the rat. Thus, mRNA and protein levels of E2F- 1, 3, and 4 and DP- 1 and DP- 2 were down- regulated during development to undetectable levels in adult myocytes. Interestingly, E2F- 5 protein levels were substantially up- regulated during development. In contrast, an induction of E2F- 1, 3, and 4 and the DP- 1 protein was observed during the development of myocyte hypertrophy in neonatal myocytes treated with serum or phenylephrine, whereas the protein levels of E2F- 5 were decreased with serum stimulation. E2F activity, as measured by a cyclin E promoter luciferase assay and E2F- DNA binding activity, increased significantly during the development of hypertrophy with serum and phenylephrine compared with non- stimulated cells. Inhibiting E2F activity with a specific peptide that blocks E2F- DP heterodimerization prevented the induction of hypertrophic markers ( atrial natriuretic factor and brain natriuretic peptide) in response to serum and phenylephrine, reduced the increase in myocyte size, and inhibited protein synthesis in stimulated cells. Thus, we have shown that the inhibition of E2F function prevents the development of hypertrophy. Targeting E2F function might be a useful approach for treating diseases that cause pathophysiological hypertrophic growth.
Oxidized low-density lipoprotein (oxLDL) exhibits many atherogenic effects, including the promotion of monocyte recruitment to the arterial endothelium and the induction of scavenger receptor expression. However, while atherosclerosis involves chronic inflammation within the arterial intima, it is unclear whether oxLDL alone provides a direct inflammatory stimulus for monocyte-macrophages. Furthermore, oxLDL is not a single, well-defined entity, but has structural and physical properties which vary according to the degree of oxidation. We tested the hypothesis that the biological effects of oxLDL will vary according to its degree of oxidation and that some species of oxLDL will have atherogenic properties, while other species may be responsible for its inflammatory activity. The atherogenic and inflammatory properties of LDL oxidized to predetermined degrees (mild, moderate and extensive oxidation) were investigated in a single system using human monocyte-derived macrophages. Expression of CD36 mRNA was up-regulated by mildly- and moderately-oxLDL, but not highly-oxLDL. The expression of the transcription factor, proliferator-activated receptor-gamma (PPARgamma), which has been proposed to positively regulate the expression of CD36, was increased to the greatest degree by highly-oxLDL. However, the DNA binding activity of PPARgamma was increased only by mildly- and moderately-oxLDL. None of the oxLDL species appeared to be pro-inflammatory towards monocytes, either directly or indirectly through mediators derived from lymphocytes, regardless of the degree of oxidation. (C) 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd.
As an obligatory parasite of humans, the body louse (Pediculus humanus humanus) is an important vector for human diseases, including epidemic typhus, relapsing fever, and trench fever. Here, we present genome sequences of the body louse and its primary bacterial endosymbiont Candidatus Riesia pediculicola. The body louse has the smallest known insect genome, spanning 108 Mb. Despite its status as an obligate parasite, it retains a remarkably complete basal insect repertoire of 10,773 protein-coding genes and 57 microRNAs. Representing hemimetabolous insects, the genome of the body louse thus provides a reference for studies of holometabolous insects. Compared with other insect genomes, the body louse genome contains significantly fewer genes associated with environmental sensing and response, including odorant and gustatory receptors and detoxifying enzymes. The unique architecture of the 18 minicircular mitochondrial chromosomes of the body louse may be linked to the loss of the gene encoding the mitochondrial single-stranded DNA binding protein. The genome of the obligatory louse endosymbiont Candidatus Riesia pediculicola encodes less than 600 genes on a short, linear chromosome and a circular plasmid. The plasmid harbors a unique arrangement of genes required for the synthesis of pantothenate, an essential vitamin deficient in the louse diet. The human body louse, its primary endosymbiont, and the bacterial pathogens that it vectors all possess genomes reduced in size compared with their free-living close relatives. Thus, the body louse genome project offers unique information and tools to use in advancing understanding of coevolution among vectors, symbionts, and pathogens.
P>Type III secretion (T3S) plays a pivotal role in the colonization of ruminant hosts by Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC). The T3S system translocates effector proteins into host cells to promote bacterial attachment and persistence. The repertoire and variation in prophage regions underpins differences in the pathogenesis and epidemiology of EHEC strains. In this study, we have used a collection of deletions in cryptic prophages and EHEC O157 O-islands to screen for novel regulators of T3S. Using this approach we have identified a family of homologous AraC-like regulators that indirectly repress T3S. These prophage-encoded secretion regulator genes (psr) are found exclusively on prophages and are associated with effector loci and the T3S activating Pch family of regulators. Transcriptional profiling, mutagenesis and DNA binding studies were used to show that these regulators usurp the conserved GAD acid stress resistance system to regulate T3S by increasing the expression of GadE (YhiE) and YhiF and that this regulation follows attachment to bovine epithelial cells. We further demonstrate that PsrA and effectors encoded within cryptic prophage CP933-N are required for persistence in a ruminant model of colonization.
The synthesis and structural characterization of a novel oxoperoxovanadium(v) complex [VO(O-2)(PAH)-(phen)] containing the ligands 2-phenylacetohydroxamic acid (PAHH) and 1,10-phenanthroline (phen) has been accomplished. The oxoperoxovanadium(v) complex was found to mimic both vanadate-dependent haloperoxidase (VHPO) activity as well as nuclease activity through effective interaction with DNA. The complex is the first example of a structurally characterized stable oxoperoxovanadium(v) complex with a coordinated bi-dentate hydroximate moiety (-CONHO-) from 2-phenylacetohydroximate (PAH). The oxoperoxovanadium(v) complex has been used as catalyst for the peroxidative bromination reaction of some unsaturated alcohols (e.g. 4-pentene-1-ol, 1-octene-3-ol and 9-decene-1-ol) in the presence of H2O2 and KBr. The catalytic products have been characterized by GC-MS analysis and spectrophotometric methods. The DNA binding of this complex has been established with CT DNA whereas the DNA cleavage was demonstrated with plasmid DNA. The interactions of the complex with DNA have been monitored by electronic absorption and fluorescence emission spectroscopy. Viscometric measurements suggest that the compound is a DNA intercalator. The nuclease activity of this complex was confirmed by gel electrophoresis studies.
Transcriptional dysfunction is a prominent hallmark of Huntington's disease (HD). Several transcription factors have been implicated in the aetiology of HD progression and one of the most prominent is repressor element 1 (RE1) silencing transcription factor (REST). REST is a global repressor of neuronal gene expression and in the presence of mutant Huntingtin increased nuclear REST levels lead to elevated RE1 occupancy and a concomitant increase in target gene repression, including brain-derived neurotrophic factor. It is of great interest to devise strategies to reverse transcriptional dysregulation caused by increased nuclear REST and determine the consequences in HD. Thus far, such strategies have involved RNAi or mutant REST constructs. Decoys are double-stranded oligodeoxynucleotides corresponding to the DNA-binding element of a transcription factor and act to sequester it, thereby abrogating its transcriptional activity. Here, we report the use of a novel decoy strategy to rescue REST target gene expression in a cellular model of HD. We show that delivery of the decoy in cells expressing mutant Huntingtin leads to its specific interaction with REST, a reduction in REST occupancy of RE1s and rescue of target gene expression, including Bdnf. These data point to an alternative strategy for rebalancing the transcriptional dysregulation in HD.
Objective: Many diseases, including atherosclerosis, involve chronic inflammation. The master transcription factor for inflammation is NF-κB. Inflammatory sites have a low extracellular pH. Our objective was to demonstrate the effect of pH on NF-κB activation and cytokine secretion. Methods: Mouse J774 macrophages or human THP-1 or monocyte-derived macrophages were incubated at pH 7.0–7.4 and inflammatory cytokine secretion and NF-κB activity were measured. Results: A pH of 7.0 greatly decreased pro-inflammatory cytokine secretion (TNF or IL-6) by J774 macrophages, but not THP-1 or human monocyte-derived macrophages. Upon stimulation of mouse macrophages, the levels of IκBα, which inhibits NF-κB, fell but low pH prevented its later increase, which normally restores the baseline activity of NF-κB, even though the levels of mRNA for IκBα were increased. pH 7.0 greatly increased and prolonged NF-κB binding to its consensus promoter sequence, especially the anti-inflammatory p50:p50 homodimers. Human p50 was overexpressed using adenovirus in THP-1 macrophages and monocyte-derived macrophages to see if it would confer pH sensitivity to NF-κB activity in human cells. Overexpression of p50 increased p50:p50 DNA-binding and in THP-1 macrophages inhibited considerably TNF and IL-6 secretion, but there was still no effect of pH on p50:p50 DNA binding or cytokine secretion. Conclusion: A modest decrease in pH can sometimes have marked effects on NF-κB activation and cytokine secretion and might be one reason to explain why mice normally develop less atherosclerosis than do humans.