971 resultados para Concentración de sales
This paper adopts a sales resource management (SRM) framework to provide guidance on how to develop effective salespeople via sales training. SRM can be used to identify the individual training needs based on the individual-based modelling data. The individual-based modelling data can also be used to evaluate the outcome of sales training. This paper also gives some suggestions on the forms of sales training which are most likely to develop effective salespeople. © 2010 IEEE.
This paper examines an industry whose incumbents’ specialised complimentary assets were their operations management and distribution channels. This advantage was seriously undermined by the advent of digital distribution. Radical technological change theories dictate that if incumbents in an industry without specialised complimentary assets will be replaced by entrants. This did not happen, and extant theories of incumbent survival do not explain why the incumbents remained dominant in the industry. We propose that survival is due to the unique industry characteristic of perpetuating sales. This paper will explain what is a perpetuating sales model and why does it enable incumbent survival?
I explore and analyze a problem of finding the socially optimal capital requirements for financial institutions considering two distinct channels of contagion: direct exposures among the institutions, as represented by a network and fire sales externalities, which reflect the negative price impact of massive liquidation of assets.These two channels amplify shocks from individual financial institutions to the financial system as a whole and thus increase the risk of joint defaults amongst the interconnected financial institutions; this is often referred to as systemic risk. In the model, there is a trade-off between reducing systemic risk and raising the capital requirements of the financial institutions. The policymaker considers this trade-off and determines the optimal capital requirements for individual financial institutions. I provide a method for finding and analyzing the optimal capital requirements that can be applied to arbitrary network structures and arbitrary distributions of investment returns.
In particular, I first consider a network model consisting only of direct exposures and show that the optimal capital requirements can be found by solving a stochastic linear programming problem. I then extend the analysis to financial networks with default costs and show the optimal capital requirements can be found by solving a stochastic mixed integer programming problem. The computational complexity of this problem poses a challenge, and I develop an iterative algorithm that can be efficiently executed. I show that the iterative algorithm leads to solutions that are nearly optimal by comparing it with lower bounds based on a dual approach. I also show that the iterative algorithm converges to the optimal solution.
Finally, I incorporate fire sales externalities into the model. In particular, I am able to extend the analysis of systemic risk and the optimal capital requirements with a single illiquid asset to a model with multiple illiquid assets. The model with multiple illiquid assets incorporates liquidation rules used by the banks. I provide an optimization formulation whose solution provides the equilibrium payments for a given liquidation rule.
I further show that the socially optimal capital problem using the ``socially optimal liquidation" and prioritized liquidation rules can be formulated as a convex and convex mixed integer problem, respectively. Finally, I illustrate the results of the methodology on numerical examples and
discuss some implications for capital regulation policy and stress testing.
Focusing on the UK, this article addresses key issues facing the international distribution industry arising from over-the-top digital distribution and the fragmentation of audiences and revenues. Building on the identification of these issues, it investigates the extent to which UK distribution has altered over a ten-year period, pinpointing continuities in the destination and type of sales alongside changes in the role and structure of the industry as UK-based distributors adapt to a changing UK broadcasting landscape and global production environment. At one level increasing US ownership of UK-based distributors and the arrival of OTT players like Netflix, highlight the tensions between the national orientations of UK broadcasters and the global aspirations of independent producers and distributors. At another level VOD has boosted international sales of UK drama. Although the full impact of SVOD on content and rights has yet to materialise, significant changes in the industry predate the arrival of SVOD.
s a signatory to the Boxer Protocol in 1901, Italy came into possession of the Tianjin concession, its only colonial possession in China. The Italian settlement was situated on the Hai River, and most of the land consisted of cemeteries and salt deposits. Italian administration of the settlement encountered many difficulties. Expropriation of land from the Chinese occupants was not easy, and it proved equally difficult to attract Italian investors. However despite the fact that Italian public opinion supported the abandonment of the concession, the Italian government was ultimately obliged to undertake a project for its urban development. Success in Tianjin became a national challenge for Italy, with the National Trust providing the necessary economic support. The history of the Italian settlement in Tianjin therefore sheds light on the politics of colonialism and on Italy's economic and political agendas at the turn of the twentieth century.
This paper addresses the two opposing extremes of standardisation in franchising and the dynamics of sales in search of a juncture point in order to reduce franchisees’ uncertainties in sales and improve sales performance. A conceptual framework is developed based on both theory and practice in order to investigate the sales process of a specific franchise network. The research is conducted over a period of six weeks in form of a customised sales report considering the sales funnel concept and performance indicators along the sales process. The received quantitative data is analysed through descriptive statistics and logistic regressions in respect to what variations in the sales process can be discovered and what practices yield higher performance. The results indicate an advantage of a prioritisation guideline regarding the activities and choices to make as a salesperson over strict standardisation. Defining the sales funnel plus engaging in the process of monitoring sales in itself has proven to be a way of reducing uncertainty as the franchisor and franchisees alike inherently gain a greater understanding of the process. The extended knowledge gained from this research allowed for both practical as well as theoretical implications and expands the knowledge on standardisation of sales and the appropriateness of the sales funnel and its management for dealing with the dilemma between standardisation and flexibility of sales in franchising contexts.
Like many Americans across the country, Michigan residents have faced a staggering number of foreclosures in the last few years.2 In 2009, Laura Buttazzoni was one of the many Michigan homeowners facing the dire reality that she was going to lose her home.3 After Buttazzoni’s failed attempt to sell her home, her bank initiated a sheriff’s sale in late 2009.4 After the statutory redemption period expired,5 Fannie Mae evicted Buttazzoni and relisted the home in 2011.6 Even though Buttazzoni’s home was foreclosed, sold at a sale, and relisted on the market—she was not done with the property. In June 2012, nearly three years after Buttazzoni’s eviction, Fannie Mae executed an “expungement affidavit,” which voided the 2009 sheriff’s sale and reverted the mortgage back to Buttazzoni’s name.
Based on a two-stage analysis of a panel of data on 12 outlets of a high-end retailer for 24 months, we investigate how the level of supervisory monitoring affects retail sales productivity. In the first stage, we use Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to compute the relative productivity of retail outlets in using their labor and capital resources to generate store sales. In the second stage, we regress the logarithm of DEA scores on contextual variables to obtain consistent estimators of the impact of contextual variables on productivity (Banker and Natarajan in Operation Research 56:48-58, 2008). Contrary to agency theoretic prediction that supervisory monitoring leads to an increase in retail sales productivity, our empirical results indicate that the higher the level of supervisory monitoring, the lower is the retail sales productivity for high-end retail outlets.
In 1917 the Coventry Evening Telegraph noted that the problems of ‘surplus garden produce’ had arisen and that ‘smallholders were being encouraged to group together in order to bring their supplies in quantity to market. Women’s Institutes have been formed, and these arrange for the opening of a market for a certain number of hours one day a week’. WIs, which had begun being formed under the auspices of the Agricultural Organisation Society from 1915 could be seen to be one of the earliest examples of Farmers Markets. These rural women were to improve the food supply in wartime when there was a food crisis; shortages, queues, price rises and in 1918 the introduction of rationing. The WIs encouraged food saving and preservation their markets enabled small holders, cottage gardeners and allotment holders to find a financial non- exploitive outlet for their produce. Markets and retail outlets developed in a number of towns or even cities in rural areas: Worcester, Leamington Spa and Lichfield and in post-war Britain depot trading centres were set up in some county towns Maidstone in Kent in 1919, Winchester in 1920. Between them they provided rural women with a retail space initially for their garden produce and then in time for the preserves, baking and craftwork. Jam, cakes, toys, knitted toys and garments even a wedding trousseau were ordered or sold through these retail outlets. The Markets were not restricted to WI members and often sold work produced by smallholders, the disabled and ex-servicemen. Membership required buying at least one share; as they were a co-operative venture there was a limit on the number of shares it was possible to purchase. Sales tables at some monthly WI meeting provided yet another retail outlet for rural women. This paper will explore the significance of these retail opportunities to rural women: as a chance to earn much needed cash, in placing a value on domestic labour and as an indication that when looking at rural women’s lives, in first half of the twentieth century, divisions between being consumers and producers of food and domestic products may be more fluid than it is something assumed.
Las respuestas de los componentes del rendimiento y de la calidad del aceite a la temperatura aún no han sido estudiadas en olivo ni en otras oleaginosas que acumulan aceite principalmente en mesocarpo (cerca de 95 por ciento del total en el caso de olivo). La información disponible en olivo se basa en correlaciones ligadas a variaciones en ubicación geográfica, altitud y años en los que pudieron covariar con la temperatura otros factores (radiación, disponibilidad hídrica, nutrición, etc). El objetivo de esta tesis fue evaluar el rol de la temperatura durante el crecimiento de frutos de olivo sobre el peso seco de los mismos, su contenido y concentración de aceite y las proporciones de ácidos grasos del aceite. Se realizaron experimentos manipulativos aplicados a ramas fructíferas creciendo a campo, utilizando cámaras transparentes con control y registro de temperatura. Los rangos de temperaturas medias alcanzados (entre 15-32 ºC) fueron mucho mayores a los rangos de 1 y 4 ºC logrados en estudios correlativos y permitieron generar relaciones funcionales para el peso seco del fruto, su concentración de aceite, y la proporción de ácidos grasos en el aceite. El contraste entre aplicaciones de temperaturas mayores o menores al ambiente durante períodos largos (114 días) y cortos (30 días) demostraron que tanto la proporción de aceite del fruto como la de ácido oleico en el aceite de fruto entero (mesocarpo + semilla) disminuye al aumentar la temperatura. Si bien en ambas estructuras del fruto la temperatura tuvo un efecto negativo sobre la concentración de aceite, las respuestas a la temperatura de la proporción de ácidos grasos de la semilla y el mesocarpo, medidos en forma separada, difirieron entre sí. Los patrones de respuesta de las proporciones de ácidos grasos en el aceite de semilla mostraron similitudes con las conocidas para especies oleaginosas de semilla como girasol. Por contraste, en el aceite de mesocarpo de olivo la proporción de ácido oleico disminuyó con el aumento de la temperatura, patrón opuesto a lo manifestado en semillas de olivo y en las de oleaginosas anuales. En esta tesis también se evaluó el efecto de la temperatura mínima nocturna sobre el crecimiento de los frutos y la calidad del aceite. Los resultados sugieren que la temperatura mínima nocturna y la amplitud térmica diarias son las dimensiones del régimen térmico diario con los que mejor se asociaron los cambios en el peso seco del fruto, la proporción de aceite y las proporciones de ácidos grasos en el mismo. Los resultados de esta tesis sirven para guiar la selección de sitios de plantación de nuevos olivares basados en los registros térmicos zonales, y para explicar los desajustes de la proporción de ácidos grasos del aceite de oliva producido en el NOA y la normativa del Consejo Oleícola Internacional (COI). Las relaciones funcionales entre las variables respuesta y la temperatura definidas podrán incorporarse en modelos de simulación del rendimiento y calidad que se desarrollen en el futuro. Tomados en conjunto con la tendencia al aumento de la temperatura, producto del calentamiento global, los resultados permitirán estimar la magnitud de los impactos negativos que podrían afectar el rendimiento del cultivo y la calidad del aceite.
Se investiga la concentración de cationes (Ca,Fe,K,Mg),en el frijol negro,(Phaseolus vulgaris L. var. Tineco), usando un analizador de absorción atómica. Para tal efecto se procede a secar la muestra y luego se digiere en un medio acido. Se preparan las soluciones standard correspondiente a los cationes que se quiere investigar y luego se comparan estas concentraciones con las concentraciones de los iones en la muestra. El cálculo de la concentración (desconocida), de los cationes en la muestra, se hace por medio de simple aritmética. En este trabajo se reporta la cantidad en p. p. m. de los elementos arriba mencionados, presente en un gramo de la muestra original. Los resultados obtenidos fueron: Fe = 337.5 p. p. m. ; Ca = 150 p. p. m. ; Mg = 150 p. p. m. y K = 4X104p. p. m.