880 resultados para Community college education|Language arts|Educational psychology|Higher education


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A visual world eye-tracking study investigated the activation and persistence of implicit causality information in spoken language comprehension. We showed that people infer the implicit causality of verbs as soon as they encounter such verbs in discourse, as is predicted by proponents of the immediate focusing account (Greene & McKoon, 1995; Koornneef & Van Berkum, 2006; Van Berkum, Koornneef, Otten, & Nieuwland, 2007). Interestingly, we observed activation of implicit causality information even before people encountered the causal conjunction. However, while implicit causality information was persistent as the discourse unfolded, it did not have a privileged role as a focusing cue immediately at the ambiguous pronoun when people were resolving its antecedent. Instead, our study indicated that implicit causality does not affect all referents to the same extent, rather it interacts with other cues in the discourse, especially when one of the referents is already prominently in focus.


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Previous studies indicate that positive learning experiences are related to academic achievement as well as to well-being. On the other hand, emotional and motivational problems in studying may pose a risk for both academic achievement and well-being. Thus, emotions and motivation have an increasing role in explaining university students learning and studying. The relations between emotions, motivation, study success and well-being have been less frequently studied. The aim of this study was to investigate what kind of academic emotions, motivational factors and problems in studying students experienced five days before an exam of an activating lecture course, and the relations among these factors as well as their relation to self-study time and study success. Furthermore, the effect of all these factors on well-being, flow experience and academic achievement was examined. The term academic emotion was defined as emotion experienced in academic settings and related to studying. In the present study the theoretical background to motivational factors was based on thinking strategies and attributions, flow experience and task value. Problems in studying were measured in terms of exhaustion, anxiety, stress, lack of interest, lack of self-regulation and procrastination. The data were collected in December 2009 in an activating educational psychology lecture course by using a questionnaire. The participants (n=107) were class and kindergarten teacher students from the University of Helsinki. Most of them were first year students. The course grades were also gathered. Correlations and stepwise regression analysis were carried out to find out the factors that were related to or explained study success. The clusters that presented students´ problems in studying as well as thinking strategies and attributions, were found through hierarchical cluster analysis. K-means cluster analysis was used to form the final groups. One-way analysis of variance, Kruskal-Wallis test and crosstabs were conducted to see whether the students in different clusters varied in terms of study success, academic emotions, task value, flow, and background variables. The results indicated that academic emotions measured five days before the exam explained about 30 % of the variance of the course grade; exhaustion and interest positively, and anxiety negatively. In addition, interest as well as the self-study time best explained study success on the course. The participants were classified into three clusters according to their problems in studying as well as their thinking strategies and attributions: 1) ill-being, 2) carefree, and 3) committed and optimistic students. Ill-being students reported most negative emotions, achieved the worst grades, experienced anxiety rather than flow and were also the youngest. Carefree students, on the other hand, expressed the least negative emotions and spent the least time on self-studying, and like committed students, experienced flow. In addition, committed students reported positive emotions the most often and achieved the best grades on the course. In the future, more in-depth understanding how and why especially young first year students experience their studying hard is needed, because early state of the studies is shown to predict later study success.


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RESUMEN: Con este Trabajo de Fin de Grado hemos diseñado y construido un juego que trabaja la diversidad cultural y lingüística, y que facilita, por consiguiente, una mejor integración del alumnado inmigrante. Para ello, en primer lugar, hemos analizado la situación del alumnado inmigrante en el País Vasco. Posteriormente, hemos recogido algunas concepciones del juego de ciertos autores y hemos investigado qué juegos había en el mercado que trabajaran aspectos culturales ylingüísticos. Así, al no cumplirse nuestras expectativas, hemos creado un juego para fomentar la diversidad lingüística y la educación intercultural y antirracista.


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Esta dissertação se insere no estudo de políticas de currículo em múltiplos contextos educacionais, com base na abordagem teórico-metodológica do ciclo de políticas de Stephen Ball, na forma como interpretado para o campo do Currículo por Lopes e Macedo. Essa análise é subsidiada também pela concepção de comunidade disciplinar de Ivor Goodson e pela teoria do discurso de Ernesto Laclau. O objeto desta pesquisa é a investigação da produção de políticas curriculares pela comunidade disciplinar de ensino de Biologia. Para tanto, são analisados os principais documentos curriculares relacionados à Biologia no nível médio produzidos em âmbito federal os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais para o Ensino Médio (PCNEm), as Orientações Complementares aos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais para o Ensino Médio (PCN+) e as Orientações Curriculares Nacionais para o Ensino Médio (OCNEM). Igualmente buscando entender o processo de produção da política, foram realizadas entrevistas com professores e pesquisadores reconhecidos nessa comunidade disciplinar que participaram da elaboração dos documentos curriculares supramencionados. Nessa análise, são identificadas demandas em disputa no âmbito dessa comunidade disciplinar assim como distanciamentos e aproximações entre esses documentos. Concluímos que mesmo em governos diferentes, representantes das comunidades disciplinares podem se manter atuantes no contexto de produção de textos das políticas e produzir sentidos e significados semelhantes nas políticas.


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Este estudo aborda a temática das relações existentes entre a formação universitária e a imagem social de mulheres negras universitárias da área da saúde e suas possíveis transformações pessoais e sociais. Considerando que a formação universitária produz uma valorização social e os seus desdobramentos influenciam nos papéis sociais vividos por este grupo. Buscamos assim, descrever a imagem social de mulheres negras na perspectiva de mulheres negras universitárias e sua autoimagem social; e analisar a influencia da formação universitária na autoimagem social das mesmas. Metodologia: Pesquisa descritivo-exploratória com abordagem qualitativa, realizada com roteiro de entrevista semi estruturada com dez entrevistadas que se autodeclararam pretas ou pardas matriculadas em Programa de Pós-graduação (Mestrado) de uma universidade pública estadual no município do Rio de Janeiro (Brasil). Os dados produzidos foram analisados e interpretados à luz da análise de conteúdo de Bardin. Deste processo emergiram três categorias. A primeira categoria A imagem social da mulher negra na perspectiva de mulheres negras universitárias descreve a condição desigual da mulher negra na sociedade a partir da desvalorização do gênero feminino e da raça (sexismo e o racismo) e o corpo da mulher negra como objeto de sensualidade. A segunda categoria - A formação universitária na vida de mulheres negras desdobrou-se em duas categorias intermediárias: Situações positivas vivenciadas durante a formação (formação universitária como veículo para as transformações sociais e pessoais a partir da ampliação do conhecimento científico e a melhora na inserção social); Situações negativas (desigualdades de classes, sentimentos de indecisão, frustração frente à escolha do curso e limitações na aprendizagem e adaptação). A terceira categoria A autoimagem social de mulheres universitárias negras desenvolve a percepção das entrevistadas acerca da sua autoimagem a partir do processo de formação universitária, e desdobra-se em visões positivas e negativas sobre sua autoimagem. A visão positiva destaca o empoderamento diante da sua condição étnica caracterizado por atitudes perseverantes e demonstração de competência no cotidiano, favorecendo o fortalecimento de posições sociais; algumas inclusive não identificam vivenciar diferenças sociais pela etnia. A visão negativa foi descrita a partir dos sentimentos de baixa estima, insegurança no posicionamento nos espaços sociais e a dificuldade de falar sobre a sua autoimagem. Para as depoentes a autoimagem se traduz não no estereótipo, mas, nas conquistas sociais que elas alcançam decorrente da formação universitária. A formação universitária se torna condição fundamental para transpor os estigmas sociais que interferem na imagem social deste grupo populacional na sociedade.


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O objetivo desta pesquisa foi estudar a contribuição que a interação vivenciada em grupos operativos pode oferecer ao desenvolvimento da capacidade de aprendizagem no amplo processo de capacitação docente, numa perspectiva psicopedagógica. Buscou-se perceber como a técnica dos grupos operativos contribuiria para a modificação da pratica pedagógica desenvolvida por professores de aceleração de aprendizagem no sentido de otimizar os resultados do trabalho por eles desenvolvidos junto aos alunos dessas classes.Foram acompanhados, em dinâmica de grupo operativo, vinte docentes de classes de aceleração incluídos em um projeto de capacitação para professores desenvolvido em Mangaratiba, RJ. A tarefa explicita nesse grupo foi a elaboração de temas sobre a aprendizagem dos alunos e dos professores, considerando a auto-estima acadêmica de ambos.A base teórica adotada foi a Epistemologia Convergente, na qual Jorge Visca propõe um modelo específico de intervenção psicopedagógica. Neste modelo, a perspectiva relacional está fundada nas contribuições da psicologia social, conforme é compreendida por Pichon-Riviére. Aí, a técnica dos grupos operativos é utilizada para favorecer o desenvolvimento relacional do grupo participante, otimizando suas possibilidades de aprender. Realizou-se então, uma intervenção psicopedagógica para a capacitação de docentes de classe de aceleração de aprendizagem e um dos instrumentos dessa intervenção foi a vivencia em grupo operativo. A pesquisa acompanhou o desenvolvimento desse grupo observando e interagindo para que se produzissem os movimentos que contribuíram para mobilizar a resignificação do modelo de aprendizagem dos seus membros.Essa resignificação possibilitou ao professor considerar a capacidade para aprender em grupo fator de grande importância na tarefa docente, aspecto considerado original na capacitação realizada. Os resultados qualitativos observados tornaram-se explícitos ao longo da vivencia grupal na significativa mudança da relação do grupo com a produção de conhecimento e da auto-estima profissional dos participantes. A pesquisa concluiu que os processos de capacitação docente devem continuar buscando alternativas mais coerentes com os aspectos que se deseja formar nos professores e apresenta os grupos operativos como estratégia psicopedagógica de excelentes possibilidades na capacitação dos mesmos.Enfatiza ainda, a possibilidade de reconstrução do sentido e pratica da cidadania na dinâmica desses grupos já que neles, os sujeitos encontram oportunidades de redefinição dos papeis que desempenham, pelo exercício da flexibilização dos mesmos. Confirma a certeza de que o professor que poderá ensinar a construir conhecimento deverá, ele mesmo, ter construído o seu como a condição para que possa ajudar o aluno a superar as inúmeras dificuldades inerentes à aprendizagem presentes nas estruturas sociais, nos sistemas escolares e em sua própria historia pessoal. É nessa superação que alunos e professores já marcados pelas vivências de fracasso escolar poderão retomar no grupo social a construção de sua condição cidadã, justificando o empenho realizado pela educação escolar.


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Esta dissertação baseia-se em uma pesquisa-intervenção realizada em cinco escolas de nível fundamental e infantil, e em uma escola de ensino especial/ atendimento educacional especializado (AEE) de uma cidade de pequeno porte do interior do Rio de Janeiro, na região sul do estado. O presente trabalho situa-se no contexto das discussões sobre as práticas de medicalização na escola-empresa e nas sociedades de controle, e tem como objetivo a investigação da medicalização e a judicialização como exigências que têm moldado um viés predominante médico-assistencialista ao trabalho do psicólogo, concentrando-se em atendimentos individualizados a alunos e famílias nas escolas públicas. O método adotado é o da cartografia (Deleuze & Guattari). Os conceitos de Medicalização (Conrad, Illitch, Szasz). Controle (Deleuze), e o conceito científico-ficcional de Pré-Crime (Dick) são a coluna vertebral do trabalho. A pesquisa de cunho qualitativo utiliza os referenciais teórico-práticos da análise institucional (AI) e dos estudos da filosofia de diferença, de autores como Michel Foucault, Gilles Deleuze e Félix Guatarri, assim como a contribuição valiosa de estudiosos mais contemporâneos, como Veiga-Neto, Gallo e Marcondes. Os analisadores dos relatórios pré-crime de medicalização do fracasso escolar, da (in)disciplina e da loucura através funcionam como pistas para as passagens dos diagnósticos para as práticas e modos coletivos de subjetivação, contexto mais amplo que nos conduz à visibilidade das questões do trabalho, da saúde no trabalho no magistério, e às plataformas de alianças coletivas entre técnicos(psicólogos) e não-técnicos (professores) para a construção dos processos de desmedicalização e desmedicalização na Educação.


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O objetivo do presente estudo é analisar o impacto da terapia Reiki no bem estar subjetivo e suas representações sociais em uma universidade pública do Rio de Janeiro. Trata-se de uma pesquisa quanti-qualitativa, com abordagem experimental, apoiado na Teoria de Representações Sociais. O grupo estudado foi composto de 60 sujeitos que não tiverem acesso à terapia anteriormente entrevistados antes e depois de três sessões de Reiki. Os dados foram coletados através de quatro instrumentos: questionário de identificação dos sujeitos, questionário de representação social do Reiki, questionário de evocação livre e escala de Bem estar Subjetivo. A análise dos dados foi realizada com estatística descritiva e inferencial com o software SPSS 19, análise estrutural e análise de conteúdo das representações sociais, a partir do software EVOC. Os sujeitos participantes são do sexo feminino (88,33%); nível superior (76,66%); discentes de ensino superior e médio e enfermeiros (48,34%); está empregado (56,67%); renda pessoal inferior a R$ 1.000,00 (41,67%); solteiro (61,67%); vive sozinho (68,33%); tem companheiro fixo (68,33%); sem doença (58,33%); uso de terapia não convencional (63,33%); tem religião (88,33%) e religião católica (33,33%) e evangélica (21,67%). Quanto às representações sociais, a busca do Reiki antes e depois do experimento revelou duas categorias com maior frequência, que são: equilíbrio da saúde mental, antes (35,44%) e depois (50,65%) e equilíbrio da saúde física, antes (16,46%) e depois (27,27%). Quanto à estrutura representacional do Reiki, o possível núcleo central dos dois grupos analisados foi composto pelas palavras energia, relaxamento e tranquilidade, configurando-se como uma dimensão funcional e positiva do Reiki e não apresentando variação da representação antes e depois da realização da terapia. O estudo experimental apresentou como resultados: No experimento I: diferença estatisticamente significante na dimensão afeto positivo, com escore maior no grupo de sujeitos que recebeu a terapia Reiki comparado aos que não receberam. No experimento II: diferença estatisticamente significante na dimensão afeto negativo, com escore maior no grupo de sujeitos que recebeu informação do Reiki associado à religiosidade comparado àqueles que receberam outros tipos de informação. E no experimento III: na dimensão afeto positivo, observou-se que todos os escores se elevaram, apontando para um efeito generalizado e inespecífico da realização do Reiki e da informação sobre o afeto positivo, exceto no que se refere à informação de espiritualidade que apresentou inversão das médias. No afeto negativo observou-se que todos os escores diminuíram, apontando para um efeito generalizado e inespecífico da realização do Reiki.Na dimensão cognitiva as médias dos escores antes e depois das manipulações experimentais praticamente não se alteraram. Conclui-se que a terapia Reiki favoreceu na manutenção do equilíbrio energético dos usuários, através de relaxamento, tranquilidade e sentimentos positivos, proporcionando, assim, efeitos psicológicos saudáveis, nutrindo e fortificando o campo energético dos usuários que participaram do estudo.


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John Nathan Cobb (1868–1930) became the founding Director of the College of Fisheries, University of Washington, Seattle, in 1919 without the benefit of a college education. An inquisitive and ambitious man, he began his career in the newspaper business and was introduced to commercial fisheries when he joined the U.S. Fish Commission (USFC) in 1895 as a clerk, and he was soon promoted to a “Field Agent” in the Division of Statistics, Washington, D.C. During the next 17 years, Cobb surveyed commercial fisheries from Maine to Florida, Hawaii, the Pacific Northwest, and Alaska for the USFC and its successor, the U.S. Bureau of Fisheries. In 1913, he became editor of the prominent west coast trade magazine, Pacific Fisherman, of Seattle, Wash., where he became known as a leading expert on the fisheries of the Pacific Northwest. He soon joined the campaign, led by his employer, to establish the nation’s first fisheries school at the University of Washington. After a brief interlude (1917–1918) with the Alaska Packers Association in San Francisco, Calif., he was chosen as the School’s founding director in 1919. Reflecting his experience and mindset, as well as the University’s apparent initial desire, Cobb established the College of Fisheries primarily as a training ground for those interested in applied aspects of the commercial fishing industry. Cobb attracted sufficient students, was a vigorous spokesman for the College, and had ambitions plans for expansion of the school’s faculty and facilities. He became aware that the College was not held in high esteem by his faculty colleagues or by the University administration because of the school’s failure to emphasize scholastic achievement, and he attempted to correct this deficiency. Cobb became ill with heart problems in 1929 and died on 13 January 1930. The University soon thereafter dissolved the College and dismissed all but one of its faculty. A Department of Fisheries, in the College of Science, was then established in 1930 and was led by William Francis Thompson (1888–1965), who emphasized basic science and fishery biology. The latter format continues to the present in the Department’s successor, The School of Aquatic Fisheries and Science.


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The North Atlantic spring bloom is one of the largest annual biological events in the ocean, and is characterized by dominance transitions from siliceous (diatoms) to calcareous (coccolithophores) algal groups. To study the effects of future global change on these phytoplankton and the biogeochemical cycles they mediate, a shipboard continuous culture experiment (Ecostat) was conducted in June 2005 during this transition period. Four treatments were examined: (1) 12 degrees C and 390 ppm CO2 (ambient control), (2) 12 degrees C and 690 ppm CO2 (high pCO(2)) (3) 16 degrees C and 390 ppm CO2 (high temperature), and (4) 16 degrees C and 690 ppm CO2 ('greenhouse'). Nutrient availability in all treatments was designed to reproduce the low silicate conditions typical of this late stage of the bloom. Both elevated pCO(2) and temperature resulted in changes in phytoplankton community structure. Increased temperature promoted whole community photosynthesis and particulate organic carbon (POC) production rates per unit chlorophyll a. Despite much higher coccolithophore abundance in the greenhouse treatment, particulate inorganic carbon production (calcification) was significantly decreased by the combination of increased pCO(2) and temperature. Our experiments suggest that future trends during the bloom could include greatly reduced export of calcium carbonate relative to POC, thus providing a potential negative feedback to atmospheric CO2 concentration. Other trends with potential climate feedback effects include decreased community biogenic silica to POC ratios at higher temperature. These shipboard experiments suggest the need to examine whether future pCO2 and temperature increases on longer decadal timescales will similarly alter the biological and biogeochemical dynamics of the North Atlantic spring bloom.


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High sensation seekers have unusual creativities. Recent years Furnham Adrian et al, found that the groups have different arts tendency have higher difference in Sensation seeking dimension than in Big 5. Some studies found arts students have higher level in many dimension. Sensation seeking has an important influence to peoples` aesthetic conception. This thesis measured art (including painting, music, dancing) students and non-art students` trait of sensation seeking Personality, and looked for the similarities and differences between art students and non-art students in development of sensation seeking personality. Try to find the influence of different procession of art study to sensation seeking level. The outcome of this study: 1. In non-art students, sensation seeking level has a decrease from Grade 1 to Grade 3 in college students, especially in males. Male has higher sensation seeking level than female, especially in TAS, DIS and GEN. 2. There are differences between art students and non-art students in sensation seeking. In ES and GEN Painting students have higher level than non-art students, but in TAS dancing students have lower level than non-art students, in BS students studied in music have lower level than non-art students. 3. Tendency of arts development in art students and non-art students has difference from grade 1 to grade 3. Tendency in non-art students has a decrease, but in art students is not so obviously. The developments in TAS、ES、GEN of painting students, in ES、BS、GEN of dancing students, in TAS、ES、GEN of music major students have differences towards to non-art students. Different art studies have possibility to improve opening of experiment and normal sensation seeking level. All the Different art kinds may affect the development of ES and GEN, and ES and GEN may become commonness gradually within all kind art groups. But this commonness is not so notable in Grade 1-3. 4. Between different art kinds have differences. TAS Scores of dancing group is notably lower than scores of music and painting groups, score of painting group in ES BS and GEN is remarkably higher than that of music and dancing groups, and painting group in DIS has a higher score than music group and dancing group. Painting group has highest sensation seeking in all art kinds students, and dancing group has lowest score in TAS. 5. For female, development tendency of all art kinds dimensions have no remarkable difference, except DIS. Interaction in female DIS dimension may be aroused by scores increase of painting group. In other scores development tendency of different kinds arts have no notable difference.


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Transfer of learning is one of the major concepts in educational psychology. As cognitive psychology develops, many researchers have found that transfer plays an important part in problem solving, and the awareness of the similarity of related problems is important in transfer. So they become more interested in researching the problem of transfer. But in the literature of transfer research, it has been found that many researchers do not hold identical conclusions about the influence of awareness of related problems during problem solving transfer. This dissertation is written on the basic of much of sub-research work, such as looking up literature concerning transfer of problem solving research, comparing the results of research work done recently and experimental researches. The author of this dissertation takes middle school students as subjects, geometry as materials, and adopts factorial design in his experiments. The influence of awareness of related problems on problem solving transfer is examined from three dimensions which are the degree of difficulty of transfer problems, the level of awareness of related problems and the characteristics of subjects themselves. Five conclusions have been made after the experimental research: (1) During the process of geometry problem solving, the level of awareness of related problems is one of the major factors that influence the effect of problem solving transfer. (2) Either more difficult or more easy of the transfer problems will hinder the influence of awareness of related problems during problem solving transfer, and the degree of difficulty of the transfer problems have interactions with the level of awareness of related problems in affecting transfer. (3) During geometry problems solving transfer, the level of awareness of related problems has interactions with the degree of student achievement. Compared with the students who have lower achievement, the influence of the level of the awareness is bigger in the students who have higher achievement. (4) There is positive correlation between geometry achievement and reasoning ability of the middle school students. The student who has higher reasoning ability has higher geometry achievement, while the level of awareness is raised, the transfer achievement of both can be raised significantly. (5) There is positive correlation between geometry achievement and cognitive style of the middle school students. The student who has independent field tendency of cognitive style has higher geometry achievement, while the level of awareness is raised, the transfer achievement of both can be raised significantly. At the end of the dissertation, the researcher offers two proposals concerning Geometry teaching on the basis of the research findings.


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In this study, bibliometric method was usded in the investigation of 2274 papers concerning child developmental and educational psychology, which were published during the ten years of 1979-1988, in 14 psychological journals and 97 other scientific journals. According to the quantitative and qualitative analyses, the results are as follows: 1979-1988 saw the rapid development and prosperous period in China's child developmental and educational psychology, During which more papers were published and more fields couched than in the psvious thirty years. The number of literature publications increased and went to the peak in 1983 and 1984, and came down since 1985. The trend was found to result from the decrease in popular science introductions of psychology, which reflected that a heat of psychology had appeared in 1983 and started to cool in 1985. At the mean time, the number of research reports had been holding a steady increase by 1987 and decreased obviously in 1988, especially in the fields of cognitive and social development. There could be several possible explanations of this phenonemon: Piagetian studies are becoming fewer and the eakening of Piaget's influence might predict a period of standstill in the field of developmental psychology in China; As researches become more and more difficult, researchers have turned to be more cautious in lay out their reports; the cutdown of fees and staff could also be one of reasons for less publication in 1988. As the factors mentioned above still exist and their influences last, the number of papers are not expected to increase in the near future. The field of thinking and menory is closely connected with that of artificial intelligence. The downhill situations in these two fileds should be taken seriously. 2. The types of research work are divided on the bases of their problem raising. The trends show that the deepening studies, which represent a comaratively higher level of exploration, are waving fewer, while repeated studies and creative studies are becoming more as the years go along. This fact is worth being further analysed. Big progress could be seen from research methods. The methods currently used are mainly experiment, psychological measurement and assessment, and theoretical reasoning. There is a rapid increase of research by using scales. Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Binet Scale and Baley Scale have been revised andstandardized. Chinese researchers have also developed several good scales of their own, some of which are valuable and need to be standardized. In the papers investigated, the amount of citation is significantly lower than the world average level as well as the average citation number of whole China's scientific literature. Among the papers cited, most are of Chinese and English languages, and only a small rate were published in resently five years. The renewal of literature cited seems to stay at a low level in the ten years. Tremendous work could be reflected by the number of subjects used the research work in those ten years: 362665. A lot of studies piled on the period of 4-16 year olds. Compared with the previous thirty years, the age range was much enlarged and there were quite a few studies about preschool, school and adolescent periods. The study of newborn of 0-3 has been a weak point so far and it is a field to which chinese developmental psychologists should pay more attention. The progress in using statistics is one of the most obvious part in the development in the research work of child developmental and educational psychology. The one tendency that should be awared and avoid is to put the cart before the horse: seeking for more sophisticated statistic method while neglecting the meanings of research problems. 3. Citation analysis was used in selecting scholars who had great influence in the field of child developmental and educational psychology. Among the often cited and famous scholars, 31 are Chinese researchers and 12 are Western psychologists. The authoritative journal for child developmental psychology and educational psychology is Acta Psychologica Sinica.


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This presentation reports on the formal evaluation, through questionnaires, of a new Level 1 undergraduate course, for 130 student teachers, that uses blended learning. The course design seeks to radicalise the department’s approach to teaching, learning and assessment and use students as change agents. Its structure and content, model social constructivist approaches to learning. Building on the student’s experiences of and, reflections on, previous learning, promotes further learning through the support of “able others” (Vygotsky 1978), facilitating and nurturing a secure community of practice for students new to higher education. The course’s design incorporates individual, paired, small and large group activities and exploits online video, audio and text materials. Course units begin and end with face-to-face tutor-led activities. Online elements, including discussions and formative submissions, are tutor-mediated. Students work together face-to-face and online to read articles, write reflections, develop presentations, research and share experiences and resources. Summative joint assignments and peer assessments emphasise the value of collaboration and teamwork for academic, personal and professional development. Initial informal findings are positive, indicating that students have engaged readily with course content and structure, with few reporting difficulties accessing or using technology. Students have welcomed the opportunity to work together to tackle readings in a new genre, pilot presentation skills and receive and give constructive feedback to peers. Course tutors have indicated that depth and quality of study are evident, with regular online formative submissions enabling tutors to identify and engage directly with student’s needs, provide feedback and develop appropriately designed distance and face-to-face teaching materials. Pastoral tutors have indicated that students have reported non-engagement of peers, leading to the rapid application of academic or personal support. Outcomes of the formal evaluation will inform the development of Level 2 and 3 courses and influence the department’s use of blended learning.


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Este trabajo tiene como propósito esencial, realizar un acercamiento para detectar e identificar las necesidades de información y el comportamiento informativo de entrenadores en deportes de combate. Para ello se aplicó un cuestionario a instructores de aikido, boxeo, esgrima, judo, karate, kendo, lima lama, lucha y taekwondo seleccionados mediante un muestreo no probabilístico por causalidad. En general encontramos que los principales temas de interés entre los instructores son: los programas de entrenamiento, nutrición y dietas de entrenamiento. Por otra parte, los entrenadores son más propensos a utilizar su experiencia, internet y cursos para obtener información. En contraste se nota que la biblioteca y los libros son poco usados.