986 resultados para Cognitive tests


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Machine learning and pattern recognition methods have been used to diagnose Alzheimer's disease (AD) and mild cognitive impairment (MCI) from individual MRI scans. Another application of such methods is to predict clinical scores from individual scans. Using relevance vector regression (RVR), we predicted individuals' performances on established tests from their MRI T1 weighted image in two independent data sets. From Mayo Clinic, 73 probable AD patients and 91 cognitively normal (CN) controls completed the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), Dementia Rating Scale (DRS), and Auditory Verbal Learning Test (AVLT) within 3months of their scan. Baseline MRI's from the Alzheimer's disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) comprised the other data set; 113 AD, 351 MCI, and 122 CN subjects completed the MMSE and Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale-Cognitive subtest (ADAS-cog) and 39 AD, 92 MCI, and 32 CN ADNI subjects completed MMSE, ADAS-cog, and AVLT. Predicted and actual clinical scores were highly correlated for the MMSE, DRS, and ADAS-cog tests (P<0.0001). Training with one data set and testing with another demonstrated stability between data sets. DRS, MMSE, and ADAS-Cog correlated better than AVLT with whole brain grey matter changes associated with AD. This result underscores their utility for screening and tracking disease. RVR offers a novel way to measure interactions between structural changes and neuropsychological tests beyond that of univariate methods. In clinical practice, we envision using RVR to aid in diagnosis and predict clinical outcome.


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We review the different meanings that researchers have given to theconcept of social capital, differentiate four types – bridging, bonding,linking, and overheads –, and discuss their different functions as public,club, and common goods.For each form of social capital we distinguish its productivity (acollective characteristic) from the factors that account for individual’sdifferential access to its returns, and propose alternative ways formeasuring each.We show the utility of our theoretical and measuring approach byanalyzing the impact of the each form of social capital on 15 year-oldstudents’ cognitive attainment across OECD countries, using 2006 PISAdata.The results show that students’ cognitive attainments are a direct functionof the richness or productivity of each form of social capital and ofstudents’ degree of access to each.


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Testosterone abuse is conventionally assessed by the urinary testosterone/epitestosterone (T/E) ratio, levels above 4.0 being considered suspicious. A deletion polymorphism in the gene coding for UGT2B17 is strongly associated with reduced testosterone glucuronide (TG) levels in urine. Many of the individuals devoid of the gene would not reach a T/E ratio of 4.0 after testosterone intake. Future test programs will most likely shift from population based- to individual-based T/E cut-off ratios using Bayesian inference. A longitudinal analysis is dependent on an individual's true negative baseline T/E ratio. The aim was to investigate whether it is possible to increase the sensitivity and specificity of the T/E test by addition of UGT2B17 genotype information in a Bayesian framework. A single intramuscular dose of 500mg testosterone enanthate was given to 55 healthy male volunteers with either two, one or no allele (ins/ins, ins/del or del/del) of the UGT2B17 gene. Urinary excretion of TG and the T/E ratio was measured during 15 days. The Bayesian analysis was conducted to calculate the individual T/E cut-off ratio. When adding the genotype information, the program returned lower individual cut-off ratios in all del/del subjects increasing the sensitivity of the test considerably. It will be difficult, if not impossible, to discriminate between a true negative baseline T/E value and a false negative one without knowledge of the UGT2B17 genotype. UGT2B17 genotype information is crucial, both to decide which initial cut-off ratio to use for an individual, and for increasing the sensitivity of the Bayesian analysis.


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Great effort is put into developing reliable, predictive, high-throughput, and low-cost screening approaches for the toxicity evaluation of ambient and manufactured nanoparticles (NP). These tests often consider oxidative reactivity, as oxidative stress is a well-documented pathway in particle toxicology. Based on a panel of six carbonaceous and five metal/metal oxide (Me/MeOx) nanoparticles, we: (i) compared the specifications (linearity, detection limits, repeatability) of three acellular reactivity tests using either dithiothreitol (DTT assay), dichlorofluorescein (DCFH assay), or ascorbic acid (AA-assay) as the reducing agent; and (ii) evaluated which physicochemical properties were important for explaining the observed reactivity. The selected AA assay was found to be neither sensitive nor robust enough to be retained. For the other tests, the surface properties of carbonaceous NP were of utmost importance for explaining their reactivity. In particular, the presence of "strongly reducing" surface functions explained most of its DCFH reactivity and a large part of its DTT reactivity. For the selected Me/MeOx, a different picture emerged. Whereas all particles were able to oxidize DCFH, dissolution and complexation processes could additionally influence the measured reactivity, as observed using the DTT assay. This study suggests that a combination of the DTT and DCFH assays provides complementary information relative to the quantification of the oxidative capacity of NP.


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La thèse traite de projets de classes enfantines avec de l'activité physique, projets pilotes ayant entre autres le but d'évaluer les effets d'un apport d'activité physique auprès d'enfants de 4 à 6 ans. Le projet de recherche saisit l'opportunité de pouvoir observer les effets de l'AP sur de jeunes enfants (n=86, classes AP=40, classes contrôles=46) et ceci par trois regards distincts : une quantification de l'activité physique, l'influence de cette dernière sur certaines composantes cognitives (créativité, intelligence et concentration) des jeunes enfants et, enfin, l'influence de l'activité physique au niveau psychosocial (microsystèmes familial et scolaire). La méthodologie mélange des méthodes qualitatives (entretiens, observations) et quantitatives (accéléromètres (GT1M), tests de créativité (Krampen, 1996), d'intelligence (Cattell, Weiss & Osterland, 1997), de concentration (Krampen, 2007)). Les principaux résultats démontrent que ce type de projet permet d'augmenter l'AP durant le temps scolaire et les résultats sont plus contrastés en extrascolaire. Un temps supérieur consacré à l'AP ne démontre aucune diminution des capacités cognitives dans cette tranche d'âge-là. L'analyse du microsystème familial nous informe sur le fait que les parents qui ont placé leurs enfants dans ce type de classes sont eux-mêmes plus actifs que la moyenne de la population suisse (Lamprecht, Fischer, & Stamm, 2008a). Enfin, un apport d'AP ne permet pas d'augmenter le nombre de feedbacks tournés vers l'autonomie et le style contrôlant est même renforcé. Nos résultats sont discutés sur la base des études de Kriemler et al. (2010) qui démontrent toute la difficulté d'une intervention scolaire pour modifier les comportements familiaux en extrascolaire. La fonction exécutive (Tomporowski et al., 2008) offre un regard neurophysiologique éclairant les effets de l'AP sur les différentes capacités étudiées. Enfin, il semble que la pression générée par la mise en place de projets liés à un apport d'AP en école enfantine va dans le sens d'une augmentation d'un style contrôlant (Tessier, 2006). Ce choix d'approcher les observations selon plusieurs angles d'étude est audacieux car il se situe en situation écologique mais il représente en même temps le seul moyen d'observer les effets en tenant davantage compte de la complexité des conduites des interactions entre différents facteurs. - The aim of the study is to evaluate the effect of physical activity (PA) in kindergartens with children aged from 4 to 6 years old. The project seizes the opportunity to observe the effects of PA on young children (n=86, classes AP=40, control classes=46) with three different axes: a quantification of PA, the influence of PA on cognitive functions (creativity, intelligence and concentration), and the influence on the family and the climate in the class. The methodology is based on a mix of qualitative (interviews, observations) and quantitative (accelerometer (GT1M), creativity test (Krampen, 1996), intelligence test (Cattell, Weiss & Osterland, 1997), concentration test (Krampen, 2007)) methods. The main results show that PA during the schooltime increased and the results outside of the school present more contrasts. More time spent for PA doesn't influence negatively the evolution of the cognitive functions at this age. The parents, who have interest for this kind of kindergartens for their children move significantly more than the Swiss population (Lamprecht, et al., 2008a). More PA during the lessons doesn't increase the feedbacks given with autonomy and more control is even observed. The results show the difficulty of changing the behaviors of a family linked to PA outside of the school (Kriemler et al., 2010). The discussion of the results of the cognitive functions is based on the executive function, which seems to be linked to PA (Tomporowski et al., 2008). Finally, it seems that the pressure occurred by those projects with PA tend to foster a climate with more control (Tessier, 2006). The choice of structuring the thesis with three different axes represents a risk because it is established in ecological conditions, but it also allows to observe the effects of PA taking into consideration the interactions between the different factors.


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This paper argues that low-stakes test scores, available in surveys, may be partially determined by test-taking motivation, which is associated with personality traits but not with cognitive ability. Therefore, such test score distributions may not be informative regarding cognitive ability distributions. Moreover, correlations, found in survey data, between high test scores and economic success may be partially caused by favorable personality traits. To demonstrate these points, I use the coding speed test that was administered without incentives to National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 (NLSY) participants. I suggest that due to its simplicity its scores may especially depend on individuals' test-taking motivation. I show that controlling for conventional measures of cognitive skills, the coding speed scores are correlated with future earnings of male NLSY participants. Moreover, the coding speed scores of highly motivated, though less educated, population (potential enlists to the armed forces) are higher than NLSY participants' scores. I then use controlled experiments to show that when no performance-based incentives are provided, participants' characteristics, but not their cognitive skills, affect effort invested in the coding speed test. Thus, participants with the same ability (measured by their scores on an incentivized test) have significantly different scores on tests without performance- based incentives.


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When facing age-related cerebral decline, older adults are unequally affected by cognitive impairment without us knowing why. To explore underlying mechanisms and find possible solutions to maintain life-space mobility, there is a need for a standardized behavioral test that relates to behaviors in natural environments. The aim of the project described in this paper was therefore to provide a free, reliable, transparent, computer-based instrument capable of detecting age-related changes on visual processing and cortical functions for the purposes of research into human behavior in computational transportation science. After obtaining content validity, exploring psychometric properties of the developed tasks, we derived (Study 1) the scoring method for measuring cerebral decline on 106 older drivers aged ≥70 years attending a driving refresher course organized by the Swiss Automobile Association to test the instrument's validity against on-road driving performance (106 older drivers). We then validated the derived method on a new sample of 182 drivers (Study 2). We then measured the instrument's reliability having 17 healthy, young volunteers repeat all tests included in the instrument five times (Study 3) and explored the instrument's psychophysical underlying functions on 47 older drivers (Study 4). Finally, we tested the instrument's responsiveness to alcohol and effects on performance on a driving simulator in a randomized, double-blinded, placebo, crossover, dose-response, validation trial including 20 healthy, young volunteers (Study 5). The developed instrument revealed good psychometric properties related to processing speed. It was reliable (ICC = 0.853) and showed reasonable association to driving performance (R (2) = 0.053), and responded to blood alcohol concentrations of 0.5 g/L (p = 0.008). Our results suggest that MedDrive is capable of detecting age-related changes that affect processing speed. These changes nevertheless do not necessarily affect driving behavior.


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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: It is well established by a large number of randomized controlled trials that lowering blood pressure (BP) and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) by drugs are powerful means to reduce stroke incidence, but the optimal BP and LDL-C levels to be achieved are largely uncertain. Concerning BP targets, two hypotheses are being confronted: first, the lower the BP, the better the treatment outcome, and second, the hypothesis that too low BP values are accompanied by a lower benefit and even higher risk. It is also unknown whether BP lowering and LDL-C lowering have additive beneficial effects for the primary and secondary prevention of stroke, and whether these treatments can prevent cognitive decline after stroke. RESULTS: A review of existing data from randomized controlled trials confirms that solid evidence on optimal BP and LDL-C targets is missing, possible interactions between BP and LDL-C lowering treatments have never been directly investigated, and evidence in favour of a beneficial effect of BP or LDL-C lowering on cognitive decline is, at best, very weak. CONCLUSION: A new, large randomized controlled trial is needed to determine the optimal level of BP and LDL-C for the prevention of recurrent stroke and cognitive decline.


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Sobriety checkpoints are not usually randomly located by traffic authorities. As such, information provided by non-random alcohol tests cannot be used to infer the characteristics of the general driving population. In this paper a case study is presented in which the prevalence of alcohol-impaired driving is estimated for the general population of drivers. A stratified probabilistic sample was designed to represent vehicles circulating in non-urban areas of Catalonia (Spain), a region characterized by its complex transportation network and dense traffic around the metropolis of Barcelona. Random breath alcohol concentration tests were performed during spring 2012 on 7,596 drivers. The estimated prevalence of alcohol-impaired drivers was 1.29%, which is roughly a third of the rate obtained in non-random tests. Higher rates were found on weekends (1.90% on Saturdays, 4.29% on Sundays) and especially at night. The rate is higher for men (1.45%) than for women (0.64%) and the percentage of positive outcomes shows an increasing pattern with age. In vehicles with two occupants, the proportion of alcohol-impaired drivers is estimated at 2.62%, but when the driver was alone the rate drops to 0.84%, which might reflect the socialization of drinking habits. The results are compared with outcomes in previous surveys, showing a decreasing trend in the prevalence of alcohol-impaired drivers over time.


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The project presented, iCognos, consists of a flexible platform to assist end-users in performing a series of mental tasks with a sensitized mobile telerobotic platform aimed at mitigating the problems associated to cognitive disorders with an ecological cognition approach.