846 resultados para Code of Ethics
Providing children with special educational needs with individual education plans (IEPs) was advocated in the 1994 code of practice for SEN, and retained in the 2000 code. Specifically as it relates to mainstream secondary schools, this has proved highly controversial: many SENCos report that the writing and implementing of IEPs is a bureaucratic encumbrance, whilst others, going about the process of writing IEPs in very different ways, report that the process is both manageable and beneficial to the children concerned. Given this contradictory evidence, there is an urgent need for research into this area. Having looked at three case-studies of schools using very different methods to write IEPs in ways with which they feel comfortable, a research agenda is set out with a view to informing policies which ensure that resources spent on SEN are used as productively as possible.
The blind minimum output energy (MOE) adaptive detector for code division multiple access (CDMA) signals requires exact knowledge of the received spreading code of the desired user. This requirement can be relaxed by constraining the so-called surplus energy of the adaptive tap-weight vector, but the ideal constraint value is not easily obtained in practice. An algorithm is proposed to adaptively track this value and hence to approach the best possible performance for this class of CDMA detector.
In this paper I comment on a recent "letter" by Burleigh Wilkins addressed to nascent egalitarian democracies which offers advice on the achievement of religious toleration. I argue that while Wilkins’ advice is sound as far as it goes, it is nevertheless underdeveloped insofar as his letter fails to distinguish two competing conceptions of toleration – liberal-pluralist and republican-secularist – both of which are consistent with the advice he offers, but each of which yields very different policy recommendations (as can be seen by consideration of The United States v. Lee in America and, I’affaire du foulard in France). I argue that a democratic society of equals must be committed to liberal-pluralist rather than republican-secularist toleration
In this paper I give a critical overview of the views of the main Rational Intuitionists from 18th to 20th century.
This essay aims to demonstrate how Dickens’s search for ‘truth’ (and his understanding of what that abstraction consists of) entered into and emerged from one of the key philosophical discussions of the early nineteenth century: namely whether moral knowledge is the sum of one’s experiences or whether there are such things as a priori or ‘natural’ principles of ethics that transcend human practice.
This paper analyses the role of corporate governance failures and weaknesses in the global financial crisis with reference to the evolution of post-crisis corporate governance arrangements in China. The current crisis presents China with an opportunity to analyse its governance problems, reflect on its weaknesses and implement a strategy to address areas which need attention. This paper opens with a description of China’s exposure to the current global financial crisis and continues to critically evaluate the effectiveness of a free market system on corporate governance. Bratton (2002) maintains that incentive structures that motivate the self-regulatory systems generate less powerful checks against abuse than scholars and practitioners have believed. The paper highlights the need for corporate regulatory bodies and policy makers to revise and re-develop financial services sector regulations. Finally, the paper discusses the need of ethics in organizations - an issue that is beyond legislation. In an increasingly interconnected global economy, it is imperative to increase our understanding of what constitutes an effective corporate governance system. The paper contributes to the corporate governance body of literature within the Chinese context by providing insights into the contributing factors to corporate governance failure that led to the global financial crisis. It also provides policy recommendations for China’s policy makers to seriously consider. The results suggest a need for the re-examination of corporate governance adequacy and the institutionalisation of business ethics.
This paper details a strategy for modifying the source code of a complex model so that the model may be used in a data assimilation context, {and gives the standards for implementing a data assimilation code to use such a model}. The strategy relies on keeping the model separate from any data assimilation code, and coupling the two through the use of Message Passing Interface (MPI) {functionality}. This strategy limits the changes necessary to the model and as such is rapid to program, at the expense of ultimate performance. The implementation technique is applied in different models with state dimension up to $2.7 \times 10^8$. The overheads added by using this implementation strategy in a coupled ocean-atmosphere climate model are shown to be an order of magnitude smaller than the addition of correlated stochastic random errors necessary for some nonlinear data assimilation techniques.
We investigate several two-dimensional guillotine cutting stock problems and their variants in which orthogonal rotations are allowed. We first present two dynamic programming based algorithms for the Rectangular Knapsack (RK) problem and its variants in which the patterns must be staged. The first algorithm solves the recurrence formula proposed by Beasley; the second algorithm - for staged patterns - also uses a recurrence formula. We show that if the items are not so small compared to the dimensions of the bin, then these algorithms require polynomial time. Using these algorithms we solved all instances of the RK problem found at the OR-LIBRARY, including one for which no optimal solution was known. We also consider the Two-dimensional Cutting Stock problem. We present a column generation based algorithm for this problem that uses the first algorithm above mentioned to generate the columns. We propose two strategies to tackle the residual instances. We also investigate a variant of this problem where the bins have different sizes. At last, we study the Two-dimensional Strip Packing problem. We also present a column generation based algorithm for this problem that uses the second algorithm above mentioned where staged patterns are imposed. In this case we solve instances for two-, three- and four-staged patterns. We report on some computational experiments with the various algorithms we propose in this paper. The results indicate that these algorithms seem to be suitable for solving real-world instances. We give a detailed description (a pseudo-code) of all the algorithms presented here, so that the reader may easily implement these algorithms. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Syftet med denna uppsats är att ta reda på hur lokala kommunikationskonsulter i Falun/Borlänge-regionen ser på opinionsbildning via professionella konsulter. De centrala begrepp som avhandlas är PR, opinionsbildning och lobbying.Den teoretiska ram som omger undersökningen består av de teoribyggen som skapats av Jürgen Habermas, James E. Grunig och Larsåke Larsson. Habermas ställer sig tveksam till den demokratiska nyttan av professionell opinionsbildning, Grunig är mer positiv och Larsson ser både för- och nackdelar med PR-verksamheten. Larssons undersökning av opinionskonsulter från 2005 refereras också.Undersökningen bygger på intervjuer med ett antal kommunikationskonsulter verksamma i Falun och Borlänge. Den lokala marknaden för opinionsbildande uppdrag diskuteras, men också huruvida politiska uppdrag förser byråerna med politisk färg. Huruvida medarbetarnas engagemang är viktigt och hur hög statusen på opinionsbildande uppdrag är ventileras, samt vilka arbetsmetoder som används. Intervjuerna behandlar också förekomsten av lobbying på lokal nivå. Till slut redogör de intervjuade för sin syn på hur opinionsbildning, PR och lobbying via konsulter påverkar demokratin.Under slutsatser diskuteras resultatet i relation till den teoretiska ramen. Att PR- och reklambranscherna alltmer växer samman och att opinionsbildning är ett vanligt inslag i många projekt är ett faktum som också skymtat fram i den teoretiska ramen. Men reklam- och PR-metoder integreras också i politiken, på gott och ont. Följaktligen växer den gråzon som finns mellan de olika typerna av kommunikation och mellan opinionsbildande och icke-opinionsbildande uppdrag. Det försvårar gränsdragning och tydlighet, men skapar nya kreativa möjligheter.Att den ökade användningen av kommunikationskonsulter kanske kan bidra till en orättvis fördel för resursstarka organisationer diskuteras. Ny teknik, t.ex. Internet, kan dock eventuellt vara den motvikt som gör det möjligt även för resurssvaga grupper att höras i det offentliga samtalet. Kommunikation som maktfaktor tas även upp utifrån termer som lobbying och medias dagordningsfunktion.Några aspekter av den outnyttjade potential som PR har ventileras också. PR som metod är en outnyttjad resurs på det lokala planet, något som kan bero både på okunskap hos de lokala kunderna och ett traditionellt arbetssätt hos byråerna. Utifrån intervjusvaren framkommer att både byråerna, deras kunder och media på landsorten skulle gynnas av ett större samarbete.Resultaten av intervjuerna stöder mycket i den teoretiska ramen, medan somligt förkastas. Som sammanfattning kan sägas att opinionsbildning via konsulter kan användas för både gott och ont. Vilket som blir resultatet handlar som oftast om etik, ansvar, öppenhet och professionalitet.ABSTRACTThe primary target for this report is to find out how communication consultants in the region of Falun and Borlänge views the practice of establishing public opinions by using professional public relations consultants. The concepts in focus are PR, the moulding of public opinion and lobbying.The theoretical framework surrounding this report is the writings by Jürgen Habermas, James E. Grunig and Larsåke Larsson. Habermas has doubts as to the democratic use of professional consultants working with public opinions, Grunig has a somewhat more positive approach and Larsson sees both advantages and disadvantages in a democratic sense with the PR industry. Larssons research concerning consultants working with the moulding of public opinions from 2005 is also reviewed. The research is carried out by interviewing some communication consultants working in the Falun /Borlänge- area. The local market for commissions concerning public opinions is discussed, but also if and how political commissions are forcing a political stamp upon the firms engaging in such commissions. The importance of personal commitment in the consultants and the level of prominence commissions concerning public opinion has in the business is discussed, but also which methods is used and preferred. The interviews also deal with the practice of lobbying in the local arena. Finally the participants state their views on how the moulding of public opinion, PR and lobbying effects the democracy. Conclusively, the result is put in relation to the theories earlier mentioned. The public relations market is merging with the advertising business, that is a fact, and establishing public opinion is a common element in a lot of projects. But methods used for advertising and PR are also integrated in the political sphere, for good and bad. That has made the distinction between different kinds of communication harder, thereby enhancing the difficulties of establishing boundaries and achieving clarity. Yet at the same time it facilitates new creative opportunities.The growing use of communication consultants may contribute to unfair advantages for organisations with large economic resources. New technical development though, such as the Internet for example, may prove to simplify communication for groups with lesser economic power. Communication as an aspect of power is being discussed in terms of lobbying and the agenda setting power of media.Some aspects of the unused potential that lies within PR are also in focus in this report. PR as a method is an unused resource in the local market, which can be due to the local clients lack of knowledge but also to the traditional work carried out by the communication firms. The findings of the interviews show that both communication firms, their clients and the local media would benefit from greater cooperation.The theoretical base in this work is mostly supported by the interviews, though a few of the findings does not agree. The moulding of public opinions by professional consultants can be used for both good and bad. What the result will be is, not surprisingly, a question of ethics, responsibility, openness and professionalism.
Detta arbete har genomförts i samarbete med Försvarsmakten och behandlar vilka möjligheter som finns för forensiska undersökningar av e-boksläsaren Amazon Kindle. I arbetets litteraturstudie beskrivs hur tidigare forskning inom ämnet är kraftigt begränsad. Arbetet syftar därför till att besvara hur data kan extraheras från en Kindle, vilka data av forensiskt intresse en Kindle kan innehålla, var denna information lagras och om detta skiljer sig åt mellan olika modeller och firmware-versioner samt om det är nog att undersöka endast den del av minnet som är tillgänglig för användaren eller om ytterligare privilegier för att komma åt hela minnesarean bör införskaffas. För att göra detta fylls tre olika modeller av Kindles med information. Därefter tas avbilder på dem, dels på endast användarpartitionen och dels på dess fullständiga minnesarea efter att en privilegie-eskalering har utförts. Inhämtad data analyseras och resultatet presenteras. Resultatet visar att information av forensiskt intresse så som anteckningar, besökta webbsidor och dokument kan återfinnas, varför det finns ett värde i att utföra forensiska undersökningar på Amazon Kindles. Skillnader råder mellan vilken information som kan återfinnas och var den lagras på de olika enheterna. Enheterna har fyra partitioner varav endast en kan kommas åt utan privilegie-eskalering, varför det finns en fördel med att inhämta avbilder av hela minnesarean. Utöver ovanstående presenteras en metod för att förbipassera en enhets kodlås och därigenom få fullständig åtkomst till den även om den är låst.
O objetivo deste trabalho é o dimensionamento de pilares esbeltos de concreto armado, sob cargas de curta e longa duração, baseado numa análise realística das deformações do mesmo. Apresenta-se três algoritmos numéricos para a obtencão das relações momento fletor-esforço normal-curvatura de uma seção arbitrária de concreto armado, sob flexo-compressão normal. Inclue-se as deformações específicas de fluência e retração do concreto na análise, através de uma alteração nas referidas relações. Apresenta-se alguns critérios de normas, relativos ao dimensionamento de pilares esbeltos de concreto armado e uma comparação dos mesmos, entre si e com o algoritmo numérico desenvolvido. Considerações da NB-1/78 relativas ao projeto de pilares são analisadas, verificando o nivel da precisão obtida. Um procedimento simplificado para a inclusão da fluência do concreto no dimensionamento, proposto pelo CEB, é testado e uma solução para pilares de concreto armado com engastamento elástico simétrico é apresentada, para verificar o nível: do erro cometido ao se estender o conceito de comprimento de flambagem a pilares de concreto armado. Uma série de exemplos experimentais são apresentados, onde a solução numérica para o dimensionamento tem sua precisão verificada. Diversas tabelas foram desenvolvidas para o dimensionamento de pilares esbeltos com secão transversal retangular e armadura simétrica. Todo o estudo é restrito ao caso de flexo-compressão normal.