996 resultados para Clay minerals adsorbents


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Alteration in a submarine remnant volcanic arc should leave an important record of (1) the mineralogy of sea water-volcanic arc rock interaction; (2) the chemistry of solid reaction products; (3) the isotopic characteristics of such reactions (Muehlenbachs and Clayton, 1972; Spooner, Beckinsale, et al , 1977; Spooner, Chapman, et al., 1977); (4) the metallogenesis within such a sequence (Mitchell and Bell, 1973); and (5) the geothermal gradient during the alteration. The volcaniclastic breccias, tuffs, and igneous units of Sites 448 (993 m) and 451 (930.5 m) on the Palau-Kyushu and West Mariana ridges, respectively, are particularly suited for such studies because the thick sequences have remained submarine throughout their history, seemingly unaffected by magmatic or hydrothermal events after cessation of volcanic activity. Also, shipboard observations indicated a change in alteration products with depth. At both sites the igneous units and volcaniclastic rocks were altered to brownish clays and zeolites near the top of the volcanic sequence; to bright blue green clays and zeolites at moderate depths; and to very dark, nearly opaque, forest green clays and zeolites at still greater depths. Native copper occurs both as disseminated pockets in the volcaniclastic breccias and vesicular basalts and as veins in the breccias; native copper is restricted to stratigraphic levels characterized by the absence of sulfides or oxides of copper and iron. Although some native copper is found in vesicles of basalts and may be orthomagmatic, most of it is clearly secondary. Near dikes and sills, higher sulfur fugacity conditions caused the precipitation of iron and copper sulfides with an absence of native copper (Garrels and Christ, 1965). The occurrence of native copper may be an initial stage of Cu metallogenesis that forms porphyry coppers in island arcs (Mitchell and Bell, 1973). This study will address primarily the possibility that hydrothermal sea water interaction with volcanic arc rocks has created the mineralogical and isotopic zonation in Leg 59 cores. Hydrothermal activity can be expected in a rapidly growing island arc and is probably the result of a high geothermal gradient prevalent during arc magmatic activity. The chemical character of the alteration is further discussed by Hajash (1981).


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Sediment cores recovered from three holes drilled during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 136 include volcaniclastics probably derived from the Hawaiian islands. The volcaniclastics shallower than 10 meters below seafloor are fresh and are composed of basaltic glass (sideromelane), basaltic fragments (mainly tachylite), plagioclase, olivine, pyroxene, and opaque minerals. Most of these glasses are probably products of hydrovolcanism. Visibly, some of these volcaniclastics are recognized as bedded ash layers having thicknesses that range from 5 to 10 cm. However, many volcaniclastics are disrupted by bioturbation to some degree, and are sometimes totally mixed with ambient brown clays. No visible correlative ash layer among these holes was found. It seems that many ash layers thinner than the bedded layers were disrupted by bioturbation because of the low sedimentation rate of volcaniclastics. The volcaniclastics were probably transported one of two ways: through air fall and pelagic settling or through turbidity-current transport. Other archipelagic apron volcaniclastic sediments of volcanic seamounts suggest that turbidite transport is the favored explanation of origin.


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Clay minerals were studied in samples from the Eocene red bed layer of DSDP Hole 336. It is shown that composition and distribution of clay minerals have zoning, which is usually typical for the terrestrial crust of chemical weathering of basic rocks.


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Results of a lithological study of bottom sediments in the Syrian region of the Mediterranean Sea during Cruise 27 of R/V Vityaz (1993) are reported. Suspended sediment discharge of the Nile River are of the greatest importance for terrigenous sedimentation in the SE part of the Mediterranean Sea, especially in deep-sea areas. Suspended load entering from the Syrian catchment area plays an important role in formation of recent shelf and slope deposits. Supply of aerosols from Syrian and Arabian deserts was distinguished by the patchiness of surface distribution of quartz. During Late Quaternary accumulation of terrigenous material supplied from both the Syrian and the Nile drainage areas was irregular. Sedimentation was remarkably enhanced during sapropel formation 7000-9000 years BP.


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Cyclic fluctuations in global sea level during epochs of warm greenhouse climate have remained enigmatic, because absence or subordinate presence of polar ice during these periods precludes an explanation by glacio-eustatic forcing. An alternative concept suggests that the water-bearing potential of groundwater aquifers is equal to that of ice caps and that changes in the dynamic balance of aquifer charge versus discharge, as a function of the temperature-related intensity of the hydrological cycle, may have driven eustasy during warm climates. However, this idea has long been neglected for two reasons: 1) the large storage potential of subsurface aquifers was confused with the much smaller capacity of rivers and lakes and 2) empirical data were missing that document past variations in the hydrological cycle in relation to eustasy. In the present study we present the first empirical evidence for changes in precipitation, continental weathering intensity and evaporation that correlate with astronomically (long obliquity) forced sea-level cycles during the warmest period of the Cretaceous (Cenomanian-Turonian). We compare sequence-stratigraphic data with changes in the terrigenous mineral assemblage in a low-latitude marine sedimentary sequence from the equatorial humid belt at the South-Tethyan margin (Levant carbonate platform, Jordan), thereby avoiding uncertainties from land-ocean correlations. Our data indicate covariance between cycles in weathering and sea level: predominantly chemical weathering under wet climate conditions is reflected by dominance of weathering products (clays) in deposits that represent sea-level fall (aquifer charge > discharge). Conversely, preservation of weathering-sensitive minerals (feldspars, epidote and pyroxenes) in transgressive sediments reflects decreased continental weathering due to dryer climate (aquifer discharge > charge). Based on our results we suggest that aquifer-eustasy represents a viable alternative to glacio-eustasy as a driver of cyclic 3rd-order sea-level fluctuations during the middle Cretaceous greenhouse climate, and it may have been a pervasive process throughout Earth history.


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Seismic velocities in rocks are influenced by the properties of the solid, the pore fluid, and the pore space. Cracks dramatically affect seismic velocities in rocks; their influence on the effective elastic moduli of rocks depends on their shape and concentration. Thin cracks (or fractures) substantially lower the moduli of a rock relative to the effect of spherical voids (or vesicles), and lower moduli are reflected by lower P- and S-wave velocities. The objective of this research is to determine the types and concentrations of cracks and their influence on the seismic properties of subaerially erupted basalts drilled from Hole 990A on the Southeast Greenland margin during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 163. Ellipsoidal cracks are used to model the voids in the rocks. The elastic moduli of the solid (grains) are also free parameters in the inverse modeling procedure. The apparent grain moduli reflect a weighted average of the moduli of the constituent minerals (e.g., plagioclase, augite, and clay minerals). The results indicate that (1) there is a strong relationship between P-wave velocity and porosity, suggesting a similarity of pore shape distributions, (2) the distribution of crack types within the massive, central region of aa flows from Hole 990A is independent of total porosity, (3) thin cracks are the first to be effectively sealed by alteration products, and (4) grain densities (an alteration index) and apparent grain moduli of the basalt samples are directly related.


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In basalts and volcanogenic sediments from the Indian Ocean, the successive stages of submarine alteration of volcanic rocks and glasses give rise to the incorporation or the relative increase of iron in smectite lattices. During the first stage, the Mg-smectites are the most abundant; they are occasionally associated with Al-smectites. Afterwards, they are gradually replaced by iron-rich smectites. The REE distribution follows the same trend as the mineralogical changes. During the f'trst stage of alteration, REE distribution in clay minerals is the same as in the fresh glasses but, when the iron-rich smectites increase, the Ce has a specific behaviour. The Ce shows a positive anomaly in iron-rich smectites formed early in palagonitized glasses, and a negative one in authigenic smectites formed later from solutions in equilibrium with seawater.


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Sites 482, 483, and 485 were drilled during Leg 65 on young oceanic crust south of the Tamayo Transform Fault. The Leg 65 drilling program was part of a multinational effort to study the East Pacific Rise (EPR) and complements sea bottom surveys conducted both in this area (Lewis, 1979; Cyamex Scientific Team and Pastouret, 1981) and farther south at 21 °N (Larson, 1971; Normark, 1976; Cyamex Scientific Team; Rise Project Group, 1980). These studies, which included deep-tow, Angus and submersible surveys, were recently complemented by sea-beam surveys conducted by the Jean Charcot on the Tamayo Fracture Zone and farther south along the EPR. They have led to a better understanding of the magmatic, tectonic, and sedimentary processes occurring on the East Pacific Rise between the Tamayo and Rivera fracture zones. The purpose of this chapter is to describe the metamorphic processes affecting Pliocene through Quaternary sediments found in contact, or inter layered, with basaltic units drilled during Leg 65 at the mouth of the Gulf of California.


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The Weyburn Oil Field, Saskatchewan is the site of a large (5000 tonnes/day of CO2) CO2-EOR injection project By EnCana Corporation. Pre- and post-injection samples (Baseline and Monitor-1, respectively) of produced fluids from approximately 45 vertical wells were taken and chemically analyzed to determine changes in the fluid chemistry and isotope composition between August 2000 and March 2001. After 6 months of CO2 injection, geochemical parameters including pH, [HCO3], [Ca], [Mg], and ?13CO2(g) point to areas in which injected CO2 dissolution and reservoir carbonate mineral dissolution have occurred. Pre-injection fluid compositions suggest that the reservoir brine in the injection area may be capable of storing as much as 100 million tonnes of dissolved CO2. Modeling of water-rock reactions show that clay minerals and feldspar, although volumetrically insignificant, may be capable of acting as pH buffers, allowing injected CO2 to be stored as bicarbonate in the formation water or as newly precipitated carbonate minerals, given favorable reaction kinetics.


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Mineralogical and geochemical analyses of alteration products from upper and lower volcanic series recovered during ODP Leg 104 reveal variations both in composition and order of crystallization of clay minerals vesicles and voids filling and replacing glass. These results provide information about successive alteration stages of rocks and interlayered volcaniclastic sediments. The first stage, related to initial basalt-seawater interaction, is characterized by development of Fe-smectites, especially Fe-rich saponite. A second stage of intermittently superimposed subaerial weathering is marked by iron-oxides-halloysite-kaolinite formation. The third episode, interpreted as hydrothermal on the basis of O-isotopic data, is defined by postburial coprecipitation of Fe-poor, Mg-rich saponite and celadonite. A distinct final and pervasive hydrothermal stage, occurring mainly in the lower series and dominated by Al-smectites-zeolites assemblage, indicates changes toward a more reducing alteration environment.