978 resultados para Clark, Orman
In this article, the professional socialization of university educated paramedics from the United Kingdom and Australia is discussed using the anticipatory, formal and post-formal phases of socialization. Participants for this research were from universities and ambulance services in Australia and the United Kingdom, and the data were collected and analyzed by qualitative methods. The anticipatory, formal and post-formal phases were deemed to be relevant to the professional socialization of university paramedics. However a fourth phase, called the post-internship phase was identified which better accounted for the paramedic training and practice model. The findings from this research led to the development of a four phase model of professional socialization to describe the experiences of university educated paramedics making the transition from university students to qualified paramedics.
A detailed study is presented of the expected performance of the ATLAS detector. The reconstruction of tracks, leptons, photons, missing energy and jets is investigated, together with the performance of b-tagging and the trigger. The physics potential for a variety of interesting physics processes, within the Standard Model and beyond, is examined. The study comprises a series of notes based on simulations of the detector and physics processes, with particular emphasis given to the data expected from the first years of operation of the LHC at CERN.
A nonequilibrium generalization of the density-functional theory of freezing is proposed to investigate the shear-induced first-order phase transition in colloidal suspensions. It is assumed that the main effect of a steady shear is to break the symmetry of the structure factor of the liquid and that for small shear rate, the phenomenon of a shear-induced order-disorder transition may be viewed as an equilibrium phase transition. The theory predicts that the effective density at which freezing takes place increases with shear rate. The solid (which is assumed to be a bcc lattice) formed upon freezing is distorted and specifically there is less order in one plane compared with the order in the other two perpendicular planes. It is shown that there exists a critical shear rate above which the colloidal liquid does not undergo a transition to an ordered (or partially ordered) state no matter how large the density is. Conversely, above the critical shear rate an initially formed bcc solid always melts into an amorphous or liquidlike state. Several of these predictions are in qualitative agreement with the light-scattering experiments of Ackerson and Clark. The limitations as well as possible extensions of the theory are also discussed.
The design of a new microfurnace for use for Laue diffraction studies of solid-state transformations is described. The furnace operates in the temperature range 298-573 K with a thermal stability of about ± 0.1 K. The potential of the synchrotron-radiation Laue diffraction technique for studies of structural phase transitions is demonstrated. Experimental data on phase transitions in caesium periodate, potassium tetrachlorozincate and pentaerythritol are presented.
Helsingin ja Espoon yhteinen joukkoliikennehanke länsimetro on suuri uudistus pääkaupunkiseudulla. Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan uusien metrokaupunginosien asukkaiden länsimetrohankkeeseen liittämiä asenteita sekä yleisesti metroon ja metron automatisointihankkeeseen liitettäviä asenteita. Tutkielman metodologinen lähestymistapa on sosiaalipsykologian oppiaineessa kehitetty laadullinen asennetutkimus. Metodi pohjautuu retoriseen sosiaalipsykologiaan, jossa korostetaan asioiden moniulotteista luonnetta. Sosiaalipsykologiassa on tutkittu liikennejärjestelmiä vain vähän. Ympäristön sosiaalipsykologia ja sosiaalitieteellinen liikennetutkimus muodostavat tutkielman teoreettisen viitekehyksen. Tutkielmassa metroa tarkastellaan laaja-alaisesti esimerkiksi fyysisen ympäristön osana sekä matkustuskokemuksellisena tilana. Tutkielman aineiston muodostavat lokakuussa 2010 toteutetut 10 haastattelua. Haastateltavat asuivat haastatteluhetkellä Lauttasaaressa, Tapiolassa ja Matinkylässä. Tutkielman tutkimuskysymykset on muodostettu laadullisen asennetutkimuksen kiinnostuksenkohteiden mukaisesti ja tutkielmassa tarkastellaan sitä, mitä metrokeskusteluissa oikeastaan arvotetaan eli arvioidaan kielteisesti tai myönteisesti sekä kenen (subjekti)asemasta ja miten. Arvottamisen kohteiden ja subjektiasemien tunnistaminen mahdollistaa asenteiden tunnistamisen. Tutkielman aineistossa länsimetro näyttäytyy laadultaan hyvin monimuotoisena asenteen kohteena. Metro ei ole vain liikenneväline, vaan se näyttäytyy esimerkiksi erilaisia alueita ja ihmisiä yhdistävänä tekijänä sekä pahoinvoinnin ja turvattomuuden näyttämönä. Aineiston analyysin perusteella länsimetron vastustamiseen liittyy keskeisesti pelko asuinalueiden muutoksesta. Keskeiset lähteet: Vesala & Rantanen (2007), Billig (1996), Gatersleben, Clark, Reeve & Uzzell (2007), Tvvigger-Ross, Bonaiuto & Breakwell (2003)
NDDO-based (AM1) configuration interaction (CI) calculations have been used to calculate the wavelength and oscillator strengths of electronic absorptions in organic molecules and the results used in a sum-over-states treatment to calculate second-order-hyperpolarizabilities. The results for both spectra and hyperpolarizabilities are of acceptable quality as long as a suitable CI-expansion is used. We have found that using an active space of eight electrons in eight orbitals and including all single and pair-double excitations in the CI leads to results that agree well with experiment and that do not change significantly with increasing active space for most organic molecules. Calculated second-order hyperpolarizabilities using this type of CI within a sum-over-states calculation appear to be of useful accuracy.
The rapid disruption of tropical forests probably imperils global biodiversity more than any other contemporary phenomenon(1-3). With deforestation advancing quickly, protected areas are increasingly becoming final refuges for threatened species and natural ecosystem processes. However, many protected areas in the tropics are themselves vulnerable to human encroachment and other environmental stresses(4-9). As pressures mount, it is vital to know whether existing reserves can sustain their biodiversity. A critical constraint in addressing this question has been that data describing a broad array of biodiversity groups have been unavailable for a sufficiently large and representative sample of reserves. Here we present a uniquely comprehensive data set on changes over the past 20 to 30 years in 31 functional groups of species and 21 potential drivers of environmental change, for 60 protected areas stratified across the world's major tropical regions. Our analysis reveals great variation in reserve `health': about half of all reserves have been effective or performed passably, but the rest are experiencing an erosion of biodiversity that is often alarmingly widespread taxonomically and functionally. Habitat disruption, hunting and forest-product exploitation were the strongest predictors of declining reserve health. Crucially, environmental changes immediately outside reserves seemed nearly as important as those inside in determining their ecological fate, with changes inside reserves strongly mirroring those occurring around them. These findings suggest that tropical protected areas are often intimately linked ecologically to their surrounding habitats, and that a failure to stem broad-scale loss and degradation of such habitats could sharply increase the likelihood of serious biodiversity declines.
Feeding 9-10billion people by 2050 and preventing dangerous climate change are two of the greatest challenges facing humanity. Both challenges must be met while reducing the impact of land management on ecosystem services that deliver vital goods and services, and support human health and well-being. Few studies to date have considered the interactions between these challenges. In this study we briefly outline the challenges, review the supply- and demand-side climate mitigation potential available in the Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use AFOLU sector and options for delivering food security. We briefly outline some of the synergies and trade-offs afforded by mitigation practices, before presenting an assessment of the mitigation potential possible in the AFOLU sector under possible future scenarios in which demand-side measures codeliver to aid food security. We conclude that while supply-side mitigation measures, such as changes in land management, might either enhance or negatively impact food security, demand-side mitigation measures, such as reduced waste or demand for livestock products, should benefit both food security and greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation. Demand-side measures offer a greater potential (1.5-15.6Gt CO2-eq. yr(-1)) in meeting both challenges than do supply-side measures (1.5-4.3Gt CO2-eq. yr(-1) at carbon prices between 20 and 100US$ tCO(2)-eq. yr(-1)), but given the enormity of challenges, all options need to be considered. Supply-side measures should be implemented immediately, focussing on those that allow the production of more agricultural product per unit of input. For demand-side measures, given the difficulties in their implementation and lag in their effectiveness, policy should be introduced quickly, and should aim to codeliver to other policy agenda, such as improving environmental quality or improving dietary health. These problems facing humanity in the 21st Century are extremely challenging, and policy that addresses multiple objectives is required now more than ever.
Na-ion batteries are currently the focus of significant research activity due to the relative abundance of sodium and its consequent cost advantages. Recently, the pyrophosphate family of cathodes has attracted considerable attention, particularly Li2FeP2O7 related to its high operating voltage and enhanced safety properties; in addition the sodium-based pyrophosphates Na2FeP2O7 and Na2MnP2O7 are also generating interest. Herein, we present defect chemistry and ion migration results, determined via atomistic simulation techniques, for Na2MP2O7 (where M = Fe, Mn) as well as findings for Li2FeP2O7 for direct comparison. Within the pyrophosphate framework the most favourable intrinsic defect type is found to be the antisite defect, in which alkali-cations (Na/Li) and M ions exchange positions. Low activation energies are found for long-range diffusion in all crystallographic directions in Na2MP2O7 suggesting three-dimensional (3D) Na-ion diffusion. In contrast Li2FeP2O7 supports 2D Li-ion diffusion. The 2D or 3D nature of the alkali-ion migration pathways within these pyrophosphate materials means that antisite defects are much less likely to impede their transport properties, and hence important for high rate performance.
Mycobacterium tuberculosis genes Rv0844c/Rv0845 encoding the NarL response regulator and NarS histidine kinase are hypothesized to constitute a two-component system involved in the regulation of nitrate metabolism. However, there is no experimental evidence to support this. In this study, we established M. tuberculosis NarL/NarS as a functional two-component system and identified His(241) and Asp(61) as conserved phosphorylation sites in NarS and NarL, respectively. Transcriptional profiling between M. tuberculosis H37Rv and Delta narL mutant strain during exponential growth in broth cultures with or without nitrate defined an similar to 30-gene NarL regulon that exhibited significant overlap with DevR-regulated genes, thereby implicating a role for the DevR response regulator in the regulation of nitrate metabolism. Notably, expression analysis of a subset of genes common to NarL and DevR regulons in M. tuberculosis Delta devR, Delta devS Delta dosT, and Delta narL mutant strains revealed that in response to nitrite produced during aerobic nitrate metabolism, the DevRS/DosT regulatory system plays a primary role that is augmented by NarL. Specifically, NarL itself was unable to bind to the narK2, acg, and Rv3130c promoters in phosphorylated or unphosphorylated form; however, its interaction with DevR similar to P resulted in cooperative binding, thereby enabling co-regulation of these genes. These findings support the role of physiologically derived nitrite as a metabolic signal in mycobacteria. We propose NarL-DevR binding, possibly as a heterodimer, as a novel mechanism for co-regulation of gene expression by the DevRS/DosT and NarL/NarS regulatory systems.
NMR relaxation rates (1/T-1), magnetic susceptibility, and electrical conductivity studies in doped poly-3-methylthiophene are reported in this paper. The magnetic susceptibility data show the contributions from both Pauli and Curie spins, with the size of the Pauli term depending strongly on the doping level. Proton and fluorine NMR relaxation rates have been studied as a function of temperature (3-300 K) and field (for protons at 0.9, 9.0, 16.4, and 23.4 T, and for fluorine at 9.0 T). The temperature dependence of T-1 is classified into three regimes: (a) For T < (g mu(B) B/2k(B)), the relaxation mechanism follows a modified Korringa relation due to electron-electron interactions and disorder. H-1-T-1 is due to the electron-nuclear dipolar interaction in addition to the contact term. (b) For the intermediate temperature range (g mu(B) B/2k(B)) < T < T-BPP (the temperature where the contribution from the reorientation motion to the T-1 is insignificant) the relaxation mechanism is via spin diffusion to the paramagnetic centers. (c) In the high-temperature regime and at low Larmor frequency the relaxation follows the modified Bloembergen, Purcell, and Pound model. T-1 data analysis has been carried out in light of these models depending upon the temperature and frequency range of study. Fluorine relaxation data have been analyzed and attributed to the PF6 reorientation. The cross relaxation among the H-1 and F-19 nuclei has been observed in the entire temperature range suggesting the role of magnetic dipolar interaction modulated by the reorientation of the symmetric molecular subgroups. The data analysis shows that the enhancement in the Korringa ratio is greater in a less conducting sample. Intra-and interchain hopping of charge carriers is found to be a dominant relaxation mechanism at low temperature. Frequency dependence of T-1(-1) on temperature shows that at low temperature T < (g mu(B) B/2k(B))] the system shows three dimensions and changes to quasi one dimension at high temperature. Moreover, a good correlation between electrical conductivity, magnetic susceptibility, and NMR T-1 data has been observed.
Phase variation (random ON/OFF switching) of gene expression is a common feature of host-adapted pathogenic bacteria. Phase variably expressed N-6-adenine DNA methyltransferases (Mod) alter global methylation patterns resulting in changes in gene expression. These systems constitute phase variable regulons called phasevarions. Neisseria meningitidis phasevarions regulate genes including virulence factors and vaccine candidates, and alter phenotypes including antibiotic resistance. The target site recognized by these Type III N-6-adenine DNA methyltransferases is not known. Single molecule, real-time (SMRT) methylome analysis was used to identify the recognition site for three key N. meningitidis methyltransferases: ModA11 (exemplified by M.NmeMC58I) (5'-CGY(m6)AG-3'), ModA12 (exemplified by M.Nme77I, M.Nme18I and M.Nme579II) (5'-AC(m6)ACC-3') and ModD1 (exemplified by M.Nme579I) (5'-CC(m6)AGC-3'). Restriction inhibition assays and mutagenesis confirmed the SMRT methylome analysis. The ModA11 site is complex and atypical and is dependent on the type of pyrimidine at the central position, in combination with the bases flanking the core recognition sequence 5'-CGY(m6)AG-3'. The observed efficiency of methylation in the modA11 strain (MC58) genome ranged from 4.6% at 5'-GCGC(m6)AGG-3' sites, to 100% at 5'-ACGT(m6)AGG-3' sites. Analysis of the distribution of modified sites in the respective genomes shows many cases of association with intergenic regions of genes with altered expression due to phasevarion switching.
The high species richness of tropical forests has long been recognized, yet there remains substantial uncertainty regarding the actual number of tropical tree species. Using a pantropical tree inventory database from closed canopy forests, consisting of 657,630 trees belonging to 11,371 species, we use a fitted value of Fisher's alpha and an approximate pantropical stem total to estimate the minimum number of tropical forest tree species to fall between similar to 40,000 and similar to 53,000, i.e., at the high end of previous estimates. Contrary to common assumption, the Indo-Pacific region was found to be as species-rich as the Neotropics, with both regions having a minimum of similar to 19,000-25,000 tree species. Continental Africa is relatively depauperate with a minimum of similar to 4,500-6,000 tree species. Very few species are shared among the African, American, and the Indo-Pacific regions. We provide a methodological framework for estimating species richness in trees that may help refine species richness estimates of tree-dependent taxa.
1. Host-parasite interactions have the potential to influence broadscale ecological and evolutionary processes, levels of endemism, divergence patterns and distributions in host populations. Understanding the mechanisms involved requires identification of the factors that shape parasite distribution and prevalence. 2. A lack of comparative information on community-level host-parasite associations limits our understanding of the role of parasites in host population divergence processes. Avian malaria (haemosporidian) parasites in bird communities offer a tractable model system to examine the potential for pathogens to influence evolutionary processes in natural host populations. 3. Using cytochrome b variation, we characterized phylogenetic diversity and prevalence of two genera of avian haemosporidian parasites, Plasmodium and Haemoproteus, and analysed biogeographic patterns of lineages across islands and avian hosts, in southern Melanesian bird communities to identify factors that explain patterns of infection. 4. Plasmodium spp. displayed isolation-by-distance effects, a significant amount of genetic variation distributed among islands but insignificant amounts among host species and families, and strong local island effects with respect to prevalence. Haemoproteus spp. did not display isolation-by-distance patterns, showed marked structuring of genetic variation among avian host species and families, and significant host species prevalence patterns. 5. These differences suggest that Plasmodium spp. infection patterns were shaped by geography and the abiotic environment, whereas Haemoproteus spp. infection patterns were shaped predominantly by host associations. Heterogeneity in the complement and prevalence of parasite lineages infecting local bird communities likely exposes host species to a mosaic of spatially divergent disease selection pressures across their naturally fragmented distributions in southern Melanesia. Host associations for Haemoproteus spp. indicate a capacity for the formation of locally co-adapted host-parasite relationships, a feature that may limit intraspecific gene flow or range expansions of closely related host species.
Using atomistic molecular dynamics simulation, we study the discotic columnar liquid crystalline (LC) phases formed by a new organic compound having hexa-peri-Hexabenzocoronene (HBC) core with six pendant oligothiophene units recently synthesized by Nan Hu et al. Adv. Mater. 26, 2066 (2014)]. This HBC core based LC phase was shown to have electric field responsive behavior and has important applications in organic electronics. Our simulation results confirm the hexagonal arrangement of columnar LC phase with a lattice spacing consistent with that obtained from small angle X-ray diffraction data. We have also calculated various positional and orientational correlation functions to characterize the ordering of the molecules in the columnar arrangement. The molecules in a column are arranged with an average twist of 25 degrees having an average inter-molecular separation of similar to 5 angstrom. Interestingly, we find an overall tilt angle of 43 degrees between the columnar axis and HBC core. We also simulate the charge transport through this columnar phase and report the numerical value of charge carrier mobility for this liquid crystal phase. The charge carrier mobility is strongly influenced by the twist angle and average spacing of the molecules in the column. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.