967 resultados para Chinese studies (Sinology)


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Jing Wang's book is confused about its audience and fails to give an adequate account of either the specific knowledge available to advertising research or the nature of Chinese consumption. In addition its critique of cultural studies is misplaced and misguided.


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This Review examined socioeconomic inequalities in intakes of dietary factors associated with weight gain, overweight/obesity among adults in Europe. Literature searches of studies published between 1990 and 2007 examining socioeconomic position (SEP) and the consumption of energy, fat, fibre, fruit, vegetables, energy-rich drinks and meal patterns were conducted. Forty-seven articles met the inclusion criteria. The direction of associations between SEP and energy intakes were inconsistent. Approximately half the associations examined between SEP and fat intakes showed higher total fat intakes among socioeconomically disadvantaged groups. There was some evidence that these groups consume a diet lower in fibre. The most consistent evidence of dietary inequalities was for fruit and vegetable consumption; lower socioeconomic groups were less likely to consume fruit and vegetables. Differences in energy, fat and fibre intakes (when found) were small-to-moderate in magnitude; however, differences were moderate-to-large for fruit and vegetable intakes. Socioeconomic inequalities in the consumption of energy-rich drinks and meal patterns were relatively under-studied compared with other dietary factors. There were no regional or gender differences in the direction and magnitude of the inequalities in the dietary factors examined. The findings suggest that dietary behaviours may contribute to socioeconomic inequalities in overweight/obesity in Europe. However, there is only consistent evidence that fruit and vegetables may make an important contribution to inequalities in weight status across European regions.


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The number of software vendors offering ‘Software-as-a-Service’ has been increasing in recent years. In the Software-as-a-Service model software is operated by the software vendor and delivered to the customer as a service. Existing business models and industry structures are challenged by the changes to the deployment and pricing model compared to traditional software. However, the full implications on the way companies create, deliver and capture value are not yet sufficiently analyzed. Current research is scattered on specific aspects, only a few studies provide a more holistic view of the impact from a business model perspective. For vendors it is, however, crucial to be aware of the potentially far reaching consequences of Software-as-a-Service. Therefore, a literature review and three exploratory case studies of leading software vendors are used to evaluate possible implications of Software-as-a-Service on business models. The results show an impact on all business model building blocks and highlight in particular the often less articulated impact on key activities, customer relationship and key partnerships for leading software vendors and show related challenges, for example, with regard to the integration of development and operations processes. The observed implications demonstrate the disruptive character of the concept and identify future research requirements.


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This paper examines some of the implications for China of the creative industries agenda as drawn by some recent commentators. The creative industries have been seen by many commentators as essential if China is to move from an imitative low-value economy to an innovative high value one. Some suggest that this trajectory is impossible without a full transition to liberal capitalism and democracy - not just removing censorship but instituting 'enlightenment values'. Others suggest that the development of the creative industries themselves will promote social and political change. The paper suggests that the creative industries takes certain elements of a prior cultural industries concept and links it to a new kind of economic development agenda. Though this agenda presents problems for the Chinese government it does not in itself imply the kind of radical democratic political change with which these commentators associate it. In the form in which the creative industries are presented – as part of an informational economy rather than as a cultural politics – it can be accommodated by a Chinese regime doing ‘business as usual’.


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This thesis comprehensively studies the causes and consequences of corruption in both crosscountry and within-country contexts, mainly focusing on China. The thesis commences by extensively investigating the causes of corruption. Using the standard economic approach, this study finds that in China regions with more anti-corruption efforts, higher education attainment, Anglo-American historic influence, higher openness, more access to media, higher relative wages of government employees, and a greater representation of women in legislature are markedly less corrupt; while the social heterogeneity, deregulation and abundance of resources, substantially breed regional corruption. Moreover, fiscal decentralization is discovered to depress corruption significantly. This study also observes a positive relationship between corruption and the economic development in current China that is mainly driven by the transition to a market economy. Focusing on the influence of political institutions on corruption, the thesis then provides evidence that a high level of political interest helps to reduce corruption within a society, while the effect of democracy upon corruption depends on property rights protection and income distribution. With the social economic approach, however, the thesis presents both cross-country and within-country evidence that the social interaction plays an important role in determining corruption. The thesis then continues by comprehensively evaluating the consequences of corruption in China. The study provides evidence that corruption can simultaneously have both positive and negative effects on economic development. And it also observes that corruption considerably increases the income inequality in China. Furthermore this study finds that corruption in China significantly distorts public expenditures. Local corruption is also observed to substantially reduce FDI in Chinese regions. Finally the study documents that corruption substantially aggravates pollution probably through a loosening of the environmental regulation, and that it also modifies the effects of trade openness and FDI on the stringency of environmental policy. Overall, this thesis adds to the current literature by a number of novel findings concerning both the causes and the consequences of corruption.


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Background: Caring for family members with dementia can be a long-term, burdensome task resulting in physical and emotional distress and impairment. Research has demonstrated significantly lower levels of selfefficacy among family caregivers of people with dementia (CGs) than caregivers of relatives with non-dementia diseases. Intervention studies have also suggested that the mental and physical health of dementia CGs could be improved through the enhancement of their self-efficacy. However, studies are limited in terms of the influences of caregiver self-efficacy on caregiver behaviour, subjective burden and health-related quality of life. Of particular note is that there are no studies on the applicability of caregiver self-efficacy in the social context of China. Objective: The purpose of this thesis was to undertake theoretical exploration using Bandura’s (1997) self-efficacy theory to 1) revise the Revised Caregiving Self-Efficacy Scale (C-RCSES) (Steffen, McKibbin, Zeiss, Gallagher-Thompson, & Bandura, 2002), and 2) explore determinants of caregiver self-efficacy and the role of caregiver self-efficacy and other conceptual constructs (including CGs’ socio-demographic characteristics, CRs’ impairment and CGs’ social support) in explaining and predicting caregiver behaviour, subjective burden and health-related quality of life among CGs in China. Methodology: Two studies were undertaken: a qualitative elicitation study with 10 CGs; and a cross-sectional survey with 196 CGs. In the first study, semi-structured interviews were conducted to explore caregiver behaviours and corresponding challenges for their performance. The findings of the study assisted in the development of the initial items and domains of the Chinese version of the Revised Caregiving Self-Efficacy Scale (C-RCSES). Following changes to items in the scale, the second study, a cross-sectional survey with 196 CGs was conducted to evaluate the psychometric properties of C-RCSES and to test a hypothesised self-efficacy model of family caregiving adapted from Bandura’s theory (1997). Results: 35 items were generated from the qualitative data. The content validity of the C-RCSES was assessed and ensured in Study One before being used for the cross-sectional survey. Eight items were removed and five subscales (caregiver self-efficacy for gathering information about treatment, symptoms and health care; obtaining support; responding to problematic behaviours; management of household, personal and medical care; and controlling upsetting thoughts about caregiving) were identified after principal component factor analysis on the cross-sectional survey data. The reliability of the scale is acceptable: the Cronbach’s alpha coefficients for the whole scale and for each subscale were all over .80; and the fourweek test-retest reliabilities for the whole scale and for each subscale ranged from .64 to .85. The concurrent, convergent and divergent validity were also acceptable. CGs reported moderate levels of caregiver self-efficacy. Furthermore, the level of self-efficacy for management of household, personal and medical care was relatively high in comparison to those of the other four domains of caregiver self-efficacy. Caregiver self-efficacy was also significantly influenced by CGs’ socio-demographic characteristics and the caregiving external factors (CR impairment and social support that CGs obtained). The level of caregiver behaviour that CGs reported was higher than that reported in other Chinese research. CGs’ socio-demographics significantly influenced caregiver behaviour, whereas caregiver self-efficacy did not influence caregiver behaviour. Regarding the two external factors, CGs who cared for highly impaired relatives reported high levels of caregiver behaviour, but social support did not influence caregiver behaviour. Regarding caregiver subjective burden and health-related quality of life, CGs reported moderate levels of subjective burden, and their level of healthrelated quality of life was significantly lower than that of the general population in China. The findings also indicated that CGs’ subjective burden and health-related quality of life were influenced by all major factors in the hypothesised model, including CGs’ socio-demographics, CRs’ impairment, social support that CGs obtained, caregiver self-efficacy and caregiver behaviour. Of these factors, caregiver self-efficacy and social support significantly improved their subjective burden and health-related quality of life; whereas caregiver behaviour and CRs’ impairment were detrimental to CGs, such as increasing subjective burden and worsening health-related quality of life. Conclusion: While requiring further exploration, the qualitative study was the first qualitative research conducted in China to provide an in-depth understanding of CGs’ caregiving experience, including their major caregiver behaviours and the corresponding challenges. Meanwhile, although the C-RCSES needs further psychometric testing, it is a useful tool for assessing caregiver self-efficacy in Chinese populations. Results of the qualitative and quantitative study provide useful information for future studies regarding the explanatory power of caregiver self-efficacy to caregiver behaviour, subjective burden and health-related quality of life. Additionally, integrated with Bandura’s theory, the findings from the quantitative study also suggested a further study exploring the role of outcome expectations in caregiver behaviour, subjective burden and healthrelated quality of life.


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Older adults, especially those acutely ill, are vulnerable to developing malnutrition due to a range of risk factors. The high prevalence and extensive consequences of malnutrition in hospitalised older adults have been reported extensively. However, there are few well-designed longitudinal studies that report the independent relationship between malnutrition and clinical outcomes after adjustment for a wide range of covariates. Acutely ill older adults are exceptionally prone to nutritional decline during hospitalisation, but few reports have studied this change and impact on clinical outcomes. In the rapidly ageing Singapore population, all this evidence is lacking, and the characteristics associated with the risk of malnutrition are also not well-documented. Despite the evidence on malnutrition prevalence, it is often under-recognised and under-treated. It is therefore crucial that validated nutrition screening and assessment tools are used for early identification of malnutrition. Although many nutrition screening and assessment tools are available, there is no universally accepted method for defining malnutrition risk and nutritional status. Most existing tools have been validated amongst Caucasians using various approaches, but they are rarely reported in the Asian elderly and none has been validated in Singapore. Due to the multiethnicity, cultural, and language differences in Singapore older adults, the results from non-Asian validation studies may not be applicable. Therefore it is important to identify validated population and setting specific nutrition screening and assessment methods to accurately detect and diagnose malnutrition in Singapore. The aims of this study are therefore to: i) characterise hospitalised elderly in a Singapore acute hospital; ii) describe the extent and impact of admission malnutrition; iii) identify and evaluate suitable methods for nutritional screening and assessment; and iv) examine changes in nutritional status during admission and their impact on clinical outcomes. A total of 281 participants, with a mean (+SD) age of 81.3 (+7.6) years, were recruited from three geriatric wards in Tan Tock Seng Hospital over a period of eight months. They were predominantly Chinese (83%) and community-dwellers (97%). They were screened within 72 hours of admission by a single dietetic technician using four nutrition screening tools [Tan Tock Seng Hospital Nutrition Screening Tool (TTSH NST), Nutritional Risk Screening 2002 (NRS 2002), Mini Nutritional Assessment-Short Form (MNA-SF), and Short Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire (SNAQ©)] that were administered in no particular order. The total scores were not computed during the screening process so that the dietetic technician was blinded to the results of all the tools. Nutritional status was assessed by a single dietitian, who was blinded to the screening results, using four malnutrition assessment methods [Subjective Global Assessment (SGA), Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA), body mass index (BMI), and corrected arm muscle area (CAMA)]. The SGA rating was completed prior to computation of the total MNA score to minimise bias. Participants were reassessed for weight, arm anthropometry (mid-arm circumference, triceps skinfold thickness), and SGA rating at discharge from the ward. The nutritional assessment tools and indices were validated against clinical outcomes (length of stay (LOS) >11days, discharge to higher level care, 3-month readmission, 6-month mortality, and 6-month Modified Barthel Index) using multivariate logistic regression. The covariates included age, gender, race, dementia (defined using DSM IV criteria), depression (defined using a single question “Do you often feel sad or depressed?”), severity of illness (defined using a modified version of the Severity of Illness Index), comorbidities (defined using Charlson Comorbidity Index, number of prescribed drugs and admission functional status (measured using Modified Barthel Index; MBI). The nutrition screening tools were validated against the SGA, which was found to be the most appropriate nutritional assessment tool from this study (refer section 5.6) Prevalence of malnutrition on admission was 35% (defined by SGA), and it was significantly associated with characteristics such as swallowing impairment (malnourished vs well-nourished: 20% vs 5%), poor appetite (77% vs 24%), dementia (44% vs 28%), depression (34% vs 22%), and poor functional status (MBI 48.3+29.8 vs 65.1+25.4). The SGA had the highest completion rate (100%) and was predictive of the highest number of clinical outcomes: LOS >11days (OR 2.11, 95% CI [1.17- 3.83]), 3-month readmission (OR 1.90, 95% CI [1.05-3.42]) and 6-month mortality (OR 3.04, 95% CI [1.28-7.18]), independent of a comprehensive range of covariates including functional status, disease severity and cognitive function. SGA is therefore the most appropriate nutritional assessment tool for defining malnutrition. The TTSH NST was identified as the most suitable nutritional screening tool with the best diagnostic performance against the SGA (AUC 0.865, sensitivity 84%, specificity 79%). Overall, 44% of participants experienced weight loss during hospitalisation, and 27% had weight loss >1% per week over median LOS 9 days (range 2-50). Wellnourished (45%) and malnourished (43%) participants were equally prone to experiencing decline in nutritional status (defined by weight loss >1% per week). Those with reduced nutritional status were more likely to be discharged to higher level care (adjusted OR 2.46, 95% CI [1.27-4.70]). This study is the first to characterise malnourished hospitalised older adults in Singapore. It is also one of the very few studies to (a) evaluate the association of admission malnutrition with clinical outcomes in a multivariate model; (b) determine the change in their nutritional status during admission; and (c) evaluate the validity of nutritional screening and assessment tools amongst hospitalised older adults in an Asian population. Results clearly highlight that admission malnutrition and deterioration in nutritional status are prevalent and are associated with adverse clinical outcomes in hospitalised older adults. With older adults being vulnerable to risks and consequences of malnutrition, it is important that they are systematically screened so timely and appropriate intervention can be provided. The findings highlighted in this thesis provide an evidence base for, and confirm the validity of the current nutrition screening and assessment tools used among hospitalised older adults in Singapore. As the older adults may have developed malnutrition prior to hospital admission, or experienced clinically significant weight loss of >1% per week of hospitalisation, screening of the elderly should be initiated in the community and continuous nutritional monitoring should extend beyond hospitalisation.


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This article describes investigations into the development of supramolecular systems capable of sensing anions through either displacement type assays or molecular motion. An electron deficient naphthalene diimide thread and electron rich isophthalamide naphthohydroquinone macrocycle was shown to form a coloured pseudorotaxane assembly. Investigations into the ability of such interpenetrated systems to sense anions colorimetrically were undertaken. Anion complexation to the isophthalamide group of the macrocycle causes displacement of the naphthodiimide thread resulting in the loss of colour. The enhanced mechanically bonded binding strength between the naphthodiimide axle and the naphthohydroquinone groups of the macrocycle wheel in the corresponding rotaxane structure however, was found to negate the anion induced displacement process.