995 resultados para Chemical engineering


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The equilibrium solubilities of dihydroxy benzene isomers (resorcinol and pyrocatechol) and its mixture were experimentally determined at different temperatures (308, 318, 328, and 338 K) in the pressure range of 9.8-16.2 MPa. In the ternary system, the solubilities of pyrocatechol increased while the solubilities of resorcinol decreased relative to their binary solubilities. A new association model was developed based on the concept of formation of solvate complex molecules to correlate the solubility of the solid for mixed solids in supercritical carbon dioxide (SCCO(2)). The model equation relates the solubility of solute in terms of the cosolute composition, temperature, pressure and density of SCCO(2). The proposed model correlated the solubilities of sixteen solid systems taken from the literature and current experimental data with an average absolute relative deviation (AARD) of around 4%. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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An improved Monte Carlo technique is presented in this work to simulate nanoparticle formation through a micellar route. The technique builds on the simulation technique proposed by Bandyopadhyaya et al. (Langmuir 2000, 16, 7139) which is general and rigorous but at the same time very computation intensive, so much so that nanoparticle formation in low occupancy systems cannot be simulated in reasonable time. In view of this, several strategies, rationalized by simple mathematical analyses, are proposed to accelerate Monte Carlo simulations. These are elimination of infructuous events, removal of excess reactant postreaction, and use of smaller micelle population a large number of times. Infructuous events include collision of an empty micelle with another empty one or with another one containing only one molecule or only a solid particle. These strategies are incorporated in a new simulation technique which divides the entire micelle population in four classes and shifts micelles from one class to other as the simulation proceeds. The simulation results, throughly tested using chi-square and other tests, show that the predictions of the improved technique remain unchanged, but with more than an order of magnitude decrease in computational effort for some of the simulations reported in the literature. A post priori validation scheme for the correctness of the simulation results has been utilized to propose a new simulation strategy to arrive at converged simulation results with near minimum computational effort.


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The slow flow of granular materials is often marked by the existence of narrow shear layers, adjacent to large regions that suffer little or no deformation. This behaviour, in the regime where shear stress is generated primarily by the frictional interactions between grains, has so far eluded theoretical description. In this paper, we present a rigid-plastic frictional Cosserat model that captures thin shear layers by incorporating a microscopic length scale. We treat the granular medium as a Cosserat continuum, which allows the existence of localised couple stresses and, therefore, the possibility of an asymmetric stress tensor. In addition, the local rotation is an independent field variable and is not necessarily equal to the vorticity. The angular momentum balance, which is implicitly satisfied for a classical continuum, must now be solved in conjunction with the linear momentum balances. We extend the critical state model, used in soil plasticity, for a Cosserat continuum and obtain predictions for flow in plane and cylindrical Couette devices. The velocity profile predicted by our model is in qualitative agreement with available experimental data. In addition, our model can predict scaling laws for the shear layer thickness as a function of the Couette gap, which must be verified in future experiments. Most significantly, our model can determine the velocity field in viscometric flows, which classical plasticity-based model cannot.


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A fluctuating-force model is developed for representing the effect of the turbulent fluid velocity fluctuations on the particle phase in a turbulent gas–solid suspension in the limit of high Stokes number, where the particle relaxation time is large compared with the correlation time for the fluid velocity fluctuations. In the model, a fluctuating force is incorporated in the equation of motion for the particles, and the force distribution is assumed to be an anisotropic Gaussian white noise. It is shown that this is equivalent to incorporating a diffusion term in the Boltzmann equation for the particle velocity distribution functions. The variance of the force distribution, or equivalently the diffusion coefficient in the Boltzmann equation, is related to the time correlation functions for the fluid velocity fluctuations. The fluctuating-force model is applied to the specific case of a Couette flow of a turbulent particle–gas suspension, for which both the fluid and particle velocity distributions were evaluated using direct numerical simulations by Goswami & Kumaran (2010). It is found that the fluctuating-force simulation is able to quantitatively predict the concentration, mean velocity profiles and the mean square velocities, both at relatively low volume fractions, where the viscous relaxation time is small compared with the time between collisions, and at higher volume fractions, where the time between collisions is small compared with the viscous relaxation time. The simulations are also able to predict the velocity distributions in the centre of the Couette, even in cases in which the velocity distribution is very different from a Gaussian distribution.


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A flow-induced instability in a tube with flexible walls is studied experimentally. Tubes of diameter 0.8 and 1.2 mm are cast in polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) polymer gels, and the catalyst concentration in these gels is varied to obtain shear modulus in the range 17–550 kPa. A pressure drop between the inlet and outlet of the tube is used to drive fluid flow, and the friction factor $f$ is measured as a function of the Reynolds number $Re$. From these measurements, it is found that the laminar flow becomes unstable, and there is a transition to a more complicated flow profile, for Reynolds numbers as low as 500 for the softest gels used here. The nature of the $f$–$Re$ curves is also qualitatively different from that in the flow past rigid tubes; in contrast to the discontinuous increase in the friction factor at transition in a rigid tube, it is found that there is a continuous increase in the friction factor from the laminar value of $16\ensuremath{/} Re$ in a flexible tube. The onset of transition is also detected by a dye-stream method, where a stream of dye is injected into the centre of the tube. It is found that there is a continuous increase of the amplitude of perturbations at the onset of transition in a flexible tube, in contrast to the abrupt disruption of the dye stream at transition in a rigid tube. There are oscillations in the wall of the tube at the onset of transition, which is detected from the laser scattering off the walls of the tube. This indicates that the coupling between the fluid stresses and the elastic stresses in the wall results in an instability of the laminar flow.


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The stability of the Hagen-Poiseuille flow of a Newtonian fluid in a tube of radius R surrounded by an incompressible viscoelastic medium of radius R < r < HR is analysed in the high Reynolds number regime. The dimensionless numbers that affect the fluid flow are the Reynolds number Re = (ρVR / η), the ratio of the viscosities of the wall and fluid ηr = (ηs/η), the ratio of radii H and the dimensionless velocity Γ = (ρV2/G)1/2. Here ρ is the density of the fluid, G is the coefficient of elasticity of the wall and Vis the maximum fluid velocity at the centre of the tube. In the high Reynolds number regime, an asymptotic expansion in the small parameter ε = (1/Re) is employed. In the leading approximation, the viscous effects are neglected and there is a balance between the inertial stresses in the fluid and the elastic stresses in the medium. There are multiple solutions for the leading-order growth rate do), all of which are imaginary, indicating that the fluctuations are neutrally stable, since there is no viscous dissipation of energy or transfer of energy from the mean flow to the fluctruations due to the Reynolds strees. There is an O(ε1/2) correction to the growth rate, s(1), due to the presence of a wall layer of thickness ε1/2R where the viscous stresses are O(ε1/2) smaller than the inertial stresses. An energy balance analysis indicates that the transfer of energy from the mean flow to the fluctuations due to the Reynolds stress in the wall layer is exactly cancelled by an opposite transfer of equal magnitude due to the deformation work done at the interface, and there is no net transfer from the mean flow to the fluctuations. Consequently, the fluctuations are stabilized by the viscous dissipation in the wall layer, and the real part of s(1) is negative. However, there are certain values of Γ and wavenumber k where s(l) = 0. At these points, the wail layer amplitude becomes zero because the tangential velocity boundary condition is identically satisfied by the inviscid flow solution. The real part of the O(ε) correction to the growth rate s(2) turns out to be negative at these points, indicating a small stabilizing effect due to the dissipation in the bulk of the fluid and the wall material. It is found that the minimum value of s(2) increases [is proportional to] (H − 1)−2 for (H − 1) [double less-than sign] 1 (thickness of wall much less than the tube radius), and decreases [is proportional to] (H−4 for H [dbl greater-than sign] 1. The damping rate for the inviscid modes is smaller than that for the viscous wall and centre modes in a rigid tube, which have been determined previously using a singular perturbation analysis. Therefore, these are the most unstable modes in the flow through a flexible tube.


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A continuum model based on the critical-state theory of soil mechanics is used to generate stress, density, and velocity profiles, and to compute discharge rates for the flow of granular material in a mass flow bunker. The bin–hopper transition region is idealized as a shock across which all the variables change discontinuously. Comparison with the work of Michalowski (1987) shows that his experimentally determined rupture layer lies between his prediction and that of the present theory. However, it resembles the former more closely. The conventional condition involving a traction-free surface at the hopper exit is abandoned in favour of an exit shock below which the material falls vertically with zero frictional stress. The basic equations, which are not classifiable under any of the standard types, require excessive computational time. This problem is alleviated by the introduction of the Mohr–Coulomb approximation (MCA). The stress, density, and velocity profiles obtained by integration of the MCA converge to asymptotic fields on moving down the hopper. Expressions for these fields are derived by a perturbation method. Computational difficulties are encountered for bunkers with wall angles θw [gt-or-equal, slanted] 15° these are overcome by altering the initial conditions. Predicted discharge rates lie significantly below the measured values of Nguyen et al. (1980), ranging from 38% at θw = 15° to 59% at θw = 32°. The poor prediction appears to be largely due to the exit condition used here. Paradoxically, incompressible discharge rates lie closer to the measured values. An approximate semi-analytical expression for the discharge rate is obtained, which predicts values within 9% of the exact (numerical) ones in the compressible case, and 11% in the incompressible case. The approximate analysis also suggests that inclusion of density variation decreases the discharge rate. This is borne out by the exact (numerical) results – for the parameter values investigated, the compressible discharge rate is about 10% lower than the incompressible value. A preliminary comparison of the predicted density profiles with the measurements of Fickie et al. (1989) shows that the material within the hopper dilates more strongly than predicted. Surprisingly, just below the exit slot, there is good agreement between theory and experiment.


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We propose a method for the dynamic simulation of a collection of self-propelled particles in a viscous Newtonian fluid. We restrict attention to particles whose size and velocity are small enough that the fluid motion is in the creeping flow regime. We propose a simple model for a self-propelled particle, and extended the Stokesian Dynamics method to conduct dynamic simulations of a collection of such particles. In our description, each particle is treated as a sphere with an orientation vector p, whose locomotion is driven by the action of a force dipole Sp of constant magnitude S0 at a point slightly displaced from its centre. To simplify the calculation, we place the dipole at the centre of the particle, and introduce a virtual propulsion force Fp to effect propulsion. The magnitude F0 of this force is proportional to S0. The directions of Sp and Fp are determined by p. In isolation, a self-propelled particle moves at a constant velocity u0 p, with the speed u0 determined by S0. When it coexists with many such particles, its hydrodynamic interaction with the other particles alters its velocity and, more importantly, its orientation. As a result, the motion of the particle is chaotic. Our simulations are not restricted to low particle concentration, as we implement the full hydrodynamic interactions between the particles, but we restrict the motion of particles to two dimensions to reduce computation. We have studied the statistical properties of a suspension of self-propelled particles for a range of the particle concentration, quantified by the area fraction φa. We find several interesting features in the microstructure and statistics. We find that particles tend to swim in clusters wherein they are in close proximity. Consequently, incorporating the finite size of the particles and the near-field hydrodynamic interactions is of the essence. There is a continuous process of breakage and formation of the clusters. We find that the distributions of particle velocity at low and high φa are qualitatively different; it is close to the normal distribution at high φa, in agreement with experimental measurements. The motion of the particles is diffusive at long time, and the self-diffusivity decreases with increasing φa. The pair correlation function shows a large anisotropic build-up near contact, which decays rapidly with separation. There is also an anisotropic orientation correlation near contact, which decays more slowly with separation. Movies are available with the online version of the paper.


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The effect of fluid velocity fluctuations on the dynamics of the particles in a turbulent gas–solid suspension is analysed in the low-Reynolds-number and high Stokes number limits, where the particle relaxation time is long compared with the correlation time for the fluid velocity fluctuations, and the drag force on the particles due to the fluid can be expressed by the modified Stokes law. The direct numerical simulation procedure is used for solving the Navier–Stokes equations for the fluid, the particles are modelled as hard spheres which undergo elastic collisions and a one-way coupling algorithm is used where the force exerted by the fluid on the particles is incorporated, but not the reverse force exerted by the particles on the fluid. The particle mean and root-mean-square (RMS) fluctuating velocities, as well as the probability distribution function for the particle velocity fluctuations and the distribution of acceleration of the particles in the central region of the Couette (where the velocity profile is linear and the RMS velocities are nearly constant), are examined. It is found that the distribution of particle velocities is very different from a Gaussian, especially in the spanwise and wall-normal directions. However, the distribution of the acceleration fluctuation on the particles is found to be close to a Gaussian, though the distribution is highly anisotropic and there is a correlation between the fluctuations in the flow and gradient directions. The non-Gaussian nature of the particle velocity fluctuations is found to be due to inter-particle collisions induced by the large particle velocity fluctuations in the flow direction. It is also found that the acceleration distribution on the particles is in very good agreement with the distribution that is calculated from the velocity fluctuations in the fluid, using the Stokes drag law, indicating that there is very little correlation between the fluid velocity fluctuations and the particle velocity fluctuations in the presence of one-way coupling. All of these results indicate that the effect of the turbulent fluid velocity fluctuations can be accurately represented by an anisotropic Gaussian white noise.


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The Turkevich method for synthesizing gold nanoparticles, using sodium citrate as the reducing agent, is renowned for its ability to produce biocompatible colloids with mean size >10 nm. Here we show that monodisperse gold nanoparticles in the 5-10 nm size range can be synthesized by simply reversing the order of addition of reactants, i.e. adding chloroauric acid to citrate solution. Kinetic studies and electron microscopic characterization revealed that the reactivity of chloroauric acid, initial molar ratio of citrate to chloroauric acid (MR), and reaction mixture pH play an important role in producing monodisperse gold nanoparticles. Reversing the order of addition also enhanced the stabilization of nanoparticles at high MR values. Remarkably, the system exhibits a `memory' of the order of addition, even when the timescale of mixing is much shorter than the timescale of synthesis. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Rod-shaped V(2)O(5) was synthesized using the solution combustion technique, and the morphology of the compound was confirmed by TEM. Rods of an average diameter of 500 nm and length 3-6 times the diameter were obtained after the calcination of freshly prepared V(2)O(5) at 550 degrees C for 24 h. Pd metal nanoparticles of 20 nm size were deposited onto the rods using the wet impregnation technique. The as-synthesized, calcined and Pd impregnated V(2)O(5) were characterized by a wide variety of techniques including energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. These compounds were tested for CO oxidation, adsorption, and photocatalytic degradation of dyes. The 1% Pd/V(2)O(5) showed a high activity for CO oxidation, the as-synthesized compound showed activity for the adsorption of cationic dyes, whereas the calcined V(2)O(5) sample showed high rates of photocatalytic degradation of dyes. (C) 2010 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 57: 2215-2228, 2011


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A novel vinyl monomer with an isocyanate functional group, m-isopropenyl-alpha,alpha-dimethylbenzyl-isocyanate (m-TMI), was grafted onto isotactic polypropylene (i-PP) using dicumyl peroxide (DCP) as the initiator. This would open up the possibility of using the grafted polymer with the reactive isocyanate group as compatibilizer for blending carbohydrates such as cellulose with. polypropylene. The grafting was carried out in a Brabender Plasticoder at 180degreesC. The effects of monomer and initiator concentrations on the yield of grafting were investigated by performing statistical analysis. While the grafting yield increased with the concentration of DCP at any given concentration of m-TMI, the variation of the grafting yield with m-TMI concentration, for a given concentration of DCP, went through a maximum, the optimum yield of 7.8% (w/w) being obtained at 10 wt.% concentration of both DCP and m-TMI. The grafting reaction is. accompanied by considerable chain scission of I-PP, resulting in a decrease in the molecular weight of the grafted polymer. While the molecular weight drops sharply even at a low concentration of DCP, there occurs no further significant change in the molecular weight even at much higher concentrations of the initiator.


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A thermodynamic model was developed for modeling the solubilities of fatty acids in supercritical carbon dioxide. The model combines the Peng-Robinson equation of state (EOS) with the two parameter van der Waal's mixing rules. The model is applied to predict the solubilities of various fatty acids. The two adjustable interaction parameters in the model are found to vary linearly with the chain length of the fatty acids. Thus this model can be used to predict the solubilities of various fatty acids in supercritical carbon dioxide. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Tapioca starch in both glycerol-plasticized and in unplasticized states was blended with high-density polyethylene (HDPE) using HDPE-g-maleic anhydride as the compatibilizer. The impact and tensile properties of the blends were measured according to ASTM methods. The results reveal that blends containing plasticized starch have better mechanical properties than those containing unplasticized starch. High values of elongation at break at par with those of virgin HDPE could be obtained for blends, even with high loading of plasticized starch. Morphological studies by SEM microscopy of impact-fractured specimens of such blends revealed a ductile fracture, unlike blends with unplasticized starch at such high loadings, which showed brittle fracture, even with the addition of compatibilizer. In general, blends of HDPE and plasticized starch with added compatibilizer show better mechanical properties than similar blends containing unplasticized starch. (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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Drop breakup inviscous liquids in agitated vessels occurs in elongational flow around impeller blade edges. The drop size distributions measured over extended periods for impellers of different sizes show that breakup process continues up to 15-20 h, before a steady state is reached. The size distributions evolve in a self-similar way till the steady state is reached. The scaled size distributions vary with impeller size and impeller speed, in contrast with the near universal scaling known for drop breakup in turbulent flows. The steady state size of the largest drop follows inverse scaling with impeller tip velocity. The breadth of the scaled size distributions also shows a monotonic relationship with impeller tip velocity only. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.